Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1952, p. 16

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34512 Taylor tbof with In tho and In Norman Baker and Norma moat Sunday at mus their daughter Damon Baker who is co out the scar Mr and In Barry Reed left by motor for Brandon mm whcre they expect to visit Ir Reeds brother and fam ily for two or three weeks Sunday ats of Mr and Mrs Donnell were Mr and Mrs Frank Banting Mrs Henct and Mrs Banting Toronto Recent guests of Mr and Mrs It flcrhune were Mr and Mrs Crapper Lakcvicw Miss Alice Smith left on Satur day for Band Head where she will visit relatives for few weeks James Arnold Caramat spent few days holidays with his moth er Mrs Donnell and Mr Donnell Bob Armstrong Staytlcr was guest on Tuesday of Jim Arnold Mrs Glass Mr and Mrs Clarence Cooper Mr and Mrs Irving Cooper and Mr and Mrs Howard Cooper attended the for ticth Wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Wilbert Snider on Thurs day at Wcston Mr and Mrs Fidler arc hollday lng at Grand Bend mm mm LOCKERS $1200 and $1490 Year Powerhouse and Sirloin Steaks racsu Side Pork Point Brisket vim Shoulder Chops lb 55c Veal Boneless minced or voal Patties lb 55c White Fish lb35c We carry full line of Chicken Duh Turkeys and Turkey lulllllll Plotted Foods 29 Collier 8t Phonadllio lb 79c lb 29c lb 25c 62gt MAY JUNE daughter Mm Kenneth Crawford and Ill Crawford Mrs Elsie Taylor Toronto is guest of her sister Miss Minnie Spcnca Mr and Mrs Hugh Logan and Jay Toronto were recent Sunday guests of Mrs Graham Miss Bertha Cowan spent few days in Toronto this week Mrs Thomas Williams spent Thursday in Toronto and attended the funeral of Mrs Ill1t Miss Barbara Miller has taken poaltion in Toronto MISs Barbara Finlay Huntsville is holidaying with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs McMas for Miss Marion Robinson and Miss Patricia Evans Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Evans Mr and Mrs Bert Harman and son Eric of Des Joachlms are spending weeks holidays with their parents Mr and Mrs Hal man and Mrs Miller Allen Hopper Val Dor Quebec spent few days with his mother Mrs Cause and Mr Cause Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Glass wcrc Mr and Mrs Broiey and children Mr and Mrs Lcnnox Mr and Mrs Perdue and son Toronto Mr and Mrs Goddard and children spent the weekend with Mrs Goddards parents Rev and Mrs Lewis Mr an Mrs Kenneth chg To ronto arc cupying the apartment recently vacated by Mr and Mrs Averall while their new home on No 27 Highway is being erected Mrs Daisy Milligan has return cd from Wellcslcy Hospital Tor onto and is convalescing at the home of her sister Mrs Gordon Henry Thornton Mr and Mrs Bowcs Winnipeg are spending few days in the cast visiting Mrs Bowcs mother Mrs Cause and Mr Couse Miss Beatrice Reed Allandale was Sunday guest of her sister Mrs Corrigan and Mr Corri gan W1 Boat Trip Cookstown Womens Institute members are making great plans for summer outing to Muskoka Lakes on Wednesday August 13 All members who are interested contact Mrs William Miller or Mis Bert Coleman before end of July Thirtythrec bus seats are available Xray Survey summer Xray survey will be held on Friday July 18 on the fair grounds and Will be open to the public The W1 hope thatthc community will take advantage of this The time will be announced later Dr and Mrs Cameron Hill mov ed on Wednesday to Barrie where the Doctor had opened an office on May The community wishes them subclass Presbyterian WA Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Presbyterian Church WA was held at Mrs Reeds with Mrs Reed as hostess Fourteen members answered the roll call by reading Bible verse The presi dent opened the meeting with hymn and prayer and the scrip ture lesson Psalm 37 The min utes were read and approved and reports were given by different committees At the January meet ing the WA agreed to try free will illms acar nah all railing for you at AVIS lullhr $an Horos tho quiclloltwny