Fin new Loblno Caving on Georgian Bay Fire Saturday damaged the curry mer residence of Gilbert mine discoverer of the Great Bet Lake uranium deposits on Georgian Bay There was no one in the cottlxe 15 mile north of Penetang when the blue broke out Damage was estimated attnou thn 33 re is m7 have started by cigarette butt tossed into pile of shavings moon TOWENHAM W1 Bu Trip to JUN walk and Mrs John JUNE lGA vary enjoyable aid Hcodcnon Toronto spent Sunday picturaque bus trip to Peterboro with Milt Lin 1nd John Palmer was taken by 88 Indies members Mrs Hagen end daughter of Stroud Womens Institute 1nd Betty spent the weekend with friends with Eldon Greer of Bun friends in Toronto as capable driver on Tuadu My Juth 10 The has left SW If E30 am goingmulh to Highway grkrmgtiuwg $3 arming in Peterboro at noon sum vemhmm onmres Night The draw for the Mr and Mrs David Ritchie tre Eggsmf 35 0103 Swag his homd here He suffered he attack on Friday blnllllflll gutogrnphed quilt which visillng their soninlaw and mired owr 57030 the hall funldaughter Mr and Mrs Georgelgfcfjd mfoutgh me Qua Mr and Mrs Harry Crawley is Minn by Kehnclll Coper ElmZMcFadden Htllsdale 23 anflafhii Tomato spent Sunday with Mr and 33 ill c700 WV an Ts boxing parcellinx labelling and mm meel Hil Au nnx1rllkgrc$lorspvnf the weekend wnth Mrs myng produds was or much Mrs McIntosh has returned to Ar 132mm Hi Mmfrrzloore and Show mm lam Trim urn Smudge Hs gbourg Sem me week at ogxhc locks largest fresh water locks mm De hemf 333 andim Canada possibly in the world Dam er 3M Baes was enjoyed Other interesting wlson smnhs HHS 630583waihgmgxgs 3g visit were scenic trip to anhj Mihas wcemvmfla Mrs John Arnoldp an mg mm View peerbomugh berl Dawsoyr Ba er an rs tour the wesem Clock Co Mr and Mrs Thornton and Mrs Ritchie returned after spending week with Mrs Haw$2LdiadnasyxmmwgfxIcu son Centralia were weekend vis kins at Sudbury mm itors with the formers parents Mr the making of watches Mrs Kerr returned afterwdr 3nd MfsH1hTm0ll smug her son and daughtermglarnl clocks Small clocks as well ML and Mrs Harold McCurdy ins lnrger ones and electric clocks law Mr and Mrs Arcme Kern Toronto spent Sunday wnh Reeve Sudbury und Lt checking for accuracy was JanwsMcCurdy Miss Terry Stevenson and ROMS2 Exismgmggl ginfgsr 00 12 Eli perm visited his Ritchie Toronto were guestsnllehogpmg on me way through Um 0m Ctkfnd Mrs Ititchles l5 Oakwood when members Toltenham Reeve BAXTER We mg comm Even for notice of strawberry festival hold Mrs Orville the sympathy of this community with some so members out is extended to Mrs Robert Turn children attending Mm bull in the loss of her brother for optnfn Mist Murllyn Ellis is Visiting which minded mean the home or her sister donorsth sodpnycr by Ellison m3 mm 3315 3W1 Mrs Liam Whelan spent day veryg wry Wllh her grandmother Mrs Vlll SHw 30mm lam Gsuley Sr mm ma am Mr and Mrs Glenn Johnston MM Mum EV and Mnry of Fordwich called on gm Bind mm habit and Mrs llnugh on Sat we MW 306 water turday on their way to Ottawa Anwmg Chm we Misses Dons Ruddlck and Man we 3M3 53195 gone Black spent the vrrkcnd 111 meal bible Wily parked bymw Lma in MI and JIS Jallltfl lvfcfblilllld Km Ma JV Much Ind Shown of Coulson spent Silli on imprrssne warship rm day With Mr and Mrs ll Mc on the theme Stevrxnimrp Ap Frhrd Wine Mran were 52 follow Mr Mr MOON ed by Stflvium resdmg and cam miliimnlg 51 merits and vocal duet living Morris Toronto on Sunday Our All To God by Allan Mr and Mrs New Corrixan and Mrs Szoltr An lien Toronto called on Mr added feature vex QWPEEEN1MB Vernon Jumm may of challengingpzaylet danish My md Mm Elmo eWaIre Up which brought out Emmi we Sunday Mm My pracucax lessons Swwanmp Mrs Ellison Thonwsouvlllc of flanc Quilt Net 770 Mm Ross Millur Toronto pent JUNE row0n Wednesday evengz few days with her parents Mr mg lllt Board of Trade entertainlend Mrs John Kerr ed fltrll ladies lo dinner at Mrs Joe Townes Hillsdale spent Brnlgevlew Inn Wasaga Beacha week at Mr and Mrs Man ilans were made to hold Mllhlnlngs collision between two freight trains on the Czntdim Nukmal Railways line six miles north of Wuhago Saturday blocked traffic until about 10 pm No one was in lured One