Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1952, p. 1

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An mommar mum Sorving THE TOWN or sun AND COUNTY or 3131003 MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Since Iss4 Sexualcon YGOFWNO 84 mm limbo Club IvmusmicoDunmngmha parklpgpt on Map Ave forf instance last year the net was less than There were TIIWII CIIIIIIBII IIII BARRIE ONTARIO CANADAWEDNESDAY JULY 23 l932 CWJIA and Audit lunar OW Uncover Original Cook House At Fort Pentanguishene ALDERMAN SHRUBS CUT AT INTERSECTIONS YESTERDAY ON THE SITE of Old Fort Penetangulshenep Professor WW Jury and his assistants from the University of WesternOntario located the exact position of the cook house just behind the spot where the Soldiers Barracks stood over 100 years ago Work is proceeding on the restoration of the fort The Officers Quarters built in 1830 and the only building still intact is being developed as museum Professor Jury is pictured above with two men who have been working enthusiastically on the proleCt and helped in uncovering the tsetse of the cook house Left Johnston of Mlndemoya Manitoulin Island and rightCharles Cotter of Kingston Jamaica Mr Cotter took the course two years ago in Archaeology and is at Penetanguishene on vacation Two New Sanitary Inspectors Ioin Health Unit Staff Two new sanitary inspectors Scarterfield and Walsh join ed the staff of the Simcoe County Health Unit at the beginning of June taking over the areas of Midland and Collingwood Dr Scott health pnit dir ector reports that the sanitary Kiwanis KNel May Reach 4300 Most Successlul At thir reguiwdlnner meeting Monday Barrie Kiwauiansv were elated to learn of the great suc cess of their Karnival this year General Chairman Wibgaklng re ported that although final figures of expenses were not quitecom plete he estimated the netwould reach about $4350 This has been exceeded only twice by several hundred and those wereln war years three nights at Post Office Square This year the Karnival was two nights only and held at Loblaw Take three nights butofcourse it rain Services are increasing appreciab ly Allthe inspectors of the health unithssisted with sanitary sur vey in Bradford with the addition of two men from the Ontario De partment of Health sanitary survey was also completed during June in Goldwater Several swim ming areas have been sampled tn the county some of which wero not completed by the end of the month The sanitary services of the health unit report that the improper disposal of sewage from licensed hotels has caused some concern and therrrproblems ed the Karnival out completely welfdre W01l twice and gpartially once The affair was hd at theBafrieArena parking lot on Elizabeth St President Roy Kightly added hisuwords oftcommehdatlon to Mr Laking games chairman Jack MacLaren car draw chairman Tony Decarie and all thosew oaSsisted with the Kamival Tbonet profit villi go entirely to the Kiwanis Clubs underkprivilcged cbildrens no dinner was it dim week at Guthrie Cunununlty Hall and tlioKiwsnians enjoyed another line magi rherewasbo speaker Eskimo Excited Ovcr CNR Locomotive Ride MONCTON JULY 14An Eski mo from Happy Valley Labrador Ben Monemic got his first glimpse of modern steam locomotive re cently when he was given ride in the cab of Canadian National limotype at Moneton Ben was flown into Moncton by air from Goose Bay for hospital treatment Before returning to Hap py Valley he was taken to the CNR station at Monoton wher he climb ed into the locomotive tosee its workings He was as excited as child and will be able to tell his relatives and friends all about his experiences have been discussed with the Li quor Control Board of Ontario inspectors Xry clinics for food handlers were held in several centres dur ing June completing that phase of the unitys work total of 1143 inspections were carried out byJive county sani tarians during the month which consisted of 507Aroutine calls 161 idllowups 90 complaints and 385 special investigations Flagsl AI International RgilCrdss miniature lock At Monday nights meeting of fauna Alderman Corbett made motion tint all trees shrubs and woods be cut down to bright of not more than two feet with dlstnncr of 25 feet of III intersections on town property Alderman orbctt went on to say that thcre were several inkrscctions in town where shrubs on comcrs were In terfering with the view Aldrrman irecr salt that if