Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1952, p. 4

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at will cu it iwvu4w=wr Warwuwn faithful beemore Plans iionday luljll Club gives promise of roviding patrons with some War uni ANGLES By GEORGE STOREY TI INTEBTOWN Minor softball race is becoming more involycd the weeks speed past and of particular lnterst is the local feud between Butte AllStars and Stewarts Lunch running onetwo rcspecllvcly in the standings Stewarts apparently dont care if they ever win ii gamci as long as they can deflate the sails of the AllStars And they have been domg just that The Lunchmcn zed by Jack Luke Turn bull have won two out of three starts st both gained by Leo Labinr the hockey ace Each tim Leo ga tied the decision over Ill Poland who takes lot of beating On the last outing the ML Stars tried so hard thti all backfired and normslouuarc sickth known fumbling plagued the ficld This was much to Polands disgugt But then Stewarts who are rightly one of the betterclassed outfits in thc loop turn around and low their second in row to HCAF llycrs of lamp Iiordcn Monday evening That win gave the llycrs thirdplucc tie with Midland Acts but they have lost more games And the pic tiirc 15 thus Stcwurts voodoo the AllStars tho AILStah likewise to RCAI and the Ilycrs huvc heyday against Stcwnrts Just one big vicious unnccountnblc clrclc TO TAKE thi casc of thc rcmuiuing tuiun Midland and iiriv fllllulzd thc fornicr tire on unlimiteg tough foc and thcy too are wry much in the thick of thc racc littlc short in guincs playcd ill plLMlll but Midland fun linvc peppy club battling for tlicm and only iincc in St panics have they suffcrcd what can bc called it lojmidcd dcfcnt For some rcusou or otlcr the Aces havc thc cnviublo magic to roliotmd from defeats Ihcy did this on Stewarts Lunch and IttAI of Camp Borden And thrcc tuncx the AllSlur have had to buttlc to the lust inning to turn the 1th and breathe easily Gruvcnhursi who missed lllt fllSl third of thc schedule arc slow gcttuig Started Ilui thcy are by no means Cinch as local Luis wtll sec hch Thursday night when thcy Oppose thc Alleturs 11 Agricultural lzirk under thc floodlights Ihcy arc comparatively young chit with promising illycaiuold hurlor in lanky Link Wzilkcr whosc nrm whips mighty fastball And this Ind can hit too tic polcd mammoth honic run off Int Poland of the AIISIIIIS and pokcd it doiiblc triplc off Luke Iurnbull of thc Lunch incn Ihc gout may likc the homerun fcncc at Agricultural Park cvvn though it IiiktS rcal vnllop of softball to clcar ln suniimirizing the new InterTown loop is probably one of the closest lcngucs fornicd in this area for some time At no time can club venturc into gnmc gr sure WIIIIIET and thus far thc thin margin of one or two riinsxhus scrvcd to scttlcmmiy point fcud lAIflllNG lll TO BASEBALL again Barrie unrulii lhys linvc been rolling along at terrific Clip Winning scvcn of their last eight starts to hold xccoud place in the standings Tlicir ncxt outing is hcrc Friday cvcning when Midland Indians with five straight victories under their bcll nuikc their final appearance of the scheduled season Ihc Indians with two brilliant imports and brand new uniforms wcrc long time convincim fans thcy had turned ovcr it new leaf Not too many weeks back they bonstcd fccblcZG record but the lntcst drive which holds thrcc straight wins over Orillia Terriers has lifted tlicm to third place in the standings With two meetings ahead with Barrio it is not zit all impossible for the onrushing Northernch to catch sccond $101 In fact Fridays affair at the park should develop into real mound battle against Drys Doug Plunkctt t70 and Ken McCartney brilliant lofty or Gord Dymcnt imported righthander Midland