train was pulling into rid log when wutthund min struck it In the rm AW and one uni car were knocked over crewman was shaken up More mm of Burns pert here in Touenham Ontario John Abrams states he had experl AMAma mm TREATMENT FOB roux CAR ggmlllsm firmyth 318 process mulled by profeuloul ouncexrtlors with small sum equip ITS PRODUCT 111 CHIMCM llt 110 Also we have veteran ex fence back nearly 60 years ago and he well remembers playing with the Chesterfield United against the Toilenham England Hotspurs Mr Abrams admin at that game the Holspurs won He says they were the best team in England at that limp and thinks they still are He was on the cheering Spurs at the Saturday game in Toronto When our worthy Reeve McCurdy had been asked to kick the all to start the game he soon lmd Mr Abrams instructing him in blgumrsomc of the fine points in prenaro gallon for the tosvoff Mr McCurdy presented gift to Elhe manager of the lotspurs to be Hrldctobc Honored number of friends attended nuwellzmvom shower in the Sunday School room of St Johns 3C lrurcll for Marion Ilumstead The many useful gifts were carried in by llvmn Jacobs and John Beard nll After the gifts had been duly ndmmd Marlon thanked all for their kindnth and good wishes Lunch was served and social mur enjoyed Congratulations to orrl Ann Simpson daughter of line for the More complete probation brighter oss All wuer trul menl outllsts muhlncz on hum polish Your Guanntce Its ILL MAKE AN APPOINTEHT YODAY It takes to hours We collect And deliver back with new Show Room Shine English Cars $756 and and CNR lmlei North and and Miss Marg time and talents he play was enacted by Mrs Halbert Mrs Swenson Mrs 12 Blakley Mrs K1 Connell Mrs Drivers and Mrs Cunningham Rev Craik spoke briefly also emphasizing the thought of stewardship Meeting adjourned following the singing of hymn and the benediction As sisting as hosteos during the so cial hour were Mrs Clair Halbert Mrs Russell Halbcrt Mrs Buy ers and Mrs Henderson July meeting at Mrs Donald Kerrs Church Attendance Grows The attendance at Burns church services on Sunday afternoons con tinues to grow with 103 attending the regular Sunday School session last Sunday Rev John McCartney was in charge of the worship ser vice in the absence of the pastor Rev Craik who was at Mans field for their anniversary services Fete Mr and Mn Small An enjoyable time was spent at the spacious home of Mr and Mrs Wood on Mondaycvoning when members of the Federation group and friends and neighbors gathered in honor of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Small whose marriage took place recently Roy Downey was master of ceremonies during the entertainment which included pro gressive cards and the staging of mock wedding with the following ants bride Essie Alderson aid Bessie Halbert flower girl Pearl Butchers ring bearer Helen Kerr train bearer Marjorie Crosbie groom Lila Melville best man Alma Kiernan brides father Margaret Stoltz minister Jean Corrigan organist Belle Downey The young couple were presented with lovely table lamp by mem bers of the Federation and miscel laneous gifts and purse by friends and neighbors Mr Small replied and on behalf of his bride expressed their appreciation and the group joined in singing For they are jolly good fellows Refreshments were served and the singing of the Na tional Anthem brought the evening to close Mr and Mrs Allan Comgan at tended the Shorthorn Field Day on the farm of Mr Beath near Osh awni recently Mrs Corrigan and Mrs Hunter Lublaw accompanied by Mrs Cor rigan and Miss Hannah Corrigan Allistongattended trousseau tea at Cookstown last Wednesday ev ening in honor of Miss Eleanor Corrigan Mrs Jennett Thornton spent few days recently with her sister Mrs Henderson Miss Alice Fountain and little Linda Fountain of Everton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Grills Mr and Mrs Herbert Gies Miss Shirley Urhig and Stuart Gies of Crlrtogatcalled at the home of Mr and Mrs Elmerstoiti on Sunday WeekEnd Service To Wasaga Beach Effectlve Sunday April 271117 LEAVE BARBIE 1045 am 410 pm 745 pm LEAVE OAKVIEW 740 am 130 pm 825 Sat Only Fri only Sat Sun Hol jmmanrmr nekeoananromoonn Mr and Mrs Ross Collier and Carolyn