BANDS lN ARENA MONDAY An Enormous nutrer Serving Tiff TOWN OF AND COUNTY OF Since 1864 MB 31130 norm cum Br Put Mien mmt oaru FINAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE Twiss Guns in Possession Men FOR COLLEGIATE FESTIVAL 0F charged Oshawa Three Toronto men when age range from 1310 were lurestcdinOshnwnonashp breaking chute early Wed nesday morning when they were Dino found in possum of firearms which have been identified as those stolen from the Harry Twin store on Dunlap Street Barrie PC Alex Orr Dorrie Town Policc has unveiled down to Oshawa to continue investiga tions on which be wu work ing in connection with the theft Total haul from the Twin 88111 YeormNo 7i Preparations for the Festival of Bands in Barrie Arena Mun day evening are now complete and with over 1000 tick ts out the Barrie Collcgmte Band is expecting big crowd orl the outstanding musical evening In addition to the famous group of young local musicians the festival will present the Leslie Bell Quartet new or ganization that has already made name for itself apart from its parent group the Bell Choir and the RCAF Training Command Band of 15 musicians Highlights of the Barrie Clllilgi uni 1110 play group of hits from ate Band program will be lozccl lhc illUSiLdl State hair wall of Destiny very difficult Vrsdl as Illodcin writing by Sid bcllcr contemporary American comw BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY JUNE 20 1952 Uhr Barrie Examitwr mzur Clan WNA Flour Mill Being Demolished overture and Folk Song SlillLla store which included quirk Mwm and Audi luruu of Irwins AFTER DAYLONG Dam fcoumv COUNCIL TO SPEND MONDAY unit 1010 5c single copy 16 Pageme $98585 ON HOME FOR AGED Am sprinting the major part of Wednesday morning and uiicrlzuoll 305510113 In committee of the whole to discuss the qntun of the County Home for the Aged at Search County tillmczi innlly agreed to the adoption of the four reports prcwnlcd to them Monday by the Special Building Oom zmztcc the approval 01 which means an expenditure of $98 In connection With the Home like upgnmnl cixzizizittrc of lin LL1111 51211111 Camp 0le Station moved lllcril to lhc finance 11 thi Lnrbl wag money to 111 mum to the cornpiction thcrc was arising problem gm importance which wiil affect innielfarc of the resi dents It was Explained that this was 1111 machan of the present kitchen facilities With the open ing of the new wing the borne by Vaughan Williams The bundlposcr The build in the last month has bccn forced to dental from practis ling bvcnuml of thc cxamlnntioni gwould have to serve approximately 1in persons Including staff This would be almost inmosathle luridcr cxsting condition the com tity of gum and ammunition proch at as well an special gun given to Mr Twins by the Colt Comp any valued at $2000 has been iiyears Goes tonbridge yuwxmnwumwwmmmw sclndulc but during the last week sincc the cxummations have fin ishcd has been practising vcry hard The sale of tickets by school stud Turn to pngc two please estimated at around 55000 The three men who have been charged in Oshawa are Steve luneo 21 Phil Carey 23 and Rants Lohnes 19 all of Toronto iCounly Councillors Enfertained ngo Industrial Tour of Hamilton By 65 and altcr exchange of greetings Lust Full chtworth Countyii mick tour was madc of County dcsiring to know something aboutlbuxldlngs of chlworth which are iciorcstntion came to Simcoe 101 located on James St Then with itmir the arms sci aside by Simone second bus on hand both Coun ICounty for that purpose They oils were taken to the Harbor Corn ivch gt1 plcnscd with the reception mission docks where large plea ithcy rccclvcd that they extended sure boat was on hand to take the Ian invitation to the County Coun CHI111 group 00 ii CFUISC 0f llam lcillors to be their guests This in Bay and Harbor VIIZIIIOHLJVUS again sent this spring BRUCE MCCAULEYv Who was and after vote Council accepted for 15 years with Bell Pluningium invmtmu Mill Limited and has been salesl The trip was made yesterday manage me fur some limel anothcr of those lovcly June days leaves tomorrmv f0 Uxmidgc that has been our lot this spring where he is entering into newlyl Leaning by charmed bus and formed partnership in similarlscvcml Gutsy the journey smrted business in that town shortly after am slight delay Industrial Development From the decks of this big boat which is capable of carrying 500 persons the plants of one of Can adas fastestgrowing cities could be scan The great Steel Company of Canada still in operation though limited by the steel strike in the RECENTLY Maple Avenue was cordoned off by the police as constructidn workers from Toronto firm carried out systematic demolition of the remains of the old Bar rie Flour Mill which was destroyed by fire UNustivcwim HOME ERCHANDISE SHOW An unusual type of accident which occurred on Essa Road yeah terday afternoon caused slight damage to two vehicles which were involved private car and pick up truck Gcorgc Thornc 31 80 Essa Road was reversing his car out of the The llolnu Mcrchnndlsc Show driveway in mal address on the sponsored by Barry Lodge Loyal opposite Side of the street Add Order of Mouse to hen3111 thc Gauvin 90 Essa Road was doing Royal Canadian ir Cadcls of Bar thc same thing with his truck He met With splendid reception The pair collided on the street on the afternoon and evening of chncsdny Junc ill Knocked cycle Held in the Barrie Arena the at tendance was approximately 800 Bruce is Barrie boy who