Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1952, p. 4

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OSHAWA HOCKEY FANS are They received news on their OHA an is In class by themselves these days junior Generals in the month it July This is rather unique because the few Flyci fans we have iiric we still awaiting flashes frcm the local camp on l95253 li in quite Vpmtilc that when something does first anticipated Getting back to the Generals snnouricuncnt Mus inadri that Gerry Brown muchtravellcd professional of the Anicrican break it will be bigger story than Hockey Hague has bcemassigned coach of Oshawa by the Hinton Bruins This means inc wind up of fairly imprcsSivc career for lerry who was always picture to watch yvhilc on the ice Baiiit turn may Imcmber Brown when he performed for the Infantry iii in amp Borden Hockey League during the Second Great War On the scum club were Bits Bastien Jack iiurch and Jimmy hiiachcr tn naiiir Milllt cfnctc Gerry wound up his active participatmn Willi Hershey liens last year the same club that our prior to joining the Hcars he had lowing his juniizr days With Edpi nwn Ray Garlepy thump fur llut toured plenty of iimkcy cramps Fol onton Eastsidcrs and ii whirl with Edmiuiton seniors whilc only ill years Gerry wcnt to England and cut caper vitfi Earls Cuiirt Rangers fruni HUI39 ilc icturiicd to play scnior with Cornwall Flynn and lhflt inked il Contract with Indiuiizuiulix and Dctmit in 194141 Aftcr the war Gerry retiiiiicd in thc iipitols but halfway through the season if Untitd Red Win uniform TIIAI ENDED HIS trial in thc Nzitlniial Hockey Lenguc but he spent Hval lllilf seasons Willi tiic Alll playing for llllffillt lllvills and finishing with Hershey lcrry tract with Illi Bears welcomed th dcspitc liriviii iiikcd liliiZIfill con iippnitiinity in fllltl thc culiihing world lie is nuirricd and now mikes his home in Cornwall ihc Stallill lng grounds of humor llyrr liftl coach vill tt just what work is lCtIllflIl Bub Binglcy slinwlis new it mil for him ii the lcncinls liIllli ing mini third to upcn SCllltIIllkl 15 Announced tryuuts at the czinip Will be Iaudc lldgllliiiS iif Outrciiiiiiit Quebec itftnftlllllll standing six Inc and ltitlillli 170 pounds Richard JOSIDli Irout sixfmit icft witigcr fioiii Filltbl Ontario and from Brnckvdlc who is iiuisidiicd after fcw iixziatiiiuw stumps lllIi in the brink nf cliiiihing tho lzidde iiiind Crook lletltl forward vary but prcspcct liii lcncruls iig which they hit mck linliiilll iic to liilc cuntcniimi piisiliiin they once wcic IlV familiar with Actually we cant think of in city which xdeservcs ll murcc its biltcr pill to swallow being Illllt itlllll if the group aftcr niling supremo for such lengthy period and iitncssing such grcat zit llill llriniki Billy Taylor Red Iilson floss Lowe and oibcrs NS tu hockey stardom NEWS By FRANK STONE Simcoe County 4H Members re cently had their annual bus trip writeup of which appeared in this column two weeks ago We felt that on our trip with 270 members We had almost record number for 4H club bus trip However we feel that it is interesting to note that in Carleton County 4H club bus trip was taken and over 500 members were present for the outing While taking look at some of but neighbors and seeing what they are doing in clubrwork we notice that Waterloo County have organiz ed the first 4H Conservation Club inOfilario The purpose of this pro ject is to acquaint boys and girls with soil conservation its manage ment and ratios of short term hay and pasture mixtures Members are cduired to grow one rod of ten dif ferent varieties of grasses In addi lion three pasture mixtures will be set up to demonstrate the applica ff tions of manure commercial fertil lizer and combination of manure and commercial fertilizer Now fdr some of the news of more local interest During the past week the members of the Banting QMemorial 4H Poultry Club were Evisiied at their homes by Mr Bun ner club leader and myself At Iiieach of the homes we saw the chlckens which the members were uraising In most cases the poultry =was looking good and growing well gWe were interested in seeing the housing accommodation and the GARTsuoncs mymvaiiiias As Low As 531500 5250 Weekly on birthstone outboard Forward