ram JULY 1952 By ALAN DONNELLY Clmdhn Freon Staff Writer OTTAWA July ICIMenibexs of parliament handled tical hot potatoes in the closmg days of the Sesston Those Were re distribution and the governments handling of the outbreak of foot undmouth disease in Saskatchev wan Both generated strong charges from opposition members They tried gerrymundermg to Liberal proposals to alter representation in the Commons to conform Willi the 1961 Census and whitewash the majority report of the Com mons committee which investigated jthe footIriLiInmi1h outbreak It was workdillcd Week for thci members who held morningl sittings for the first time in the session lo help clear up the business of par liament lhe adjourned session was exputed to be called again Nov 20 when it would be pro mgued at once and new session begun The new session wrll start in November so that members Will be free to attend Queen Elizabeths coronation next June The footaIIdinouili issue flared up first when the Commons agri cultural committee made out its majority report opposed by Pro gressive Conservaties and CCF commending federal veterinarians for their handling of the disease outbreak Another argument oc curred in the House itself when Agricultural Minister Gardincrs estimates were dealt with Progressive Conservative mo tion in the committee defeated by 21 to 14 charged laxity and gross negligence in the Agriculture De partments health of animals branch and claimed Mr Gardiner had not assured competent per fomiancc by his officials Diagnosis Criticized In the House Arthur Ross PC Souris said the diagnosis had not been handled properly after the disease was first noticed in Novem ber The cleanup methods after it was not diagnosed in February were not criticized Mr Gardiner said methods of diagnosis might have been subject to natural mistakes but these were not necessarily due to negligence The cOmpctc cc of individual gov ernment vet irinarians he said would be judged by his depart ment Despite the ministers statements the debate was heated John Charlton PCBrant veterinar ian said there had been coverup attempts by the government during testimony before the committee Dr McCuskcr phnliamen tary assistant to Health Minister 48 CHEV COACH GOOD TIRES HEATER DEFROSTER PRIVATELY DRIVEN SINCE NEW DANGERFIELD MOTORS USED CAR DIVISION 233 Fradford St Dial 4981 OIL BURNERS onux moon two polll to will be Warwmmmw 53 WW magnum or mg Mtrtin referred to Mr Charlton asl pseudo veterinarian whose statements were cirivel lie wrih drew the remark after protest by Progressive Conservative leader George Drew The concern of government mem bers over the effect of publicity by possibly prolonging the US embargo on Canadian meat was lvoiced by hi run Larami lzie He said the long weary talk lweve had about the diseaw would ido more harm to the cattle ratios airy than anything else Redistribution Problem An allparty committee drafting redistribution of onunons con stltucncies saw must of the opposi ltion centering around proposed Ichariges in Sarkatchcwzin The retlottribtitioii will add three linertrbcrs to the 262 In the Com inions Saskatchewan lliJlNLltl will llose three Stats The subcommittee recommended ldrooping the ridings of Moust Jaw Swift Current and Mllfuft Atomic Jaw reprisemed by Ross lhalclicr CTl would be merged with Lake Ccntre represented by John Die Ienbaker prorninInt lrugrcxxe Conservative member Fulton llCKamloopsi said the Liberal party was up to its old tactics of gerrymandering prom iinent opposition members out of their seats 11 said it would suit the Liberals if both Mr Diefen buker and Mr Thaich were de icaixl Their constituencies were arranged so that neither could win the next election British Columbias representation increased from 18 to 22 seats subcommittees proposal would add one riding each to Van couver Island the city of Van couver the outskirts of the city and Okanagan Valley The plan to change ridings in Manitoba which is to lose two of its 16 seats involves the amalga mation of Souris and Brandon rid ings and the division of Selkirk riding among adjoining constituen cies Souris and Brandon are re presented by two Progressive Jon servotivcsJ Ross and Walter Dinsdalc The member for Selkirk is William Bryce CCF The greatest changes