familiar role of ms basalt EXAMINER wensrsosr JUNE 18 1952 SPORT ANGLES By GEORGE STOREY 011 it LIKE it lze bpeoud manager We imagine if up picaion this made 42 mu tJllt ma worry of nunacceptance would be necessary um Hrn xfirtldlt if games at Agrxtilturai Park rt hinted in two in rakcri over the coals is the buying govt ildd finllitt liic ledid 1er been homes but unfortunatcly 1m the signalcallers suikcd in the questions to fill that blank TAKE THE CASE OF ROY CHRISTIE for instance liov munugms the Barrie Generals in 5mm 31mm baseball competition aiid follow jng successful string of five wins Hi seven starts took one on the chin from Ivy vltlplc Leafs ii ills own backyard Generals trailed $2 in the bottom of hr sixtii had runners on second and third With none out Rodheaded Johnny field was at the plate looking for his first hit of the game off lvys Clarence lioggarih Twice he had grounded to the infield In need of runs manager Christie gambled and sent his son Ron ill from third on the patch Catcher Max Luvcock hobbled the pitch and Ron slid home nfciy Ken Robertson the bther baserunner advanced to third on the play Reid struck out which brought Don Cdui son to the platter who boasted walk and single on two trips The odds were against ouison banging another pitch through the infield so Christie gimrblcd again it sent iiobcrlson home on steal Lavcock was ready and tagged him out Consequently manager Roy was hero one moment on the alert amblc and anything but popular the next As it turned out Coulson crucde another busthit to left field which meant Robcrfson would have scored tdsily and the Generals would have trailed by Sillli 54 margin But what if Robertson had scored on the steal would Christie have btQIl hero despite Coulsons hit DOUG HEDGER manager of the ladies softball entry wusthc other goat according to the biczichcr crowd His team opposed undefeated Midland Monarchs and Liftcr seven innings the teams were tied 77 Ihrcc overtime innings vcrc piaycd In the bottom of the ninth Bar rie had runners on first and second with none down Naturally the most logical strategy was to play for one run At the plate was Vcrda Wilson playing her first competitive game of the season Hedger wanted it sacrifice bunt so that runnvrs would be on second and third good position to score on long fly But Wilson waved off the hunt because she couldnt execute such play So Hedger had no alternative but to let his shortstop hit away llcsuit was fly to short ccntrc caught ensin byflcctfootcd Mclvu Murphy Evelyn St Onge followed and popped to short and Hazel Wright who had cracked two singles on prevrous trips ruiscd an cosy bail to second Hence Hedger with tic breaking runnch aboard failed to got one home prior to three outs This didnt go over in the bleachers either But actually what was he to do When Wilson bluntly refused to even try to boot his stratcg was wiped off base hit would have saved face but what the bleachers didnt know is llcdgcr had run out of strength on the bench There wasnt pinchhitter available to execute what Wilson couldnt Willi the threat qucllcd on the paths the game was called and iBarrie girls were deprived of handing Midland their first defeat of the season Still uvant to be manager MANAGER GIL ROBERTSON of the North Simcoc baseballch has had no headaches at home cithcr As long as Doug Plunkett pitches and hits the bleachers can concentrate nowhere else but on the burly mound favorite And getting around to Plunkctt the big fellow is just too good for this group although his modesty wouldnt admit such crack In three appearanccs at the park Doug has slashed three homers over the leftficld fence given up only five hits for one run in 25 in nings and fanned 43 batters On top of that he is secondleading RBI man on the club will nine 9nd asks for nothing but cool bottle of pop GETTING BACK to the managers their task is not only running bull club on the field They have variousother duties too For instance should his catcher sustain cracked finger he must know the prom first aid applications and pet the injured digit like loving mother Oc casionally he moves into the role of tailor too Perhaps boy raises Ibeef about his uniform being too small so the manager looks over his group to see who can swap uniforms and be happy Then if breaks are g9ipg against