Lou To Family JULY ZIMMr and Mrs Russel Constable ttvrlvcd tengram in forming them of the death of MrE Constables brother William Con stable Vancouver The syrr pathy of the community goes out to the members of the family Garden Party very successful communityi garden pany was held on chariri duet by Jim McDonald nndicnd Visitor at Wilsons Thursday afternoon last week from their holidays large congregation was in attendi DALSION JULY MBrmg your baskft come to the Com minty Plciilt Bass Lake at Saturday afternoon Rev AC ante at the Sunday evening church senice when Mr Morris chosel Tides of God trumpet and pil leuw killed in the pasture field during the electrical Storm lastly and Handy Mr thin BCIEllAll and Mr and Mrs and Mrs Morris returnedi um Sunday morning usffor the text of his sermon Midhusb $41md3y ncsday July 16 when deliciousimn 3mm and V0 ml supper was 5er by the ladngby DeGaris Toronto were veryiand Murray Brown Guelph spent gthe weekend at Browns Albert Leonard has returned to his home In Kapuskasing after twat Stmud was way Wm szroud weeks 01ml Mm mends but recent vtsrturs With Miss Jamie large number from here aftls mid birmw of the community to large crowd An enjoyable ball game betwreni the juwnile teams of Utopia andf lads being victorimis I34 wards SpitfiIiltl After much enjoyed program wasitended the Earl Rowe picnic all Izcld with Lloyd Tufford in charge lBeeton on Saturday and ably playing the piano with the quartette singing series of four groups of numbers including campus sea western and barber shop numbers while Mrs Dorothy Dyer favored with her piano aeeor dion also whistling numbers by Eldon Tuck and solos by Victor Knox This program brought to close grand evening Mr and Mrs If Stewart Ow en Sound spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs Ferguson Last week Mr and Mrs Bud McCraw and Mrs Peck and Tom my of New London Connecticut spent two days with uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Reid and called on relatives Mr and Mrs Norman Megnw and boys spent weeks holiady with Mrs Mc Crows parents Attend Picnic splendid turnout from this dis trict was present at Beeton on Saturday for the picnic and presem tation to the lion Earl Rowe Stroud ball team were also pres em and played two splendid games of hardball winning each by large margin Bass Lake Service Church services under auspices of the Federation of Agriculture Were held at Bass Lake on Sunday when one of the largest crowds yet to attend were preSent with Rev Muir as minister as sisted by Stroud Presbyterian Choir Mrs Baker Ifawkestone visited last week wit liher niece Mrs Harvey Hughes and Miss Mary Wright Toronto spent Sunday at Bert Wrights Dwight Nelson had valuable TOTTEN HAM JULY 21 Misses Alma and Eva Armstrong Toronto were in town Wednesday last renewing ac quaintance Mr and Mrs William Agnew Willowdalc were at Mr and Mrs George Butts for the past week end Mr and Mrs Cranston vis ited her son Bill last week prior to her leaving for Vancopver BC where she will visit her daughter Mary Mrs Harry Gilihand and family Miss Sadie Murdoch Toronto was at her home during the week end Mrs Alex Bow and son Keith were at Mr and Mrs Walter Palmers for the past week John Ackle Kitchener is relief operator at the CPR station while Miss Helen Delaney is on holiday Mr and Mrs Jack Wice Toronto spent the weekend with Mr Wices parents Mr and Mrs Wice Mr and Mrs Marshall Mayes Burlington are visiting Mrs Mayes parents Mr and Mrs Hastings Norris Hopper who is with the Dept of Highways near Barrie spent the weekend athis daughters Mrs Davis Mr and Mrs David Flannery and baby Trenton were in town for the DevineWalsh wedding Satur day Congratulations to Caughlinqn Leonards Beach on Winning the Karnival bc dutiful riilelwgrnat theTlffiwigismn acmdem on soon be hum night also to Illle Sproule doni ghter of Robert Sproule on win ning the lovely bicycle in the Wright Cleaners Bicycle contest int Barrie on June 21 Earlier in the summer Mrs Parsons of Leon ards Beach won Frigidaire at the Loblaw Cooking School Surely Concession 10 lucky place In which to live as these three win 11ch live within miles of each other on this line CRAiCBBUET Family lieunion JULY 20A family reunion was held recently at Mr and Mrs Ro bert Jensens and Mrs Thyra Jen sens Those