was raised here and attended Princh of Wales School and Barrie Colli egiatc Mrs McCaulcy thcformcrl Mary Livingston and their little son Gregory arc remaining hcrvl for the present in Hamilton shortly before noon USA was one of the biggest Oth er plants such as the Internatiom al Harvester and many more had Turn to page two please occurred at Bond Head when it was found that the fire extinguisher had not been filled with water Warden Hart delayed the bus long enough to have the container filled Alrriving at the Court Housa ASSESSED COUNTY TAXABLE VALUE INCREASED BY OVER $9000000 IN PAST YEAR Because of the small salaries offered in more than one instance this year no replies have been received from applic ations for an assessor states Eric in report which he has just presently in the midst of their Summer Session at Barrie Died This Morning In failing health for the past few Miss Ida Pae died at the Royal Victoria Hospital this morn ing member of StAndrews Presbyterian Church she was well known in Barrie Miss Pae was bookkeeper at The Barrie Exam iner for 18 years until she retired in 1948 The Tracy ReunIOn will be held Saturday June 28 at pm Springwatct Park Midhurst Bring picnic basket 7173FW Lancin MDnda Wednesday $130350 County 51559550 Friday argid Saturn nights atC1ub presented to County Councxl 79 Admission gimme gentle men 75c 413th Utopia St Georges Anglican For the mo mm the work Church Strawberry and cold meat the assessors over the county dur and salad plate Gude Party at the ing the past year has been satisfac mopm Community park June 25 tory In the larger municipalities Supper served imm 5308 pm the volume of assessment work has Ban game and good program after been steadily increasing the rc in SchooL Admission $1 children port adds 500 7071 Four towns and five townships Canadian 01d now have assessors giving full time to assessments in their mun CBC Show Saturday August icipalities rIwo assessors are now Rgsetved 508$ 315 orders assegmg two municipalities each With remittance t0 Fiddlers Can and it is pointed out that this is test Reservation BOX 56 She mdst encouraging and desirable burne Ontartor 7071 SituationI Old tyine and modern dancing his In the small munclpahties the 930 am We 110395 an report continues there is often ngtonesx every Friday at Pine miles north Barrie on not enough work or suffchent sal Cfesb any to enable assessor to quali Hghway 27 Am 50C WWW fy himself to do the best work Cenlm united Chum Choir This results also in great deal of are 1de mm meat Plate and uired of work and tulle bemg req June 25 530 to pm Turn to page three please gram afterwards Championship Short pro 6871F Barrie Collegiclle Band Presents Festival of Time Fiddler Contest Finals and strawberry supper at the Church Harold Phillips Edgehill Drive received injuries to his right leg and left hip while cycling across the intersection of Bradford and High Street Thursday evening He was struck by car driven by Thomas Pattenden 44 RR Barrie Police say that the youngster was trying to cross High Street in front ofthe truck which was turn ing off Bradford on to High and so appreciative that it was de cided to hold the event pver for hursday evening also Several draws for valuable prizes were held ovcr until Thurs day night about 10 pm when the following were winners Garden umbrella from Barrie Tent and Awning was won by Mrs Fict chcr 32 Henry St Marshall matl to Mm lwashcrs lcrators table trcss from Smith went CKBBS popular announcer County CouncillPresenl Awards To Scholarship Pupils Honors Taken by Collingwood School Theaward in connection with the Centennial Scholarship examina tions which were held in Barrie recently were prelsented to the suc cessful candidates at the Wednes day morning session of County Council when top honors were taken by three girl pupils of Vic toria School Collingwood In the second group schools with four or more fulLtime teachers Gail McLean Vivian Conn and Many McRae all from Victoria School took first second and third prizes respectively In additiom Gail McLean won the grand charm pionship first prize whileVivian Conn won the grand championship second prize The succekful candidates were introduced by Councillor Smith Campbell reeveof Ora Station and chairman of the Education Com mittee Warden Hart handed over the cash prizes and awards Helen Smith Central School Or illia was the only other prize winner in the second group The following were the success ul entrants in the other section schools with threerfulltime teach ers or less Robert Hutton Thornton Phelpstob isobelle Gilchrist Shanur Bay Norine Duff New Lowell Council were informed by the Education Committee that In ad dition to the winning prizes the inspectors felt that the work of the following students was worthy of honorable mention Donna Ander son Centrnl School Orillia Valda Brunins David Church School Orillia JoyceCaldwell Prince of Wales School Barrie Maureen Law Army School Camp Borden Gerda Lounsbury West Ward tIurn to page two plea Elaine Atkinson Using crane and block and tackle large mch block Was swung against the standing walls until they werc completely demolished Photos show two stages in the operation is HELD OVER EXTRA NIGHT AS RESULT OF OPENING SUCCESS Barbara thcicr and lllz kitchen sot given by lump Sons went to Twiss 2312 Duckwortii St ccrtiiicatc giving $100 on purchusc of Al Frigidaire rcfrigcrnlor was won by Mrs Van Vulkcm burg 30 Sanford St The tlllllt floor building was utilized