mansion mm ing 5i Wide Midland Today Auld omitted by tho groom lather will per tba maniac ceremony this mm Wednesday June 25 It four oclock in St Pauls 0mm Church Midland when Miss Wont Kothicen Smith daugh ter of Mr Ind Mn Smith of Midllnd is marricd to Rcv John Gray Norris oi Slroud son 03 Rev ond Mrs Morris The ceremony will like plncc aint li background of white peonch mtpdrtmulls olollgt blos loms Ind ferns Wedding music will be proud ed by Alcx Dociicity and the church choir The bride who will be pitch in marriage by Iltl illilltl is wow in full skiilcd gown of wliitc hlndvembmidcrcd Swm orgiiutly buttoned high to Iiil unit with peter poll collar short slcvvcs iiud wide satin sash llcr illlgtillll veil will fall from small cap mid the is carrying it cascade of rub rum illics and hlilllltltittilx Her attendant will lll Mi lcnii McVie of Moutrcai tlllllt blur nylon marquiscttc orcr lllilllllllltl ulleta with it cztscadc bouqucl oi dccp pink carnzitinns gt William Morris of Toronto Will be groomsman uiiil Kcith Smith of Hamilton and Earl iluckniaui of Toronto will act as ushcrs reception is to bc IltItI at tlu Midland Golf iiiid Country Club where the motlur it tho Iltitit is receiving wouriiig Ililll nylon marqulsctlc with Illtt instts sisting the grooms inullicr be wearing amethyst crcpc For wedding trip to lllt Mari times the bridc will wiar blue suit with white icccssorics On their return Rcv and Mrs Morris will be making Illtll lionic in Stroud Outoftown glltbis at tch wcd ding are from Toronto llarric Montreal Stroud Lctroy St Thomas and Hamilton The bride has been incnilicr of the teaching staff at tho Ulllllt District Collegiate lnstitulc The room is minister of St James United Church at Stroud CALL TIIE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING Drank Somo Fly Spray By Mistake Got Burned Throat Mrs Edward Hughes got it soorei and slightly bumcd throat when she used at cup which had conialn cd some fly spray to take drink of watcr ilcr son had filled the sprayer with the liquid using cup 110 litl this on the sink Mrs liuphcs who hiid bccn giving her grandchild sonic attention had not sccn the cup being used She came to ihc sink for it drink of water and uscd the cup iinmcdlnteiy shc icnlizcc that she Illld swallowed sniucth iii out of ordinary Shc phoncd Dr Little in Barrie and tic ltlSIltd hcr to hospital where it won found thiit outsldc of some iiilcrior throat burning by the li quid which had bccn only wash of the cup she was not in serious condition Crowded Weekends At Innisfil Park IlSpllt thc fiict that the water toilcts iirc not yct on the way thc township park is getting large crowds tlicsc worm weekends The tlth linc which was nilprimed tuch considcihblc repair after one of LiltSl busy timcs It is it very nicc surface whcii the holes are not upon Tax Bills Arouse Urban Ratepayers What are your taxes this year is the conversation question among urban dwellers these days The tax bills have arrivcd and only now arc thcsc owners rcaliling what the change in assessment meant to them Some are increased over 100 percent The usual comment is that com piircd with Barrio their property is tnxcd for more than in town without lllly of the many services that go with the urban taxes We PLASTIC not ltio putty but to bl no mod ii to an to 80 coco HALL am For that oortwt lulu job boron yogurt Pam Mcluott to targo on it um rum Ntt two with jomto or chips pm thkomdoIhoh to out to on ilvituain cLM no than on even have to pay extra to luv our urban token away one Stmud militant remarked Root of the former but found that their taxes In somewhat lower than before unless they have some exceptional bulidlnl assessment Some of the summer resort stress are not greatly increased while other of the beti to class of homes have got big increase IIY AN EXAMINRK WANT AI PHONE MIMAIRII writt wining WAVERLEY JUNE 33 Mn Kory Quinton spent Wedoeodoy with Mn Ed Ln lunville Wolloce Wood went couple days II hls home here while his boat wu docked ll Mtdllnd Mr Ind Mrs Otto mumm cud son Cobalt and Miss Doreen Rey inoidl of Toronto were weekend ivlsitors at Mr and Mrs Art Rey nolds number of the young people attended the Junior Farmers Field SIIOIIING HOURS Iluiiy 910 am 555 pm Wed 910 am 12 noon Sat 910 mm 355 pm SAILING TOTS DELIGHT Dny ot Guelph on Saturay Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sheppard sou spent few out with Mn Ed fatanvitlc