Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1952, p. 8

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SHANTY BAY The WA are holding it work boa at the hall Tuesdays evening Jch 10 at oclock Many hands make MODERATOR The 33rd annual conference of mm 4a the Womans Auxlllaxyrm SKEW RT REV JOHN ANGUS MaclNNlS DD Rcv John Angus Maclnnis lD istcr of the Presbyterian Chuxh Orillia was elected mod3 cral Auscmbly of crator of thc Gcn thc Presbyterian Church In Can ada at the cponing sodcrunt of that Deanery will be held at StfIhoman Church Shanty Bay Wednesday June 11 Communion service will be at 1030 am Basket picnic lunch at 12 Afternoon session 130 GU HRlE United WMS wdWA Julie meeting of the WMS and WA of the United Church was at Mrs Bertrams last chncs day with good attendance Mrs Pilkcy opened the missionary meet ing with prayer Mrs Neil McCuaig rcpolled that the Dale had been sent Mrs Gray had fine worship period on Christian stew ardship which opcncd new door of understanding to her audience She was assisted by several mem bers who read scripture on the most comprehensive study of stew some homo Mrs Muir led ardship in all its broader meanings and widcr ficlds She too was ac sistcd by many members Mrs Ewen Caldwell opened the WA meeting with the Lords Prayer Mrs llyckman conducted the devo tional period on The Use of Onos scripture reportth given on the meeting closed with the erpah bcncdiction after which afternoon ion was served Ontario board of he Lords Day Ringratltitions to Mrs Mel Jam Alliancc and viccprcsidcnt of the ilnSOn W110 Chose the Prize Winning Dominion poml In 1947 Knox name for the new subdivision in thc Collch recognized his services to Henry and Elrick real estate con thc church at large by confcrrlngtcst on him an honorary dcgrccvof Doc Miss Barbara McCullougllBrant 78th Assembly in Knox Presbytcr tor of Divinity lord and Ray Hawkins Parry ianChurch June Dr Maclnnis won on the second vote in thrccway clcction Rcv AGordon Macphcrson DD oi Rivcrdalc Chumh Toronto lost out on the first ballot and Rev Robert Good D1 of Erskine Church Ottawa on the second know that my Orillia congre gation will be proud of the honor you have confcrrcd on thcm said Dr Maclnnis in accepting the mod eratorship and asking the prayers and coopcration of the Assembly Ho succeeds Rt Rev Norman Kennedy of Regina who was elect ed last year at the Assembly in Ot tawa 1n proposing Dr Maclnnis Rev Charles Cockranc of Melville Church Montreal stated that it was the desire of the Assembly to honor minister of the Maritimcs but in electing the Orilliaministcr thcy would be honoringa son of the Maritimes He was born in 1886 at Moyra CapoBreton on farm settled by his grandparents in 1834 Enllstell in Ranks Dr Macltlriil entered Queens University in 1913 but interrupted his college education to enlist in the ranks for service in World War Resentering Queens ho grad untedin Arts in 1920 and the fol lowing year in Theology winning Hugh Waddell Travelling holarship He was posted to the British Columbia coast and then went to Edmonton as assistant to Rev Dr McQueen former moderator rMarrying Dr McQuecns daugh ter Marjorie he then took his BD fegrce at Union Theological Sem nary New York and from 1923 to 1929 served at New Liskeard Dr burials completed 24 years in the Drillla church last January IIActifve in local organizations he instigated the formation of the Well in Orillia in 1932 and has been of the board since its in mtion as well as serving on the of education for 12 years In church field he has served on ll budget committee board of 003 record committee moder of Synod of Toronto and King sm in 1940 and president of the iSound spcnt last week with Mr and Mrs Mel Jnmicson sis Three Daughters Dr and Mrs Maclnnis have thrco daughters Mrs Icntland Windsor Jcan graduate of OCIC this your and Mary nurse on thc staff of the Goncralilospital Kings ton St Judes WA In the Opening address of thel St Judes WA met at Mrs General Assembly D12 Kennedy re lMarrows on Tuesday June at fcrrcd to his tour of the front lincs 9111 with MW Jennctl in Charge in Korea and of Formosa during The Scripture was lead by Miss his term as moderator Banks Mrs McDonald gave re port of the service at Maple Leaf Gardens on June Mrs Green ucro hcld contest and gave reading Deanery meeting to be held ill Christ Church at Ivy on Jam 17 Next meeting at Mrs Boyds on July with Mrs Mar row in charge of the program Meeting closed with praych and benediction Allusions can no longer be rc gardcd simply as benevolent hobby he stalcdu Missions are this custodians of democracy and freedom andit is through them that the peoples