Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1952, p. 14

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gala lamtawmowohu lt STEELES CORNERS circulatory 18w Mln Gladys Nixon Ml Strain spent the weekend With her brother Allen Nixon in sin Allistair uncertain is our in relatives in Regina Dr 11 many and Mrs Lead fh have moved to the home re cacti vacated by Dr and Mrs Cameo Hill Mr and Mrs Kidd Miss Molly Kidd Brian and Bob Mc Lean attended the Kidd Reunion at Innistll Park on Saturday Cooan United WA are plans bin and making arrangements for strawberry tea and garden party on July on the church lawn Dr and Mrs Carr son Fraser and Miss Glenna Ayles worth spent Saturday in Kingston and attended the wedding of Mrs Carrs cousin Eleanor Saylor and James Lamb of the United States Air Force stationed at Smyrna Tennessee Mr and Mrs lcevcr Toronto spent the weekend with the lat ters parents Mr and Mrs Goodfellow Weekend visitors of Mrs Bur ling were Mrs Dave McMaster Mr and Mrs Donald McMaster Toron to Mrs Iyfe Ottawa Mr and Mrs Adams and son Toronto Mrs Ludlow Lcamington and Mr and Mrs McLean Barrio Monthly meeting of the Presby terian WMS will be held at pm on Thursday June 19 at Mrs Moores Sympathy of the community goes out to the Spindloc family in the death of Mrs Edward Spindloc and to Mr and Mrs Campbell on the tragic death of their son Robert Linticli Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Copeland and Mr and Mrs Don Gregg were Mrs Harvey Wallace and children and Mrs Scott Taylor and children of Little Britain Mrs Smith Barrie spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Arnold Mr and Mrs Mcrvm Walker Stayner and Mrs Don Crowdcr North Bay were weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Herb Nixon Mrs Nixon spent few days in Stayner visiting her soninlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Walker William Lawrence Toronto was visitor in town on Saturday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Crawford on the birth of daughter Grace Elizabeth at Roy al Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sunday June Mr and Mrs Arnold and John attended Gordon James piano recital in Bradford Friday night Miss Velma Simmons Toronto spent the weekend at her home in town Charles Jevons Toronto was at his home in town over the weekend Born to Mr and Mrs Nixon nee Jane Sutherland daughter Karen Barbara on Saturday June 14 1952 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie PS Team Wins Twice Cookstown Public School softball team held one of their scheduled games on Thursday at Bradford where they won 128 and oh Friday at Ntcolston winning 3410 Sunday visitors at Mnand Mrs pressed her Bruce McLeans were Mr and Mrs Armstrong Mrs Key and Mr and Mrs Jack Laing Toronto Mr and Mrs McLean spent few days the guest of Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean United Junior Auxiliary Owing to entertaining the Baby Band and their mothers the Even ing Auxiliary held their regular meeting on Wednesday afternoon June 11 in the church basement The president Mrs Cooper opened the meeting with hymn and the prayer was offered by Mrs Holt Mrs Cooper welcomed the mothers and children also the special speak er Mrs Besse Shanty Bay The Secretary Mrs Ley read the min utes of the last meeting followed byroll call short business per iod followed when it was decided tohave asbake sale on Saturday June 21 Each member will con tribute baking to the amount cf one dollar It was also decided to take never the redecorating of room in the parsonage and alsoto donate $2 to the polio fund short wor ship period was followed by the singing of hymn Mrs French imbibe scripturereading and Mrs secretary of Baby Band who gave most interesting talk on WMS work and stressed the need of mothers linking home and church together by teaching Jesus Christ in the home by faithful attendance of their children at Sunday School3 and trying to eliminate race pre judice Mrs Hesse ended her talk with short story to the children Mrs George Paris told the children Bible story of Noah and the Ark hymn was sung and the meeting cloScd with the benediction Luncn was served and social hour en joyed with the children Trousscsu Tc On Wednesday evening June 11 Mrs John Corrigan entertained at trousscau tea to over 100 friends in honor of her daughter Eleanors approaching narriagc Mrs Leo Harrison welcomed the guests at the door and