Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1952, p. 9

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LISTENING By HANCOCK Oat Hulls And Barley Chop fond parent came upon his young hopeful one day cutting the pet rabbit and demanding sternly Whats two and two Upon in quiring of the reason for this be havior he was informed The teacher said in school today that rabbits multiply rapidly This stu pid mutt cant even add Swine Feed Formula Did it ever occur to those of you who are interested in swmc production that the pig spends almost threoqnarters as much time in fetal development as it5 takes in developing from birth tol recognize the extreme irnportance of making certain that the sow receives adequate quantities ofh wellbalanced ration during the pregnancy period Indeed research ers have found that the size of POST ttration was more effective its fly kiiler than was strong concert Etration of either insecticide used intone Details Arranged For Wilt Carter Show The executive of North Simcoe jJunior Farmers Association met in lthc office of the Ontario Depart mcnt of Agriculture Barrie on lThursday evening June 21 to make tinal plans for the Will Carter Shuw which the association is sponsoring in Barrie Arena on Wednesday July detailed plan for advance sale get tickets was drawn up One thousand tickets were distributed to the directors who will in turn engage certain key Junior Farmer members to assist with sales Iwo market weight If it has you wrllghundmd display cards were also distributed and plans were made for advertising The association hopes through this effort to raise sufficient funds to carry on an ex tended program of Junior Farmer activities for 1952 elite RIDAY JUNE 20 l952 Ontario Hydros fem Essa Transformer Station Section 2Po es to it ll ouomonowuo THE MARRIAGE co We come now to the heart of that by taking her hand and holdlnz ceremony which to disi it by delivering over to her tin so was the chief reason thesegfor sign and seal You begin to uitzties were begun We describediact on ll by publicly Elvin he Week how when the two per kiss and you continue to act on it have come to the church thedurmg the next fifty or sixty years epic being there present theiby fullling those very things tzaxt inquires whether there which you said you were about to lac any nupedtznent None being do alleged the actual making of the contract is undertaken There are Every young person who on hopes some day to marry ought to iuut or live steps in the marriage Study those mes long and cm gtrOpuf uttd we shall discuss them fully and hold mam ave 333m 0110 ill Wm Eany cheap or vulgar interpretation uf love they may encounter Consent The King Murimge is one thing that y0ul cannot be forced into rat least not The mg is symbol of am openly The first thing that ismws mad some say that blind vllkllltl Fame5 meround shape signifies the tie that murriuge are Willing We supposeibmdi gold indicates the much grief in the long past hastily of mm wedded love and taught Western man lesson Thezmmne the simplicity of litter may be increased by feeding amplify and answer are dESlgedimarital harmony We suppose that me sow properly before breeding Guelph Day to prevent atrocities to the margme meaning of the ring is am good pig at birth should weigh rzugc relation contrived at by oneient for each married couple But from 255 to lbs The pregnancyi les Will 55 05an ellher mfiit certainly is potent reminder Ni 531005 ggilnlezyisml tint 133 Norm Simwe Junior Farmers itllZuernorihlyagnstwveloflatpersfns most important human to reach market weight in 160 davs Emve entered every Won the lllUUgllulldVC 115 man lwomilm wire ADDS new circular on wine febrii ingram the Jumor Farmers tth wedded husband wifei At me gwmg the mm an formulas has been published bylf101d Day at Guaph June 21 10 live mgth In Gods Hamiltonian andAnghca communism the GAO It is now available and Elmvale and Vascy are combln lance in the holy estate of whimlibs mdnss with mi hm may be Obtained free chargeging forces to form boys softball ony Wilt thou love him comfort lie dmtthmy Ody me from your local agricultural rcprcAleiln vasey has entered girls tliim honor and keep him in dellliver in wxd xi may senmuw Volleyball team and Elmvale set 0055 and beam and ommgoo er en ow In name and caller for the square dance 31 other keep thee only natalor the Father and or the son Ind of the Holy Ghost Amen By competition Simon has enlLred Hum so long ms 30 how all mm tl All it become girls softball and boys tugo 3r Wm more caeutiousg gridsmagnum in An old adage says lwo heads lt ww are better than one Well two To give added stimulus to the Tm am at essentially alhe prayer 800k revmmn cm agricultural researchers in Minnc effort Simcoe County Junior Farm lproinisc it is not future tense It me phrase to and an my worldly 15 present tense it is declaration gr sofa have discovered that two inicrs ASsoCiation is offering flnan lgd5 11h thee Share Perm secticidcs are more effective than cial support to the teams on the got the will It is saying amitoo many wives