New Luxwll vmlvd Mr and Mrs George McKnight on Sunday Mrs Morgarvl Denney and Cecil visited Mr and Mrs Hugh Denney on Sunday Mrs Wren and Olive of Alliston spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs William Gaulcy Jr Miss Lorraine Dermott 511011 the vceknd at Mr and Mrs Norris Cochranes The were 28 members of lhe xCameron family gathered at 11 home of Mr and Mrs Mc 1Lachlan on Sunday to celebrate Fathers Day Mr and Mrs Keith Turnbull nu turned home Sunday from hrzr honcymoon inter Ladies Aid June meeting was hold of Mrs Hugh Dcnncys with 16 membvrs and four visitors The president Mrs Turnbull conducted the worship service assisted by Rev Guorgis The Bible Study questions prepared by Mrs ll Walkom were answered on thcv3rd and 4th Chapters of Hebrews For the program Mrs Boyer gave an interesting paper on Glory and Miss Irene Denney and Mrs Roy Clarke of Grand Valley favored with duel These were much on joyed Planning for the annual strawberry festival on June was the main business delicious lunch was served by the commit lee Plan Community Hall JUNE 16A meeting was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Carruthers Monday night when all those interested in the erection of community hall were invited to attend to discuss plans for same committee of live was appointed to find prices of building material etc This committee will call or other meeting at later date Mrs McClean Weston is visit ing her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Busch and family The Guild met at Mrs Alvin Leonards Wednesday afternoon with good attendance Mrs Rawn and baby Ruth Mrs Lamb and Mr and Mrs Frank Rawn visited friends at New Lowell Thursday night Mr and Mrs Bell Orillia visited Mr and Mrs Clarence Leonard Friday night Elaine Preston has returned home after spending the past year at tending high school in Parry Sound Annette Quesnelle is home from Toronto having spent the past year attending school at Loretto Abbey Mrs Woods and family Hamil ton spent the weekend at their cabins here Mr and Mrs Lorne Carruthers and familykand Mr and Mrs Robins and familyispent Sunday at Balm Beach Jean Wallace Midland visited her grandparents Mr and Mrs English Sunday Mrs Harrison Toronto visited her brother George Wismer dur ing the week NEW LOWELL JUNE 16Mr and Mrs Mumberson and Mr and Mrs Har old Martln spent the weekend at Manitoulin Island Miss Marjorie Switzer Toronto visited at her homehere Miss Marion Mumberson nurse lntralning at Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie is holidaying with her parents here Mr and Mrs Varey and chil dren spent Sunday with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Lewis Hubbert and baby of Ivy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Barker Mr and Mrs Day and family spent Sunday um friends at Hon eywood Miss Jane Wilson Barrie lavis ltinsMarion Mumberson Mrs Annie Thomas Angus ris visiting Mrs John Gordon 1w Mr and Mrs Eric Simpson who was one of the graduates from the Uruvursity of Toronto Mr and Mrs Herb Ritchie at ltllllld thv Tapping Ceremoriy at St Andnws fluspilzll Midland whcn thuir daughter Barbara was who of the graduates Mr and Mrs John Ritchie nee Marry urriul are the proud par rnls of daughter June 13 1952 11 S1 ndrcvs Hospital Midland Mr and Mrs Chester Baker are happy to announce the binh of llwir son 11 St Andrews Hospital Mllllllild on JunI 14 1952 Sincere sympnlhz is extended to hu relatives of Morley Furlong who was killed in threeway coll LSlUll live miles north of Hamilton on Friday night while on their way to visit their parents Mrs McCarthy Barrie spent ling Mr and Mrs Bertram Bar rie spent Sunday with Mr Mrs Lloyd Pearson Mrs Schaeffer and boys of Dunnville spent the Weekend with friends here Miss Olive Clutc Barrie spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Clute Miss Violet Wade Barrie spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Wade Dr Horvie is attending the Shriners Convention in Flor ida Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George Sponrn nee Nellie Lang man on the birth of son June 15 1952 JUNE 16Vlsitors at Mrs Wilkinsons over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Donald Wilkinson