Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1952, p. 14

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lisp myqu DISTINGUISHED VISITORS en anniversary of Thornton Womens Insti tute on Wednesday afternoon July 16 were left to right Mrs John If McClllloeh of Brampton provincial secretary for the W0 mens Institute Mrs Purcell of Fort at the gold tute leaders William president of the Iiederated Wo Marjorle Hamilton of Barrie speaker for the afternoon Almost 100 Womens Insti and members gathered at Thornton Orange Hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the branch Hello Homemakers You can beat the heat by storing some of the fresh fruits and vegetables ill home freezer or locker at storage plant Food can be pack aged in quick convenient and easy method for freezing As bastc rule for preparation of veg etables remember blanch one min ute then chill two minutes It is now common practice to prepare the fruits and vegetables which are usually canned if you have access to freezing space The stored product will have good col or flavor and food value when the best variety is obtained and good quality packaging is used Freezing is not method of pro cessing food it simply prevents growth of bacteria For this rea son place each filled container in the refrigerator then transfer to home freezer or locker within to hours Be guided by the directions of freezer manufacturer as to how many boxes to place along the qtlick freezing wall of home unit We freeze pack ages at one time or we pay the storage operator for quick freez ing large quantities TAKE TIP Select only the bestfirm well ripened fruits and fresh tender vegetables for freezing Certain varieties of vegetables are better suited for freezing than others Burpees Early Stringless Tendergreen or Bal ventine Beans Broad leaf Spin vach Thomas Laxton or Tall fTelepbone Peas Goldban or it DIDACE GRISE extends to you personal rtnvnation to use the din ins room and other facili ttesof Golden Bantam Corn Hender sons Lilna Beans and Long Is land llrussclsprouts Among our Ontario fruits pref erence may be liven to Cuthbert or Viking Raspberries Early Richmond or Montmorency Cher ries Loudc Blackberries Ve dette or Valiant Peaches Grande Duke or Prime Plums Purchase moisturevaporproof material An ideal Imaterial should also be odorless taste less strong easy to handle seal and label impregnated wax cartons can be reused with new liners You can store 38 rectangular pint cartons with liner iii cubic foot of space or 10 round tub pints Wliell regular canning jars are used allow headspace of to 11 inches at least to prevent breakage whereas boxes of dry pack may be filled leaving in inch expansion T0 FREEZE FRUITS Sort alld wash and drain but lialidie carefully Prepare according to method serving Berries may be gently rolled through wide funnel into each box with or without sugar We usually sprinkle in dry sugar allowing Clip for 4cups of fruit Rhubarb may be cut do not peel and packed Cherries to be eaten fres should be cov ered with percent syrup for pics mix part sugar to parts cherries Peaches and pears require preparing as for can ning and covering in 50 per cent syrup threequarters of teaspoon of ascorbic acid cry stals in each quart of syrup will prevent blownncss When lined box is used squeeze the top of the envelope together above the fruit to exclude air then fold and seal To heat seal thcpackagc turn sauecpanof the same height as freezer box upside down Use the electric iron with the con trol setat Rayon and press over folds of the liner Letstand minute then fold to fitbox Label with grease pencil and place in freezer or refrigerator freeze as soon as possible To FREE VEGETABLES Sort and wash firm vegetables Prepare as for table use cut tinglcngths according to type of freezing box All vegetables are then blanch ed or scolded to keep their color ELAWANA Natal internationally her is slaying fth entertainment and stop chemical action It is important to use only enough water to cover and to have the cheesecloth bag or sieve for the vegetables that can be held in the boiling water for the 25 to 45second period Keep the bag or sieve moving and also watch the clock during scalding period ool the hot food quickly in ice water for minutes then drain Pack drained vegetables immed iately into containers and seal or cover with cold brine us ing teaspoon of table salt to cup of water Exclude air as much as possible Seal and label Freeze quickly THE