Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1952, p. 3

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Sunday morning mi Collier Street Ulllltrd Church LenIs mil conduct the servacc with acfllitzl cllcil 5mm Very Practtcal Rules for Inning Togring TheministzI uili be 215535195 by ill choir under the direction of 92 Lloyd Tufford The Canadian Lutheran Hour is Sunday morning at 930 This is one of the first religmus broadcasts II the his 10 CKBB for 3111 second season Wall heard on CKBB every tory of radio Litttl Its return be welcomed by large number of listeners Bnrbara Wheeler in Home andlwholl probably lSchool plus seven million other ac Shortly Hazel Wood starts new series of WAYNE KINGTonight at =on CKBB the incomparable music of Wayne King the Waltz King with Nancy Evans Larry Douglas and Franklyn MacCormuck Willi phone of Wayne King Community Sound of Commerce Chamber Art Harrison Lions Club Mungham Moose Lodge and Air lCadets Jim Ward Sen Cadets programs on CKBB next Saturday morning at 030 Holiday Time Hall 9101 You Wcrc Asking on CKBB Tuesday and Thursday at 205 is your hostess on this special seriesI for summer Willi plenty of hints 900 Rotary Speaker Varmshas PanIts tntIIncIs Wax The SARJEANT CO LTD EN FRIDAY 200 News 1100 Count flour until 10 llcartbcats in Sport Headlines 30 News News 00 Son Shop 15 Fair and Cooler 30 Wayne Kins Show News 00 News Round The Heather club Lets Talk It Over Talk by Robert Saun dcrs 00 News Hudilnea 930 Platter Party 1015 Shmdowa 1030 News 1045 In the Chapel 110 Pauls Penthouse 12 News Heldllnes Wea ther Temps Time 00 News 00 New oint SATURDAY LI 1030 News 000 Stun On 600 News Headlines Base ball Results Weather 605 Musical Clock 615 News 630 News Headlines and Farm Market Report 30 15 05 0mm iiour Report 1030 News 40 Weather 750 News 800 Time 3111 800 Sports Roundup Report so News Chm 00 News 05 Styles in Son 930 Band of the Week 945 Radio Bandstand 1000 News 1005 Western Waxworks 1100 News 1105 Songs by Sinatra 1115 The Story Book 1200 Echoes 1230 News 111 SATURDAY In 1200 Luncheon Entan ment until 1210 Sports Dim 1213 Market Raven 1230 Tithe Blnnl 400 News 1230 News Board Hour half hour of mustc In threequarter time featuring the golden saxov for happy hullday This is anotherICommmsiun of Ontario WIII report Broadcasting Serviccltu CKBB listeners thIs evening at feature originating at CFOS OwungBAS CKBB staff members the major tivities ily new arrivals in Barrie are IcICadets tivcly engaged in community work Trafc Manager In In the town Ralph Snelgrovc with Club Skating Then all the wives and husbands of valuaxjm Club and Home and School Work staff members with their variousimanm as me basis whereby phy lEert Snelgrove WIth Kinsman Club club affiliations And the mnjority gm depreciation and 10mm uf Dick of them all active members of their buildings was tape mm by IClubs Executive Likely prospectsgremai fnctor which bccunur so linclude the newer Staff mcmbchfpcr ccnt factor 111 determining the 05 Pair Gmne 20 Saturday Special 35 Saturday Special Club 1230 Headlines Stars of the WetllOJm News Movlo lorryOo Prclude to Dinner County Hour until BarBitanch Dream llme liedunno 1000 Dancing at Minctx 1100 New litmillncs etc SUNDAY 55 Sign on 1040 Organ Interlude Interlude 930 Cunatilnn Lutheran 1000 This is My Story 1040 Interlude 1045 Books of all years 1100 Church Service Collier St United SUNDAY ll 1240 Prozram Bulletin 1245 Jobs for Workers 1255 The Church Directory 100 Your Weekly Editor 115 The Music of the 130 1111 Para 200 Sunday 5130 Back to the Bible 330 3111 Graham 30 Vaughn Monroe 14 Chime ASSESSED COUNTYf VALUE INCREASEDi your caumy We In supervisle and assistance stance Continued from page one Zinc Co This mr it mire than