will be made in Ontario which will be in creased from 03 to 85 ridings The plan involves the creation of six new ridings and the elimination of four ancc seats would be added to the fastgrowing area aorund To ronto another in Hamilton fifth in Northern Ontario to be called Nickel Belt ridingand sixth in vthe Niagara peninsula Subtraction of four ridings would be done by joining Prescott and Glcngarry rid ings in Eastern Ontario and elimin ating FrontenacAddington near Kingston Haldimand south of Hamilton and one of the Huron seats Defence News Defence Minister Claxtcn gave the Commons report on Canadas defence preparations when he pre sented his departments 352000900 000 estimates He also attempted to dispel what he termed general feeling that international tensions have abated There has been no development in the last two years to justify that feeling Hcdcclarcd No know know in position of responsibility believes waris likely in the near future but no one knows that there will not be war and nothing has occurred to make the danger of war less than it was two years ago except per haps the very fact we have been successful in avoiding one over difficult period The manpower target is being raised from 115000 to 120000 by 1954 The armed Services now have 95394 persons ANTEN MILLS JULY 2Year correspondent at tended The Examiner conference in Barrie last Friday and reports most delightful day Mr and Mrs Joe Jones and dau ghter Newmarket visited over the weekend at LJones Midland Trip About thirtyfivopeople includ ing teacher pupils and some par ents travelled to Midland last Thursday They first visited the hrine and the Huronia Sites Then they went to the park when every one was ready sit down to good dinner The day being per fect and also the water everyone had most enjoyable time Mr and Mrs Harold Collins SOME VEHICLES WHICH HAVE BEEN SEIZICI FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE IIIGIIWAY IIIAFFII AI Dont Gamble With Other Peoples Lives Dept of Highways Bulletin In 1051 there were 919 deaths on the roads of Ontario 22557 ad ditional persons were injured The total number of accidents reported was 54920 with resultant dam age to property of $17701576 Had one percent of these deaths and injuries occurred in mine or factory accident the press would have proclaimed it disasterp Entertainments Held in Honor Of BrideElect miscellaneous shower was held on Thursday June 26 at the home of Mrs David Watson 30 Cumberland St in honor of Miss Helen White brideelect of July The bridetobc was seated in chair decorated in pink and white and decorated watering can was hung over her head For enter tainment the guests made bridal book which was presented to Miss White The lovely and cful gifts we placed in decorated basket car ried in by Miss Irene Watson who is to be bridal attendant for Miss White delightful lunch was served by Mrs Watson assisted by her daughter On Saturday evening the bride and groomtobc journeyed to Gra venhurst to the home of Mr and Mrs Arthur Corbett where party and miscellaneous shower was held for them The home of Mrs Perry 60 Sanford St was the setting for shower when her daughter Viola entertained 22 guests in Miss Whites honor The bridetobe sat in white and pink chair be neath white wedding bell lled with confetti The gifts were drawn into the living room in decorated wagon by Miss Evelyn Ayres cousin of the bridetobe who assisted in the opening of the gifts Lunch was served by the hostess On Wednesday afternoon Fisher presented Miss White with cornower crystal on behalf of the staiff of the Royal Bank of Canada Miss Whites marriage to Robert James Orr is to take place at 230 oclock Saturday ternoon in Cen tral United Churc outv oowu woman MONIHLY FOR 24 Mourns son David Saskatchewan are vis iting friends also their son Streb Kingston who spent the weekend here Mrs Walter Fare and son Toron to are spending the holiday season at their cottage hgre II It Ix The Cumming reunion was hel on Saturday at Mr and Mrs Knights with over hundred pooV pie present Mr and Mrs Jack Height Jean and Jerry and Beverly Cpndon Detroit also Mr and Mrs Fred Courtney Windsor remained forthe weekend CMr and Mrs Johnny Collins and sons Gregory and RickeyToronto spent the weekend at Mrs Campbells 27th