Mumat llvavu Gearshift inpur Shin hp and iw moduli IiiWm wail tron OF INTEREST TO JUNIOR FARMER AND 4H CLUBS fccding and watering facilities Members were scored on their man agement practices All 4H Grain Club membgrs will be visited in the near future for the purpose of scoring the grain plots There are 300 pcinis for field score in this project so that it would be well for all grain club members to prepare their plots for this visit We will look for freedom from weeds and disease in the plot as well as around the edges Plots should be clearly staked to separate them from other grain on the farm The Nottawasaga Grain Club held their July meeting at the farm of Elmer Jerry Stayner On this farm the South Slmcoc Crop Improve ment Association has variety tests of call and barley The members viewed these plotsras they were growing in the field and good deal of information was obtained After seeing this the members judg cdtn class of oats and class of barley The South Simcoe 4H clubs held their joint meeting on Tuesday evening July 15 This meeting was held in the Bond Head area Dairy cattle were judged at the farm of Cerswell Beeton Ken Wilson leader of the dairy calf club was in charge of this excellent class of 21 yearold holsieins It was at the farm of Ben Steers Bradford that Yorkshire sows were judged under the leadership of Gordon Brethef swine club leader The group then proceeded to the farm of Chantler 8r Son Bradford to judge Shorthorn heifers and Pat OLeary leader of the beef calf clubofficiat ed was Also at this farm class of wheat was judged and the grain club lead er Robert Brown officially placed the class and tookreasbnsReasonS on the other classes were then tak en The leaders then discussed and gave reasons on their respective classs Refreshments wer served Chantler was xprssed on behalf of the group by Helen Hamilton one of the members of the South Simcoe beef calf club There was meeting of the Not tawasaga Dairy Calf Club at the farm of Jth Grieve Stayner on Monday evening July 21 and meeting of the South Simcoe Dairy Calf Club in cooperation with the Holstein Twilight meeting at the farm of Elmer Stoltz Alliston on Tuesday July 22 The Ngttziwasaga Junior Farmers again sponsored bus trip this year going to Niagara Falls on Wednes lo the group by MEAHdMisdIhact Irf Appreciation to Mr and Mrs ti CoilingwoodKnocke Drys llte llngwood Thc win kiiuLkcri tlic Chm from inc twpleading itltll in this his innw this scascii and gatc Barrie itll iilglltbl climb since the up Thc anadii Ilrys who liert mm right 21 their last nine stalls liiaast an llt rccord to hold halfgarm lead uycr Col lingwueui who card 10 Carl Emma who hadnt strolled iu the mound Hilti Jilly was liliiiliitli in ilic mound as his tziii iuiiung tuff rucde Coilingwocd batters fur may groundcis or high pup iiit liit Chev itiilll lllitil tfl Iluiiics early 70 margin until the sixth wtim four hits walk and an error p1th flu Vil for El fthdtlll rally The Ilrys rcimundcd for single iun in the top ifthc seventh and Wiltll Hiiiiiis gave up it fiukc single to hauloff batter Len Cook in tluv seventh and final IIHlllt man lgtl ill lltllMilHlIl took no chant rs and siintcbttl big Bill Crooks from lhc bullpen muks was humans in his first North Slimcc start and struck thc first batter Al Williiislcy and walk cd Ilziriiiy aninslcy to load the bascs llt Stfllltd down and fiiiccd Jim llziirctt tn loft in Pillll Mcgvl in tilllt and itll causcd Ictc Suitzvr clcaiiiip hitter to hit in tii ii gziiiicciidiiig doublc pliiy exccutcd beautifully by shortstop Don MtMllltl But for five innings it was in eiitirciy Hnrric show Emiiis had faced only 17 biittcrs two OVLI thc minimum and allowed but inc illl Meanwhile olliiigwonds iiglit handcr Ltii 700k was haying rough night His control was poor iissued eight walks and his big gcst mistake was firing hoiiic Illll brill to cleanup iiittcr Ron Stew art with tiic buses iUltdCd in the fourth inning tltl Stewarts blow was the margin Eiiims searched for and be pro tcctcd that 60 margin like bank or Stcwzirt also savcd Emins from entering ii tight spot in the fifth whcii with oneo tit and runner on first the ficctfootcd rightfield er grubde Bob Mccks tcxas when with one out and runner vent possible rally McMurray although