Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1952, p. 12

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rm and Mrs Harland Tanzanian of chair farm or home and land Mr and Mrs Babel Sawycrlhand it to the historical research Ecgina $33k Babel Sawyer anlconvencr Mrs Bayes Splendid NINE 33551 RM N13 Bay Can uncle of Glrvan Sawyer has nevcrlporlx at the District Annual held Wm 599 the Weekld Wilhgvnlted hm parts since he lefllm Bond Read were given by Hrs with tile Kcnwcll family friends in London 0M gCntario sixfy years ago Gordon Kneeshaw and Mrs Ernie ller 53 55 in WWAY JUNE 25 1952 Congratulations to Frances Crol MrSLorne Neilly Toronto viS 1181191 Mrs 30385 Convent hUIlalld MW Charles Lower It Mbilks nan and Bill Bell on the successmed 31 Lou Remy 3n sum531 lo Nautical raceme and coin gt Banking and Mrs Elmer Dyer iful passing of their nal exams at Mr and Mm Dr hm and renlcvenls bad cbarze of the mum Helm attend Chase lo d0 Smlnltss motored lo Pittsburgh lo alzcndl lGuelph Agricultural College glamify upmrgmv wire gmver lmtlmi 3M Flame 153 1M Ad the funeral of her aunt Mrs lcaspooxu about 30 Clllldftll have wrdduu or their Illctt Marf Sam Nemy was in Ottawa for hem at Frank Kg scum was place dedicated to the Gilmour Roscmoullastlrogistcrcd for the swunmmg class sgmpwn and Mr Cunningi mo days km week bungmg hamei mum 50118 Welt arts Id Ch mm Ihim They le lrlllrlltd Safely billill and Maw and lsciences Mrs Boycs told of mus Bills car Bill is now slatlond atifam Cedar Br visited On June 20 about I00 lnlcrcslcd or uld ff grew cowl mp Yellowknng on may me mml =eums She had waited In Europe In lmle attended mymg damn transporlat on cxprnsm dlni and Mrs Ba Cannon for lbel nounccrncm was undo of Ihc South DU nut Mng the 5mm SChWIl lmer Wlckend garage me EQUILIICIFI Pilesrvcfnlli ROM of forage billVistas alid5m0e Dism Ingimh mum in apicnic onJuly of Illnlsfil Park Mr and MI march Farsi gvsuswrlwuge Nelsonugiuswmlm maarm wmpmw we lnnisfll Park July and Minnil supply be mwd pm IMIIWWIW mow AMIm same lbublin lfl Belfast and the Royal Im Cumm We5 appoint mm kw lloly Communion will bc obg Iday guests of Mr and Mrs are Thu anniversary schIccs omOnmm Museum Im Tummo The pm on by bmmw mm cum ii llilktl in Lonnrrllun Willi lhc rcI villc liughcs lsulday Im We Splldd suc wmmumll width INA oldest museum the World is In mlngv we all 83mm Illlr wlv Sunday June 229 ICE Large CF0st allendtd boll Th WA wide Wm lb nclnbcm wmr Imilndl In pct if ll Mr and Mr Liberty andjsewi IEgypl Evaryonc enjoyed con mowed 12d vulrm lain lump INS Uf immuu Mm SilVlCc 1i n2 family Caprcol are spending thBo duff amlfesf and men delicious lunch at If to lll as show on Aug 20 from IIIL Cullllllll Mr and Mrs Marlin Illlsllctownp weeks with Mm purriu gNnH Kg ray ML mggm mn im cud pluu lo linvc sonic Lxv ptll llu Lynkcnd with Mr and Sunday gumls Gierll SHWIlygwggdforinViticyinMIItcndewl DFAN or $1 PAUPS ltc Ihb 1M llWI ll ml jycrs wcrc Mrs Amy llllclnanlm mu Thing The Choir very The 7Ic30ld Dean of St latent Vlsllors to Slrnud Millllllll war limit of thc cr gflii lillkl lkl Vllldll If lvw ably supplied the music with Flop lumps D11 wan Matthew Recent vtsilors includul Mr and SCIIIIVUIIU lHH trip to Illtolling lolumo on bailihlul Mme Luck and Isabel Nemy aslwlll soil from Livcrpool on the Mn Harold Cum my Mm puppy and also th pllycmt owning gtthlll Mr and Kllr lecr uldwcil fasting ignmrpss of swam On Aug 25 to Parksidc Sask at Wilson Wiccs lklllll 11$ Ellylt15 of MIN1W9 lllnlln Mrs AllLc lkcll Toronto amend the General Synod in Lon Mr and Mrs 0ran Carr and Illill Illlllmu IVNIHI Illl IIIHIKS CHIHPDLIIS ppm picnic in Bank WI Mceflnx dun Ontario from Sept +7 He ily Thorium