Jr mum mm 1115 AGNELI TO RETURN Invent seasons of absence from local diamonds there strong chance Norm Bagnell appearing here next not when ruck Broda and his NHL AllStars fastball team visit Agriculturalmk Wednesday July Melt hurled for Angus while stationed at Camp Bor den during the Second Great War and was master on the mound as he opposed Barrics Kcn Gutlfoylc in the local senior saftball loop After his scrvrce the forces ncll mil hurl against the local men returned momma when squad but Ihocwr it may be it he Md 3mm mug be Bum should be an interesting evening For Brod ha 51 wellkn un Tarball Lemur and then departed and popular hockey stars on his ros or Oshawa where he produced van for Probably tho but Lottinll per ions 110111116114 IIICIIIIIGIS IWO formcr of Illt hunch is Sid Smith Dillon and lmed llltltdlble Ill leftwing star of Toronto 51111116 or better strickcout marks per Leafs game Danny Inwvwki Bill Klukuy Jim The NHL AllStars played in Osh awa recently and had Bagnctl on the mound in place of Norm llarris who usually did thc pitching rhorcs Brad and his crow fonlht through III1001083 GI scold ball WIOHI torinuk of Montrcul zinudioiw Al they called It mqu Opposing the hockey grcats hcrc Wednesday will 1w IIJIIII Ail Stars who pcrforni in the nmv In terTown senior softball group ur rent leaguelemurs they will lit tempt to overthrow lirodas crcw and place fczithcr in their cup I1 is unknown if Harris or Hug CM 69 Collin St 77 mum 1s The Famous Brantlerd BALER BINDER TWINE NOW IN STOCK NONE BETTER BE SURE 01 YOUR SUPPLY Bgler Twine See the Jacobson POWER LAWNYMOWER FREE DEMONSTRATION Brown Co Ltd Secdsmen Since 1871 zarlrctr Ltllll YouR Welcome Wagcin FRIENDS Thompson Harry Watson Till iurdnvr ins Morison and Ray Tiltilrtll of th Leafs mil bc in un iform while Fleming Muckoll of Boston Bruins Johnny Goose Mc llowsbury und 3115 ilodnur of Chit ago Black Hawks Will ciury other NIII colors ltiz glino is under tho auspices of tho Barrio Rotary lub and will rtart II it p111 141 First Deleal Angus Win 199 Ildlllt 10111011 sufiorcd tlIIIr first Ifltlll of tho Barrio district soft ball smson Monday owning whcn Angus collvrfod walks and eight in Illf hits to rocord ltllflllll 109 vic tory of Angus Ihc two trams lIiIttlod through four innings Iftor Iittll tliry vcrc iciidlockod 77 Angus broke loosc fifth and lnlllllttl tight illlllS for 158 margin which tlu chion were unable to recover ozicli John Murphys pitching stuff and ho usod all of Illllll luck control throughout Angus only mustirod ciizlit hits but It frcc passes to first linkvd with fivc cr Iors Iidcd trcincndously In 1I1 winning outbursts Hob Elliott smashed tworun triplt In tho third to price the of lack for Angus I11I Belangcr who cntercd thv game in the fourth contributed double Squeak Thuriow with two doubles led the Icgions attack Thcy garnered 10 hits off Don Mc Mastcr who Well the route for Angus Wednesday SOFTBALL Interflown Senior TONIGHT Barrie at Gravcnluirst Ladies MONDAY Barrie at Midland Stayncr at RCAF South Simcoe TONIGHT Churchill at Fennells MONDAY Bond Headat Cooks town Barrie District MONDAY RCAF a1 Angus Vespra Junior TONIGHT Anten Mills at Mid hurst Minesing at Grenfel Cralghurst at Edenvale Georgian Bay Rural MMONDAY Wyevalc at Allenwood GREII NEWCOMERS TO TOWN If you are newcomer to tovm or if you know newcomer to town call Eilgl Manin 2159 no cost or obligation Hillsdal at Vic Harbor Vasey at Crossland BASEBALL North Simone TONIGHT Collingwood at Barrie Agric Park 730 Orillia at Midland MONDAY Orillia at Penetang TUESDAY Barrie at Creemore South Simone TONIGHT Barrie at Thornton Ivy at Everett New Lowell at Stroud Alliston at Palgrave Beetorl at Newmarket Everett at Bradford MONDAY Bradford at Paigrave Barrie at New Lowell Thorn ton at Stroud soccsn 11101115111 Provost AliStars at Barrie Queens 730 Plonked Opposes Collingwood Here Legion Absorb wve SLATEI T0 OIIOSE Collingwood Clicvs tonight at Agricul