our 1mg no rtplus have been rte Ittd llulil appImtuzIs for 511 as scssor of small salaries imakmg dtldtttl gpropert gesturinndcsmcsl attitutlr of tax puycra Mr lilgitll suggest the appouitzncnt aweum to do two or more adJulu Jamgt015 cont municipalities ROBERT SAUNDERS Chair man of the Hydro Electric POIch Doug Shirley Manchester Air Show CKBBSI the Venture Key Clubi Brooke Duvai take the plungej 815 11111 of the Week tcontdl 900 News 905 Hits of the Week 930 Sunday Star 1000 Maids and Men of Melody 1040 Sammy Kuo Sunday Serenade 1100 News Headlines Weather Texan Time MONDAY Stun On News Headlines Banc ball Results Weather Musical Clock News News Headlines and Farm Market Report News News Headline News Farm Market Report Rculonal Weather Report New Time Sinai 500119 Roundup News Headline News 05813093 in Song 930 Tradan Post 1000 News 1005 Zellera Shopping Centre 1030 Tradina Post contdI 1100 New 1105 HI Neighbor 1155 Name the Place lb WHO Gum oz 358 from MON DAV 1200 Luncheon Bann ment until 1210 Sports Direct 1215 Market Report 1230 Time Sinai 1230 Neva 1250 Bulletin Board 100 Farm Features 00 Rezimxal Weather 3115 Down to Earth Tradinz Post As You Like It Sentimental Serenade News result icipIl affairs the report adds in ithcsc somc doubt as to Its use over the gun increase of 39398457 or 139 per Ne Lseth $2670858 Tiny This sIturIILOu Is the rusting the difficulties of II taunting of hill fl Im slit bit id 111 much more with Simpson gutS all to any that If the smallerl nuniupaiities Would cooperate in Mfliltl fl Mb xtc BCJLLil of 0m fpmnegspznt the Wmkczui will her father it much better nu IttzcisIi cost Wtiuldildil if NIZAJUtl thc Illr Thc courtly usscssar points IzutibJLAE that 111 many municipalities 11181 51 Andrcua Anniversary work of the during the Inaucii held the past year had been ncteptcd with TUIJ duy Willi out question In few 111m werc IRL MI large number If Ippeuls 111d some chml mumm wcrc taken to the county yudgc 111 MI 2UTUBL 31m Six muntczpnlItIcs Unith Gm JUNK KW Showing that rtTwin Intinicipnl will Mu My 11mm in 111135 would for making 111cm levies Cum mpphm on the new values for the first time 70 my thm WHLCL this your the report stated that the Hfd 1N wake Turn and town of Bziilu and the township brw of Inmsfil bud mudc their ro using 1hr provincial Mr and Mts Duncdnson and ul lit 011 work Ill Mon LISSLniillS I11Iluti tI Nurttuuti Mp litlb tion 5m 2511 Lilltil IlIc II Iln Tuna IIII Sniu Remodel Pool Boom IIIi Mrs 011020 111 having the pool IImni IcIIIIIticIlIIi Iziblcs 111v main floor tIll bc Itscti for lunc ing IzIti Ulllti HJLllil IctrtItIcs Mr and Mrs Gordon vnluc of building The use of this mclhoti as super LlSttl by tho department of mun two mumcipulitics Iouvcs rclu vcs whole of Simcoc County would My seem that county ISSLSSOI or some central authority would have to de tcrmine what rents should be used if county equalization was the Ob jcctivc III assessment The 101le of the local assessed value of taxable rcal property in all municipalities 15 now 376867192 lcndcd tiIc WorthITS Spililitillt1 Park on Tuesday St Andrews WA mct TLIIIwr cnmg Miss devIItIIIIIs llN Walton and son of Toronto are visiting at JIIIIIIcSIInS Mr and Mrs Iluyforti and Mr and Mrs Edward Filliiglltl recent Vitillms with Mr and Mrs Grantham 111 Barrio cent over the previous year Busi ness assessments total $4331928 as against $3647437 for the previous year This Is an increase of $684489 or 188 per cent Basis of Assessment Following detailed outline and analysis of various schedules which have been prepared the county hsscssor explains After careful consideration of the work of the assessors and of the valuations made by them submit for your consideration the following amount in each