to not started on your trip Com to the AVIS norm Mum yourseli and show your dri ors license Within only low minutes you can ha an yovr way with tho assurance that tho late modal car you on driving is propcriy Insurrd and in portct runnina order truism SYSTEM among Organisatioon erland and Mrs giving in place of moneymaking projects commencing In February until JuncThcresponse has been excellent as the offerings for that period have been close to $100 After this report from the treas urcr it was agreed to continue the same free will giving for the re mainder of the year The program convener Mrs Armstrong as sisted by Miss MrSutherlantl and Mrs Hughes opened the pro gram with hymn Readings were given by Mrs Reed Miss Suth Armstrong 3010 much enjoyed was given by Mrs Patton nocompaned by Mrs Smith biblical contest conducted by Miss Sutherland was won by Mrs Patton The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting The hostess servbd lovely lunch The September meelirlg is to be held at Mrs Carries mulls McltAEOn Friday May 30 in Stevenson Memorial Hospital to Mr and Mrs NellMcltae Cooks town daughter RUNNALLSOn Saturday May to Mr and Mrs John Runnalls cookstown RR daughter WA Meeting The Cookstown United Church WA meeting was held at thehom of Mrs Kiddmn Tuesday lagsopened with the president in evening Juno with 23 members and one visitor present Themeet the chair hymn was sung and the marrow repeated The was read by Miss lleasonthouzht on be with on behalf of CLOWES WI Tn To 0am JUNE Felons Womens lute had pleasant trip to Oak ville to the home of Mr and Mrs II Ford for their matting on June Mr and Mrs Ford had on delicious luncheon ready arrival about 1230 After looking around the town the meeting was opened with Mrs Art Banham in the chair Naive members an swered the roll call place of Historic Interest in Slmcoe Coun ty Mrs Alf Benham gave the motto It is better to have more backbone than wishbone Each member present paid 35c to be used to help entertain the Asso ciated Countrywomen of the World which will be held in Toronto in 1953 Mrs Fraser gave report of the District Annual Mrs Ford gave talk on flOWer arrangements and had several good examples in her home Mrs Emms conducted two contests Mrs Dicker thanked Mrs Ford for her hospitality and presented her with cornflowcr rose bowl on behalf of the mem bers present in remembrance of the day The meeting closed by sing ing God Save tho Queen and lunch was served Ammwm Mnandmmlifclieanln Grace Caruso and Mr and Mn Dicker attended the Hamilton Jory wodding in Donllnds Unisod Church Toronto on May Recent visitors here wore Mr and Mrs Hartley Toronto and Mr and Mrs Pratt and boys Stroud at Bldwella Dick Toronto Mrs Dicker Edgar Reg Bennett Huntsville and Mr and Mrs Charles Andrews Orlllla at Dickers Mr and Mrs Shelswcll spent the weekend in Kingston AIRCRAFT CARRIERS In recent operations in Korean waters the British aircraft carrier EHMS Oceans two squadrons 802 Sea Furies and 825 Fireflies flew 123 soltics in one day break ing the previous record held by HMS Glory 105 sortics in one day MM PHONE POLLS COSTLY Average cost of Canadian tele phone poll was estimated at $877 in 1951 gt Iron drivities JUNE 9Congratulatlons to Sam Manecr who will celebrate his 9lst birthday on Saturday June 14 Mrs Thomas Howaon Toronto formerly of Stroud passed away on Thursday Juno The funeral service was held on Saturday with interment in St Pauls Ceme tcry Albert Pratt who underwent an operation in Toronto hospital last week is improving nicely large number from here at tended chroy United Church an niversary services conducted by Rev Shaptcr Mount Albert on Sunday Congratulations to Miss Leila Cochrane and Eddie Webb who were married in Ivy Presbyterian Church on Saturday On Sunday June Mr and Mrs Frank Mulholland held family picnic at their cottage at Sandy Cove About 40 friends were present coming from Grims by Toronto Woodbridgc Aurora Markham Stroud and Barrie Mrs Banting spent the wack