tural Park is Barrics ace right hundcr Dbug Plunkctt who is undcfcntcd in fivc starts this season Collingwood have stif icrcd only one defeat in 10 starts and that was to Plunkctt in the opcning game of the year here Manager Gil Robert son in his bid for first place needs to defeat the visitors if he hopes to stay in the running for league supremacy Plun kctt who has hurled nohittcr and onehitter tliiisfar in tlic czuupnign had the only home run in his career hit off him by tho Clicvs Generals Score Churchill Win Three in Sixth Beat Thornton Barrie Gcncrnls scored their third straight victory over Thornton night at Agicultural Park with close 52 South Simcoe baseball decision The win strcngo thcncd the Gencrals hold on second place in the standings Thornton slioucd vast improve mcnt over their last outing here whep the Generals cakewalked to alandslidc win Elnichmith in his first full season on the mound limited the Generals to six hits and It wasnt until the bottom of the sixth inningthnt the homesters broke deadlock with three runs Big Bill Crooks started on thel hill for thc Generals but was re Iicvcd in the fifth by Don Coulson who held the rivals hitless over last three innings Tbc Generals jumped into an early lead with two runs off two hits in the first inning Chuck Ed wards and Jack Cain supplied the Churchill movcd to within 0110 point of fourthplace Bond Head Wednesday night when they scored an 119 triumph at Bond Head Tonight Churchill visit Fem who have broken their slump and climbed back to second place in the South Simcoc softball standings necessary singles Thornton retaliated with singlt run in the second as Ray Webb led off with single and completed the route The visitors notched the ticing run in the fifth as dee Luccscu walked and Ken Black Was struck with pitch Smith had great deal of success with the Generals after the first but his infield produced two costly errors in the bottom of the sixth after Ron Christie reached ttie sacks when hit at the plate and advancgg via single and two errors whic resulted iii three unearned counters Thornton went down in order in the final seventh to end the threat of rally 010 010 200 003 Thornton Barrie 24 IIIECaIVttI units cnIIIIII 5m7mmn This is the second of three Calvert col umns designed to give you an idea poss Ibly sketchy of sport as existed in Can ada prior to and at Confe eration 85 years ago Lacrosse curling IlETWsnowshoclng are rated as the first organized sports to be played In Canada and in that order but of this we have some doubt For the most primitive sport in the world is footrunning Some claim that wrestling is the oldest But we harbor the thought that primeval prehistoric mad was more likely to have instinctively taken to his heels at top speed when one of the horrifying beasts of the era came into view Wrestling such monster would be last and probably fatal resort So Canada had footracing back in IreConfederation days among other sports This can be proved by the records Though faulty doubtless in the matters of time these indicate that 1001 racmg was manor spprt in 18677 and doubtless before At Barrie Ont still an extremely sporting city there was held on October 14 1867 what was termed Canadian Pedstrian Tournament It was featured by 3m11e race for $200 cash and gold medal and the winner was one DeKelso whose time for Billie Ilov it lead 011110 010p league Baseball Match 15 Barrie Club All baseball movements on diamond are not caught by the spectator The bleachers catch the fundamental aspects like hitting fielding running pitching and so on Barrie Canada Drys shone in this department Wednesday night at Orlllla in their North Simcoe bout with the Terriers But they blundered their inside baseball to blow 50 =margln and allow defending champion didhard Terriers to cop an allimportant 75 decision The Terrich actually received the triumph on silver platter during the fifth sixth and seventh innings when they tallied all