variety of home shown Entering the main door the dis play of Lowes furniture and cloc tric appliances was in the ccntrc ran back onethird the length of Lhe cutirc floor and took in part of the cast side also They featured the firms slogan Let Us Feather Your Nest with Little Down and showed Fairbanks and Easy Scrvcl and other rcfrig nnd floor LaniBoy chairs Chesterfield and bedroom suites electrohomc radios demonstration of Necchi sewing machines and modern kitchen furn iture Prize offered inn draw was achrome kitchen sci table and chairs The additional display on the east side was in conjunction with the showing of metallic folding awnings by the eering and Tool Co It included summer furniture lightweight chrome chairs and the contour chair as used at Sunnybrook and other institutions On the west side entrance colorful showing by Graham Fleming Inct the eye with background of curtain ma terials and rich draperies Bright designs in hand woven rugs from Eastern Canada were attractive and la great variety in bedspreads and comforters and materials for mak iing these Playtex pillows were ishown also of the large and crcat merchandise first from the where Canadian appliances were Epletts Electric General Electric and was centred by the CGE mono gram The new Ruiqu Turn to page two pleasei Bands Monday EVening of lamps frcc Next in line was the showing of featured The background of dark green velvet gave pleasing effect ReachEasy gt1 lo the kitchcn JiiLl tl1lilllil that the 2211211 for 115 wink 513106 Vilt 10551131132 to buzld new kiiritcn Iitgicr than renovate the nu om liw rcznulndcr of tho ro llilll xcxc lpprmcd 15 iibimtlcd 11110111 tilltllilliln Effect of liccomrncndntions in 312mm 1hr rcporls couucxl hunv now ipprovuii lhc prmcxplc 11211 Itizirrzcd couplis suction be gt01 up llllfl Ill home question which Em burn engaging tin atten izon ni lin cmmnilicc Hucc the January gtc5gtIon of council In Sifllltllllllfl 1951 motion was llt1l lQflillillilg the budding com milth to invostignlc the possibility of prinidm accommodation for murzmi coupics quarters In the mum buildlz Howcvcr after con ullotions Will the architect the commiltcz fat would be unwise il that time to cstublish new scc 1011 of ibis lypc this session however the committee lciviscd council that thcy had icnlt with this question in de lazl and they now recommended that the three bedrooms and bath room Iov uscd by Dr and Mrs Mc ixclvcy and family be converted in 10 married couples quarters The ices of the work was cstimalcd at 181950 half of which would be lbornc by the department of wel film Accommodation Difficulty The suggestion by council that the immmittuc now consider the advis iubility of installing new kitchen ac icommodation at the home will un ldoubicdly ease the position about lwhich the committee complained in loncof the reports Committee earlier this week ex plained that with the new wing for ouncl UUU iforgot to pick up his usual slug 11111 chronically ill patients the laundry and boiler room nearing Brantford Engin Fresh and Sunny Prospect Warmer With Light Wind Sunny and fresh again this morning with prospect of warmer today The early part of the week was showery at times but it has been sunny every day since Wednesday brought very strong west wind but it is quiet this morn ing Last night was cool with low of 41 Temperatures were High Low June 15 84 June 16 June 11 June 18 Arena mitlcc pointed out Turn to page two please 100 0001 The Lost Column SHEES ROUNDERS By SCOITY TAYLOR Have you ever noticed when you com across Dllic new word you invu 0013 find it being used quite ill of sudden similar 51 nation has miscn involving this 01 ulnnis and it 021 revolves around inc game of baseball The other day while listening to the moaning of my most exacting critic Shop the Baffin who was warning me to have my column in on time this Friday reached that Slulc of mind where caution was thrown to the wind For no particuv in or iozlcnl reason told him 115 111 my pelt bud word Phooey or us Pogo says pfull Anyway buse ball originated in England The effect was electric So par ulyzcd was my adversary that type and throw it at me Shag by the way holds the printers record for hitting editorial staff at thirty yards distance Any person ever watching the progress of any the Examiner writers passmg through the printingshop would swear they were candidates for bullet school Actuallyits just matter of taking evasive action from the slugs We are even thinkn of holding evening editnrial can terenccs and alvarding prizes to the writer who has the least brut scsafter one weeks work However as stood there watch ing the Boffin suddenly deemed would make my point more wounding and threw in my final two cents worth And whats more they used to call it rounders Needless to say that started one glorious row We argued and ar gued Honestly it was just like another press day Quoth the Bof fin Listen bub it started in Cooperstown New York and any way how could heathenbound apology for arcporler like you know any better Mine was the crime of crimes It was the heinous massacre of an ideology It was the horrible mang ling of great belief It was fun Even during the good old war days in the various operational zones British forces were always issued with local places of knowledge and advice as to how to get along with the natives No matter country it happened to be however the advice was always given On encountering the North American Tum topage two please