mompuma sonar diagnogusnhimgar Copper chntlon time comes and parents pun holidays for their children tizgzwluzally when relatives live in dimml Wm and pmk gamer camps to relatives to cl lboth fl and the country But what Wm bwluei panSies and mwm and far away places gut lilr fluid With no cousins his age In 3W mnur Lime Often they forgot that one of Illegal tithe places plan like the most fascinating spots in the wotIo nghz be sponsored by an urban Wm it bake 11m for child is tam Even half day on the farm highlight for it Ill child especially if he can watch the men at work the fields haying or harvesting parents make arrangements wah farm ahead of time where tin have friends and pack up liltltlt supper this kind of an lltltlluli trip should lml be all ttuulm to the busy farmers wife But an adult or teenape limllti stay or riml and keep an eye all the time or Junior He can very quickly iuziki himself nuisance and endanger not only equipment but his our life and limbs tlnoirzh lnx igzraur slice of farm ways and aim annu n15 Lite on farm is so different llwll the ordinary events of the day li town Child boy llt had flu choice of point to hlllitrl lht camp or helping on farm mill Ill thusiastically The tum thi ilait for me Theres so much to It and real work to in tll my Now know that faruuH llr busy folk up early and in iltti late in the summer season ohm thv days are long and there is so much to do also realize that city and town people smuttune have iltll both thoughtless and selfhh infirm posing on the hospitality of lllll country relatives particulain on weekend Lsits iftllililliy an no Suggesting that plan nor am may ing parents to look around and do their best to leave their child with some farmer for vivitl Quid pro quo which might roughly be translated you pet something out of this and to do child visiting in the country many cases country cousin can pay return visit to the town or city home Then the country child has all the fun of new adventure too In other situations farmers wife is willing to accept payuuut or generous gift for the responsibility of looking after an active young ster as well as his board Certainly any selfrespecting parents will want to express their appreciation gin some tangible form to the farm Liolk who have been kind enough to 331380 their doors to their buy or girl The schedule of mediumprie ed camp rates are sort of standard for parents to figure out what is ftiir amount to give in return for gtheir childs care Some city children have pets but in large city where many fam lies live in apartments there is little or no room for cat or dog and the owner of the building mpy have ban on all animals Owning and gearing for pet of his own or sev eral pets is one of the greatest ad vantages country child has over city youngster visit in the coun Ztry opens the eyes of city children ito all the fun farm children can have raising and carin for their fown animals UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated from part of the body with EncoPelo the remarkable discovery of the one BacoltPelo contains no druzs or chemical and will kill the hair root LOBBEER LABORATORIES 679 GRANVILLE ST VANCOUVER 30 otowmo BEAUTV TanFace Powder gives your com plexion rich glowing summer tan right now rosy never yellow coppgr gag Copper Tan has true Lros base that is guaranteed 110 10 mm yellow CAWERESOUODET Nhn nee ioworn SPECIAL bligma basket Visit To The Country By Nancy Cioonr 512 vzsits take plus costly and and rural Home and School or cautious III city and Maury lunch To live awav than home lllll time In lly tililclil imtimnuenl le expdilator any child It fuftns an invaluable in tinonzaemg Itlelrnlrflc and initit2e If the gioiiigup ilititgt from tidinmrl to maturity New eompzehension of another per Mill iii iiit flufcfcfl Tilt ifl llltllflff thing ilt that ueh visit tiilltll childs appreciation of hi nun surmumtines Both lht ext and the farm illlli3ltl enjoy tlze urirome back to their own ilEk and they both agree lhercr ill lildli illii llullili up lizlit eveas Muster lllllle Ianlirin Dies At rillia Hospital JULY iii Wt are Very sorry to Itpull thedeath llillie Laliiarsh who path away at rillia hos pital Ial week Billie was son of Mr and Mrs lgiMarsh of hat ham and to hi mother and father and friends We extend our deep rl sympathy Vlrllliii at the home of Mr and Mr Iearmn oer the Week illti Ill hilt and Mrs IVINl loppnn and daughter of Toronto and Mr and bill Edwin Pearson and daughter of Newmznket Mr and Mrs William Jenkins and llllllli have taken up resid ence at the home of lrene licrris and lien shower was held in the should be applied to any scheme for mu On mm Mr and minus Wilbur Lawson who were married recently Mr and Mrs Ivan Ovens and famin of Allistou called on friends on lriday in Everett Mr and Mrs Keenan Willough by Angus spout Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Leslie Mr and Mrs Dylivigand Earl Ilybvigg Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Harold Moon Mr and Mrs David Tiner and litlStIllllly accompanied by Mrs Douell of London spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank ODon ell Presbyterian Church May Be Used For School The Presbyterian Church which has not been used for the past couple of years may be rented for school Lapp Public School Inspector from Alliston was here to inspect the property and to report what changes would have to be made in the church to rgct it ready for use in September