Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1952, p. 3

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BARRI EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 23 I952 Creemore Teacher Men Rival Women As Rug Makers lExpected Home NW Territory Miss Audrcy Writ who spent the past year teaching at government school at luktoyaktuk at the north of thc Mackenzie River is expected to be back in Crccniorr beforc the lclid ul Lllr month letter was re ccivcd by her aunt Mrs Mac kay Crecmorc The later said in 2part unnatural Navigation both by boat and lairplanc Is upcning up again fol lowing fuw thk inflation due to Eicc conditions At this srason the sun ncver sets Sllc furthcr stated slic expchth 11 ltilvt Illc noth on July 17 and wUuld conic directly lnnnc except for two day layover ill Edmonton 15hr Will probably rumh her home Crwnmrc about the link TEE HOOKED RUG with mallard duck design displayed by Mrst Lilllcrap of Orilliu was made by her husband from Star Weekly cover design The rug will be on display at the fourth annual Simcoe County Quilt and Rug Fllll being held in Barrie July 30 and 31 and Aug under the sponsor ship of the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Association Orillvia Church Setting For Summer Wedding The marriage of MISS Ruth Pub riclaCrawford daughter of Mn andMrs Thomgs Crawford of Oro Station to Gilbert Ruthven Hardman son of Mr and Mrs R6berl Hardman of Lcaside took place on Saturday June 28 1952 at four oclock in the afternoon in Orillia Presbyterian Church Wedding music was played by thechurch organist Gordon whoalso accompanied the soloist Wishart Campbell uncle of the bride Given in marriage by her faith er the bride wore gown of nylon ace over satin with circular train and long pointed sleeves Her heirloom veil which had been worn by the grooms mother was caught to lace halo and she carried bouqquet of talisman roses and stephanotis Mrs Betty Williamson of Oro Station who was her sisters at tendant was gowned in coral organdy trimmed with embroidered eyelet She was wearing braid ed headdress trimmed with pearls Robert Hardmnn of Leaside was groomsman for his brother and the ushers were Tim Crawford of Oro Station and James Hardman of Toronto reception followed at the Birchmere Hotel in Orillia where the mother of the bride received wearing navy sheer with white accessories and corsage of pink roses The grooms mother who also received was in powder blue crepe and was wearing navy ac cessories with corsage of pink roses For travelling the bride chose grey and pink suit with navy and white accessories After wed ding trip to the United States Mr and Mrs Hardman are making their home in Toronto Troussjeau Tea Honors Recent spccial Gourd3 May tunpnny of Chi cugu been Burric this week Mr vcll inoun llClt having bucn in the hardware dale for some time with his fath er and was with tennis and badminton Monday sunioistafl appointments in Korea and Edmonton LtCol 007 Town and County BUSINESS ENGINEERING Maurice l1 Hanna of Toronto rcpicscnlntivt of the cnginccring has acquaintance in ilnnna is lll$llll Icnuwlng busincss in Alluri actively connected LT0L AMY 10 KOREA Army headquarters at Ottawa announced switch in Norman WilsonSmith 33 now general staff officer grade onc with the Connnonwcnlth Division in Korea will return to Canada early in the fall and will bu appointed to Western Command HQ at Edmon ton LtCol Amy 34 now at Edmonton will replace him in Korea Col Amy is former Commandinggofficer of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School at Camp Borden RECKLESS DRIVING The insurance companies must accept great deal of the blame for the death and damage on the roads They are making the penalty of our driving too small they soak the good driverto pay for the mis take of the reckleSs and careless Temiskaming Ont Speaker 7789mmerlBrider Mrs Thomas Fletcher enter tained at her home in Oro Station at trousseau tea in honor of herdaughter Marian Isobel be fore her marriage to Charles Wes ley Church of Barrie Almost 150 guests were in at tendance during the afternoon and evening between the hours of thrge and five oclock and eight and 10 oclock and were received by Fletcher and the bride