hcld hit less in five appearances was out standing in the infield Hc en gineered two spectacular double plays and handled six chanccs flaw lessly Barrie might have lost the scr vices of Johnny Foltis for week or better The sensational outfield er filled in as catcher for absent Larry Campcau and in thc sev enth inning he received one of Bill Brdokspitchcdn the end of the fingers Don Newman took over thedutics behind the plate From Top OverWitii 86 Win Mechanized by the grand slam home run bat of Rim Stewf art the superb pitching of Carl Emma and the fielding gems of shortstop Dun McMurray Barrie Canada Drys last night moved into first place in the North Simcoe baseball standings with thrilling 843 victory over Collingwood thus in Cal YAR Barrie illiMiiirziy gt5 MacDonald ill Iuiniid 2b Sicwiiit iI lb Ncwiiuiii lb illrilii ii Iluliiirfmrl ll loltis LOIlR if IZiiiiiis Storey if Crooks CDCOMHHCHHHH ollliigwoud or Wailinshy lI Wziliiisicy gt5 Bziiicii 3i Switzcr lb Diiiicc Roberts 2b Mccks cf Hill if Cook 27663 RUNS IlAlllll INStcuart McMiirray lcltis Switzcr Bar rett Doubles Rchrts Ruther ford llomc riiiintcwant Left in baseBarric ll Collingwood Double playsMcMurray Poland and Newman McMuiray and Stew art Siruckout byEmms Cook Walked bwamms Cook Hummus3 yogainuH HGOotlhllhm OIIAWA CHARGES In 1939 Ottawa took 49 cents out of Canadians tax dollar provinces and municipalities took Slicents in 1951 Ottawa took 13 cents cf the tax dollar other governments 27 cents Lovelytolcok at delightfulto photograplf and heaven t6 see in her latest RKO Tecchnlcolor drama The HalfBreed is pretty Janis Garter You cantblameher costars Robert Young and Jack Buetel for fighting over her outdoor film day July Placesvisitd were the Hamilton Rock Gardens Fort George headquarters of Sir lisaac iBrock Queenston Heights Park Brooks Monument and the Nabisco Shredded Wheat Plant All club membersrand Junior Farmers have received letterlcf the rules and regulations ml the Judging Competition at theCNE Already applications havetarted to come in and any of you who are in terested are reminded to send ycpr application form and entry fee to the Department of Agriculture Al llatqn 3cm my llDbl on yniht at Agricultural Park to move into sole nonunion of third DIME the Inter standlngii ursday night Gravenhurst op Bml Altlcultiiral Park All tvn senior softball truism um iii the exciting Located acme ion XIII lunlsill bctwem Highway 11 and MW four 7M9VTo ntoBara Highway 3100 samrddyvim WOMEN Cambriansoc RACES Ewing NifG 1177 rut nanld him we mu InterTown 8r iTliUtlSDAY Gravcnhurxt at liar llt iAgrlc Park pm glRIDAY RCA at Gravsnhurst Ladics llHURSDAY Midland ket Barrie at ROAI South Simcoe iTHURSDAY Cookstown at Brad ford North Simcoe Ladies TONIGHT Dalston at Elmvalc Wonder Valley aieiillsdule Vcspra Junior FRIDAY Anten Mills at Edenvzilc iplayofft BASEBALL South Simcoe TONIGHT IZvcrct at Harrie iAg ricultural Park 7l5i FRIDAY Barrio Lil Stroud New Lowell at Everett Ivy at Thornton Paljirnvc at Allist on Everett at Ncwnizirkct llccton nt Hartford EXHIBITION FRIDAY Defoe Motors Toronto at Barrie Canada Drys Ag iicuiturai Park 730 pm SOCCER SATURDAY Pagasus Toronto at Barrie Queens Park pm at Newman BASEBALL North Simcoe PCT ll 733 10 714 538 562 273 III Barrie ollingwood Midland Orillia Crccmorc xPcnetang Last Night Barrie 8Collingwood South Simcoe South Division Alliston Newmarkct Everett Bceton lalgravc Bradford interTown Senior Barrie Stewarts xMidland Giavcnhurst Mon ay RCAF 12Gravenhursf Exhibition Game Here Saturday The Barrie Soccer Club who provided some interestsz league games at Queens Park this season will be tackling their toughest foe to date on Saturday afternoon here Pegasus of Toronto one of few touring soccer teams have been booked for an exhibition tilt at the park starting at pm This game will definitely indicate the calibre of soccer played In Simcoe County and if Barrie can defeat or tie the visitors much respect should be given the local squad In their champlcnship chance The executive of the Barrie Club announced that proceeds wulilbe donated to the Bar rie Kinsmen Club for the pur pose of sending additional underprivileged children to summer camp 1951 Monarch Sedgi in flrst class condition well equipped 1950 Meteor