QUESTION BOX Mrs asks What do you think is the reason for soggy cobs of corn as used in January Answer We defrost cobs of corn then cook for minutes in rapid boiling water It is the only vegetable we allow to thaw be fore cooking Mrs says Why should it require 15 minutes to cook frozen block of peas Answer Frozen peas when slip led into boiling water should be stirred from time to time to break up the block and cooked in minutes Mrs IF asks Is it necessary to pit cherries before freezing Answer No although it is usually more convenient than later for pics if pitted Early Maturity In Tomatoes Induced Growth regulatin substances such as CIPA the ull chemical name for which is parachlorophen oxyacctlc acid when used as sol ution containing 25 parts of the chemical per million part of water and sprayed on tomato plants early in the season will increase early fruit setting from 50400 and increase early yields of ripe fruit by 50300 per cent The effect of CIPA on fruit setting or ripening later in the season seems to dis appear Its usefulness is of im portance only if it is desired to in duce fruit setting under cool con ditions cf the early spring and to harvest heavier yield of ripe early tomatoes The chemical has no ef fect on total yields although in some casesv it seemed to have slight depressing effect These results obtained under Manitoba conditions were reported at the recent annual meeting of the Agricultural Institute of Canada It was suggested that this chemical might find an important applica tion inrspeeding up the ripening processes of the late tomato var ieties which often enjoy better con sumer acceptance JULY ZlWWeekend guests of Mr and Mrs it Terhune were Mr and Mrs Terhuoc and son John Bowmanvlllc Joe Davis who is taking recurse at University of Western Ontario London spent the weekend With his wife and parents Mr and Mrs Davis Miss Frances Ann Chanticl Newton Robinson is spending few days with her aunts the Missal Chantler Clifford Spindloc Toronto is holidaying with his mother Mrs William Spindioe Miss Muriel Allen has taken position at the local Bell Telephone office Recent guests of Mr and Mrs Leonard Corbett were Mr and Mrs Quinn Waterdown Miss Mary Jennett Grant Guelph and Mr and Mrs Alex Nolan Regina Mrs Alderson and Glen left this week for several weeks hell days at Walden Lake and Detroit Mr and Mrs Charlie Copeland are spending holiday with their sonlnvlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Wayne Iettii WestlockAl berta Mrs Taylor of Toronto spent few days With her sisterinlaw Mrs James Miller here Mr and Mrs Stanley Ilalbert left last week on motor trip to Northern and Eastern Ontario Weekend and holiday visitors with Mrs James Miller were Mrs Bert Harman and son Eric of Des Joachims Miss Joyce Allen and Derb Miller of Washington Miss Barbara Miller and Dennis Beggs Toronto Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hughes and children and Mrs Charles Watson returned liolne on Saturday from their cottage at Woodland Beach Georgian Bay after spending three weeks there Mr and Mrs Everett Blue and children were Saturday guests of Mr and Mrs Bert Coleman Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs John Houghton were Miss Patri cia Houghton and Mrs Alice Ja gos Toronto Mrs Arthur Slictler and child ren of Toronto are spending few days with Mr and Mrs Hougliton The annual WA picnic of the United Church will be held July 23 at Bayview Park Lake Simcoe Fraser Carr returned home on Wednesday after spending week at Silncoe Presbytery Calnp where he was Junior CounSCllor Miss Ruby Davis Barrie is spending weeks vacation with her pareiitsMr and Mrs Dalt VIS Miss Barbara Baker Schomberg is spending the midsummer holi days with her grandmother Mrs Holsie Montgomery Mrs Mont gomerys weekend visitor was her son Forest Sampson Schomberg Miss Marion Webb attended the Womens Institute Holiday Program this week at Ontario Ag ricultural College Guelph Miss Heringa of the Department of Horticulture spoke on and demon strated New Styles in Floral Ar rangements Recent weekend guests of Miss Bertha Cowan were Mr and Mrs Wesley Cowan Toronto Colwell Prince Toronto spent Wednesday in the village calling on old friends Robert McDonald and Mrs Jos eph Davis moved from the Good Win home on King St and are how livingon Selby St Cnslatvlatisn to We and son James Kent on July 11 1952 in St Michaels Hospital Toronto Quilt and Rug Fair will be held in Trinity Parish Hall