had been losing be cause tlic ficldcrs failed to produce power at the plate But the hits are coming butng now with many players boosting averages in 227 onslaught of the Terriers Catcher Gerry Fitzhenry with 421 average leads the club and close on his heels are Tcd Brady 391 llarold Jackson 355 Paul Quilty 307 Jack Beuuchamp 314 and Con Adams 384 Consequently Plunketl will have some tall pitching or ders ahead THE BARBIE DRIVING and Riding Association announced that de to excludeharness racing from this seasons agendawiraieached recent meeting This will serve blow to malty race fans who cnjoy watching such track favorites as The Diplomat Lady Van Miss Mia and others click seconds off track records in thrilling races It ds not mean however that racing will be absent from the annual Full Fair The Fair is masterminded by the Barrie AgriculttrralSOcibt and not the aforementioned Association The decision was long tim ctllning indicating much thought was placed on the subject After five matings of the executive word finally was rcIEased Plans were tent advelywrrmtged for meet on Ma burColhngiwnun vljfcti usually gmsoru that date was Again given the rights For rasonsunknoWn llingtwood turned the date downbut it was too lathfor the BhrrieAs sgiatiqn to arrange and promote meet They thenappliedfor Angus ICivlc Holidaynnd wcre allotted but the ekecutive feltthcy coulan anorclto sponsorla meetlthis seasonThls is the sedpnd albumen such ndoclsioqswas reached Whenorganized in 1949 thorAissoclation sponsored meet as an inaugural and they followefl up with another grand race card in 1950 Both times the Association faced deficit one mmber who spoke freely on the subject felt meet might be held if srrport from pone of Barries service clubs could be obtained The Rid in and Driving Association consists of only handful of directors and int sponsoring and promotion of such large expensive event by so few ldives many stones unturnedWith the aid of local service club these necessary details could bc handled easily and Barrie would once again bga lively racing centre As it stands now one of the finest tracks In the provincelies idle through another great season gERE AND THERE Orlllla Tcrrleis of the senior hockey world at hot after championship club for 195253 The top braSS have visited Butrte on numerous occagions attempting to lung such former Flyers as Bino RedFavero Danny MacDonald Lloyd Pearsall and Chuck Wood 1M0 camp And with those four gents plus goalkeeping the Terriers wBuldnt be too far off championship calibre either If nothing else the fans up thataway deserve an honest attempt little flash from the major leagues is this story quite interesting After Satchel Paige produced three hits of his own when the St Louis Browns Iged Washington Senators 32 in 17 innings way back in June base by writersaidSatchel Paige had good year last night He was clogglo being right Three hits in one night was one better than Satchmo mde in the whole season in 1948 and 1951 He got one hit in 1949 Maybe Sq ch should take few lessons from Fat Poland who has beenifougli tmhold hitless this season Pittsburghs Ralph Elinor who has drepu tagon of being hard on pitchers apparently is equally as hard on room mesxThe majors home run king is in his seventh season with the Pirates and in pitcher Murry Dickson he has his seventh roommate when are seldom considered as ground covering demons But it edgit be proven by Chet Covington of Tampa in theFlorida International Lepgue He has played with 20 different clubssirrce 1939 The entire program will take three hours Accordingly proceed ings will start at pm sharp Good seating is being provided for the comfort of spectators The main thing to remember is be in your seats early street dance for everybody