in the living room Mrs Corrigan and Eleanor received Mrs Willis Corrigan ushered the guests upstairs where the trousscau and wedding gifts Were displayed The tea table with lace cloth and centred by white flowers was pre sided over for the first hour by Mrs Carr and Mrs Albert Gilroy and the second hour by Mrs Doug Hopper and Mrs Arthur Cooper Assisting were Mrs Corrigan Mrs Ivan Wright Mrs Corrigan Mrs Gordon llalbert Misses Irene McMaster Molly Kidd and Lois Paris Shower For Miss Corrlgan number of friends of Miss El canor Corrigan met at her home on Monday evening June to spend social hour in honor of her mar riage on Saturday to Hugh Elbert Ilaycs On behalf of the commun ity Miss Iielcn Davis read an ap propriate address while Miss Irene McMastcr presented her with cabinet of silver from her many friends Miss Corrigan suitably ex dccp appreciation after which Mrs Corrigan scrvcd refreshments Death of Robert Lintick On Wednesday June 11 early evening Robert Lintick son of Mrs Dugald Campbell and the late Robert Lintick and brother of Ray lost his life when his recently purchased old model car turned over three times on the track at Cookstown Agricultural Park He was tossed several feet into the air and crushed under the rolling car Bob suffered internaljnjuries and died few minutes after he was rushed to Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Bob was age 18 and Was very popular boy with Cookstowns young people The funeral service washeld at the Anglican Church on Saturday June 14 230 pm and interment in St Johns Cemetery United Church Anniversary Anniversary services of Cooks town United Church were held on Sunday morning and evening June with almost capacity congrega tions in attendance The freshly and beautifully decorated interior of both church auditorium and school room and the addition of colorful summer flowers made fit ting setting for this occasion Rev Jonathan Jones BA BB was the minister and ably delivered two appropriate inspirational addresses In the morning the chose his mes sage from the 23rd Psalm con trasting conditions of today and the psalmists day re provision protec tion and Security for the Future His sermon in the evening was taken from St Lukes story of the triumphal entry Ye shall find colt tied whereon yet never man sat loose him and bring him hither And if any man ask you Why do 1952 JUNE lawman nitd Sunday WAVERLEY JUNE lwlhe Guild of St Johns visitors at Ernest Baler were Mr Anglican Church beldtheir June and Mrs William liunter Elmer meeting at the home of him Dalcs Mr and Mrs Harold Dales ibur Reynolds on Wednesday even IJohn and Ronnie and Miss Alice ing with good attenihnce lKirkpatrick Toronto Cooper then introduced Mrs Bessel Mr and Mrs Doug Recs and children Were Sunday visitors at Norman Daviss llcrb Hill Port Credit called on his father Hill Tuesday ever ing at Ernest Dales The Gardener family were Sun Bediord Thornton Ebenexer Whirl Ebenezer WMS met at the home of the president Mrs Ernest Dales Wednesday June 11 with 28 members and visitors present Meeting opened with hymn 402 followed by the Lords Prayer The roll call was answered by verse containing the word David Minutes were read and adopted and business discussed The meeting was turned over to Rev and Mrs Newcumbe who spoke on the history of Trinidad and what their work there will be This talk was very interesting and much enjoy ed Leaving For Trinidad Tlilli our minister and his form My are leaving to answer call to irmidad 15 real blow to all who know them To know them was to love them Mr and Mrs Lou Neilly enter tained the Lakeview Euchre Club Tuesday evening of last week Prize winners were Mrs iiughcs Mrs Gregg Davis Mrs Joe Cronun Lew Cronan Gregg Davis and Frank Steele tcndancc Mrs Monkmun vice president was in the chair The treasurer gavea most encouraging report from the Masonic banquet and Lions charter diner in May During the business periodl$5 was voted toward the polio fund boat trip on Lake Muskoka was planned for Aug 13 with Mrs Millie and Mrs Coleman as con vcncrs The members were re minded ofihechcst Xray survey July 18 al16360kstown fair grounds also of the South Simcoc WI picnic at Innisfil Park the same month Two resignations were handed in at which much regarct was express cd and nomin ting committco was formed to fill the vacancies Ircnc McMastcr was called upon to take the chair for the program Mrs Trotter was asked to