the team the manager must apply psychology and make his boys believe they can win under any conditions even if he inwardly doesnt believe they are good enough And above all the manager has to keep all personnel nappy Close hardfought games make it tough because to be fair to the regulars he must make an honest attempt to win Yet he has to use his bcnchsometime to make them feel they are ofsbme use And as the saying goes team is only as strong as its bench So if you want to become manager make sure you can absorb punishment and criticism from the knowall bleachers absorb the role of doctor mother clotiiier psychiatrist and be what is known as jack of all trades AND TO END todays blurb little note on great little competitor Paul Kenny The stock member of the Barrie Boxing Club is presently in Toronto General Hospital recovering from serious operati But to know the story we must start at the beginning Paul was one of three local boys slated for the Olympic trials at London Ontario early in April few days before the bout all three had slight sickness Man ager Orv Dash figured it was the flu which had struck many innocent bystanders Wallace and Taylor managed to recuperate enough but Kenny suffering from sore back still wasnt up to par when the big day arrivedBut the little fellow wouldnt foresake his chance in the trials and told Dash he was alright to fight He lost few days later Kenny was in Hospital for what they called observation It was re vealed Kennys condition was serious and finally he underwent an op eration to have tumor iremoved fro hisspine The tumor had par valyzed his hip and leg muscies and though time has been placed be tween now and that operation the gallant fighter is finding it tough and slow In all tPauls career he had never met an opponent like this one little progress has been made against the paralysis but it is going to Itaky long time So it would the great tribute if all of Kennys Spurting fans made point to drop line or walk in in him at Ward Toronto General We know he would appreciate it and you will get kick out of it too Angus Clipsoo Split with RCAF Angus intermediates clipped an even 500 percentage in two Barrie and district Softball League fixtures over theweekend They trounced RCAF of Camp Borden 1713 Thurs day but fell to the Flyers in the return fixture 97 on Monday Don McMasterr started the first game slugfest but was relieved by Jack Plaxton in the second inning who gained credit for the victory Plaxton aided his own cause with mammoth home run whileDeck of RCAF also hit for the circuit Doubles were recorded byKen But ler Jim Britnell and Dave Guergis Plaxton suffered the defeat to the Flyers in the return juggemept Hillprom blow with double for two RBIs at crucial point inhalation Twobase hits for Angus were supplied byRon Dexter and M05114 ier Don MeMasterand Dave Guer gis pounded outtriples FlYefS Couldnt Stcwarts Did Homer Topples AllStars 76 Bill Tales Hero With Big Clout Bill Totes poled leadoff hom er to left field in the ezghfh inning last night to break dd deadlock runs Monday night as they troupeids and give Stewartis Lunch thrill nicked ivd victory over Barrie All Stars at Agricultural Park It was first defeat in five darts for leaders of the Intcr Iown Senior Softball League Colorful Leo Labine Boston Brut in hockey star limited Barrie to it hits in gaining welldeserved iccxsion over veteran fireman Pat Poland The win maer Lablnes aCCOIId in as many starts Stewarts were forced to come from behind all the way for the surprise victory They trailed 31 at the end of the first inning and 53 at the end of three But not once did they concede to the pow rful AllStars With some spinetingling base running Stewarts cashed three rus across the plate in the fifth and after Barrie tied the score at 343 with single in the seventh Ioies former Legion outfielder alumnied high pitch to deep left for the winning blow Poland was nicked for 10 safe ties His pitching rival Labiuc paced the winners with threein 3195 Bob Thurlow Gord Perry and Bill Ioles each with two ML and Chappcl with one rounded out Stewarts power at the plate Big outfielder Ab Bowen with two singles and double headed the batting order for the AllStars Clare WIdtICS with triple and single and thirdbaseman Frank Hutchinson with two singles foll owed Ken Glenn