Barrie on July 30 31 and Aug Miss Marion Robinson Toronto spent the weekend with her bro Mr and therinlaw and sister Mrs Evans Mrs William Wilson and Bill of Fort Wayne Indiana spent last week with their uncle William Baker Miss Frances Baker was week end visitor at her home here Dr Carr spent few days in Toronto last week and attended the Masonic Grand Lodge Mr and Mrs EarliMcMaster and children Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs McMas ter Their daughter for afew weeks holidays Presentation To Bride very pleasant evening was spent recently at Mrs Ada Smith Rosella Marilyn is remaining with her grandparents 33 recent bride Mrs Elbert Hayes glEleanor Coriinn The program lsiartcd off With lively singsona lanes which couple of contexts inert conducted and caused much glllerriment Mrs McCallum favor lrli with couple of piano solos iSeveral readings were given by Mrs Smith and Mrs Hlndle thirs Hayes was given seat oi honor and Mrs French read an address while Mrs McMaster and Mrs Coulis presented her with card table canister set and tray Mrs Hayesthanked the iiitiirb for their kindness de llghlful buffet lunch was served by the hostess with Mrs Arthur Cooper pouring tea This brought an enjoyable evening to close Honlhtotl Reunion The members of the lloughton family to the number of 152 gath ered at Bond llead Memorial Park on July for their annual family reunion Baseball preced ed the picnic supper held ill the hall basement Robert lloughton Toronto was elected president ther officers are vic presidcnt Ray lloughton treasu er Frank lderton secretary Hillen Gard cncr Giiford Family Tree com mittee Rev lioughton Flor hill 01 Burton and Miss Lillian Richards of Toronto and Arthur iloughton were added to the sporLs committee Col Bur ton reported for the Family Tree Committee afterwards conducting the in Memoriam for members of the family who passed away dur ing the year Prize winners were Largest family Mr and Mrs lheo Lainson Barrie and Mr nad Mrs Frank Egerton Toronto fam ily from greatest distance Mr and Mrs Dalton Crawford Moon River and Mr and Mrs Thomas Hilde Lindsay eldest lady Mrs William Harris Barrie eldest gen tlelnan Col Burton young est child Douglas Beleskey Bar rie bride and groom Mr and Mrs Blld llowe Midland lucky numbers Mrs Ken Houghton Barrie and Carolyn Smith Long liranch Guessing contests were won by Howard Walker Brant ford and Jack Brown Toronto Cole Reunion Mr and Mrs Cole Cooks iown entertained on Sunday Jilly 13 iii honor of their baby grand daughters who were christened in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie by the Rev dePcncier Wright Madelyn Joy daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Joe Cole Toronto and Susan Blanche daughter of Mr and Mrs Lewis Cole Toronto Lynda Diane daughter of Mr and Mrs Del Cole Barrie Alsopres cnt at the gathering were Mr and Mrs Charlie Cole Grepfel and their four little daughters Alico Georgina Sheryl alid Lu cille who had been christenedon Sunday morning in Grenfel Unl ted Church Others present in cludedf Mrs Lee George McNul ty Mrs Beamish Garry and Lorraine Beamish Miss Velma Cole Miss Ann Cole Masters Wayne and Glen Cole all of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Charles Webb Barrie After they had partakcn of cold meat supper all decided that they had spent Sunday to be remembered McFadden Reunion The 24th annual McFadden Re union was held on June 29 at Springwater Park Midhurst with 140 present Those in attendance ula stucco Leaside Nobleton Alliston Bar rie Utopia Anten Mills Hillsdale Stayncr Waverley Allenwood Elmvale and Cookstown Follow ing adelicious and bountiful din ner which was enjoyed by all president Gordon Broad presid ing The following officers and committees were elected for the ensuing year Honorary president James McFadden Elmvale presi dent Gordon Broad Nobleton lst vicepresident Cliffl Archer Elmvale 2nd vieepresident McFadden Toronto secretary treasurer Mrs Gordon McFadden Hillsdale lunch committee Mrs Eldon McFadden Barrie Ray Nevils Stayner and Mrs Her man Hayes Anten Mills prize committee Mrs Charles McFad den and Mrs Alvin Simpson Elm vale sports committee DJB Mc Fadden Toronto and Edgar Beard sall ElmllaIL Prizes were award ed to the oldest member present James McFadden Elmvale young when the United Church Young est persent Judy Beardsall Elm Womens Auxiliary met to honor vale couple married the longest Its here Salvie locals slam anaSILtiti yen Price Quality