give the current events welcome were expressed to the guests at which time their pres ident Mrs Lowery came to the front and thanked the Cookstown ladies for their kind invitation and called upon Mrs Jack Webster and daughter for piano duet which was most enj yd Irene McMastcr called upon Mrs Hindle for read ing which caused much merrimcnt though left much food for thought Mrs Monkman then gave most interesting talk on sketching and painting after which the Webster ladies repeated their piano duet on request of the Cookstown group Several rounds of bingo were eh few words of Mr and Mrs Rowe aunt fond called on Mr and Mrs Clar ence Bannister Mr and Mrs Ronald Trew and non Camp Borden spent the week end With Mr and Mrs ame Trcw Miss Annie detbwood Toronto visited Mrs Arthur Reynolds and inlay visitors with Mr and Mrs Ilium friends Ross Beanie Stayner conducted temperance service in the United Cburcb Sunday There will be no church service on Sunday June Mr and Mrs Ken Sheppardson and Mr and Mrs Andrews Io ronto spent few days with Mrs Ed Lutanvlllc There will be free chest Xray at the school on Friday July from to pm Mr and Mrs Miller Mr and Mrs Bob Jordon and Mr and Mrs Dwinncll were Sunday visitors with Mrs Wallace Wood Mr and Mrs Leighton Snider and family and Madine Drinklll spent Sunday or Stroud Beach Mr and Mrs Arthur Reynolds Rosalie iioskin received many useful gifts at the shower for them Thursday cvcninglnt the school Morris Darby spent few days in Ridgetown Gerald French Rain is spending few days at his home here Robert Archer of Broadview Sash is visiting his brother Fred Areher GUTHRIE Rev Douglas Muir Preacher JUNE IiiRev Douglas Muir rc ccntly ordained at Toronto Confer ence preached splendid sermon in the United Church here last Sunday morning on the subject The Revelation of God through His Son Jesus Mrs Murray Dun can and Gordon Caldwell sang as duct The Touch of His Hand Next Sunday morning Sacrament will be dispensed Arrives From England W02 John Mason who has been taking course at Borden England returned on the ship Samaria last week and arrived at Allandale Saturday night Mr anders Aubrey Caldwell and baby of Orillia spentSunday at Caldwells Mr and Mrs Newton B8582 and Mr and Mrs Gordon ClarkAarc on 10day motor trip to Port Roman Cleveland and Pittsburgh EDGAR JUNE l7Mr and Mrs An drews and Sybil and Mrs An mm JUN tleom of the waiver my visitors to Churchill United services were Mr and Mn Neil McPherson Toronto and Wallace Todd St Catharines at Todd Mrs EroatKneae shaw Betty and Bob of Bradford and Mrs Adams of Toronto at Ed gar Siurgeons Mr and him Starr iey Cairns and children Bradford at Kings Mr and Mrs Ed Chicora Toronto at Harvey Ral stons Mr and Mrs Russ Alkin and Shirley Todd Barrie at Harry Todds Mr and Mrs Parker Pea cock Stroud at Pratts Miss Libbie Sturgeon Mrs ombley Mr and Mrs William Constable IToronto at Itch Sturgeons Miss lGeorgie Rcivc at her home Mrs ill Wight chroy and Mr and IMrs Harold Gibson and daughters Ivy at drunk and Mrs Ross IBcll Bradford at Kens Miss iSbulcy Moore and John Sinclair Sarnia at Sinclairs Mr and Mrs Clarence Ferguson Stroud and Mrs Jory Barrie at Russell Stewarts Mr and Mrs Ross Neilly and children Gifford at Gra hams Mrs Round Toronto with Dalton Ferriers Ken Ralston Jack Campbell and William Duncan were in Ottawa last week Mr and Mrs Sturgeon and Mr and Mrs King visited the Trade Fair in Tomato Mrs Richardson Big Cedar Point is spending short holiday in Toronto United 61th Anniversary Anniversnry services of Churchill United Church Were held on June 15 with capacity congregations in attendance The auditorium was beautifully decorated with colorful summer flowers making fittin setting for the occasion Rev Beech BA Burton Ave Church Allandale was the special minister in the morning and ably delivered an appropriate and inspirational sermon This is the hand that saves Special music was render ed by quartet from Collier St Church Barrie with Mrs Sinclair at the organ In the evening Rev Hunter Schomberg was the speaker and gave thorough and interesting address on Missions in the Home Land He was assisted Regular meeting at Baxter Bone and School was held on My evening June to with the pres tdent Mrs museum presiding Mrs MicLumen read very dc lamintone The secreted in Willard Mooney reported the min utes Each member answered roll call by reading portion of the objectives of the Federation and