cnd in Midland with her sisters Mrs White and Mrs Jeffery United WMS and WA There was good attendance at the United WMS and WA regular meeting on Wednesday afternoon June in the church school room Mrs McLean read the scripture passage and Mrs Charles Robert son read paper on The Stew ardship of Sewingthe Story of Dorcas Mrs Herb Wallace gave paper on The Stewardship of Our Talents Mrs Fox sang very sweetly My Task The supply bale was reported shipped In the WA several reports of group activities since the last meeting included wedding lun cheon play and the CGIT mother and daughter banquet commit tee was appointed to arrangea congregational social evening in July The date for the bazaar and bake sale at the lake was set for Wednesday July The parsonage committee reported improvements had been made in tho parsonage by the Lefroy and Stroud WA amounting toover $800 Mrs Mar quis invited the ladies to her home for the July meeting Graduation Honol Congratulations to Miss Gladys Miller Who graduated from the Ontario Hospital at Whitby on Friday Mr and Mrs Clifford Miller and Audrey Joyce Lois and Mrs Irving Stroud Mr and Mrs Alex Irving Toronto and Mr and Mrs Iaul Allonclus New York City attended the very on joyable graduation eremonies Mr and Mrs Irving on Mr and Mrs and prayer by Mrs Graham Four cards were sent to the sick and 12 calls made Reports from different committees given and business discussed It was decided to have strawberry tea and gar den party on the church grounds Date to be decided later Mrs Mapes Mrs Carr Miss Irene McMasier and Mrs Halbert were namedoa committee to make ar rangements for the July annual picnic or outing contest was given in which Mrs Lewis won The committee Mrs Graham Mrs Draper Mrs Williams and Mrs Albert Roll with Mrs Kidd Served lunch 74mins Home for the holiday were Aud rey Bob and Bruce Campbell John Leadlay Lila wcsson Patricia Houghton Vilma Simmons Violet Graham Toronto couuriioryoltk ujcounnorsma iCONTRACTNQ1352 ESQ YORK COLIN the County of York Alloncius rcturncd with Mrs Irv ing for visit Mr and Mrs Douglas Robertson Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Sutherland Miss Marilyn Riddell spent the week with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Black Mr and Mrs Hand enter tained at birthday dinner for their father Hand on Sun day when Mr and MrsL Hand Sudbury Mr and Mrs Rosa Hand and boys and Miss Mabel Hand Alliston and Suther land were guests Mr and Mrs John Ferguson Miss Mae and Master Wayne spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Thomas Blacketi Gait Miss Jessie OBrien principal Forest High School called on her cousins Mrs Young and Miss Wellbanks Sunday Wl Activities About 25 members of the Wom ens Institute spent very enjoy able cvening with the members of Cookstown wl at Cockatown on Thursday night After the regular business meeting program of mu sic recitations and talk on art and few gamesof bingo was much enjoyed as well asa dell clous lunch Presbyterian WMS The Presbyterian WMS met the Manse in Allandale on Thurs day June Call to worship by the president hymn and scrip ture by Mrs Muir foll owed by prayer by Mrs Cowan Minutes were read and adoptedA meeting to organize the Mission Band is to be held at Mrs Campbells on Saturday June 21 Thank you notes were receIVcd from Beverley Ann Ayerst as Well as letter from Mrs James Camp bell with donation enclosed Re minder of the sectional meeting to be held in Stroud Presbyterian Church on Monday evening June 16 Mrs Hand gave synopsis of chapter four of Study Book on the student work and Christian lit orature for South America telling of organizing student groups in several countrieSof South America and of the splendid character and initiation of the student president and his organizing and speaking to groups andintelicst by the youngpeople in the active work of their churches Mrs Frank Cow an gave splendid paper of prayer andfaith of 0y and his Iparents in China rs Gordon Sharing favoredwith