municipality as basis for equalization for the year 1952 un der section 87 of the Assessment Act Towns Alliston $1204593 Bar rie $10265129 Collingwood $4 380374 Midland $5514478 Orillia $9058902 Pcnetanguishene $1748 806 Stayncr $804903 Townships Adjala Essa $2297188 F105 $2022997 Innisfil $6459388 Matchcdash $360448 Medonte $1332503 Not tawasaga $3481943 OTillia $3 105087 Oro $3361584 Sunnidale $2209414 Tay $1776671 Tecum $1120877 Tossorontio 3848488 Vespra 31 769807 West Gwillimbury $2221 YUKON HIGHER Mount Lognn In the Yukon 19539 feet 15 4000 lcct tailor than the highest peak In the Rockies Mount Robson $1393248 For WEDDINGS SHOWERS Canadian an on 111 the sccumi floor while Thompson and Mrs Townes visited Mr andf Mrs Townes In Orillm 0nSIInr day Mrs lowncs ltllllllllttl to VIsIt IIIIl Mrs Fisher Canton 111 utmg Itj 211 Mrs Hcrbctt Goddards on luISdIIy cv gave reading and Mrs 111 Canton the were DALSTON The Daismn ltris 4H Club mzl at Walnut cscm Ectibhttlll till it Cordial 311111 121 11 Wt Ltdtl unsw 13m from of the president Rather Jun mth sewer marry at The meeting opened wm km garden club mfg 12me purchm flower mg How my gardenitaghv member and hittritich rtportrti verylhtdrs seeds All the 311k on quie as yet and 115 keenly interested to gardening and cut control and weed are especially looking was followti by reports on thc 411 bus trip 10 New 3mch All fcptllirtl 21131111 of uIInc Surroundings Tm memmg HM win my 512 arsurritr lunch smut byEatliWiEdfaa bc wanton thdcr and she Shred by mmr Jem 111111 questzons during tzIt disco It 11 Sctuild mil id Lil wrtv tgrhiblta Alitl randy msnbur is will cur ROY NltOL Izcwcst LititiItIon to LKBHs gt111 iILItc of IIIrIIIitu and ltXAth Iypc ifllilllttl wttii our child and uukIg for an tilldfl llltlil mw PIIELPSTON JUNE Wilkins Kittum Quusncllu Eliiivulc vzs =11 IIIIi Mrs Qucsncllc ovvr lzt awrkcnd Miss Cotiglilm Toronto v12 tcd Iclutxvvs Izczc Miss Lorcttt New Toronto1 spent the weekend with Mr and him ihonms Shelton icter McGInnis Toronto spent tow inys Iilll Mr and Mrs Emmctt tone Mr 11nd Mrs Gcorge Eliick Hugh and Mary Lou spent the weekend 11 Algonquin Park Jack DIxun was home from El illilill for the weekend Paul Shnnuhan was home from 1110 weekend Toronto for it Drive in today Auto Electric Service OFFICE 1101115 gum to pm COMPETENT EYE CARE mumbcrS were In In prepare Lilid serve home also to prcpzirc until Tllt painful writing meme URDER urc to out and so that detect In your ignition Let us check IlliiIIIIIDI LacunaIna tuutuuun mu tunMt RIII mm BA RIB our Phone 3482 Maple Ave Phone 4109 JOII ton Ro OPTOM IST 15 Clapperton SL Barrie over the Bell Telephone Office CUSTOM GROW A8P MIE BOMB Ib93c 3LB BAG $274 II CIRCLE OTHER lb 91 lb 83c AdP Choice I5oz fins 25c ISTABIISIIED 5er mm SPHLI Heinz Tomato 1302 12025 KITCHUP 80 iar 191 Ann Page Salad lIb cello 33 Dares Tea Time CREAMS gltlhenmo 953 Villages Beeton $348957 Brad ford $1026546 Goldwater $330 386 Creemore $428888 Elmvale Port McNicoll $1063327 Special Blend TEA BAGS Raspberry Pectin added HiNLO CHEESE Christies Premium BIRTH DAYS Call And See 100 Articuitural 30 Chapel Chimes Representative 45 Organ Airs 115 Western Hit Parade 000 News 110 Strictly 615 Dinner Music Instrumental 700 Sunday Prom 10 As the Bent 1250 Bulletin 1257 Regional Weather 500 Ave Maria Hour News Headline Hiddm Town Club 1230 cont News 540 Movie MomGo 605 pkg 55c Appearance b4339 Counts Everywhere lichlnd desk With your fr1ends 011a date Appear once counts everywhere new member the impression you make depends not only on What you do but on how you look And you look yourtIeIat when you look neatest cleanest MINEsINo St Peters WA met at Mrs Harry Foystons on Tuesday evening with an attendance of 14 Reports Of the