will follow thei entertainment CALL TRE EXAMINER EOl PRINTINGPHONE 241 mil Isms noctur EEG Jamboree like big entertajnment being spUbsqred at Creemore on Monday 21 under auspices of the ecpsing anything of its kind here held in that community In st of the old fashioned street ugiivallthe committee this year worthwhile for their money penalty smart entertainment in en wh will be put mi nVDaucGanE sham featuring beveral gtartlsts violinists 50107 nd medians hunts boiler suing TU ESDIIY Tennis Badmintonf WEQNESDAY Swimming at YrrHtlfiismga RCAF Flyers Sneak And Edge Stewarts To further enhance the Interg tauin agree give the Flyers an Town senior coftball riddle fourthE inch and they take mile How place RCAF Flyers one of the ever not to fall without struggle bat fielding teams in the llVef the Luncbmen tried to overhaul the circuit clung to an earlrlarked1llt lead Monday evening to upset secondplacc Stewarts Lunch 76 at Camp Borden And for unknown tortuous thcl unchmen appear like countryl cousins to the Flycts who havcl captured uwo of their three vlcl tories at Stewarts expense Cord Dycr former Barrie Le gion star who grins at his Barrie rivals on every dcfczit was like daredevil on the mound for the Flycrs He seemed to enjoy plac ing runners on the sacks and then finding disappointment in rival Iaccs when the third batter rc tircd Because Stewarts lcft an incredible 17 runnch on the bare paths which averages about two iin inning The Plych found veteran slow brill artist Ron Birntc somewhat tantalizing and tough The wm ncrs manang only three hits one by Dycr himself but took ad vantage of six Lunchmcn errors and two walks to surprisingly corc enough ruiuz Stowarts got away to very poor start after Bobby Thurlows btucscmpty homer in the top of thc first Willi one out the los ers committed thrcc successive cr Hills iii the bottom of the frame to allow thc Flyers tlircc unearned runs And the second Inning was al most identical as an error walk and Dycrs singlc created another thrccvrun uprising and established 61 margin This must havc bccn almost un bclicvnblc to Stcwnrts who ccr The fourth inning bmught them two runs and their single counter in the seventh and eight innings narrowed the RCAF lead to 65 And just as it appeared Stewart were going to nullify the early bobblcs RCAF started again in tho bottom of the eighth An er ror single and flelders ehaic scored the Flycra seventh and what proved to be the winning run Stewarts again retaliated in the top of the ninth Bill Tolcs dou bled to spark rally which brought one run across the platter and had runners on sccond and third Chuppcl and Snachc flicd to deep left and centre rcsimctivcly to end the threat Stcwzirts bats wcrc heavy but not at the right time Bob Thur low placcd double alongside his homer and lwobasc blows went to Johnny Snncho Frank Excll and Bill TOltS Alec Olscn with two sitigld was very much in the Lunchnicn picture Migzird Nuglzu and Dyer all with singles garncrcd the Fly crs only hits off Ron Birnic STEWAIlIShnppcl Snache rf Thurlow 3b Icrry lb Show chuk cf Tolcs lf Excll 2b Olsen 55 Birnic plotcr RCAFJohnson ss Johnston 1b Kriihc Chopcta rf Mlgnrd 2b Naglzir 3b Mosson cf Ilancshewskt If Dycl Stcwnrts llAl 100200111612 330 000 DIX7 PLAYGROUND PATTER SHEAR PARK Supervisors Nziucy Cameron Iorn lopplctoii Our second work at Slicnr Park has bccn very successful with an average attendance of 4550 child rcn We all cujoycd twohour hikc into the Allandalc hills Monday morning Our boys softball team played their first game Friday morning hnd dcfcatcd Brock Street playground Priced by George Mas ters Bill Wardcll and Warren Mas ters the team made very fine showing on their first outing QUEENS PARK SIlpvlsbld Jean Elrlck Bruce Synnolt In the girls