Jake Murphy and George Miles each contributed one apiece BARRIE Hutchinson 3b Mur phy ss Hines lb Miles 2b Bowen If Widdcs rf Gariepy cf Poland Campeau Glenn rf STEWARTS Chappcll Cripps 2b Thurlow 3b Perry 1b Thomp son cf McArthur If DAmbrosio rf Labine Exell 58 Tales If Show chuck rf Barrie 1006 10 Stcwarts 102 030 leJl IO Amsiai Take FirstMoney at Beeton Ball Bccton World In one of the best baseball tourn aments in Community Park Beeton in many years on Monday June when the smoke had cleared after nine games Alliston walked off withfirst prize Eleven teams took part witnessed by over 1000 fans under ideal wcathicr conditions Teams competing were Beeton Intermediates Stroud Everett Ath letics Creemorc Red Sox Pal grave Crcemore Blue Shirts Everett Maple Leafs Riverview Alliston New Lowell and Beeton Juveniles Beeton and Stroud opened pro ceedings As the games were lini ited to four innings Beeton got the jump on Stroud Redmen by scoring run in the first inning while Speck handcuffed the Opposition and held them scoreless Beeton won the fixture 10 Eyeretf AC defeated the strong Creemore Red Sexby scoreof 20 Palgrave shutout Creemore Blue Shirts 10 in the third contest Everett Maple Leafs downed Riverview 70 and Alliston defeat ed New Lowell 63 to complete the first round Beeton walloped Everett AC 71 to open the second round and Ever ett Maple Leafs defeated Palgrave in second contest Beeton Juven iles who drew bye in the first roundwere defeated by Alliston 10 with Beeton Everett ML and Alliston left for the semifinal round Beeth dreWthe bye givi ing them second prize leaving AI liston and Everett to battle it out for first and third place However Everett and Beeton switched places as Everett players were anxious to leaVe for home and Beeton and A1 liston played off Beeton jumped into an early tworun lead in the first innings Alliston hopped on the offerings of Hill in the third in ning to score three runs and as darkness fell Alliston retained their marginto winthe tournament 32 Results Of the tournament as follows lst Alliston 2nd Everett il Fourth Straight Was Convincing Barrie AllStars pounded twoi RCAF hurleis for 13 hits and Ill Doubleheader At Park Thursday mg MilTDdii doubleheader takesi Agricultural Park Thursi tight Starting at 715 Barrie Mitika Blasts Two Goals in Soccer Triumph Humes entry the Sizricoe County Soccer League Collected their second straight victory Mon day night at Queens Park when iAiry came irom behind to defeat hlldland Wolves 31 The two clubs clash again tonight at Midland hardfought contest throughout ed Camp Borden Flycrs 159 athzniw will play 210st to Siaynerpy Sung Won muk wnmmnd Agricultural Park it was the fourth straight vii for for coach Gord Browns gall oping crew loop leaders In the InterTown Senior Softball League Ken Glcitn righthanded school professor held RCAF in tow until the ninth when fourvrun outburst by the visitors shelled him from the mound Veteran Pat Poland relieved and retired two batters to end the threat It was an exceptionally close ball game until the sixth inning when the AllStars spearheaded by George Milcs grandslam homer pulled away with sixrun rally Prior to the hitting spree Fly crs Gronin held Barrio to it Hi lead the winners scoring all runs in the first inning The Flycrs notched single run in the open ing stanza and collected pair in the second Barrie moved up 63 With two in the fifth and sewed up the vic tory With their big sixth inning Flyers following their tworun punch in the second went score less until the eighth Glenn grew wild and issued three walks and single for two runs pair of free passes to first were given in the ninth inning which were coup led with four hits Poland took over after four runs were in and two runners on Clcanup batter George Miles with five hits on six trips paced the field day on the Flych Bill Rnycmft hit for three while Frank Hutchinson Jake Murphy and Clare Widdcs had two apiece Paveiing With three hits and Masson with two carried the brunt of the attack for the losers BARRIE Hutchinson 3b Mur phy ss Hines 1b Miles 2b Ray craft rf Garicpy If Widdcs Cf Campcau Glenn Poland RCAF Pavcling 2b Lewis 1f Johnston ss Chcrpcta 1b Kreh Nauslcr 8b Mnsson cf Hamshcw iski rf Cronin Dyer Barrie 400 026 01215 15 RCAF 120 000 024 ll Glenn Poland 19 and Campcau Gronin