and Betty llylnnd Toronto Mr and Mrs William Jenkins and family were weekend visitors with Ben Ferris and Irene Adair of St Petersburg Camp was at his home for the weekend Sorry to report Mrs Henry Hob bins has been confined to bed and we all wish her speedy recovery Mrs Sim Jenkins returned from hospital feeling much improved and is able to be out again Mr and Mrs Frank Crosbie of Slayncr visited Mrs Crosbie on Sunday Mrs Wilson is spending few days in Toronto this week with her daughter Mrs Albert Gibbs Mrs Joseph Boyle and Mrs Frank Gallaugher Allislon visited Miss Jennie Jenkins last week Mr and Mrs Fred Topping and daughter Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs FE Pear son On Saturday June 21 James E1 der and Eleanor Peacock will ex change wedding vows in the Angli can Church Everett at pm Mrs Elizabeth Kirkwood and her two sons of Scotland arrived at the home of William Burnett where they will be staying Congratulations to Miss Norma Ince and Wilbur Lawson who will be married on Saturday June 28 Mr and Mrs Les Sharpe and Jack of Paris Ont visited friends in Everett on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harpld Moon spent Sunday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Bud Morrow and son spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Thomas Leslie George town Mrs Martha Mann Mrs Tracy and Mrs Janet Henderson Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Roy Laking srcouo LINE FLOS JUNE illHarold McLeaming and Mrs Desjardine visited friends inBelleville over the weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Eakley and Mr and Mrs Harold Johnston of Wyebridge were Sundayvisltors with Mr and Mrs Wesley John ston Mrs Ganton visited last week with Mr and Mrs Harvey John ston Mr and Mrs Joseph Lockhart and family of Jarratt visited Mr and Mrs Rupert McGrath Mr and Mrs Albert Swan were Sunday visitors with Mrs Swans parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Hut chinson Wyebrldge Mrs Lockhart Sr and Thomas Lockhart of Vasey were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Percy McGrath gt Mr and Mrs Allan Johnston and children were visitorswith John Johnston and MrsWilliam Corru thers at Wyebridge MrspRedditt and Mr and Mrs Robert Johnston Barrie Mr and Mrs Norman Johnston Stoney Creek end Mr and Mrs Besselo ronto werevisitors with Miss Ger tie Goddard and Melville Goddard at the weekend For hardwareofiro copper or zinc willknl ll vavwlnklit ANGUS JUNE IllMrs Hunt spent Saturday in Toronto with her hus band who is patient in the Gen eral Hospital Mr and Mrs Duckworth spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Ted Vasey at Vasey Desjardinc Mrs Joseph Des jardinc and Mrs Fousie Detroit spent Friday visiting relatives and friends Mrs Coulson is visiting her daughter in Colllngwood James Linklater returned home to Detroit Monday morning Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs William Gauley William Mc Master and Miss Lilly McMastcr in the death of their dear brother James McMaster Mr and Mrs Hammond spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Robert Partridge spent the weekend in Toronto EDENVALE JUNE 16The Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be observed in the United Church here next Sun day morning Mr and Mrs Bedllnglonand Mrs Liddicoat visited Mrs RupertThursday Mr and Mrs Maw Mr and Mrs Bert Maw and Mr and Mrs Russell Maw and family at tended the Atkinson reunion at River Valley Park Woodbridge Saturday Mr and Mrs Aubrey Giffen and family are visiting friends at Ravenshoe Mr and Mrs Donald Giffen and Gary Centre Vespra spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Newman Giffen See Coming Events for particulars of strawberry festival Mr and Mrs Graham spent Sunday withMrand Mrs Gif enI 11 uw uvl Vi few days with Mrs Robert 6035 and of that Womens Institute were most 0pc 30cc Gan Iwngenml hosiesses to very much number of the Villagers motor anmcd banquc Mm musing ed to Toronto on Saturday to soul the soccer game between the Tot sin son the Institute Ode Auld lenhnm Hotspurs of England and Lang Sync and the National An llivm fond farewell with an in Manchester ummd at vars sm v1tntion for the