Ilttlr runs 01 the seven collected five were lin corned Tbedramatic pickoff play result cd in Barrie having signal trouble at second and two pitches from rc Iicf liurlcr Carl Emms soared deep to outfield pastures which account cd for three runs and placed Oril 11a on the score shoot Up 10 that time Barrics pitching staff had great deal of success with the Terriers Jack Wood mak ing his second start for Inzmzrgcr Gil Robertson worked two and tw0 thirds innings but aftcr issuing three successive walks was rclievod by Carl Emms who fired one pitch to retire the side without run Emms brcczcd along to the fifth when Dave Ross garnered Orillias svcond hit of the game Liness walk cd and Gander Ross grounded into ficldcrs choice to place runners on first and third The attempt to hold Ross from reaching second lew the throw bound to centre field and two runs scored The sixth was identical when Bor nic McKinnon formcr Barrio nth lctic star now in Orillia singled and made the rounds when another pitch blazed through second Barrie still hold slim 53 mar gin but the pitching was holding up and only poor signal work had the Torrich inthc gnmc The seventh BEETON PLAYER INJURED Jimmy Porter outfielderpitcher of the Bccton club of the South Simcoc Baseball League suffered broken right ankle while slid ing into third base in recent game at Newmarkct He will be lost for thebalancc of the season The accident happened in the final inning He was treated by New market physician and then taken to Allistoinospital EXPERT ADDITION VICTORIA BC CPFrzmk Beebe wellknown British Colum bia naturalist and illustrator has ioincd the staff of the provincial museum here He has explored many remote areas in Search of plants and birds and once headed the Stanley Park zoo in Vancouver QUEBEC MINERAL INCOME Base Metal mines are adding more than $25000000 annually to Quebecs mineral income was the big inning 111 the winners Ihcy 5001ch four runs forced liming to leave the mound with the sacks loaded and none 0111 Doug Plunv ktIl Burrics ace reman 100k ov cr McKiniiOn slowly to first Illld Newmans throw to tho plate was not in time to catch Illness Ilunkctt rgaln bow down and fanned Rogers got Wcscotte to ground to short which scorcd Gim der Ross with 111 being It and then RoanolInstou Won IIIS 0er ball 1131110 whcn he cracked 11 two 11111 double to loft ficld Johnston workod the entire mnc innings despite 1111 swvltcring 1cm pcruturcs and grow stronger as the game wore on His curly innings were shtiku and it didnt appear he would bc around too long Ron Stewarts Incrun double and Danny Iolnnds single pnvcd thc way for Barrie to cash two runs in the first The third inning saw the visitors tiilly again for it 30 margin and also have manager Gil Robcrt son hcuvcd off the Barrie bcnch for prntcsting call on SIPWIIII 11 third base Single runs in the fourth 21nd fifth completed Burrics total itI though they tlircatcncd in cvcry in ning thereafter Johnston was IlleCtI for 10 hits against only six for Orillin Danny Poland Hon Stewart and Al Ruth Irford sparked the attack with two apiccc Don McMurray Johnny Feltis nrl Emins and Johnny Wood collected onc apiece Barrie 201 110 0007510 Orillia 000 02 4011M AMAZING BEAUTY TREATMENT FOR YOUR CAR SPRAYON Not Just Wax not Just Polish Its complete new bIsuty process applied by professional operators with special spray cqulplt merit ITS PRODUCT OF Cl CHEMICAL RESEARCH complete protection All weather 1mm outshlncs any More brighter gloss ment outlasts hand Dollsh Your Guarantee Its 311 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY It takes to hours We collect and deliver back with new Show Room Shine SPECIAL $595 Phone 4685 After 11111 P11 528 Aliandalc Pair Win Tournament Rinks from Toltcnham Allandaie and Harris cumpetcd in the doubles tournament at Barrie Lawn BOWL mg Club last week and Mrs Ray iscr and Mrs Bury of Allan diilc scored 49 plus four in three straight victories to win top