Dyer and Kreh Coligvvoocl Top Hurlers In Victory Collingwood cut loose with eight runs in the third inning Monday night to trounce Barrie ll7 in North Simcoe Baseball League game at Coliingwood Three Barrie pitchers were par aded to the mound in an attempt to halt the heavy bats but manager Gil Robertson was unable to over come the leagueleaders Right hander Len Cooke fired the route for Collingwood scattering nine hits and fanning six Collingwood were working on all cylinders for the allimportant con test They slammed Barrie fireman for lghits including home run by Cooke and doubIES by Pete Switzer and Jim Barrett Newcomer Jack Wood started on the mound for Barrie and worked well until the third when he lost bontrol Paul Emms relieved with the bases full and only one out He gave up single for two runs and then retired the side He was nick edfor single runs inthe fourth fifth and sixth innings mostly through faulty catching and poor fielding on the part of his team mates Carl Emmy took thegnound for the seventh and final inning to stymie the winners Pete Switzer Len Cooke and Jim Barrett were the bigrguns in the Colliugwood field day Switzer carded four hits on five trips Cooke had three in three appear ances for three mnsbattedin and Barrett blasted threeforfive av erage Barrie uncovered new outfield tarinfielder in Al Rutherford for merly of Orillia Terriers lanky performer he made an auspicious debut by connecting for atriple and single off the peanut offerings of Cooke Barrie secondbaseman Danny Poland broke rfmnrhisihitt ting slump to pound triple and sipgle on four trips Ron Stewart cleanup batter poled double and in Barrie and district contest Following the girix iixzure Barg rm mn ml attempt to return to3 Hlillliig ways when they opva iitAt of Camp Borden Also watch for the excellent PY lnbition contest slated for the larkg Wednesday June 25 Kayletyx Cups currently in second place in thc Sunnysmc Ladies Fastball Imaguc Will tangle with Dorothy hIiiiLI and company Show Postponed Professional heavyweight wrestling will be absent from Barrie Arena this week due to previous commitment by the wrestlers Arena maniger Wes Allsopp announced however that it will return Friday June 27 with another starudder card Two Home Runs Spoil Millers TwoHitter Dorothy Millers superb twohit mound display was marred by two IIUIIItIllIl pitches to the same but tcr Monday night as Ncwmarkct Dixons defeated Barrie ladies 31 at Ncwmarkct Newmarkct firstbaseman Watt was the big hero for the Dixons and Millers number one enemy She tallied both hits off the Barrib mound ace and both were good for the circuit to drive across all her teams runs Baradell on the hill for the win ners had to be in excellent form to gain the decision over Miller She limited Barrie to three scattered hits and one run Baradell had nohittcr in the making until the sixth when Marion Smith hammer ed the first Barrie single In one of the best pitched and best played games of the current season both Miller and Barddcll hesitated to give an inch The two rivals were locked in great per formance as they captured individ ual spotlights Miller gave up the first hit of the game in the fourth inning when with out Watt slammed bases cmpty homer for 10 Dixon lead Miller was unnerved after the blow and walked the next two batters to face her However she got Daroch for the third out and end the threat Barrie tied the score in the tbp of the sixth when Smith broke Baradells nohitler with one out She stole second on passed ball took third when the ball got away from the catcher and scampered home on an overthrow to the base Watt soon unknotted the scorein the bottom of the sixth via her sec ond homer of the game with one mate aboard thewinning margin Barrie threatened in the seventh as Dorian Parker and Beth McLean poled singles but Baradell fired strong and quelled any possible out break BARRIE Lennox 55 Parker rf Odd 3b McLean lib Miller Mc Fadden cf St Ongc smith If Bowen 2b NEWMARKET Reid 55 McDon ald If McGroth rf Watt lb McIn nis 2b Osborne 3b Daroch cf Dean Baradell Webster rf singl to help lead the way Barrie took the front in the sec ond inning when Don McMurray blasted clutch single to centre to score Danny MacDonald with two out Collingwood bounced back in the third with eight enough to win the game