AnnualiraeyA Reunion Held About 115 members of the Tracy family met at Springwoter Park Midhurst to enjoy their 1952 re union Theweather was ideal and the park was as alwaysresp1endlt ent in beauty After the usual races for the children the town and city dwell ers challenged their country cousE insto ball game The country cousins were winnersgi while the ladies were setting the supper tableswhich were well laden everyonehad grand old reunion although some lamlliar faces were missed due to illness Wald woodfor the liplace or coaltliat will clinlt gmmmoeawnl find them writ1 OUR it at the end of the evening 43 federal investigation would have followed as matter of course As it is so inurcd has the public become to motor fatalities that such are now little more than un pleasant intcrludes in the evening newscast Yet the corpses involv cd are just as dead as if they had been killed in sensational mine slip The Department of Highways is doing everything in its power to promote safe driving It isrbuild ing dual highways and clovcrleafs where traffic is heaviest It is straightening its roads installing traffic signals making accelera tion lanes Its highways are inter spersed with signs for the motor isis direction It points centre Crown Hill WA The Womans Auxiliary of St James Church at Crown Hill which was dis ndcd few years ago vasw anizcd at meet ing held at the home of Mrs Aconlcy Mrs Kenneywas named pres ident heading an executive com posed of Mrs Wardcll vicepres ident Mrs Biltcliffe secretary rs Partridge treasurer and Mrs Aconley Dorcas secretary Ten members have joined the WA delightful tea was served at the close of the meeting by the hostess After supper the following offi cers were elected for 1953 Presi dent Frank Quance Toronto vice president Mrs Garnet McMaster Utopia secretary Mrs Gilbert Horton Barrie treasurer Wallace Pattenden Barrie sports Louis Cook Stayner and Garnet McMas ter The oldest lady and gentleman attending were Mr and Mrs Tracy of Collingwood who were over 30 years of age The young est child present was sixweeks old Michael Dorion son of Mr and Mrs Aurel Dorion Utopia The most recent bride and groom were Mr and rs Dorion Utopia who were arried year and half ago They all received suitable awards The1953 reunion will be at Springwater Park Midhurst on the day celebrated as the Domin ion Day holidayu abyss WEW lines for the drivers guidance These white lines are on the high way not to exploit the talents of unappreclated artists They are there for your protection It is not the hundred times you get away with ignoring them that counts It is the one time you dont Until such time as robot driven cars are perfected and the human quantity eliminated there will be accidents For all that the statis tics quoted above are appalling With all due allowance for human frailty 90 percent of these accid cnts simply should not have hap pened The remainder should have resulted in no more than crump led tender not mangled blood soakcd wreck The Department of Highways is not the arbiter of personal morals It you want to commit suicide that is between you and your God But please be sportsman enough to do it quietly by yourself and do not involve some onewho may be so deluded as to enjoy living If you are not inclined to delib crate selfdestruction but still en joy taking risk take it but not in motor car There are moun tains to climb rapids to shoot lakes to swim There are bear cubs you could kidnap unarmed but please do remember that there are people so conditioned psychol ogically that they positively do not enjoy swallowing their hearts every few moments When your foot touches the acl celerator you become potential killer The kecner your awareness of this fact the greater your chance of remaining merely potential To rcducethe number of accidents to an acceptable minimum you must be constantly alert You must accurately measure your abilities remembering that with each pass ing year your reflexes become slower and you must know the rules of the road and make it point of honor totabideby them Your car may be equipped with mechanical signals Use them If itis not so equipped signal man Irally and dont be halfhearted about it Make your signal dis tinct and incisive This is import ant Few drivers are