thcrr ucrc my flower ing shrubs or beautifying shrubs would the people who had planted thcm bc notified II this proposal some time ahead so that they could havo the opportunity of rcmovln them Asked Aldcrmun Gird wood Docs that moan all trees within 25 fact of cross lngs be cut down Aldcrmnn orbctt That was the Intention of the mo tion do not mean however that it be wholcsalc use of an Probably First In Canada axe It has come to the time when lilacs and that sort of thing interfere with traffic Deputy Reeve Ifcbcr 15 Smithtold Council that hid also had two or three com plaints He had also both made aware of accidents at lntcr scctiom where the condltlons we as described by Alderman orbctt think thrrc is something in lIlt Town Planning Act pro hibiting people from having obstructing growth within ccrlain distance of comers he uldcd think that the thing nccd rutth than mo lion is system whereby these things will be drult with In diplomatic way and these cor ners will be reported and himdlcd The motion was amended to read additionally thatIn dividuals affcctcd be notified in avarice It was then tabled for consideration at 1th meeting Dignilaries Join In Richllesl Ceremony At New Midland Factory Midland was the scene of un ique ceremony at pm Tuesday when the richtfcst was held at the new Lcitz factory richtfcst is German tradi tion and takes place when new building reaches its highcst point At the roof peak is planted pine tree suitably decorated and the owners and workmen join in the ceremony As part of the richtfcst in Midland probably the first ever to be held in Canada there was unveiled stone fromthe century old first Lcitz works in Wetzl now incorporated in the Canadian factory Participating in the ceremonies Wero Hon Col William Griesingcr Ontario Minister of Planning and Development Col Lyle dir ector of the Ontario Trade and Industry Branch Robinson MP Dr McPhee MLA and othcr notables Unveiling the stonb and princi pal speaker on the occasionwas Dr Werner Dankwort Ambassa dor in Canada of the Federal Re public of Germany who was in Midland with his wife and his First and Second Secretaries Dr Dankwort who was on his way west by CPR steamship from Port McNicoll came to Canada in February of last year to become the first ppstwar ConsulGeneral of Germany in Ottawa Fiftysix years of age the new Ambassador came IZOIIIIS country from Paris Qmoo 00 The Middle Column TREASURED THINGS By GEORGE HILL Most ofthe human race have yen fortreasuring some article or some commodity The rangb is almost boundless from which they would be desolatedto part 000 Sometimes the article may be of an atomic nature and liable to cause an explosion should ithap pen to come within range of some one elsefor instancea lock of his first wifes hair or that last cute letter which SHE received In AISOraDm But firehouse treasures that grip at thefheartstrihgsItwo daintyi fragile little Va1entines togethcr in the bottom of aptiny trunk with dateaway back in the 70s year with few hesitant words which have the same tender mean ing From Harry t0 Elsie and FromElsie to Harry and both have thef additional words that ye Then more aretotherlllttle bun whore he was Deputy Chief of the Icrmmwm Mission of the Federal chublic of Germany to the Org anization for European Economic Copcritioii Dr Daukuort was accompanied by his First Secretary in charge of commercial affairs Dietrich Kcllcr Mr Kcllcr A2 was Per munont Delegate for InterEurop cou Trade and Payment Problems on the German Mission to the Eur opean Economic Coopcration Or ganization in Paris He is grad $1 of the Swiss university of auranuc and of the University of crliu Also in the party was Dr Edgar Gcrwin Second Secretary in charge of press affairs who was writer on economic matters in the United Kingdom and Sweden be fore coming to Ottawa as Press Attache in 1951 He is married to an Englishborn Wife and has two children Farm Workers Herculean Task In Hot Weather Even with all the modern advantages of machinery at the commandof the hunchwork In the fields recently and elsewhere for that matter had been exceedingly difcult due to the hot spell of weather Throughout the County farm workers have been hard at it gathering in the heavy wheat crop As one holidaymaker in Barrie expressed It this morn tugDuring the last week or so even loaflng has become labor High Low 90 67 80 July 20 78 69 July 21 84 68 July 22 85 61 Recent storms have done lit