took the endow one when it comes to killing flies basis of their achievement mulling to do this thing hereby meme mo literally dnlnr ll and free intention While investigating the reason for Any team Winning rst round the The 19 Ummd Church some strains of flies developing re will be offered $5 $10 will bi 10f having this person for myof Canada the only major mm sistance to DDT they discovered offered to winner in the semi spousc lwill it The promise andlenCC from the Anglican me oc the future riference come after that avcombination of two tnsecti finals and $25 will go to any team EN here Thu 18 81 the cides in relatively weak concengwinning championship Medonle Council Asks Call Claim From Warble Fly Spraying loss Be Insecticides question asked at the bethrotlialwpamen and of the son and of me and it is still essentially the QUESloly Ghost Amen yytion asked by any young man or young woman who propOSes mar The Pronounocmt Iriage to another However in our There follows prayer for blessed day the public are not in on the ing on the marriage that it may jbetrothal or engagement so it be permanent and harmonious linust be that here before the mar Then the minister repeats those MOONSTONELambert Hill at tended the June meeting of Medonte Council in connection with his claim against the township for loss of calf allegedly caused by warble fly spraying letter from the townships agency was read pointing out that the insurance carried was liability and not accident coverage and since there was no negligence on the part of the warble control operator in spraying the cattle the township was not liable for the damage Council instructed the clerk to nvrite the company requesting that the claim be reconsidered since it was felt by Council that it was leg ltimate and should be honored by the insurance Investigate Brush It was decided to investigate complaint regarding brush and the condition of the sideroad between lots 65 and 66 in Con of the town shrpnrgistered by Lawrence Kerr and Harold Collins of Orr Lake Drillia Collegiate Appwval by bylaw was given to Medontes share bf the cost of tw0ltroom addition to Orillia Dis trict Collegiate to be paid out of current taxes in the next two years Medontes share will amount to ap proximately half mill for each of the two years Moonstone Athletic Field No recommendations were receiv ed by Council following public meeting regarding possible forma tion of an athletic field at Moon Stone Ditch 0n Con 13 delegation of WilliamlBurton Uno Gabrielson Herb Ball Malcolm Ball John Miller andLambert Hill conferred with Council regarding ditch on Con13 road allowance Council decided to view the ditch Visit 0m council The clerk was authorized to at ARS VOU FUiLY COVERED Reconsidered Insurance Coverage tend Oro Council June 30 regarding granting telephone service to resid ents on the 5th line of Oro No Federation Levy It was decided not to place the levy for membership fee in the Fed eration of Agriculture on the 1952 collectors roll as the bylaw stated that it must be noted on the assess ment notices before being entered on the roll The clerk was instruct ed to write to the ONE regarding raising the crossing on the town4 ship line of OroMedonte No Repairs To Jamtt Hill Oro will be advised that Medonte could consider no action this year on repairs to Jarrett Hill on Oro Medonte townline due to heavy road programnow under way Report on inspection of Medonte telephone system was submitted by Hodges Bell service inspect or Due to expense of building line to the residence application for phone to be installed at Dennis An dersons Foxmead RR will not be fullled unless signed by the assessed owner of the property and guaranteed for 10 years Report Sheep Killed Livestock valuators reported two lambs killed on the farm of Mer vin Faris value $4 one sheep killed on Percy Nixons farm value $35 and one sheep killed on the farm of Robert Moon value $35 motion called for Walker Beard beingnotified to keep his cattle off the road Orville Hills wages were set at $1 per hour effective June 1952 All membersaltended the meet ing Next session of Council was set for Jilly at pm Hospital Board Sets Up Civil Defence Committee committee from the Board of Trustees ofthe Royal Victoriaoo pital has been appointedto go into the matter 01a oiilil defence plan on recommendation or the net partment of Health Bills For Bilious Bill Committee members areC Parsons Robertson Rev Jaines Ferguson exotficio and Miss Helen Shariahan spperintend ent The committee expected to bring fllgthsuggestions for civil defence plan for the hospital landscaping cornmittee toron THE SWITCHYARD shown in this photograph of Ont volts Aswitchyard for the local distribution of power is image can proceed the question be powerful words at Holy Scripture ario Hydros Essa Transformer Station has been laid out planned for the future to accommodate power supplied at 230000 volts and 115000 lMPllllVES POWER SERJJBE Transformer Stotion Aesures Greater Protection for HEPC CustomersGeorgion Region Further improvement in electrical service and