Roddy Graham Passes Away We are very sorry to report that Roddy Graham passed away early Tuesday morning in Alliston hos pital The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife and family Eric David and Roger Anderson of Lisle spent few days with the McGill family of Everett Congratulations to Miss Lynn Wagner and Harry Boettger who will be married in the Anglican Church Everett on Saturday Aug at one oclock Mr and Mrs Al Hillier spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs Eldon Drybrough of gur lington GRENFEL JULY 21Lunda Walton return ed home from Orillia on Friday feeling much improved There Will be no Sunday School during August The WA will meet at Mrs Harry Parrs Wednesdady Aug at pm Visit Church Camp Sunday Parents and children of the Sundpy School have planned to visit the United Church Camp at Midland Point Sunday July 27 Service at pm Anyone Wishing to come along its welcome Please Glad torepo that Harold Rich ardson is getting along nicely af ter an appendix operation on Fri day in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie ltg VISITOR FROM BRITAI CaptainKJ Bartlett Sales Director of the Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd makers of the loopassen ger jelliner Britanniar has left Bri tain on 22000mile business trip during Which he will visit Vancou ver Montreal and Toronto ELMVALE Honored Shower JULY 190ver 100 Mend ga thered iu the Sunday School room of St John United Church Wed nesday evening and held mis ccildficous shower for Miss Betty Brilliibdil The tables were prob Phyllis irahuui and John Beard airs Jean Evans assisted the bride purication ul by tvvo Womans As PENN Ems Wim Joy Bertram reading the accomu Jhllyllig goon wrsncs airs bra Misses Nancy and the gifts Betty Huntsman Jab arranged tcl pleasingly thanked her friends and invited them to visit her in zcr new home at St Catharines Refreshments were served and mural hour was enjoyed Ilcst Wishes to Newlyweds Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wright nee Marion Sibbaldi who Were married July l5 to Mr and Mrs Allan Mollison nee Betty tleardsalli who were married July 19 to Ml Mrs Britt Bell inee Jilllcl ltgtll also uh July It 1932 Garage Demolished Early fhursday morning around I30 the lilmvale fire department were called to the home of James Stone where fire had gained such start the firemen found the garage and car beyond savmg but kept the blaze from reaching the house and burn Mr and Mrs ll Milner Mill inn and Joyee of Toronto spent the Week with Mrs Milners parents Mr and Mrs Black Miss Joan lrceubauk is spend ing couple of weeks with Mr and Mrs Knipc Toronto Mr and Mrs Les Todd Wood stock spent few days with Mr and Mrs Garry Manning Mr and Mrs Schaeffcr and onus of Duruivillc renewed tuc uuaintunce here during the week Miss lfazel Britisou Montreal was the guest of Mr and Mrs Colonel Bell for few days Mr and Mrs Lower Barrie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs It Black Mr and Mrs Nowell and boys Toronto are visitiugMrs Newells parents Mr and Mrs Walter Mid dletou Mr Randy and Mrs James Neal and spent the weekend with Demure and Daring R4667 720 40 67 Entire fashion world raves about this tinywaist style with ueckline that plunges dramatically back and front Just picture the shirt on dance floorwaltzing out over pretty petticoat Trim it with contrast colors sew it soon its easy Pattern R4667 Mlsses Sizes 12 14 16 18 20 40 Size 13 takes 31 yards 39inch yd contrast This pattern easy to use simple to sew is tested for fit Has com plete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYVI CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted for thissypattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send prder to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Dept60 Front St West Tor onto Ont For lliiicktReSults THE tuuumu JuiyWedding At Central Church 12 51mmmmm For Summer Warmer the cardigan ensemble Be It pastel crepe or simple cotton dreamheo you match it with wool or cashmere cardigan It be MR AND MRS ROBERT JAMES ORR are pictured following their July wedding In Central United Church The bride is the former Helen Marie White daughter of Mrs White of Barrie and the late Louis White and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Orr of Barrie After wedding trip to Northern Ontario the couple are making their home In Bar rie Mrs William Rance and Mrs Whetham Mr and Mrs Robert Brash and Mrs Hughes Toronto visited Mrs Gosling and Mrs Beard sall Miss Sandra Srigley Timmins is holidaying with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Ray SrIgIey and Mr and Mrs Manning Mr and Mrs Jarvis Mossop Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Reid and Archie Train Miss Barbara Ritchie Midland spent couple of days with lid mother Mrs Herb Ritchie Mrs Lloyd Ritchie woekcnded with Mr and Mrs James Brun ning Chippewa Mr and Mrs Rex Manning and Marilyn of Toronto weekendcd with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Manning Elmvalc Mason Elected DDGM number of the members of Coronation Lodge AF AM Elm vale attended Grand Lodge on Wednesday in Toronto when Rt Wor Bro McAuley of Elm vale was named District Deputy Grand Master of Georgian Bay District for the coming year This is the second time in the history of Masonry in Elmvale that the MINESING JULY 21Brian Foyston enjoyed veeks vacation in Toronto Mr and Mrs Jim Paine Toron to who have been holidaying at Wasaga Beach