tle to ease the general stifling conditions which have prevallr gduand it is anticlte todays temperature will go up considerable number of de grees over Tuesdays flgure Dcspite the forecast however bleak conditions and rain this morning held outa faint hope that cool spell might follow July 18 July 19 metal bands and wee each of the same maths all the differeucc With diesel letters andsoiled trench noisily durmsthe To ntp cordsk awhy brittle bottom of drawer 07 place of safe keeping letters dated 1916s1tfrom boys lwho left all thexf hold dear amD ins dayszat but the memory oiltbose boys and wbat treasures and 40c ARMYWQRM Amp toooooq Town Council Briefs LOIOHUD With their new ClerkTreasurer ll Burrand conducting the bust nma for the first tun Silltt mk my owr iu dutics ouucil came to order Willi the Iollowmg mem bvrs abscutmAldcrmcu ll Ayrcs Williuiru and Williams draft bylaw to amend the cx istim Town Planning Bylaw No ltiil was rulerer In tho Fropcrty ommittoc Vllllt anothcr propos Nd bylaw to provrdc for liccns mg gusoliru outlets was drfcrrcd for third wading at later date ouncll agreed to rcqucst by Barrio Jumor Chamtwr of Com mcrcc that Kcmpcnfclt Strcct be closul to automobilo traffic at Duckworth and St Viuccnt streets on tho civu holiday Monday Aug whcn the Iaycccs Will hold lhcir regatta In icltcr to Couu 11 it was pointed out that as thmo would probably be many Illltlllll in tin area at that time it was fclt this protcctivc measure should be taken Barrio Agricultural Park Rccrc ntion Commission have bccn given poimission to place small street signs in front of the Post Office and in front of Whittys Drug Store informing the public as to ball games Authority was grant cd however Subject to the signs not interferiin with pedestrian traffic or store owners Alderman Bibby officially moved that the Mayor be author ized to proclaim Monday August as civic holiday Turn to page two please John Rumble Rider On Olympic Team Said In Finland Lance Rumble of Toronto and Durham president of the Canadian Horse Shows Associa tion yesterday stated that he had received news from Helsinki Fin land of the illness of his nephew John mule 18 who was to have competed in the threeday eques trian events John was stricken with sev ere virus infection during the teams training period in England While he has recovered sufficient ly to accompany the team to Hel sinki specialists have forbidden him to take part in competitions Walter Pady 19 Toronto will replace John Rumble on the team Mrs George Rumble Johns mother left last month for Hel sinki accompanied by his twin sister and hisaunt Mrs Lance Rumble l4 PagesJFK Seam W3 SHIT MICHI lDEPUTY REEVE ALLEGES USE OF CERTAIN MACHINES HERE FOR PURPOSES OF GAMBLING Pin Bail Alley was how Deputy Reeve Heber Built described certain locations in Barrie when after introducing new bylaw at Monday nights meeting of Council mouths slot machines pin and flvcvball games in the town he at leged that in some places they were being used for gambling purposes When the first reading was car rivd Aldcrmun Greer rose to his feet and asked what was the diffcrcucc between pin games and jukeboxcs which are in list of cxccptions to the general czitcgoryi Ihoy arc both there for en joyment he added As for as pin gmst are concerned it Ls possiblc they are keeping lot of kids out of trouble they might be in if they were not there playing them Dcputy Rccvc Smith replied Actually pin games ostensibly are there for enjoyment but in most cases they are not there for enjoyment Alderman Greer thcy there for Deputy Reeve For gambling purposes If you got enough slugs out of machines you can cash them in most places Some peo ple operate them just for pleasure purposes but it is hard to separate the sheep from the goats The only way to deal with thd question equitably is to prohibit them There was no answer given to Alderman Greers question If you are going to prohibit why not prohibit those using slugs What are Terms Of New Bylaw According to the new ruling no person firm or corporation shall keep or permit to be kept on any premises within the town slot machines pin game machines fiveball games punchboards or any other similar devices other than paytelephones luggage lock ers candy cigarette or other mer chandise vending machines juke boxes and parking meters Every person firm or corpora tion for any contravention of any of the provisions of this bylaw will be