greater pro tection in the way of additional power supply is being realized for approximately 100000 customers in the Georgian Bay Re gion where Ontario Hy r0 new er station has been in service since last one Located on 21 acres of ground some five miles from Barrie the new station Chairman Robert Saunders stated represents another important step in the commissions overall program to improve and expand the system of intercon nected generating stations through out the Southern Ontario system Principal equipment at Essa com prises two 70000 kva transformers which will step down power from 230000 volts to 115000 volts In addition there are five sets of 230000 and 115000voltswitching apparatus At present the station isoperating at 50 per cent of its ultimate 140000 kva capacity Up to June supply to this area was supported by 115000volt line extending from Scarborough to Barrie 12 generating stations in the Georgian Bay Region itself to gether with two frequency changer units at Hanover were the sources of power The opening of the Essa supplemented by part of the output of the commissions Des Joachims development on the Ottawa River This new power transmitted dir ectly from Des Joachimsa distance of approriimately 72 miles comes throughtbe Minder Switching Stan glob aboutSO miles north of Lind say and then to Essa forvdistriA button to various parts of the Georgian Bay Regio sidetplans for landscaping the new hospital unit grounds is at to be named by the board chairman Mr Ferguson The c9mmltteejwlll be named withwa to add With both the number of custom ers and the demands for power steadily increasing the Essa sta tion is bringing farreaching bene fits to the entire area Among the many communities enjoying thWnefits are Owen Sound Midland Penetanguishene Culling wood Port McNicoll Gravenhurst Huntsville and Barrie which is the location ofEOntario HYdros regional office for this area Essa is serving as key Hydro operating centre along with other strategicallylocated stations in cluded in the network stemming from Des Joachims These in clude in addition to Minder and Essa the Nanby Transformer Station west ofToronto near 15 lington the Scarborough Trans former and Freqency Changer Station few miles east of To ronto the Burlington Transformer Station about eight miles from Hanultiin and the Buchanan neucy Changer and Trans ferrner Station near London Even tually the commissions 11544 kv transformer station at Barrie will be operated from Essa The commissions plans envisage this network being extended to build up an integrated system throughout most of Ontario gt gt PRAISE milE DUE Weare too apt to take for granted the zeal displayed by our youth leaders in Scouting Guiding Sun day School and recre ation work It is safe to say that many whose childrentbenefit give no thought whatever to the labors expended and the annoyances cheerfully ac RVH Graduation Bell to be Among Most Successful The 1952 graduation exercises of the Royhl Victoria Hospital training school were felt to be among the most successful the hospital has ever had At the monthly meeting of the hospital board Monday the chair man Rev James Ferguson stated that the attendance at the gradua tion was thought to be the best yet and indicated an increased inf crest in the hospital He thanked Mrs Montagu Leeds and her committee for their work with regard to arrangements for the graduation and added special vote of thanks to the W0 mens Hospital Auxiliary for serv ing lunch and supplying food for the reception following graduation Miss Kay Smith was thanked for supplying music at the graduation Miss Helen Shanahan hospital superintendent also expressed thanksto all who had assisted with the very successful graduation and graduation dance this year let ter was received from Miss Patricia Gill thanking the board of trustees on behalf of the graduating class Miss Shauahan reported that the schedule for holidays for the staff nurses had been set up and that some of the nurses were now on holiday Miss Beth Huddleston has return ed from refresher course which she foundyery useful and enjoy able Miss Elizabeth Langman and M155 Olive Clute from the staff and Miss Alberta Key and Missinger Grose from the training school at tendd the CNAVconvention in Quebec and found it very worth while reported ue superintendent Miss Barbdra Mitehinson and Miss Rena Van Zuiden attended the RNAO Convention in Toronto Misst Shanahan told the board members that she is hoping to have about 22 in the September class of students Arrangements for the sale ofx the extra accommodation forstudents photo by Smith Studio Barrio Re Delinquents With the passing of the June 153 deadline for payment of overdue Barrie and District Memorial Hos pital building fund pledges it is the intention of the special pledge committee to take court action= against the delinquents The Royal Victoria Hospital board of trustees approved the env forcing of pledge payments at their monthly meeting Monday afternoon on recommendation of the nance committee Between $7500 and $8000 isstill owing in pledges to