section of this play ground about 5060 children were ngscnt each day Swimming was gopattraction with many more wah ing to go than could be handl ed safely In the arts and crafts division Friday tMIderfigms made voven place mats aindnapkin rings out of colored construction paper The three top point mllectors were Mary Pgrkiris Barbara Chestnut andAnita Smith ST YWCENTPARK iSupervisors Pat TornllnSon John Ricci Our first full week of playground activities proved to be very suc cessful There are about 110 child ren enrolled and points are award ed for attendance leading activities and crafts The winners were Patsy Hurst and John Powell each receiving ribbons BROOK STREET Supervisors Mary Johns Dori Bates We have enrolled few new members recently Ruby Delaney hails from Newfoundland and is welcome member of our play ground The children enjoyed Spatter painting Monday aftermion and Lorraine Thompson was one of our artists On Wednesday and Thurs day of this weekawe are going to go on bikes to the airport We were defeated by Shear Park in the opening boys playground softball but our team is showing signs of vast improvement to in dicate better days ahead SOROPTIMISI PARK Supervisors Anne Baker Leslie Harris total of 17 from Soroptimist Park attended the swimming class at Minets Point Monday We are planning picnic for Wednesday with relays scavenger hunts and Locatedfan bctwceli mum in imi new fmvluue TorontoBarrio Highway watts ivifcssuirnr incur treasure hunts cxpcctcd to be part of the program During the tilSI wcck we made pzipcr masks hcads butterflies pupcr huts and houscs from card board boxes Some of our older girls liclping on tho playground arc Kurcn Kcnncdy Lois Batstone and Bonnie McAulcy KING GEORGE Supcrvisors Suc Walls Barbara Burdcttc Put Boycs Blondc curlyhaired Brian Par kcr is quite an attraction for the girls at ourplayground So we have gt many more girls than boys with the Agnew family bosting Carol Linda and Bevcrlcyf The older ones enjoyed making woolly dolls and straw beads while the younger ones had fun making paper hats playing games and maltV lug use of the swings and teeter tottcrs GUNN STREET SupiSQr Elizabeth Wildman John Pogue This playground is in clnssby itself It is theonly one with two sets of identical twins Elaine and Pauline McLellan and Brian and Bruce McGlbbonThey cause plenty of commotion as they are forever being mixed up Main interest at the playground is the rounding out of ball team for the interplayground group Volleyball dodgeball and other games are also in demand by the youngsters In the arts and crafts depart ments we have made houses from cereal boxes and masks from pap er bags SWIMMING lnstruptors JeamElrick Tom Popplelon Pat Tomlinson Nancy Cameron Elizabeth Wildman About 2025 juniors intermediat es and seniorsare presently train ing to pass their Water Safety tests Each afternoon about six or seven groups of 10 beginners each are seen at Minets Point being taught the art of swimming under the capable hands of an instructor The swimming schedule for the week is Queens Monday Thursday Shear Monday Thursday Soroptimist Monday Wednesday Gunn Wednesday Friday Brock Iuesday Friday St Vincent Tuesday Friday bus leaves the playground each afternoon at 130 Up to the First World War the Turkish Empire had an area of about 710000 square miles com pared with its present 296000 will min omit gr Three Hits Lunch 76l EXHIBITION FA STBA LL lONIGlfTNlIL AllsStars at Bar rie Allstars Agrl Park pm SOFTBALL InterTown Senior THURSDAYGthnhurat at Batu rie tAgri Park pm FRIDAYARCAF at Stewarts Queens Iarkl00i Midland at lravcnhurst Ladies IONIGIIIwNewmarkct at Stayncr THURSDAYRCA at Ncwmarket South Slmcoc TONIGlleChurchtll at ookstuwn at chroy TIIURSDAYCoolusfn at Bradford FRIDAYWBond