followed with short discussion on which one was most impoan Mrs Harvey walkom was com mended by the president for job well done by her accurate and dc tailed report of the financial state ment for the past year This be ing the final meeting until Sep tember new officers were nom imited and elected President Mrs Iurnbull VicePresident Mrs Harvey Wallrom Secretary Mrs Edith Smith Treasurer Mrs McAfee Converters Citizenship Mrs Elmer Denney Heath Mrs William Gauley Jr Parent Educa tion Mrs McLachlan Social Mrs McKnight and Mrs Denney Program Mrs Haugh Member ship Mrs Ellison World Under standing and Religious Education Mrs Cochrane Founders Day Mrs Kiernan Genticmcns MW by Rev Newcombe MA BD Again quartet from Collier St Barrie led the singing and ren dered several special numbers in their usual excellent manner Fol lowing this servicc Mr Hunter showed moving pictures of life in the Caribou district of British Col umbia and the work of thcAChurch there where he served LEARN the truth about your motor Our Motor Analyzer checks 38 points for possible trouble Find out the weak spots and have them corrected BRENNAN AUTO ELECTRIC sunvrcs BARBIE ONTARIO man for were dismissed for the September meeting it was suggested by Mrs Willow that we start of the new term with Religion Education At ter closing the meeting dainty lunch was served by the committee and the remainder of the evening was went socially JUNE Mom Shirley Richard son has been with bcr aster at Copper Cuff for few week Mr and Mrs Harry Carma 19 room visited at Richardsons Bunny Mr and Mrs Harold Wilson um Larry and Bath Fort Erie visit ed at Carsons Sunday The frequent showers are won derful boost to the farm crops in general BAND SAWS We carry con pletc line of 8M saws for hobby shops and Industrict Also Woodworking Machinery For Quality aniliconomy Cordqu Saws Using the wrong type of saw or machinery means loss of time and money to you Corn tact us for expert ad vice on anything In the line of machinery at WE YOU no obligation wru SAVE MONEY Jddu MACHINERY 97 Dunlop St BARRIE Phone 2879 Measure the Difference In drews Petcrboro visited at Hayes on Sunday Mrs Audqews is staying with her daughter f0r few weeks Mr and Mrs Johnson attended the EatonJohnson wedding in Hamilton on Saturday Mrs Musgrove spent the wcpk joyed while lunch was being prey and in Erindale Mr and Mds Strachan dud thanked the Cookstown ladies for Gary spent the weekend in Toronto pared Mrs Campbell of Stroud an enjoyable evening ye loose him thus shall ye say un to him Because the Lord hath need of him He spoke of the various ties of personal living that interfere with the rendering of efficient ser vice f0r Christ Three ties that should beloosed are time talents and possessions Special music was rendered by the church choir with Arnold at the organ BurtonBarrie gaveaeello solo at the morning service In the evening the Allis ton Glee Club ledvtho singing and rendered several special numbers in their usual excellent manner Womens Institute Last meeting for the summer of Cookstown Womens Institute was held in the town hall on June with StroudWI as guests and and Willowdale leu WIDER roanuuooma IREAD ia4utltorvi warrmsg NowtTestDrive the Rock Twit07in the big completely ngmw 752 Ford Prove it yourself titko tape measuressee how muchzbigger this beauty really iaDiscover how much more COMM1 for You mold and you have in lords hixuryiinteriors Test room Arirmr wider front treadmakes steering even easier TestDrive the new llOHp StrawStar VS your clii of three drivsen Automatic Transmission the nest on the road todity smooth thrifty Overdriye or Synchro with if WWMnsltsrguommmwaw Silent Shift Anyway you won Caburn led in prayer Mrs goodly number of members in at Drwanonuy ivofmadu HamlFord gwwyoumom by far feel thuamooth restful ride with it tin comfort imbeuuty fl fl is i11itglmgerpdbcand Auto1 inpafWWYwuWanlithul inc11 uauaheconcoiuanato=ker Areyou busy dusting If potatoes 1eic againfSt 1Iinuyaurotiuhiweucyouraookr PM Tmlev=lAYMliNTlzc9 vouCAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Ar YOURSHUltGAINMlLL abacth BYYEARS OF RESEARCRWMEXRERIMENTQ YOURSHURGAIN millionth HIGH GRADEJREHFEEDS THAT AREMANUFaCTURED non can soon PURPOSE or Immsruog ECONOMY IN PRODUCTION in non mam another nitrous Advoiminhumdii MmeWM aooirs lords pMao bvlld allisummertimeinsect therilriceRedutlidiii

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