at Willmm Mclmns Manorrs having noun or rugs to lwnlllk JUNE 23The combined picnic Mm John Hughes entertained will give Series of lcclurcs in To Mr and Mn Howard Constable Show ml the filil in llurric July 30 log the Sunday school and WA will OHIOd WI for tllcir Juno mccl ironlo and Montreal chquenily at and Barbara rillia Mr and Mrs to Aug Wurl ziskcll to plmnc ll Mummy wwmmmanw andl be held at Queens Park Barrio lg was finally decided lolSl Pauls during Ill Hill Dr MBF Kneeshaw and family Bradford Mrs Nclson commitlcc was mmmmn phonic Wehmque one Wednesdx July supper at 630 have Aids to Effective Speaking llhcws was on duty there on the at Gordon Masons Mrs ll Lulub palmd to lllllllxt for lIlL dcpnrt the 10worc0umUSpence My followed by sports welcome me for our course from the depart night of the greal firc raid in Dc dcn Mr and Mrs ll Iglmbdcn Mr mnt Xltflltlll SllVlit moulllll in and an arm your lunch bask ment The district picnic was nnlccmlicr I940 lllll ll Illc IIIle and Mrs ll Milford illlll soil Mr JJIIIIIHIY or Ilbruurv 31er Wl Among muse wm Spent few llUlllICcu for July If at Innisl WE MN and Mrs ll olcmzln and chlldlLn Lilllpbtll Mrs llcd Mulbollnndl Called to Bnr days hm wwk visiting friends at Park canvass for money for the HELICOPTERS T0 FERRY Toronto at Elmer lratls Mr and and Mrs Nolmn Icttcr ofl tllllllllllilllulls to Douglas Ilob Manitoulin island were Mn and Salvation Army was planned The Silver City Airways of London Mrs lllllllll loronln Mr thanks and fricndly glcclillgs was EITISUII son of Mr and Mrs Mrs Scott so Lorne Mrs mm canVBSSers to be Mrs Dales Mrs slang have announced plans to ex and Mrs CzilllpbkIl llznnilion road by Mrs loudfcllmv from tho illobcrlson of Lyndon and grandson SC pa Mm Jessie bwmd ML Baker Mrs Cannom Mrs John 2lend their air cur ferry services by Mr and Mrs George SPUHCF Mld WI in Slloud Eilglmd for Illi box lof Silllllllillld Stroud who and Mrs Ed Rowan Mrs Jamcs Kcll and Mrs lrzlnk Kell Eachlusing lwlicoplers across the Eng PRIOR TO THEIR DEPARTURE the followmg day for Cal WWW member 15 asked lo write lilst lLsh Channel bum Mr and Mrs Mlldllllll of fruil clc loccivld from llurclumdualtcd from Osgoudc Hall and Flcsbcrton 11 Norman Iullllvrs to their biicihdny illllllltlSJIIPiVflfulillltclwli tbyc Bill at unlinll gary Examiner Sta members gathered in the composing Ken and Bi Dubsunv Edwin and WWW WIN in NINEm$503215ZINE ifullfiiiiifii mummy room to say goodbye extend best wishes and make gift pres WT SC and amld WMIS At the regular moiling of the W0 disllicl annual Il Bond liclld ML Ad Mm 13m Mumouund entntlons to Eric Wilson left and Walter Stubblngs right Tthday 590 SLACK UP few days in Ottawa mans Institute Jun 19 Thu program for flu afternoon and family and Mr and Mrs Both have taken positions With the Calgary Daily Herald Keep in min the Creme C0m call was answcrcd by levulllc lc wa armnqd bv the homo Icon IAmcry SlLllI Sluldu with relatives clpe which made collccllon of Mr Wilson who came here from Shropshire Englal was mu ly cu rc strlwbcrry fcstlval very appclizing mixtures Reports 51ngWimlfllmiiN Mfhg The Examiner photographercllgrnvcr and Mr Stubbings was gglarlgii mus mm Inclldtd Nubb Mrs MnrquiS xpokc on the foreman of the commercial printing department Comm Em Total collection for the blind $125 vcry appropriate nlollo What is Mrs and Mrs Clifford Harris receipts of flowcr solo at May mccl HOLLY JUNE 2319113 Brennan and children Toronto are holidaying Barrie Ethimrxfo Calgary Herald ln better looking better fitting SUMMER SLACKS WRINKLERESISTANT RAYONS LIGHTWEIGHT WOOLS Presbytcrlan Ilcnlc Illc lrcsbytcrizlns held all enjoy inx donated lo canccr fund $875 McGuire the