Head at Churchill North Slmcoc Ladies lNIGIITDalstori at Wonder Val Elmvalc at IllllSdillt Barrie District IHUIISDAYWAngus at Legion tQuclnsl RCAF n1 Mincsing Vespm Senior THURSIMYIdcnvnlc zit Irziight Grcufcl lit Midliurst Vcspra Junior IRllAYEdcnvzilc at Antcn Mills Ircnfcl at Midhurst BASEBALL North Slmcoc IONIGIIIV Collingworxl zit rillizi lllUllSlAYirilcnctnng at Midland FRIDAYMidland zit Barrie tAgri Park 730 Collingwood zit Crccmorc South Slmcoc lONllllEvcrctt at Stroud Ncwmnrkct it Bradford FRIDAYvEvcrctt zit Alliston Bradford 11 Ncwmnrkct Inlgrnvc at Bceton Thornton at Everett Barrie nt Ivy Proud Ppppa RAY GABIEIY pride and joy llarrics sporting fraternity bc cmuc poppn for thc sccond liinc Iucsdziy pin whcn his WIIt Lorruiuc prcscntcd him with bouncing baby boy rt brother to Slow llic popular Iicrshcy Boar dcfcncc star is expected to take part in thc InterTown senior soft bull tilt against Grnvcnhurst hcrc Thursday and if he does the home run lcncc could look mighty closc Former Barrie Man Dr Fred Crease Honored by Masons tLos Angelcs Iimcs Iinkcrsficld Lodge No 224 and AM honored an 82ycarold pionccr Dr Fred Crease this vcck ZIIKI prcscntcd him with 50 ycur pin Ilr Crcasc who camc to Bukcrs Iltlti California in 1898 rctircd six vczu ago after more than 40 years of scrvice to the community He is past prcsidcnt of the Kern County Medical Society physician for many years for the Bakersfield Lodge of Eagles and an examiner for Metropolitan and Actna Life Insurance companies lie is grad natc of quncc Medical College in lcnncssce and postgraduate Tulane and Indianapolis The retired doctor first joined the Masonic Order in Barrie Canada 51 years ago and he was affiliated with Corinthian Lodge TripleHeader at Local Ball Park ThursdayI Evening Thursday evening at Agricul tural Park mammoth triple hcader will take place on the diamonds The rainedout contest be tween Midland Monarchs and Battle ladies will open pro cccdlngs on the main diamond at pm while on the second diamond bantam baseball tilt between Midland and Bar rie is slated toget underway also at Wm And thenunder the flood llghts at pm Gravenliurst will be on hand to oppose Barrio Allistbrs in anotlier exciting InterTown scnlor cumunc IS FOR EVERYBODY WW PMSL DEFTON GET nurunciuvmnr Beetori baseball club of the south ern trillion of thc Smith Simcoc League have been granted permis Across the land music festivals drama festivals art exhibits ballet estivals show that thisinew nation 415 riot neglecting the finrlliings of life More and more Canadians are aware of the fact that culture is not something for highbrows but may be enjoyed by everyone Porterwho earlier suffered abrokf North Battleford Sask News en leg in game atNeWmarket lWealherman Please Sooperate Brodaz and His Crew WillPlay Weather permitting the exhibition fastball game between Turk Broda and his National Hockey League AllStars and Barrie AllStars originally scheduled forLlast week will take place tonight at Agricultural Park starting at pm Park manager Win Law who contacted Broda this morn ing stated the big fellow is back from his trip tolhe west and will bring all his 200 and some pounds to the diamond Other famed professional pucksters to be on hand are Al Dewsbury of Chicago Black Hawks Fleming Mackell of Bos ton BruinsJohnny goose McCormack ofMontrealpan adiens Ray IimgrenJoe Klukay Stdniith1DaririyLeylcki Gus Morison Cal Gardner and Maple Leafs It lsnot known who will Billy Harris is expectedvto accompany thorclllh LOCATED AT 172182 Bradford St BAIL 5355 1951 Monaiciicedan in first class condition gellequivped 23195oiMeIeorCoachx gt $11950 Fordsedan 1950 Vanguard Sedan 1949Vanguard sedan 1948 DodgelgPassaSedatt gt l947 OldsmOblle Sedan pradio 1941mm Coach Chevrolet Coupe 