pinto money back guarantee Deliveries Daily 030 can 430 pm No order tooemall or too big 15 delivery charge per order slalom WNG lb 130mi ROUND COUNTRY sum spur Pork Sausage mgr business session was held with the Till GREEN FRONT STORES CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less SCREEN DOORS SIZES 30 78 32 30 34 82 as 34 inches LAZY SUSAN SIX SECTIONS ADJUSTABLE wmEow screens 14x2214x28itx3614x4418x44 18 28 inches FLY DED FOUR SIZES Pts Qts Gals 43c 75c $149 SPRAYERS 29 to 45c and up AEROCORN FLY COILS FRUIT JARS PINIS 8r QUARTS COLD PACK CANNERS With Racks and Enamel Lids $269 and $305 Two Styles Whore Democracy says Believe it or not Communism says Believe it or else WATER GOGGLES Rubber WATER WEB FEET Rubber FISHING TACKLE Non swivels hooks etc for 10c EVERYONE Rods at many prices Lilies Baits in great variety Slnkers Reels guides Natural Wood Revolvrllg Tray Forest Green Sections and Large Bowl all for GENUINE JOSIAH wroowooo Gals $269 PLATES $175 $195 10 $320 cues saucms ans CREAM SOUPS STANDS s500 TEAPOTS ARE ONLY $860 CREAMS 260 SUGARS Stlo mm 0b Many 9th Hymn in WI terms pmduub MIXING BOWL SEIS Glass Bowls in Set 69 BEAUTIFUL WOOD HANGING POTS Two Sizes 85c and $125 $325 $5 Myotts Blue Tulip Dinnerware Tidy Tank Trays 335 465 OF PLASTIC WITH SPONGES Will fit most closet tanks DECORATION BLUE IULIPS ON WHITE GROUND 32 PIECE SETS ON SALE AT $695 The regular price is $1075 You Can Buy From Open Stock Too BOTTLE CAPPERS SPECIAL $l98 METAL WAXPAPER HOLDER CELLULOSE SPONGES 25c 490 854 FINGER TIP SERVICE SPEEDWALL PAINT ROLLERS $449 85c WHITE WITH RED DECORATION PLASTIC ELY SWATIERS NEW WIZARD DEODORIZER SPRAY 49c In Felxible Plastic Bottle Pine Scent Celeste English Dinnerware 32 PIECE SETS IN PASTEL BLUE BONE CHINA cups slams ea $100 25c AIR WICK 512 oz BOIILE 95c Chlorophyll Air Freshener rum and norm lllllisrlli TWO STORES FOR YOUR SH OPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlop St Phone 2801 Mr and Mrsi Ikeeman FTCbCh Waverley married couple coming the longest distance Mrs and Mrs McFadden Toronto The next reunlonis to be held the last Sunday in June 1953 with dinner at pm in Springwater Park Midhurst The Late Aaron Gilmy The community extends their greatest sympathy to Mrs Aaron Gilroy and Ralph whose husband and father passed away in his 65th year on Sunday July 1952 at his home in Innisfil The deceased was born in Tecum seth Township near Newton Rob inson son of the late Mr and Mrs Aaron Gilroy On Nov 1912 he married Mary Moore of Stratford and resided in Innisfil Township Later they moved to Tecumseth wheretheyulived until 1949 purchasing the present farm de Mrs only as the of dammit Hiilmon to an effortless stop It Cling to Curves like suctioncup This superlativ siobiiltpmeimlscfcty b9liyour family Add in an alum slylojmd in to match ttfor anywhere cool is price Selenium and parts it reunion THE BEAUTIFUL NEW 1952 Siopsafiiie flash of alight min III today new Strawbererinnerware 32 Piece Sets Reg 1870 1395 6971Elizabeth St Phone 4946 on which thelfamily now reside on lot Con He was an ardent member of Cookstown United Church and was staunch Conser vative in politics Besides his sorrowing wife he leaves to mourn one son Ralph two sisters Ger trude Mrs Arthur Henson Bar rie Beatrice Mrs Browne Caragana Sask and two brothers Emerson of Long Branch and Al bert of Cookstown The funeral service was held on July at his late residence in Innisfil and was conducted by Rev Lewis and Rev Kellogg Interment took place in Alliston Union Cem etery The pallbearers were John Robinson Arthur Cooper Harold Parker Lorne Gallaugher Chalm er Mayes and Clarence Cooper The flewer bearers were six neph ews Clarence Gilroy Gilroy Earl Gilioy Bob Gilroy William Kell arid Ivan Wright and Orvill Leigh alld Lambert Wilson Friends and relatives from Stratford Brampton Bolton Stayner Barrie Aurora Long Branch Woodbridge and Alliston attended MODERN NECESSITY Modern highways are an essential in this mechanical age and govern ments must find the money to pro vide them In addition to the mis lions they contribute in licences and gasoline tax motorists have to bear heavy indirect tax for repairs and maintenance and in the deprec iation in the value of their vehicles Yorkton Sash Enterprise ex CALL THE EXAMINER E03 PRINTINGPHONE 2414 iuxe HILLMAN in If Weight bringsvihe dealers titrtnighofltNorthfulfilledi We Mumbun by using our New slap

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