and Mrs Victor Church of Bar rie mother of the groom The rooms of the Fletcher home were dccorated with pink and white stredmers and baskets bf pink Vahd iwhite peonies Centring the tablenms an arrangement of pink and white Shasta daisies Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Robert Paisley Mrs John Woodrow Mrs Wallace Gilchrist Mrs RuSSell Church Mrs Archi bind Currie Mis Lennox Mrs Warrgn McKenzie and Mrs Fletcher ETea assistantsberc Miss Barbara McKerroll Mrs William Jermy Miss Connie Fletcher Miss gta man Miss Lorna Mc cirwnuuus incidentally her lcttcr was post marked at Tuk on July and rcuclv gull Crccmure on July ti INGENIOUS STUDENT VANCOUVERCPI John liolme of Vancouver dcsigncd 2t toys for Infants intended to help them grow physically and Incnlully while com pleting his Mustcr of Science thesis ot lllinuis Institute of Technology Bandanna BeHe ll HERES FASHION for the young miss who likes individual styles Its full skirtlike any other full skt but made from eight bright red bandannas The skirt is made in three tiers each section fuller than the one above Ball fringe covers the seams and adds flouncing trim to the skirt For direction leaflet on how to make this square dance skirt call cd BANDANNA BELLE just send stamped selfaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper requesting Leaflet No ST5 LOOK 48 oltkcultv SEDAN Excellent Condition Good Tires DANGERFIELD MOTORS USED CAR DIVISION 233 BRADFORD ST Din 4981 cunt IIIIIuII ache MBs Mary AndrewsMrs Aikens Wiggins Mrquoy Pilkey ahdMiSS Rilla Gilchrist twisting in the trousseau rooms Were Miss Joyce Jermey MrsMam lytllowke Miss Barbara Currie Miss Reta Burman Mrs Clarke Murray Briggs Little Heather lyome Miss Lorna Mcmacken and Ann Campbell and ArlencLeigh the door brown bear cubs Pnrriv mall Ems en route tothe UnitedStates ms MRYFIIIR SPICED BEEF LOAF SHIELD nnnnn Salad Dressing SWIFTS llsweol Margarine MAPLE LEAF CHEESE PLAIN on mm so Luucurs or SANDWICHES QINIKER SUGAR PUFFS KRAFT SALAD DRESSIN MILKO SKIN MILK POWDER LYONS QUOFFY TILREST SPICE CAKE MIX RYLMER PORK BERNS IROWN LIBBYS SPBGKIIITIN Ylllfguu IRRADIATED NHBOB COFFEE nvziponnrnn scarcers nun Moitie England Southern Jam Pillng Lolilcws Mild Canadian Cheese DYSONS Whole Dill Pickles NESTLES QUICK DRIN $325863 CLRRKS TOMATO IUICE FANCY SILVER LEAF PINMPPL SLICED KRAFT RandiSmack Cheese mall CHERRY VALLEY Raspberries clulliu MITCHELLS APPLE WICEuufvlxfm mu STOKELYSBPPLILSRUCD mm oHL 01 TIN liFL OIJAR 32 39 lid 31 ngLI PKG 1241 TIN nor lies mum MFL Ol JAR FIG 401 JAR 1301 PKG IrIL 011w 2g 51 29 49 31 63 35 25 Inns 01 TIN 43 ISFL 01 TIN OlcPl TIN ILI CELLO PKG 2471 01 MR LI 24FL 01 MI aoz TIN 10 Ol TIN IIIPL OZ TIN llth Pausnnvmc surpass zmc Inn nines SEALlbw nun nunnun nines cuss TOPS ran saunas CERTO CRYSTAL CANADIAN oilsin 103 sun ammonia Pownnn Foil SIuKsANo DRAIN MAPLE Lunr TOILET soar coucrurimzo nvn 33 nuz sunr Pa VDL DEAL 69 TIDE was PKGS anonivnrnmurv soup candor soup condor snubNuirrfwuou wunrcncxro wum sucru 1901 LOAF UNSLICID Ol LOAF Loniiws min thither msoj III mollusk modicum 901 PKG PKG Of 12 901 Ikes Dbl MIDI Sill iN TIN IGIL 01 ITL MR6 PKG lAIIGl PKG REG CAKES REG CAKE LM BAG 52 25 24 25 43 41 41 33 15 14 31th 26 39 15 21 25 131 119 26 curs tls to 38 38 11 to CIICIIMIIEIIS um MIST SHOWER tom marrow norms From the rich bountiful soil of Ontarios finest gordlnc from Leamington Burlington and the famous Bradford March we bring you full selection of the finest salad ingredients RUSHED DAILY FROM BRADFORD MARSH IcrIIznc Imuut cum suns IIIIIIuI urns IIIIIIIII tutors cunt illIltlIIS noerIIIn illilllSlI cIIIIIIIIu 0M BURLINGTON GRIEN PASCAL OOOD TENDER Sill CLEAN TOPS GOOD CRISP Sill CORILESS GOOD YOUNG AND ill MILD GOOD EXCELLENT FOR SLAWS ETC STAKE GROWN TOMATOES ATTRACTIVELY PRICED FROM LEAMINGTON SWEET CRISP nun oxowu MIG SIII HEADS IUNCHII IU NONI IUNCIIH IUNCIIII I9Cl 25c 19c 25c 15c 15c 9c no cm misc SHOP IN COMFORT AT THE COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED LOBLAW SUPERMARKET AT 52 BllFIEL ST COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT SHORT CUT Ill KIDS lit Bill MIST rt9 cunt coon nmvm IDEAL conrm Rikis It

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