beautiful solo Master Let Me Walk With Thee hymn and prayer by the COOKSTOWN D968 Visits Boil MI Many calculi and junta wan present for the official visit of the Rt War Dr Charles Carr DOG to Manitoba Lorilee AF and All No recently War Bro Joe Lcnnox and officers received the DDGM and other GI Officers with the usual honors and during the proceedings the Very Worn Bro John Eyre Toronto gave very interesting address on Ma sonic Education Dr Carr gave brief review of his work visiting the different Lodges during his term of office and the pleasure it afforded him to pay his official visit to his mother Lodge He thanked the members for their cooperation and support during the very busy year After the Lodge had been duly closed the members and visitors visited the town hall where splendid banquet had been prepared by the ladies of the Womens In stitute Wor Bro Joe Iicnnox was chairman and toastmastcr Tile usual toasts were given and brief responses were made but the high light of the evening was brilliant and inspiring address given by his Honor Judge Hzlwlcy Mott of Juvenile and Family Court Toron to Judge Motts address was entitled Human Relations and was based largely upon his vast and rich cx pclicncc during his long term of office Sonic of those experiences were humorous but many were pathetic showing the number of broken homes their causas and the natural result of juvenile dclill qucncy However the Judge did not stop at 11 more revelation of the sordid conditions of broken homes and the effects upon their children and our social life in general but he endeavoured at each point to show how broken homcs could be avoided and the children saved as Canadian citizens To avoid broken homes he urged all Masons and their wives to have hobby After the usual routine work Kboth man and wife often found themselves with nerves un settled which resulted too often in broken homes He suggested some form of creative work Work in churches service clubs lodges something entirely different from oncs occupation and in regard to oncs work should be trained to love their work not merely for the mon cy in it or even getting living but for the service rendered to mankind One of the things emphasized by the Judge to offset broken homes was companionship The father had rights as well as the mother not forgetting the children All rights should be submerged into the rights of building real home for all The Judge felt that too often thcrc was no companionship between the father and son and the mother and daughter and this resulted in chil dren finding companionship in some other way He suggested as remedy thofather share his life with his boy tell him of his exper iences and even mistakes and not to forget that he needs to share his finanCes with the young man So many boys that came before him didnt seem to have friend To be fricndless was the worst thing that could befall any person He also urged his hearrs to develop spirit of appreciation in the home AN EXAMINER WANTAD PHONE 2414 my president brought the meeting to close An enjoyable lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrsilt McDonald and Mrs Hand Presentation The ladies had the pleasure of presenting Mrs McWhirter with travelling writing case when Mrs Campbell voiced the thoughts of all the ladies of the congregatioffln wishin Mrs Mc Whirtel and her bus bon voyage on their visit their bomeland Ireland Whe they left on Tuesday for their trip Mrs Cowan presented her withthe lea ther travelling case All wish the McWhirters splendid trip and safe return to Ontario Mr and Mrs Harris Ivy and Russell MartinK RCMP and Mrs Martin Whitehorse Yukon flew down and spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hubbcrt Mr and Mrs Ross Hubbert and family spenttbe Weekend at Utter son in the Muskoka district HToTumn RIVER 313111136215i sumrunbuns marked and HCROSE addressed to mum 61ADELAIDEJSTREET rAsl TQRQNTO your the county of Simona ta oclock noon Emmott SAWDAY mm 31 1953 for the construction of