Coach 1950 Ford Sedan 1950 YanguardSedan 1950 Mbrris Oxford Sedan 1949 Plymouth Special De 1949 Vaughand Sedans 1948 Dodge 7PassSedan 1947 Oldsmobile Sedan radio 1941 Ford Coach 19le Plymouth Sedan 1940 Chevrolet Coupe IMGGbryslar Sedan 1939mm Coupe luxe Sedan withradlo loagueioaders Fgceio Foe Here Friday Night Manager Gil Rcbcrtson is worried over his Barrie Canada Drys and these headaches have arrived be cause of the weatherman and schedule misundrratandmg Last week the local Barth Sim coe entry reached Coilingwood for game and the Chev executive thought the tilt was slated for Tuesday and not Monday Com sequently the Dry were forced lu make postponement Midland Indians were prepared ta visit Agricultural Park Friday ev ening but the weatherman With healthy downpour soon wiped that game out And Robertson who Is riding the crest of seven wins out gt his last eight starts feels his chargcs will grow state by sitting around They played in Collirigwood last night but due to the ewithdrawal ut Penctang Lions from the North Simcoe group the locals have an other open date here Friday night Robertscn and park manager Win Law locked heads and net result was an exhibition tilt with Defoe Motors of the Toronto Viaduct Bast ball League the team who boasts former Harric diamohd star Marv Brewer The Motorinen are highlytout cd crew and according to Bunny Morganson Toronto sports scribe are ii good bet to cop the Viaduct titlc from Best Cleaners The visitors will come to Agri cultural Park Friday with an im pressive record and currently in one If their hottest streaks of the sea son Last week Defoes ace hurch Bud Ihecsnian lfired nohittcr at Bcst which means that Barrie ace Doug Pluiikcti will have quite battle on his hands Leading the club at the plate is first baseman Jack Caffery who is hammering the ball at 509 clip The Defoe lineup however is as follows Marv Brewer second base Price shortstop Art Boynton left field Jack Cafferyhfirst base Johnny Williams third base Jim Flack ccntrc field Frank Cziwkcll right field Bub Anderson catcher Gerry Oanald and Bud Chccsman pitchers Manager of the team is Nick Bruno former mastermind of highlytouted Pctcr Pans Cookstown Defeat Bradford 120 To increase Margin Cooksiown indicated what is likely to happen when the South Simcoe softball playoffs open as they shutout thirdplace Bradford 120 on Monday at Cookstown Bradford with two games still to play can still budge Fennells from second place in the standings Bond Head who are one point shy of playoff berth can reach the coveted circle tonight with vic tory over fourthplace Churchill at Churchill defeat to Bond Head would clinch thefinal play off position for Churchill CNR Weightlifter Is Olympic Competitor MONTREAL JULY 14Jules Syl vain an employee of the Canadian National Railways stores depart ment at Limoilou Que will repre sent Canada this month in the fea therweight division of the weight lifting competition of the Olympic Games at Helsinki The 132pound 26yearold native of Quebec City recently won the right to compete in the Games when he made press of 206 pounds snatch of the same weight and clean and jerk of 256 pounds North American champion in 1947 48 5t and 51 he was recently awarded the title for the best lifter in Canada regardless of Weight His trainer is Mauiled Allan also of the CNR stores de partment at Limoilou To all gqvernments last year Canadians paid more than $6 bil lion or an average of $1720 about the price of new car for every family of four nucrur Locum AT 172182 Bradford St nan PHONE 5355 1950 infill with man and other tradReal maroon ditton Tordtlgnch 1938 Sedan =19385W39 Jilin Attaching smo PLAYGROUND PATIER Jean Samsei day and Thursday over Brock Street having the highest paint pg nme went in Ruby illegal Juan Kiribati John Langruan Ray Thumpisuri We en mar hikes If the airpurt us Wml 8811A PARK SupervisorNancy anicz an 17 Popplcton Many activtties last week On Friday lllv hiked to Mincts Point in Pita DAmbrosio acted in Well we The buys wun an 87 lvl nutriin FTOVCHICIH was HEll Ill lfiis Ambrosio chgy Wiltlit because many stgirs had it from camp Awards were won by EH SILI i=ii Gauthier George Mustcis 2pm Wardic and Dori lililtpafiirk in being tcp boys and girl uii ti ONE OF BARRIES must popular