buying committee rcporlcd pur Mincsing WilS tho SpCCllll speaker giving most in lcrchting and cduculionzll talk on HoneyHow and why we should use it ill our daily dict Mrs Mc Guire had prepared vuricty of everyday cooking dcmonslruting the economical and hculthful USP of hollcy Gcncrous samples of all this food wore cnjoycd by tho lud icncc and favorably commented on She then presented each one with recipe book Honey Sunday Monday All Through the Week Mrs Ircd Mulholland expressed the Sincrrc thanks of all prcstnt to Mrs McGuire Two vocal ducts An Irish Lullaby and Coming Home by Mrs Grant and Mrs Young of Mincsing accom panch by Mrs Pratt were very much enjoyed social halfhour The Famous Brantford BAlER BINDER TWINE NOW IN STOCK NONE BETTER BE SURE OF YOUR SUPPLY Baler Twine See the Jacobson IIDWEII LAWN MOWER FREE DEMONSTRATION Brown Co lid SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 with lunch conclude well spent illlilllOUIl cht regular meeting lwill be in September Completes RCAF Course AW1 Jean Campbell daughter of Mr and Mrs Campbell Slroud left Friday June 19 for her p0 ling at Saskatoon uflcr suc cess Iy completing her course as electrical technician airwoman at Camp Bordon qun is the first uilwoman to complclc the course AN OLD FASHION GOSPEL SERVICE Thursday June 26 8pm ODDFELLOINS TEMPLE COLLIER ST Rev Edwin Holt Lakeview Ontario sslsted by Mr William Grey Windsor Ont SPECIAL SELECTION BY ROSS BENDLE BOY SOPRANO rrrAilLinSpirlng helpful ministry for all ME BRING YOUR FRIENDS ALL WEDCOME Under Ihe auspices of the Chrlstian and Missionary Alliance in Canada LOCATED AT 172182 Bradford SI BARR PHONE75355 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1950 METEOR COACH S0 rm my June in Mm llllf picnic at Innisfil Park on Friday All Silt down to bounti ful picnic supper about 630 Be furc leaving for the various races and stunts Rev Muir in low llclpful and instructive words as well as Well wishes volc cd for tho lllUmbClS of the church Spokc to AW Jean Campbell and Mrs John Cowan presented her with lovely leatherbound zipper closed Biblc withrcfclenccs him though tzlkcn entirely by surprise voiced llcr appreciation of the luvoly and usvful gift Organize Mission Band very impressive organization Band was held in the Presbyterian Church on Saturday afternoon with 15 children present The meeting opened with all singing This is the Way We Walk to Church follow cd by poem How We Should Act in Mission Scripture from St Marklund prayer by Mrs Campbell followed by hymn 796 When Mothers of Salem Mrs McEachcrn of Orillia WMS Presbyterian president very cap any welcomed Vthe new Mission Band while Mrs Maclnnis of Gravcnhursl Mission Band secre tary told how to be ll good Chris lian verse of Away in the Manger was sung Mrs KGray tolda very inlerestingptory of how children of other lands try to get over the wall of sin into Healen and how missionaries are needed tell them that Jesus Christ has given us the tIue way by way of the Cross Officers chosen were President Brian McDonald vice presidcnt Beverly Ann Ayerst secretary Andrew Cowan treas urer Gordon Cowan Each child is to receive certificate after at lending six meetings Avery im pressive scriptural candlelighting service was conducted by Mrs Campbell when Mrs McEachern lighted the candles for the worship table The meeting closed with hymn and prayer by Rev Mr Muir after which all enjoyed cookies and orangeade The Mis sion Band meetscach saturday at pm Church service on Sunday with Sunday School at pm and church at in the Presbyterian Church proved very successful Sorry to report number of people still not well in the com munity if Mzfnd M1SRandolpll Wil Iougnby visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Willoughby Mrs Massey and daughter of Toronto are with her mother Mrs Reynolds Mr Massey and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Reynolds spent the weckend here Mr adms NormanMayes and John spent Sunday at theMayes family reunion attbe home of Mr and Mrs Mayes Cookstown Mr and Mrs Russell Lowery and family have gone to Wasaga Beach for the summer AI Wigg Vacations streams and lakes of Ontario arc 30 miles of portage and countless in search of speckled trout search meeting of the Joy Bearers MISSIOII that we were amply rewarded on On Northern Lakes CGE News Contrary to some belief IIIC far from being fished out How ever some of the streams and lakes referred to are also for from here Willi my brother and lwo friends we returned last week from trip that took us 20l2 miles by car hours by canoe All this was done Our trip took us up through Nipi by thp release of pike up to 12 qucntly seen from the canoes In Spite of the rain all flrc pre cautions wcrc taken on the trail as lllc burned out areas are grim rc Inindcrs of what can happen This yczlr Ll new regulation has been added to the roster When in the bush it is against the law to smoke ready made cigarettes The hand rolled cigarette while little more trouble may go out if accidentally lloppcd along the trail while hc other type of cignrcltc if not prop erly extinguished will probably start tire When travelling through bush country in the cur several cmpty pop bottles or tin cans are excell ent to dispose of cigarettes Our largest speckled trout weighed three and onehalf pounds and very few fish under 14 inches Ronnie and Rota Mr and Mrs Emory Miller and son Ross Spent the weekend at coltagat Cawaja Beach Mr and Mrs Victor How ard Tommy and Billie spent Sun day nt the cottage with them United Anniversary Anniversary services of Grcnfcl United Church were held Sunday morning and cvcning June IS with good attendance The fresh and beautiful Summer flowers made filling selling Rev Reynolds MA Elmvulc was the minister and 1ny delivered appropriate inspir ationaladdrcsscs In the morning he choose his message from Deuter onomy 822 Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee His sermon in the evening was taken from John 312 pray above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health were kept II was not unusual to We 15 111 50111 Prosper SPECIaI take your limit in several hours 1510 W05 Felldered by the Ch0ir during either the morning or the with rs Windatt at the organ eveningS shing In the morning they sang Consider the Lilies and King of Kings Lake TTOIII Pike in the evening He Hidelh My While speckled trout were our Soul anda solo by Bill Parr An main interest we did take lake Evening Prayer trout up to 14 pounds and spent one afternoon on lake lled with pike Every cast toward the shore usually produced strike followed AMAZING BEAUTY TREATMENT FOR YOUR CAR pounds Aside from being 10 years out of condition very little hardship was encountered The laws of the Al Wigg holds up speckled trouI about the average size of the many they landed gon to Schreiber where the car was abandoned and the rest of the way was travelled by canoe and portage The packsacks which weighed fty pounds to start with increased to almost seventy after three hours on the trail in the pouring rain Next year they will be waterproof Avoid Simple Errors As one of our party was pro trail and the water established centuries ago provide an excellenl guide to safety and comfort NEW UKBC SERVICE new service is being inaugur ated between the UK and the North Pacific Coast with the Fur ness Withy steamer Prince Sailing from Cardiff and Glsagow