liable to penalty not exceeding $50 for each offence The bylaw becomes effective im mediately Local Florists Complaint Council had to go back in the civic archives to find bylaw No 288 which might be able to help them out of the dilemma in which they found themselves when con fronted by problem facing local floriststho fact that men from the farming community were sell ing flOWers on the sldcwalks in town in some cases only matter of few doors away from the florists shops The following letter signed by Luck Luckys Flowers Mrs Harris Harris Flow ers Ross Cook Ross Cook Flow er Shop and Fendley Fen d1eyls Flowers wasrrread The Supper and bazaar St Aidans Church Hawkestorte Wednesday July 30 to pm Admission Dance at Baxter Friday July 25 to the music of Paxtons CKBB Hayloft Party Dancing from 930 to 130 am Dancing Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 19 Ad mission ladies 50o gentlemen 75c 41m Minster Dingo Legion grounds NewLoweLl postponed from July 21 to July 29 it bad weather 35c Prizes galore for young an old Refreshment booth Auspices Ladies Auxiliary 8285 Friends and relatives please re member the annualpicnic of the Black family in Innisfil Park on Saturday July 26 8184W FAWNifs orists of Barrie wish to bring to your attention the fact that there is undesirable selling of owers on our main street by men of our farming community We feel this is not just way of doing business the letter went on We the Barrie florists are taxpayers and feel we should have some protection from our town in thisrespect There is farm market in this town for such sales and we be lieve that this should be lthe place to sen their produce not on the main street 0qu hardly walk down the street for cans of owers in front of the Royal Bank in thistown We feel that this is just the beginning of this sort of selling as there are or of growers in this district who are plaunmg this type of sale We ask at this time if there is some way we can put Stop to this or lcvy taxes on these persons to offset our tax ation Dcputatlon Mr Fendlcy who was in attend ance spoke on behalf of the local florists pointing out that not only were the growers of this produce tokingvpart in this sidewalk trade but employed personnel from the forms In question were selling it Not Fair Deal They did not consider it fair deal when these people came along and seat up their stands in some cases just one or two doors away from local florists shops They wished to know if there was some bylaw covering this sort of selling or if it would be possible to from bylin to tax those people Mr Fendlcy went on to relate how he was approached by oh man who said that when hi3 818d ioli were in full crop hp would have from 10 to 12 men on the street selling them Recently he saw people from one of these farms occupying five different IO cations in town It was not fair to the local florists who had pay taxes Alderman McCarroll You are not objecting to farmers bringing them to the market to sell thcmron Saturday Mr Fendley No think that is the place for them to sell their produce That is the whole idea of the market After consultation and reform to the market bylaw Roy Bamml the clerkctreasurer said that under the terms of the bylaw thesepew ple would be required to attendthe market and would notzbe bra positiontolsellvthcir where in the town It was gt ently the only bylaw whereby they could regulate the said of owers On motion by Alderman Greer later in themeetlng it was agreed that the bylaw would be smelly enforced and that the attention of the police be drawn to it Beyond Her Young Girl Broncos At Collihgwoodf Elevenyearold Donna Retires all of Collingwood drowncdac Black Rock Monday aligning when she went beyond her Around three oclock went out with young playroom raudrdespiterthe fact 13975th not swim went out pretty When she disappeared berfcgrg panion instead of telling on the shoreabout what had ham pened ran bonus to tellnlger ants and it was about an hour for anything was known of the tragedy When her body was located Comngwood police worked mr more than an hour and hamWith an inhalator The child wasvthen taken to hospital in Comngwood but attempts at usingoxyzon to revive her were in vain oErECTIVE HEATER 112w The localfire department it call early this momm to theTITk latte Grill Elizabeth soegcoherjo defective oilheater xwwwt ing heavy smoke No caused

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