Barrie outscored the Win hers 43 in the next four innings BARBIE McMurray ss Strachan 1b Poland 2b 1b Stewart rf Newman Feltis cf Rutherford 1f 2b MacDonald 31 Wood Emms Emms Simmons If COLLINGWOOD Dance Wahnsley ss Barrett 3b Switzer 1b Roberts 2b Meek cf Weymss rf Fryer If Cook Barrie 010 211 Collin food 008 use4L4er Wood Emms Ihnms and Newman Strachan Cooke 2n the List half when they were awninicd penalty kick Midland forward was knocked down in the penalty area and left inside Mu Intyre made no mistake on Lhe opportunity lie curved beautiful shot inst inside the goal post which had the Barrie goalie beaten all the way Prior to half time Barrie dead locked the count at 11 as George Mitika clnnaxcd picturepassing play until coach Jack Kerslmw and Len Cumming blasting hard one past goalie Brown Barrie dominated play in the sec ond half Tony Fchrcnbach left half connected on penalty kick to place the local squad in front and Mitika consolidated the triumph With drivmg shot from tho left side which struck the goal post and bounced in MIDLAND Brown Self Luiim cr Archowski Dick Monroc McIntyrc McIntyre Warlst Cumming Gcligon Livingston BARBIE Van Bck Cumming Dali Emms Thompson Sinclair Mitika Fchrenbach Scal Kcrshaw Ross Emms Smith Van Gennip Bouius OFFICIALS Alec Parr rcfcrcc A1 Gimbcll Bill Roth lincsmen FIRST HALF Midland McIntyre Barrie George Mitiku SECOND HALF Barrio Tony Fehrenbach Barrie George Mitikn Senior Softball Group Expanded To Five Teams Simcoe County InterTown Sen ior Softball League officials an nounced today that an application from Gravcnhurst for entry to the league was accepted Gravcnhurst will enter the sche dylle in time for the second home andhome round Each game played against new applicants will be worth three points in order that Gravenhurst may have the oppor tunity to compile the same number of points as the remaining teams The league now consists of Bar rie RCAF of Camp Borden Stew arts Lunch and Midland in addition to the received Northerncrs Ogt Lady Lawn Bowlers Entertain Rivals The ladies of the Barrie Lawn Bowling Club entertained the lad ies of the Alladale Club Achnes day afternoon and Mrs Bay ner and Mrs Newton won top honors with the highest score for two wins Second were Mrs Suther land and Mrs Smith who also scored two victories Afternoon tea was served by the social committee 66 Qliiiiiii Linc and tire of Int ed rm ltll not or win the not it eat to Ms Lame Lin mi All oletin rm that on farm leh tuner 3h Cantata rutprwf ISM um um rot eiotlultn of nu If In it clutter mitt aw route IILDDII gv CWTKB UK oolld and bullet It 50 ft In ouGHs 80 DU NLOP ST BARRIE PHWE 2556 LOW PRICE MEATS Beef Bologna LEAN Pork Chops Roasting Chickens lb 39 LEAV lb 57c Minced Beef lb 57 LOIN Either lb 55c Roast Pork end lb 51 WE SELL ONLY BRANDED BEEF GROCERY VALUES York Brand Cream Style Corn 20 01 Tin for 37 Welchs Pure Grape Juice Rosebrand Margarine oz Jar 45c lb 32c VEGETABLES Leaf Lettuce bchs l7 Asparagus bchs 29c Green Onions bchs 13c WE HAVE FRESH STRAWBERRIES DAILY rm Delivery Phone 4500 Charlotte St Demonstrated ALL DAY FRIDAY see How easily itigoes on JUNE 20 Sbot ink etc Its longwearing skintight surface How easily itwashes clean of grease Sulfur ll dbiiltbierupri Many to use EASY and Dance The lovely new range of colors The most amazing wall nish years Bemiett went all the way for 3rd Beetongmgmdmtgs RCAF to record the win cg id rt traction wand they yr Bradford usual strouggchampion ship contenders In the Simcoe Mrs Batuetrco pped the twowm County Soccer League withdrew prize along with Frank Perkinsand strain the race earlythisweelrrimewmrworm League officials wereuunable to High for 9nd victory was the give any concrete reason for the rink of Mrs Thomas Mitchell and suddendeparture MrsW Newton banded with porous SALE CWBSQ at this price fThe regular mlxed jitney was held at Barrie lawn bowling green Friday evening lDick Steele and Its SuperDurablel Tough asrubber Super KemTone resists Wear and dirt like ne enamel It wont crack on rub oYoucont wash itsbeouty away 13yypereaaflifIII Now you can transform your Walls in nutter NOTHING is your 3mm thrdrigf psummer in this cool tip model shortly ex $800 308 ow iAwsoiItliTLE LAWSON LITTLE DIANA slits Coupterssmkori p5 skids TEESAIETC unison haploidatom up Rel Me Ilelpxouiopcorotdf at