she is heading for Los Angeles San Francisco Victoria and Vancouver Furness Withy will eventually employ five ships Each month ship is due to load at Car diff with motor cars and oil pipes for Western Canada fessional guide for ve years and sherman all his lifewe avoided many ofthe slmple errors thatcan so easily spoil tripToo much in your pack is as bad as 100 little and every item carried should serve purpose or be discarded One of the canoes used during the trip was perfect example of what happens when sh have been put in the bottom and the canoe not thoroughly washed before put ting up on the rack bear smell7 ing the sh almost demolished the front of the canoe before he disv covered that it only smelled like sh roughpaltching job per mitted us to use it but in rough weather the canoe would have to be abandoned Wild game was Shundant and deer moose and beaver were fre Blazilian SPRAYON Not Just Wax not lust Pollsh Its complete new beauty process applied by professional operators with special spray eaulplt merit ITS PRODUCT OF CIL CHEMICAL RESEARCH More complete protection brighter oss All weather treat ment outlasts outshines an band polish Your Guarantee Its CIL MAKE AN APPOINTME TODAY It takes to hours collect and deliver hick with new BMW Room shine EnglishCaIs $750 Others $995i Cleaning Reparlng Chrome If Desired $150 Extra Phone 4685 After Dm Pb 5282 NYLON dz ACETATE BLENDS WOOL RAYON MIXTURES The best looking slacks wevc set tycs on in manfh of Sundays Shannen new colleclion is linuretime triumph of magnificent tailoring and fabric luxury Designed In resist liefweather wrinkle and lot the breeze hrough wide selec tinn aim and colors and theyre kind lo your pocketbook SEE THEM NOW WHILE SELECTIONS ARE AT THEIR BEST 1095 pr and up Stephens Phone 2566 15 Elizabeth St BARBIE opposite Wellington Hotel tilII lull FREE calf ollllls null FREE yours for the asking See any Agenl ol Ihe Insurance Company of North America Companies or your own Broker for your copy ollhis valuable book If is 48page GUIDE FOR BOAT OWNERS and its packed with suggestions for planning laying oul and doing the work of lling out for pleasure and safely Illslliulicrcommor NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES PI BOX 447 TERMINAL CANADA TORONTO Insurance Company of North America Indemnity Insurance Company of NOIIIIAITIOIIH Philadelphia Fire and Marina Insurance Company l9soroIiDSEDAN 1950 VANGUARD SEDAN 49 I949 METEOR SEDAN radio WI Islls PONTIACSEDAN I948 PLYMOUTH CLUBCOUPE rumn schoolownor l948DODG7PASSSEDAN 5an 73 70 Means Low Cost Milk Production When you lgel rim down to It there is no Sublitltule for palm You may put up sonic dandy bayand good silage but frgsh green pasture Ilsa boIhJof thesebeinen whenilf comes to mutability and feeding VSIIII In tho winteryour cattle cannot glettbls freshnesslaanll fecde value Thali appelltlesmay la and their milk Supply fall off 1941 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ILADid I941WILLYS STATIQN WAGON ioasrlymouh Coupe 1939 Bani cgupog 1938 Dodgescdbn MLFoIilsdan This can be overcome by feeding hallowed palatable ration con sisting of mixture of your ownglaln and SIIURGAIN Milk Producer SlumGAIN MIIIIZPIoducer ls formulsled to Supply those feed essellllals which are notnund In snlolont iibtios hrstbnd cannon as ho Silage mid groin It also heroism the palalablllty ofslhe ration BilGAIN Milk Producer has high molasses helium which In very palatableto cattle Balanced Feeding Pays SlumGAIN Feeds Are Balanced Feeds Feed SURGAIN macaw INSURANCE AGENCY THE HOME OF Goon INSURANCE SINCEI899 PHONE 3135 llluok BUYS Ford maul Trallor not

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