present were Mr and Mrs Herbert Jensen and fam ily Union City Conn Robert and Howard Jensen Lynnfield Mass Peter Butera Everett Mass and Mr and Mrs Clarence Jensen and Shirley Painswick Mrs Mary Baxter Toronto is visiting Mr and Mrs Ernest Wat kins Clifford Bell is spending two weeks with gelatives at Windsor Robert Young Aylmer is holi daying with Ronnie Greaves The community picnic will be held at Springwater Park Mid hurst on Saturday July 26 Sup per at pin number from here attended the Bell family reunion at Midhurst on Saturday Mrs John Greaves andchildren are visiting in Toronto Arthur Brown Barrie spent last week at Castons Mrs Edwin Richardson Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Hodgson Mr and Mrs Sol Raibmon To ronto visited Mr and Mrs George Sheffield during the weekend Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmere and family spent Sunday at Spar row Lake gt Miss Joyce Hodgson is spending two weeks in Toronto Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and children Orangeville visited Rev and Mrs Newman on Saturday EDENVALE JULY illRev Bramley Keyes iTorouto representing the Bible Society took the srvice here on Sunday morning Next Sunday George Farts Churchill will speak in the interests of the Temperance Federation Miss Margaret Goodfellow is at tending summer camp at Midland Hankin spent last week with Mr and Mrs Mesley North Gower Miss Betty Bishop Barrie is vis iting her cousin Miss Shirley Cul ham WI To Barrie July 31 Instead of the regular July and August meeting the Womens In stitute members are planning trip to Barrie on Thursday July 31 They will visit the Institute Muse um at pmafterwards attend the Quilt and Rug Fair in the Church Ikeopening number from here went to RichHill Sunday afternoon for the reopening of the United Church after liedecoration Rev Gordon Hunter Schorriberg United Church was the speaker The music was provided by the Schomberg choir under the leadeIShip of Mrs Russel Tottenham was Well represented at the picnic held in Beeton Sat urday July 19 in honor efthe Hon EarlRowe Plans are well under way for the big Jaihboree here early in ijugust Parish all Collier St and meet in St Vi cent Park for lunch at 430 pm All ladies in the com munity are invited to attend Mrs Gallaugher is visiting friends in Toronto Master David Maw is visiting his grandparents Mr and Mrs Dobson Centre Vespra number from here attended the Federation of Agriculture church service at Bass Lake on Sunday WHA77 IQ ELECTRIC LIGHTING More than 87 per cent of all Canadian homes had electric light ing in 1951 mam scum GOLIIENAMIEI Mr and Mrs Alf Bantam attended the 10L and DBA parade at Bandung Church number from here attended the Brown Picnic at Spriugwatcr Park Mrs Slater Toronto was chk Mr and Mrs Brown Hamilton Mr and Mrs Ken avanagh and3 Mrs Cavanagh Sr Barrie were Judy Orr is holidaying with her sister in Toronto Dalston friends are sorry to hear enry faring is patient in the ltoy a1 Victoria lttlhllllill as the result of All hope that he villi again Bob and Wayne Bulmau have re turned to Toronto after holidaying with their SlSlcl Mrs Stan Watson JULY 217Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Chalmers Maycs were Mr and Mrs llzirry Mayvs Mr and Mrs Arthur Cox of Min esing Mr and Mrs Harold Brul icy Ivy Mrs Martin Barrie Mr and Mrs Lloyd Robson and son visited on Sunday with MrI and Mrs Joe Roulston Mr and Mrs Charles McKnight and family Nashville visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Walter Abrams Bobby Wilson Barrie is spend ing week with Mr and Mrs Harry Squibb Mr and Mrs llarry Squibb Aur ora visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs George Squibb Mr and Mrs lfarry Squibb at tended the funeral of Mrs Squibbs grandmother Mrs Mullen Belle Ewart on Saturday Mrs William Copeland is speud ing few days with her daughter Mrs Charles Stone Orangcville Mr and Mrs Andrew Cunning ham Toronto Mr and Mrs Sharp Brantford Mrs Mulliss and Dorothy Jean of Bradford vis ited recently with Mr and Mrs Scott Sharp PUBLIC HOSPKIALS For each 100 patients Canadian public hospitals had 142 employees in 1950 as compared with 111 in 1945 Wziliarn waostl Eben and GILFORD Albino Groundhog uhin animal groundhog farm It was 2325 htlie normal after it had seen twree but now safely