claiWoyant Hemember it is the accident that couldnt happen that always does Fpr proof refer to paragraph one Make an unaltcrable habit of Sig fi ihqiiygu should not pick theq KTrilliuinmjur prayinclol floral emblem Since its thch locales are near the top oftlie slam they uibully gobbled with the blossom Andie farmstead the whole plth dies of Itowciionryrdialllio Trillium ills part of your outdoor enjoyment Bum Beds England who are lvtsitin for month in the Barrie district Held Reunion Tuesday evening LIMITED ACCEES monwnrs wmI A4 Springwarer home of Mrs Owen St EYARAIION 0F Mrs Thomas Risebrwsh The gift basket was decorated TRAFFIC AND was circled Dlwldtm 0f the Thvmiwiwitn ptillt and blue plastic and ENLARGED DIRECTION SIGNS ABE USED IN fdmlly at the annual reunion in mmmmra wgdding party of wood AN EFFORT T0 SMOOTH entertained last at shower at Anderton Miss Lay was Springwater Park Midhurst Mrsi duljg decorated the table lGrvfgt Bldwell 01 Craighursi There were arrangements of peon ibtfftlarylfkaiurrf for me Quitting fed and 053 in the living room 31 36 be Assisting with the serving were mm ml Mrs Joln Oul1 and Mrs If THE TRAFFIC FLOW lily were present for the annualgsmmL AND IN TURN REDUCE lgzitiiering to enjoy happy reun lion and picnic supper STRAFFIC ACCIDENTS At the business meeting it was IN omsnro 3mm decided that the next reunion urday ORILLIA take place on the third tutu in June 1953 FOR SALE This modern business fully equipped and profitable with living quarters is available owing to illness Owner consider reasonable Down Payment Balance on easy terms Business property and equipment $2500090 full price Will pay for itself out of cam ings in less than two years Confidential Listing BORGE JARNEL Broker II William St Orillia FOR APPOINTMENT IIIONE 5560 ORILLIA um Miss Rosabel Lay Enteriained Before Marriage Mrs Angus McNabb and her sister Mrs Buchanan who is visiting in Barrie from Calgary entertained on Tuesday afternoon at the home of their mother Mrs WzIttcrwortli 60 Ross 52 in honor of Miss llosabel Lay and Oates whose marriage is to take place July 12 About 75 guests were in attend ance Among them were Mr Oates brother Sotham Oates and Mrs from Laughton nailing whenever your driving calls for one You have been tra velling lonely stretch of road You havent seen car for twcn ty miles Suddenly you stop to show the kids loon and the car that wasnt there piles into you An outstretched arm would have prevented this The automatically conditioned reflex should have been the thought to stop the sig nal the glance in the mirrorptlie foot on the brake The accident rate among young folk is high Naturally when your child gets his driving license you cxhort him to be careful because you fear for his safety In the majority of cases this is the wrong approach He is both too inexper ienced and too confident to believe anything can happen to him Youth is thoughtless youth is reck less but it is not callous Impress upon him the tragedy his care lessncss can bring to an innocent party The picture of girl on the threshold of maturity her beauty mutilated forever beyond the skill of the ablcst plastic sur geon the stunned agony in the eyes of young husband as he looks on the battered bodies of his wife and child these are not horrors of moment to be viewed and then excluded from the mind Vividly throughout the years they will recur to haunt the sleepless night chance word at lunch will recall them in all their pris tine horror committed act stands irrevocable through all time There is no cry more piti ful nor one more futile than If VACATION BOUND With Wardrobe That is Spotlessly CLEANED and PRESSED Youll feel fresh andcool in newly drycleaned clothes when you leave for your summer vacation Dont wait until the last minute call us to day NU SERVICE CLEANERS Pickup and Delivery Dial 2471 only hadnt EBIABD camera Its like mony in the when iyou have up to 450 poundsof faatfiozeu stored in your food bought when prices are lowest t6 enjoy whenpricec are highEStlIiaSt fleece your choice cuts of meatteakslchop your favourite pics and tarts made with msnmaauioand homemade raked and brgaid In les than two years you can pay for your money saved on food Imagine alljtliiii whileyoumi mutiny Mmingyinfoodccl consumebu new