crhoaotcd timber bridge over tho oliarid River betweenlhoTownShipof King and the Township or We owllllnoury ecu 51 marked about actions by iconoclast and fraud Fomnsmaybe Toronto mason 1r Tucada Fission nail rot marital mm vs Sprayers 25c 45c $125 SALE OF PAINTS MASTER PAINTERS Qts 98c SALE OF GLIDDENS PAINTS ALL LINES REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE ENAMELS VARNISHES PAINTS SPEEDFAST SATIN PAINT Quart $l95 ONE OF MANY GRAND CV PRODUCTS We carry the complete line PAINT ROLLEst NOW real bargain in this good appller DUNKII CLEANS BRUSHES 8r HANDS Gals $325 Gals $695 Two Sizes ENGLISH PLIERS 10 only $165 Has wire cutters and wircgrtp 26 HAND saws at morons SHEEPmp PRICE SIMONIZ SELF POLISHING WAX Qts $135 Better Quality Floor Finish Pints 79 $176 anlr FRONT STORES amnion cma GIFTS TOYS so $165 GLASS Four Each Sherbet Sherbet Plates Juice Glasses and Water Glasscsi Colors Yellow Pink Green and Red with heat Decoration Wher You Buy More for less wrca smacks $1 FLYBED Kills Caterpillars P13 39 QB 69 Gals $269 Kills Flies Moths Mosquitoes Ants Roaches Bed Bugs Silverfish HOSTESS SETS s175 96 Piece Set PICARDY DINNERWARE 32 Place Sets for $l260 52 Piece Sets are $2750 66 Piece Set at $3500 only $4575 An Open Stock Pattern FLORAL SPRAY DECORATION 0F PINK ROSES WITH GOLD ON WHITE BODY LOOK 32 $449 Four Bowls in ENGLIS 5195 69c and $125 GLASS MIXING BOWL SETS BLUE TULIP DINNERWARE Pc Sets onl Regular Value $1075 Set 69 HAND PAINTED TEAPOTS $269 $235 Floral Designs and Gold Trim TEAPOT STANDS TO MATCH $100 BEAUTIFLOR LIQUID WAX Pints 65c It cleans as it waxes Quart $l13 11111th and RONALD ARMSTRONG TWO aromas can rock SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlop St Phone 2801 PIECE OF CHAIN PUMP From Tattenham on the farm rst settled by James Team 1824 comes this piece of wellchain It is part of continuous chain with metal discs at intervalswhmh passed over the grooved rim of wheel The chain went through the well log or pipe and when the wheel was turned the water was farced up Such contrivancewas suitable for shallow well Mrs Ansley Green Alice Breth et Green of Bond Head is the donor of the chain The Tegart farm becamo the home of Mr an Mrs Green who were interest lll its beginnings Tho early set tler was favored if he had anat ural flowing spring andmetunes the spring decided tholqctlon of the house In Oriental landsja Well of wat er is fortune lfa king dug ans no became famous Great battles were fought for thc conquest ol defence of such The bayonet to day finds the well of Jacob dug one hundred feat through solid rock of Iimcstanc Bxcavatlons for water are among tho most ancient permanent human constructions riots ltobertBoyea AN EXAMINERwa All mm 14 TR carol Econonanlob profit ands 1083 might ho trio the costar my well no 3m can mksa3m my wisdom your swims town illneatlla quaioliy SWEPMN RUN 1116 30 in vitriolic tint HOLLOWS JUNE 9Mr and Mrs Wright and Wright were in Barrie on Sunday attending the christening of Mr and Mrs Leslie Reids infant daughter Mr and Mrs Eric Wright were callers at Mrs Bowdens one evening last week There was quite heavy storm here The power was offtwo hours or more and there are trees down but thewaln will do good Mr and Mrs William Carr Mr and Mrs Earl Carl and girls were visitors in Thlstletown on Sunday Mrs MacLon McLeod was lnTo 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 ronto on Thursday at the Canadian International Trade Fair Mr and Mrs Roy Smith visited Mrs James Cook at Weston last Tuesday evening Visitors at Mr and Mrs Althu Wrights last week were Mr and Mrs Jack VWllllams Freddie Wll liams Robert Williams and Miss Dorothy Kirkum allof Kirkland Lake CLAIM UNDISPUTED Arcola Texas sign in an Arcola cafe says We serve the best chill in town There is no chance for disagreement The cafe is the only one in the small village AUCTION SALE 20 Saddle Heroes and Saddles 151519f999ctilYf Furnitu new um re pilgii

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