Deanery meeting at Shanty Bay were heard Members attending were Mrs Fraiick Mrs Fra iick Mrs Foyston and Mrs Dusto Miss Irene Davis also took part in the program and at the close of the meeting Mrs Foyston servediunch Mr and Misgs Fraiick and Mr and MrsRay Adams dished Fergu son Fralicks at Stroud on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry Mays Ewart and Mr and Mrs Art COX attended the wedding of Mus Mayes nephew in Ottawa Irene Sinclair has position in Muskoka for the summer months Dr Eric Johnston London Dr and Mrs McPhee Port McNicoll spent Sunday at George John stons Mrs Partridge and Miss Knupp entertained the Little Help ers of St Peters Church and their mothers to party and picnic at Springwater Park on Wednesday afternoon Mrs Partridge is leader of the Little Helpers About 25 were present Harry Mayes has sbld his farm on the ninth line to Mr Holly Midland Mr and Mrs EarTKichaidson andl VEGBERT JUNE l7Mr and Mrs George Robinson Peterboro visitedMrs Alpine Sunday Mr and Mrs James Leighton and family Holly were Sunday guestsl of Mr and Mrs Brolley Mrs Thomas Workman who is spending few weeks harvesting the strawberry crop at Aldershot spent Monday at her home and re ports poor crop due to dry wea ther They have had no rain there for three weeks Keep in mind the strawbehyv fes tival on the United Church grounds Wednesday June 25 good program of local talent is promised Mrs Bellamy visited her mother Mrs Pegg Mount Albert last Thursday Bruce Brolley who has been home with fracture of foot re turned to work at Barrie hospital Monday Weekend visitOrs with Mr and Mrs CCampsall were Miss Phyllis Campsall Port Credit Charles White Mr and Mrs Lennard Buckler and grandson Bruce Brooker Hamilton Miss Helen Saigalik Toronto spent the weekend with Sajgar 11k the house formerly occupied by Mr and MrsReg Srigley Mr Rich ardson is clerk Of the township of family moved from Edenvale to Vespra THE comm NEW I952 for Demon 5537947 Our Displalf OI Gifts FROM MiIiets Point Newsl The contract for garbage collec Misl 011mm Diff lm tion has been taken this summer by Martin Bros of Stroud who Cor Collier Bayfield PHONE 2395 Tottenham $353885 Victoria Har bor $326577 Wasaga Beach $1 041035 made first trip to the Point on Tuesday Roads were graded and Oiled dur ing the early part of last week and considerable dust kept down IFABRICATED IRON Fire Escapes Gates Railings Etc ESTIMA TES FREE STEEL FOR SALE BARRIEWELDINGMACHINE co Mulcaster St Dial 3744 A117 impprtaot message from Robert HSauuders CBB QC to peopleof Ontario Listen tonight Tortlcnr 841900 IONA JAM 2402 jar 35c run mm Baby Cereal PERIURI 802 pkg 23c Fancy Red Sackeyo SALMON items Fresh Candy Summer Assorted STEREO IIb pkg 59E Fancy Grapefruit 2002 tins 19c JUICE 1502 Iins 25c AP Choice jmib and ugela IIIw P019105 CALIFORNIA WHITE NO 10 1759 Frosh Tender Shingle No California Salmon FIesh Jumbo size 45s MARINES OBINGIS Native Grown Fresh No NOw AT THEIR BEST FOR PRESERVING NATIVE GROWN STRAWBERRI ES PRICED California Valencia Fancy approx 24 orange sonns Robin Hood who CAKE MIX Chateau cums lIb pkg 27 pkg 27 vxIb pig 29c ANN PAGE IIIISSIIIIT 51011 19 Excellent for Strawberry Shortcake Sw is Heinz Tomato 1202 tinslc 1002 tins Heinz SPHERE 2150229 Heinz Vegetarian 1502 tinsi33c NS n9c Heinz on Tour 24 gage MIIKBREAD WHITE OR BROWN SLICED 24czloaf15c UNSUCED zeozloatlm lbs 33 No ea 25c 5Tb bag 39 2le 19 PRIcesrFFecTIve UNTIL TO SAVE SATURDAY JUNE 215k auvwmI CONFIDENCE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF RapwsEkLr MEAT seems To IEFFEOTIA REAL SAVING IN YOURFOOD BUDGET ALL Ace BEEF Is CANADAS FINES sum Out 1111 chainsawemanuughu set9 mt 1230 RED hummus garage runs7va

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