housed in large steel drun and being fat greet clover rte Kenneth MC Iran has laser senml pictures of lair this rare animal 411d hopes thEyislmlmh will turn out UK Could ll be that some run or something aiight like have this animal have lu lerIl Mrs llJSI in again In hospital in Toronto Mr and Mrs llabrrt McKenzie fairiin Were Weekend guests at Frank Kvlls Sllll and Edith Kell have returned from thetr an nual lril with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Jazuteson at Ctrg ivaja llvarh Mr and Mrs Neilly of lelllLI VIllltl at Lou Neillys on2 Sunday Mrs Alivrzidhv and daughter line of Iutontu Were visitors at the Rubvll llnyts home last woeful Mr and Mrs Paul Russell are off on threeday holiday tot points in the States with Mrs Wilford Neilly in charge of the home front Too Much Rain Now Farmers and summer cottage are getting quite fed up with the amount of rain that has fallen in the last week flay and wheat are suffering badly and the raspberry crop is overly abundant WIMDIM It IWHIIM ulm mouku The Wilson Building Post Office St BARRIE Phone 5533 FOR SALE REN or EXHAGE BARGAIN Clear span 160x 60 metal clad building with required property three offices counters shelves Wired for production large truck entrance doors at rear SUITABLE FOR MANY USES Plant Storage Warehouse Transport Garage Dairy or Chicken Farm LOCATED on No 11 Highway immediately North of Stroud near Barrie OWNER HAS OTHER INTERESTS Apply Phone Redfern 9454 18th Avenue Road Toronto fsnuiiGAIN Miilk pat Means low Cost Milk Production wheuion get right owl to it were ls nosnhscitnte in same You my put upsome dandy My and good silage bntfresbxrcen picture has both ofthesc feeding value In the which your cattle cannot hector when it combs to pahblllty and get this feeding vol Their appctttesvmay In hurl their milk supply fall off Thlsom be ovalcome by fecal bounced palatable ration can WW Warp mixture of your own groin and SHUBGAIN Milk gitGAIN Milk Producer Is formulated to supply um teed at which are not found in sufcient quantities in stored foods such is has lllh It the out nMSHUEGAIN balanced Pays Balanced ma ieeorsnnom the sm olmr his him Is very palatable health 09 Ml Toronto spent the the latter pawns ll and Mrs fl ill Mr lay 511 351 31 ETHE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY ll 23 am McCuzchroniga and Mrs 24 Echo Church spczzt hits Eleanor lizzigwuod 40th Wedding Anniversary iv altlllil Li Mr and Mrs Brulxy who wzll llup Cele to tan will Wedding anniver Mr 5L irll and Ta lui vikrill do Jaly 24 and Mrs illLl Mrs Mz and M12 Thoma1 lill Anne lloil Sunday DiD IOU FIND OUT WHY THE SINK WAS STOWED GLAD TOMEET STE cousw SKEETER are Yggmsf IS DADBURNITENICl HERES YOUR KEEPER AND BACKSTAGE mummy MAJOR ocazmo or on THATS LILLY THE HEY MONTY LOOK TIGRESS IN THAT DRESSING R00 WHO IS THAT LAW AND ob SHES JUSTA Mum ITS seen CHARMING musr sup our or my LEAD N5 mmee mo car 212on THIS TQAP WAS CLOGGED GEE and Arnold Norman Scott vts Jam LNEMWI and SUMG glue over the 397milc run from who have born holidaying Allistoo visited Hr cod Mrs Falls spent the werkalfrcd Ilwmpsdn over the clitl whit Mr sari Mrs Ernestlmd ll ruck before returning to their 3mm llaunton I301 397 ENC Mr and Mrs Stewart Workman Aurora 1lctl Mrs Thomas Work 41 oz Sunday Co lionth The worlds first garth Mr rfLd ship the British zauker AURIS has now oomphM Sunday vllfur5 With Mr andfzwu crossings of the Atlantic WEI Mrs Wilfltti Bradley Ml and Mummy her new L253 hp turbine at Rogers Bond Read Magpie Performance of new Holly Mfr Iolbruck Barrie rtr and Mrs John Thompsougback showodreeord iPiymouth England to Curacao and fuel savings as so NICE TO HAVE CLEVEF HUEIBAND NHO CAN FIX THINGS KTS vtOPKlNG PERFECTLLY HE on Tue KEEPERS NICE MAN HAD ALL LOVE rue LITTLE NOW YOU MWST EXCUSE ME MISS TIGRESS AND NIKE FOR THE BWSCNS AND THE mev TAKE con MAlL TODAVE THE HEAVV INNER NEW OF YOUAN HERES ANOFFER PICTURE11OURANGOUTANG RE can mangeGum mis THRICE You MUST TWA5 vtcrutzss INC near 61mm 551 ms AuTOGRAPm THE zoocoma PLBLIC LIKES KEALIBIMTHEV WANT SPOTS on LEOVARD5TQIPES ON ANGER HER CONTRACT SAVG EACH This sue are GEE NTY NEVESOSAwit BLEACH JOB our vaizv m0 macaw rr TAKES 5530 HER HOURS TO SHES BEAUTIFUL MAKE UP TO COMINUPSTAIPS now IM LIKE you SAID Llhllh WHAIZLRE YOU SHOUTING FOR you DIDNT cu pun BET