before leaving for iArlmm Several of the young people have secured position for tho Summer irionths Mr and Mrs Robert Grigg of Ebenezer Visited Mr and Mrs Charles French on Sunday Congratulations to Bessie Campg trcll and lrwln Gardiner who were married on Saturday June 21 Mr and Mrs Leighton Snider Tiny Two Boy Killed in Car Brother Hurt Midland Free Press Herald Germaine DOTion Township was killed and his broi when their cor went out of con trol on Robert Street Wart in Pennant about 1030 Thursday nixht Marin of the car indicate that it went off the road onto the north shoulder then Chromed across into the south ditch mapping of 15 Tm telephone pole in its route Both brother were thrown from According to Dr from Penctsng General to St Am drew Hospital Midland for Xrny lie is believed to have broken colts bone and plausible buck in juries Ht condition is not com slotted critical Cpl Blake Ball and COM Guy Harrington of Paneling OPP are investigating the accident which yoceurred about 290 yards out at the Lafantainc turn on Robert like car Raymoud 19 badly 1muwdilliacKcnzte of Pcnetang Gerniainelsueet west No mm mm it believed to have dtcd almostiiuon is available 33 to which gandMrs McWattcrs Visited at Mld Manny the mom was driving lbw Sundayiwml MR and Mrsl Raymondilwas moved Friday The boys mesons of Mr and ilicctor laraghcr morning by Martins AmbulanccMrs Alfred Dorion Con 18 Dependable Merchandise Priced to Savings SWIM surrs TRUNKS Blown up to stay its fun for the kid dies and other members of the fitmin to play with at the shore or on occasional picnic excursions With colorful sail GIRLS SWIM SUIT Cclanese Jersey Suit with elastic shirring front and back Black with blue rose mnizc or red Sizestl to 14 298 BECH BALLS LATEX Latex Rubber Ball with hidden valve To keep whole group happy playing at the beach in in the backyard Multicolor seamless variety Blows up to about 18 ins in diameter IiiL BEACH BALL blows up to about 7ins in diamet er Only lll PLASTIC BEACH BALL brightly colored stripes MOTHEBSitakemote of these cunning Suits that will make You ily at Price fully made to Willis and all at Zellerlow prices TODDLER LASTFX 79 29 169 to MENS TRUNKS Sewnin belt with metal Royal and wine to 42 193 Topped wunoright designr Sizesz to ti inStyles justly proudvofthe littlest mrxibersof the famI String Wine yellow aqua nlrcsmstitnlir son in yellow light bluelroyal tastiest lags land iliilatoacuiisiioeiowautism Wm back top With attoc waist Packet at back Comfy in red ta within most modest budgets Theyre car mail myany playing hours in and out of the water 9th to THINKS On4way stretchwithdraw 91th weoll dronithe glare affixed sandman fiilif to moans who platinum CrOOke lenses support res SMART ipoegfsun ron moms Antitom leses with 695 Wool Whitu bucklc Sizes 38 LADIES iiimimo SUIT Onc piccc style with ruffled bratop Rayon bcngalinc Elasticizcd back Black gold reek royal white Sizes 32 to 3d BATIIING AIS Natural rubber Assorted styles Chin straps some detachable Semihead shape Choose from white red yellow blue green OYS TRUN goiter stylhRaygg lbenaline w1 ray satiii inserts Elastic waist Pocket Small medium large Navy TEX TRUNKS with sewnin cotton support Small med ium large Popular colors 69 rhyme is here the Tow high Shovel ins long SAND PAIL snOvELi Gain decorated Pall ins 25 Great fun WATERING DAN for littlest gardeners ins high and ms in diameter tip motor for smoOth sailing Brightly colored in ins lOng MetalWlnd CABIN mulls in wooden mast White sails Fun in the tub SAILING YACHT 10 bby ins Metal rvvi or at the lake Sun GIaSSTest fOr Tots ens out FrownUps WOolBathlng Trunks in Sizes 28 to MWhite blt with metal buckle Side stripes Sewnin cotton support Royal and wine shades gt MENIS Satin rLasiex Trunks with knittedinside sup port Drawstring vlaist Double sown scams Royal and wine in popular sixes MISSESI mi OnePiece suit vwith square neckline and back Rayon jersey in assorted printswith sell1inin8 Adjustable tie straps Sizes 14 298 siirhev have that little touch EiiAsrchzEn ONEPIECE sun gi Wm eyre very practical protection rbasao poplin fabric Blue green or pink mic or Sun Choosetram our array to jed for swuntime smartnm Pectly trimmed with White pique Small medium large SATIN LASIEX SUESizes 11 to 3031131 contrast band and button front port at bustlinetso that you want its Ooolgsw1ihunbxeakabie lenses 1685 suite fbslenel Whoa love an 299