1940 Chrysler Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe 31938 Dodge Sedan lassFord Sedan 1938 Ford coach 5eilontddinomrf 19381 Dodgidonne Ex 1938 Chrysler Dalian 1937 OldsmpbilqSeMn trilriymoiuii Sudan I51935F9rdcnune lOawas SLB Hartman Wins Barrie Gun Club Shoot Squadron Leader OHartman of Ottawa who arrived hereby plane Sunday morning won the beautiful Studebaker Trophy and cash awards at the Barrie Gun Club shoot over he weekend The highly coiiipellUVe eventl WWW must going man collie sion to play Doug Harvey of Bond Head to replace outfielder Jiminy Harry Watsbn all of Turonto pitchroiliisitmg Ailstars but ither Norm Bagnell former Angus mound sensation or i1llledi with will 1iiiitliiiiniaiiuug this from such places as Ottawa St Catharines Toronto and other central The entry was much larger Juan last reamn Hartman had to squuh threats from three other highgun compel itors before cupping the days val liable prize After the first shoot of 100 birds llartman was deadlocle udks with Group Captain Gilchrist of Ottawa Mills of St Cath arincs and Dr Beierl of T0 onto each with 97 score lotle of 75 stright birds to edge Mills who copped second place in the highgun event The twomun tcum cvcnt saw Ildrtmun combinc with Gilchrist to score 19 out of 200 And then the Ottawa pair teamed with It Tink It Ashton and II McCrccry all of the Capitol City to win the five mun toum shoot with Lin incredible 477 out of possible 500 Only number of thc Barrie Gun Club to cop prirc was Jack linin rlton who scored 93 to win the Class section Don Emery thc gcnexul sensation of the local organization fired in 9d in the Class AA which was just one short of Group Captain Gilchrists 97 And in thc Class bracket Geoff Glcnnpostcd 96 which also fell one short of Dr Beicrls 97 high in the class Results Class AA GC Gilchrist 97 Class Dr Bcicrl 97 Class Mi ar 96 Class It Tink 95 Class Hamilton 93 Class McKee 87 Event No Ferris Event No Bowie Evcnt No Swanwick Event No Flatman AnotherfToppa TORK has been visiting well known acquaintances recently and one of his guests were Mr and Mrs SOFTBALL Newmurkct Barrie lidl In the shootoff llrtman ran at am Stayncr RCA Mondfays Inuit Burrlc lltAl ll InterTown Scnior Barric Stewart Midland ll RCAI Grnvcnhurst tall panics Willi Gruwnhnnt count tlircc pttlrllb Mondays Score RCAF 7Stcwurt$ ONEWEle WAR The Soviet Union dcclnrcd was Japan Aug ll 1943 jiin onc Vctk cforc thc Jzipuncsc SUIItllthltd to the Allies xxxmxxmv 49 International TON PANEL Excellent Condition DANGERFIELD MOTORS USED AR DIVISION 233 Bradford St Iliitl 4981 NgllJolNG Harold Hopper who now reside at 1597 Baker St Salem Oregon USA Harold former Barrie Flyer ceri tre star of 194849 became the fath er of an weightpound 11 ounce boy at am Friday July Haland his wife Barbara agreed on chriStx ening the future athlete William Harold mum BEETON PLAYER on Third player from Beetons ORHA intermediate 1A and South Simcbe hockey championship club to migratesince the end of thesea son is Ken Kelly who took con struction job at Lindsay Wm wan COOLERS YOUR DEALER FOR WILSONS ORANGE BIG 12 OUNCE BOTTLE tin washer qouli find in THOR crich in outstanding features minus THOR tun Aomrol Giant 9vane super bottom vanes and lintcrwith udevanea missin smmrmnmnion springsto positions for route convenience adjustab pm sure control Feathe pouch release bar nnd reset lever aqu sinsiii unni crimp clean Rustproof Glcaming White porcelbilp veteasy to cloiin and hep NM AilMummii tin ccivl iscclsinsudsahiisd Water hot limo cituiu New engineering tuck givef smoother quantication atid ensurq goblet com IN AND urn room Gcnerous goods situatio vivaits chargers 54 cllowance Gyouirrresetijt wastrel at Other

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