called on relatives here during the past week and Mrs Plowright spent Sunday at Sid Plowrights Oshawa Good Ball Team Mincsing folk can be justly proud of our ball learn who have been successful in more than hold ing their own with all their op pouents Mr and Mrs Dusto visited their niece Mrs Cecil Moore Mus kuka Falls Mr and Bob Porritt and son of Bracebridgc were weekend visitors at Adams Corbett Adams and Wilfred Peacock Thornton returned to Bracebridge for holiday Parker Adams To routc spent last week with Cor bett Mr and Mrs Doug Ronald and the boys 01 Timminsare spending their holidays with their parents honor has come to Coronagon Lodge The lateRt Wor ro Sneath was appointed in 1909 to the high office Siacby Side They Protect Your House MOORWHITE Primer Moonns nousn Mooars House Paint smoother working pair you never saw In protecting each other protect your house Moonwurrn PRIMERprotocts the finish coat from absorption of porous surfaces whlle Moonns HOUSE PAINT protects the lprluicr and your house against and weathef35nd ding to its beautydt the some time Drop in and learn more about this papillae Combination Vi Quart DECORATIVE TRIM CDLORS Gallon CISQS comes the mainstay of your word robe especially pretty and practical for cool evening For aid and comfort to the tra veller well speak out for lingerie They keep your suitcase tidy your lingerie compact and the drawers of your vacation bou doir neat and orderly Then term time for the trip home pack your soiled clothing in them and your suitcase ls trim and shipsharpe We like pliofllm lingerie cases they take up less room than quilted ones Denim this year has really come into its own in smartly stylel dresses for office evening wear and kitchen Youll see lots of wonderful play clothes for both women and chlldrenand the mo therauddaughter styles are trcs chic here and at llillsdale Mr and Mrs Alb Plunder and family of London renewed ae quaintance here Meet at School July 28 There will be meeting In Min csiug villageschool on Monday July28 at 830 sharp All mem bers of the Vespra Horticultural Society are to be present Dis cussiou will be regarding bus trip to Niagara Falls and Guelph also flower show on Aug 13 LWIWW GOOD tlIARVlISI In Western Canada the prosperity of the country rests to large ex tent on its farming industry This despite oil development industrial advances and other phases of the general economy At this early stage ample rainfall and general favorable condition has prompted many to say that This may be the year of big harvest Hanna Alta Herald mason my i952 Speaking of kitchen have you ever tried celeryscrambled eggs To serve four combine slightly beaten cats cup milk teaspoon salt and it teaspoon pepper Pour into lightly greased skillet cook over low heat stirring constantly until mixture begins to thicken then add cup cream of celery soup Turn heat off the secret of moist scrambled eggs and con tinue stirring until done favorite salad of ours which were passing on to yon nice served with chicken is made with sections of grapefruit and slices of avocado Between the slicrs tuck an occasional crisp onion ring red onions preferably though the white ones will do Serve it with your favorite French dressing sub stitutiug fresh lemon juice for vin egar This dressing is good with any fruit salad To make hot day cooler com bine can of tomato soup with can of cream of celery soup and cups cold milk serve cold with chopped celery leaves on top The whole family will appreciate it after hot strenuous day Heres the bandlcst suggestion weve heard in long time keep peeled raw onions in tightly covered jar It saves time it savos onions and its so handy The other day in yard goods department we spied an original fabric that would look smart in any kitchen printed all over with little canisters of spices If you used it for klkllcli cums the leftover pieces Would make cute matching apron Keep it in mind next time you need kitchen Curtains and dont fury the apron Heat gone to your feet Seeing more people every day Wearing cool nappystrap shoes and they look so comfortable Finally could not resist looking the shoe situa tion over ourselves Youd be amazed at the number of attractive summer shoes in the stores these daysand in cycry color imaging able ITS EASY TO PtEASE gusr sravr 666666666 HOUR SERVICE Fast dependable service have your garments at our plant befor 11 um theyll be pressed ready for you at and expertly cleaned pm on the same day NUSIRVICE CLEANERS 14 High St Barrie Phone 27 666666666 UPHOLSTERING Have those pieces upholstered while you are away on vacation CALL US NOW Barrie Tent Awning Co 34 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 4314 SALE OF DRESSES Racks and Racksof Super Savings for every size for every occasion HURRY IN TODAY the longer you waitthe letter you will have to select from REG TO 898 Plcolays Criscays Gold Prints Chambrays theyre going out fast at this outstanding low price 1499 REG TO 1595 Mercerized Broadcloths Piques Egyptian Cham brays marked away down far this final clear 31106 REGULAR T0 l998 Sjlshans Linens Crepes and Cords all attrac tivelystyled an excep tionally LOW PRICED REGULAR VALUE 101095 BATH ou11gt find all famous name brands amopg the BIG FINAL CLEARANCE New GitOUF 65103250 Beautlfully styled vshantungs crepes and shears tnthts Outstandinggronp 140W PRBCED magmaI CLEARANCE 6102493 Pure Silk Ofanzas SWISS Eyelets Cards and Sheers In this moneysaying group of dresses