the building fund Over $1100 in overdue pledges were paid following the appearance of notices several weeks ago in The Examiner stat ing the hospitals intention of tak ingcourt action Explanations of inability to pay were also accepted and the board stated Monday that it its in tention to take action any against those people who continue to lg nore the notices they have received by mail and in the local newspaper Themotion to take court action was passed with only one dissent ing vote Plan63y Comp Leoclers Course At Angus Park The Simcoe County Recreation Service is sponsoring course for leaders of day camps summer camps vacatlon clubs and play grounds again this year on Mon dy June 30 at the Angus Refor estatioriVPark Starting at 930 arn and con tinuing all day until 430 pm the program will consistof actual par ticipation by the leaders in sing ing ndture craftsgamefs and ac tivities for rainy or hot days lm on child development is ten tatively planned The course will beunder the direction of the county recreation director Miss LOuise Colley 35 sisted by Miss Marie Burke Dal ton Nesbittpnd George Weeds of Barrieand others imzm And someone in authority asked in public so all can hear Those Whom 30 bath 1033 the answer and know that this is gather let not man out asunder to be sincerely and freely under We devoully Wih more 090016 taken marriage would know what this means men follows that pronouncement Belem Then the minister or priest in haioriifgggg 25$ winning quires in loud voice Who xlveth wedlock and have witnessed the wmm be mm same before God and this camp my and thereto have given and pledged their truth either to other ily He releases her from all fam 23y $c2tsgminy ily obligation and authority and by joining hands came an gives her over to the future hus they be man and wife manner in band the name of the Father and of the Does thls sound Silly W133 Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen in the brides family makes answer on behalf of himself and the fam Perhaps it does It harks back to And men he blesses them the time when the father was the Next week we shall conclude head 0f the muse women were in with discussion of the blessing subjection to him and his legal But we should say word about and moral consent were required the plighth of onevs only What for any match And yet it seems is my tron My mm is my mm sometimes as if we have gone too my faith my good name my char far in the other direction of dis acter actually my best it To establishing the family discarding plight my troth means to pledge all authority and experimenting my truth and my faith all that with democracy father has have and stand for in this under some rights in the home even if taking It is an oath perhaps the he be reprobate And women only oath the Christian can take have not the same status as men in And it is deep one for it com the community talk as you like mits theyvhgle person on his deer abftul equal rights 311d 50 911 est level his souls faith Say it This 15 large issue and contains revereny and very very seldom enough material for quite con pledge thee my truth troversial column in itself At any rate it is still appropriate for any my AN Ems wm AD your woman who has family more andBAR with senior member in it to be given in marriage by thatperson be he father or mother or broth er or what have you TAXES T952 Now comes the marriage itself We have refrained from titling this section Vows for that sounds The First Installment Of 1953 too subjective too much like just Taxes are due and payable at the Treasurers Office Munici a1 Build talk something you say and then mg Comer Skeet on or perhaps someday might Marriage is not talk it is deed heme Wm It l1 isnf at you say that Per Town 012k forms that union it is someth Dated at Barrie this 10th day of you do What do you do You one the Jim 1952 5841 other to be your husband or wife Several things are involved here First of all you say that you take him or her Words are the inevit able agents of deeds in fact words are really deeds inpmental focus Here is what you do and say John take thee Mary to be my wedded wife to have and to held from this day femfor new for worse to Hellenist poorer in sickness indtn health to love and to cherish till death dons part according to Gods holy oed inanee and therer plight thee my froth And you signify this Drive Out To The DriveIn mile south rim congestion 14 37 norm tun mt nn TON courtesy of Kirby and his These taking part in the con centrated oneday course are asked to wear sports clothes and to bring alongAa notebook and pencil as well as lunch Hummus What relief Accident 13 pittance would have been for Bill when those bills ewe bowllngin How would you my for serious accident or done Insurance take the worry your mind truer can copied by their hdultmentors Lachute Gite Watchman completed been Arrangements to use the Angus Registration niust be eted at 66 Parmde Dme av Park have been made through the by Thursday June WSW Stevenson hero one UNAWW xxxxx

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