honors Second wure Mrs Walker and Mrs Tom Mitchell of Barrie who compiled three Wins for score of 35 Totlcnhams Mrs Ham mond and Mrs Tough were tops in the twowvin brackct with 41 plus 0110 DEETON PLAYERS mun Since the hockey season endnd two members of the champion Boe ton intermediates have moved away Doug Miller who was the teams star rightwinger and bold er of the valuable player and top scoring trophies has 0er to his home town of Coidmm He is son of Ernest Miller of Barrie County Messenger Dave Hopper defenccman has been trancrred to the Windsor area by the De partment of Highways one Willi single victory Games were played in the after noon and evening with the Indics of the Barrie Club serving tea in the afternoon Fourth oceangoing tankers of Fourth wore Mrs Pat Polzindandl1000 or more gross tons fly the Miss Caldwell who scored 38 plus Canadian flag TABLE POTATOES PEI NB ONT Delivered Anywhere in Barrie CLARENCE CUMMING 67 CAMPBELL AVE PHONE 4504 GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTHORIZED DEALERS We have Electric Motors in our Barrie Warehouse rang ing from 14 ILP to 10 ILP suitable for FARMS HOBBY and MACHINE SHOPS We will help you select Motor to fill your requirements THIS IS IMPORTANT Consult MACHINERY 97 Dunlop St BARRIE 1101301 11111013 P11an 2319 proudly announce the opening their new 11 or SERVIBE STATION Specializing in fast efficientservicepntude possible through the use or modern equipment in the capable hands of fully train ed uttendqnts IN JUST MINU TES you canidrive in anjd out with conIpIete grease or m5 jab GASOLINE OIUBRICAIION 431011 CHANGE CARIWASH TIRE RERAI the distance was registered as 13 11 Probably the track was short or the watches fast for this time was bonsiderably faster than Gundar Haeggs modern record for the distance 011 Torontos Parliament grounds of the time on June 24 1867 we quote longdefunct sports publication known as Spirit It the Times for these facts there was chpmptonshlp race to decide the best professional or amateur runncr on the continent Sergeant Hurley and Private Wood both of the 17th rcgtinent met In this test the private won and the time Was announced as minutes seconds Come int look over $011 maninmtb lineup of We should be veryrremiss to the print of lacking in patriot Crtilled Used Car Buys faturedvlor our 014 lt 1st 131cilccsinsistscalars newGranaopemnsxouwmeroam 06111 inflow1mg doesntrutnw 11 lg lus re water 01111111111511 longbefore 1867 but unfortunately authentic records 01 this are under some sortof rules was played in lEMbetween teams of lost if they ever existed It is said that the rst recorded matchp ghthere on OI Iot Iroquois and Algonquin Indians at Montreal racecourse There is some record too that the Olympic Club of Montreal organized r4 1n1842 held annual athletic meets the highlightor which was tWITHwEkYPURCHASED $100 or 9111 1611 received LuckyRumor 1111 entitling you to ochancn on our big armyof ptiicst Auto Accessoricscur Wash Lube ricqtlonyGasoIIne elmDRAWS WILLREMADEVONsATuRDAy NIGHT game of lacrosse between Indian teams or whltosagainst an Oicial 6101140139 UsedCaI 11 liviusrr 11111511111115 iiicommits CA8 withthc WShmablle Automatic 91 Indian team Apparently the supremacy of the Indians was ad mitted for the whites were allowed men to the Indians in these contests It 15 said though not proven that the rst organ nation to be devoted to lacrosse was the MontreatcLacrosse Club formed 1111856 Undoubtedly the game was played then through out Ontario for In 1867 when the separate provinces of Canada were welded into the Dominion lacrosse was adopted as Canadas national game by act of Parliament wcspohoofcurl andmwshae 011 Win themattcrolagclnilllwmmm nautical Club founded In 1m played It at gt 0111 In 1836 mm Quebec The when cities drugally sleigh auto and of 200 miles then and luck Thetlrcotth Calvert timciofphnf Micki sport at the edcrationand before appears next week WW Mr mum oIsIIIIrIIs 11111