swimming instrlictors at Miners Point is pretty Jean Samsel daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Emil Samuel Barrie This is Jeans second year in playground work having been supervisor at Shear Park last year Jean is student at Barrie Dis trict Collegiate Institute and will enter fifth form next fall She hopes to attend Normal school when she graduates Her favor itc sports at which Jean is quite adept are swimming track and field and basketball QUEENS PARK SupervisorBruce Synnott The mornings are taken up with softball and rugby with Mondays being dedicated to baseball The softball team hasnt met with much success so far but they hope to be on the winning side soon Friday the boys went on hike to the airport and welcomed to Barrie an airplpanefrom Texas on its way toNorth Bay The Parks Board has pleased the younger children with new set of swings and teetertotters and also new rocking horse Top paint collectors for the week were Dave Madigan John Gray and Paul Swain QUEENS PARK SupervisorJcan Elrick Attendance continued around the 50 mark this week We had 10 new members at the playground and they were extended cordial welcome Swimming again was tthtop attraction with 40 going each day Sylvia Synnott was the leading pointgetter among the girls Friday the girls made carv ings from wax ST VINQENTS SupervisorsPat Tomlinson John Ricci During our second full week of playground work our softball Schedule opened We defeated Shear Park but lost to Gunn Street 87 As special event back ward day was held Leading the point parade last week were Mari lyn Burdette Sharon and Sheila Hay in the girls and George Hay and Michael Murphy in the boys BROCK Supervisors Mary Johns Don Bates We defeated Shear Park last Tuesday and Queens Park on Thursday in softball The Judd brothers helped to spark our team to victory Ruby Delaney and John Langman won show passes for playground fur the week SOROIIIMISI Supervisors Amir Baker Harris Our stiecial evcnt for ldrt averl was picnic in nur mm min We are sure cvuryunc tllltltil tic races and games in thc iziviiniizg and swininmig in tic iftcrimnii ur proficiency Willliilrt war Lois Butstunc Lind Btltlllit Minut ey while Carol Icrgusiin 3111i Kath ryn Hickey werc runnerswur All the parents of Ilium attending bur uptomist Park are lllViltti to curiae to Circus on Flltllly wciitlicr pvr milling iris KING GEORGE PLAYGROUND Supervisors Sue Walls Hdibdlli Burdettc Iut Hayes and llcnltivi Currie Last Friday our playground hold what started out to be pct show but as thcrc wore only two ions it ended up as Varicty Show with everything from dugrs hunts and dolls to grasshoppers and teddy bears Juannic Mulchinuck bitiugiit iltl loll which was drvsscd ill ill ev ening guwn and Karen Cuttcn lizul onc dressed like Red Riding Iltltltl Anita Johnston and Karen Iicir ncdy brought their baby dolls Wi had beautiful bride 2i pull of twins and doll that walkcd Lynda Cullens dog was lltStCii in girls clothes and Jackie Mul cliiniicks grasshopper caused quitc disturbance We had it peanut hunt and Mrs Redmond treated us to icu ercuni cones Oiii judges were Mrs Ritilllulltl and Mrs OBrienSaint llic twu highest point cullccturs WtlQ Wcii dy Hnrford from Toronto who has been visiting her glillldllloillfl for this past week and Donnie Weltw stcr These two received passes to the Roxy Theatre British firm is marketing in Canada the worlds smallest jet motor for use in model aircraft specdboats and racing cars mmg 48 FARGO l2TON PICKUP PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE DANGERFI ELD MOTORS USED CAR DIVISION 233 BRADFORD ST Dial 4981 McCulloughs Groceteria nude 51 Rib or Shoulder IIOASIS MINCED star reniicruiioitcrux Sliced BIG GRQCE MIRACLE WHIP 801 270 Tree Sweet ORANGE JUICE 48 oz 33c BANANAS Plum suuxlsii best roriiiic 288s ORANGES doc 29 California sine ORANGES dun 450 65110 film alhiWilKM BLUE BRAND nnars 1b 49 OILOGNA iii 35a in VALUES Campbells vr TOMATO SOUP 2250 DnclicssNb COOKING APPLES lb 196x to bunchizs CELERYHEARTS bll 19c GREEN cums bebsllc NONIMdncucicunnnms Fresh Daily FIRM 1mm TOMATOES stained or Field roi those luupbes picnics eth Raspbenlallubcmos Grapes Sweet Corn mmm msn DAILY IICU YfiTiiuiTJack

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