members of Oak dfum Houpurs won 50 The in wood pa rem vim and Vltatlon came through Mrs Alton pmsibly enjoy the Quilt and Rug Anderson from the manager of the fair in Barrie end of July and be Spurs whom the Andersons on ginning of August Then the last the Empress 0f Sqouand When ro mp or the journey Mme when an turning from Visit to Devon Eng felt it was day to be remem and May RemC James MC berm Curdy had some difficulty flndmg soccer ball and sent to Alliston MM um for onc somc 12 mile Iculr meal or 10 msmute ed his villagers did not know the ill bL hdd humday June 19 first thing about soccer But one the Comnunlt all or con ball did exrst here the proud pos vnershi of 1le ngabb semen of Sid Butler whlch ho exchange of favorite recipes Mrs Mnguire of Minesing special speak ning 20 Saturday night Alliston or on Cooking with Honey 0n played the lads here with tho July 16 the Institute are sponsor Stroud boys again victorious 64 ing the Community Garden Party Several fromhere took in the with ball game and program an horse show at Aurora on Saturday added attraction Mrs Campbell spent the Sacrament of Baptism weekend with relatives at Cree On Sunday June 15 in the more Slroud Presbyterian Church the Mrs Joseph Bowman attended Sacrament of Baptism was admin the funeral of her uncle James istcred by the minister Rev Lee in Toronto on Monday Muir to Kathleen Barbara Mr zmd Mrs Campbell and daughter of Mr and Mrs Bernard daughter 01 Barrie SPFM Sunday Pope Alice Joanne and Paul Ha with Mrs Campbells parents Mr mon twin daughter and sdn of and MYS Gibbins Mr and Mrs Paul Pope James brought from England seven years Howard son of Mr and Mrs How ard Pope Robert James son of Mr and Mrs Fraser Sutherland The congregation were favored with lovely anthem by some of the junior members of the Sun day School When He Cometh They also assisted the choir with hymns Mr Muir took his text from the 2nd Chapter of Acts giv ing two definitions of Sacrament and the responsibility of the par ents and every member of the church to set good example for the children in prayer precept and admonition in Jesus Christ Presbyterian Services BeginningSunday June 22 Sab bath School of the Presbyterian Church will meet at pm and Church at three At church ser vice the Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be observed with me paratory service Thursday June 19 at 880 pm The annual con gregation and Sunday School pic nic will be held at lnnisfil Park on Friday June 20 with supper at 630 pm Attend OES Service Several of the members of In nisl Chapter Order Easetrn Star attended worship with Bayview Chapter Barrie at Trinity Angli can Church when welcome and service was broadcast on CKBB Strand Juveniles Win The juvenile baseball boys are doing very well and are to be con gratulafed On Thursday they played good game at Utopia win If the children and were left alone Canine liveVon the money Jf10mmyhubad om ovldnuou cannula MI mono midrib MONA may District Office 58 Beyond Qwommsuuvw lprcsontcd by him to the Mayor of Toltcnham England up his return Reeve Mchrdy ratepayers feel greatly honored by Success of Tottenham England the the council and their namesake Others $995 Cleaning Reparlng Chrome If Desired Anemth 46 532 5150 Extra Providinghllalm new information has become an established part of our public serv Mayorlav male LE us WEIGHT voun TIRES WITH 11 CLAPPERTON VULCANIZINGROAD SERVICEFARM IIREVSPECIALISIS food and so much the upkeopnfdhome so expensivequ wdmake endp Superior equip meal professional compe tence and sobnd business methods make it possible for us toprovide servicesof memorable beauty and dig nity in range of prices that satisfyeveryfamilys re quirements Hill in SI Kill IN HOMELME FUNERAL HOME Ii iiilll SCLAHERIOV Pitka lt5 WaleII GoooEAn SOLUTION loo Goodyear3 Solution 100 lls and weights your tires 100 with liquid makes any tractor tire pull better last longer Saves fuel too and ends ination worries See us today BEERSTIRE smut PHONE 4335 nnwcmrexd sjnsurance Or would we to nuke complete change future ofmy boy and meioohportiminoorlivesi Neuter idtlrofjt how our would as film troy of livingd change that would um gt wish Thad ASK ruuouoou HEB MAN atth