who know not these ideals are to be instructed in them If missions fail them then men will become easily prey to materialistic Communism Dr Kennedy urged the return of family worship in the home and to ANCHNT CAPITAL the undamcntals of Presbyterian Copenhagen capital or Denmark Ism We need less application of was founded in the 12th century on psychology and more study of the the site of fishing settlement dat Word he declared ing back to ancient times Howell Pleads Guilty to Pujury Crown Withdraws Second Charge James Howell 20 Orillia who Barrie in March the jury was un made an alteration in his plea when able to reach verdict in the trial he appeared at the general 505 of Ernest Howell lis Lurdship sions of the pcacc of the County Mr Justice Mchnnan ordered of Simcoc on Tuesday June new trial for Ernest Howell at the was found guilty after trial by jury fall assizes It was following evi Df charge of perjury while the deuce given by James Howell at Crown withdrew charge of mak the spring assizes that charge of ing false statement under oath perjury was laid Owe W35 SemenCEd by H15 At the county court trial in Bar HDMY JUdge Jfimes Han19 t0 ric on June James Howell plead one year definite in reformatory cd not guilty but later changed his and one year ndlermmali plea to guilty in respect of the He was conVIcted of perlury by charge of perjury but not guilty the jury after he had Pleadl gum to the charge of making false haVing give false evidence in statement under oath The latt Midlandmagistratcs court Feb 24 charge was withdrawn by ts at preliminary hearing ofaser Crown ious charge against his brotherin law Ernest Howell also of Orillia which involved young Midland married woman At the Supreme Court Assich in Thompson Penetanguishcne while the prosecutor was Crown Attorney Thompson QC The trial jury Was called and sworn in as follows James Catania mechanic Bradford Kenneth Wright farmer Stroud Ivan Wright farmer Cookstown Walter Perkins tanner Barrie Part ridge farmer Barrie William Woods farmer Vpsey Oliver Tay lor farmer Goldwater RR Arthur Grout merchant Colling wood Wilmer Galley farmer Stay ner RR James Currie storekeep Howellwas defended by Free XRay Sumo Taken at Barrio Mental Health 009 News On Tucsday morning May 20 tbs mobile Xray clinic Wild Wild visit to Barrie CGE Worhda period of three Every employee with tft conception of few on the msht 5511 we Xrayed within an hour and lick of the time they IOl ied Wth arm on gains0izc dinedoh niclans remarked that they could Xray 200 persons in an hour they kept coming without interruption Ar rangements were made to have the night shift done at later date and those absent from work on the day shift Gerry Stubbs should be thanked for keeping the line moving steadily as should the forcmcn who cooper ated in getting their respective depart nlcnls out on time Betty Reid and Annetta Marlon did fine job filling and passing out identification cards to the employees as they waited then turns This privilege of free chest Xrays is provided through your contributions to the IB Christians seals fund upon sorcd by the National Sanitarium As sociation Gage Institute Toronto 1n Barrie the Vlsit was arranged by the Kiwanis Club Talents Mrs Hall road the congrcgational supper May 22 The Annual Meet Bass Lake COOp Abovo the stops up to the xray machinc to be allot At Mt group of employm wait lhair tum outside tho mo bilo may clin ic The Imo wu luv moving laadily and the complain pllnt JUNEYI auto for the night shift was done in very short Scheduled for Saturday Evening The annual meeting of the Bass Lake Coopcrativc will be held on Saturday June 14 at pm in the cook house at the Bass Lake Co opcrativc Park Orillia Reports will be presented by the various committee chairmen on the progress of the coopcrativc during the pastycar and the election of three new directors to serve for threeyear term will be held All members are cordially invited to attend thcmecting Park Opens Sunday The Bass Lake ICooperative Park situated on lovcly Bass Lake near Orillia will open for its fourth season on June 15 follow ing the annual meeting This co operative is perhaps the most un usual of coops because instead of dealing in farm supplies or household equipment it deals in recreation by providing summer holiday facilities for its members as well as its urban patrons The project came into being in 1947 when several rural people decided that Simcoe County should have centre where people from all the rural sections could gather to swim picnic hold outdoor meet ings or could have vacation by the water at reasonable cost Eightyfive acres of beautiful wood ed parkland on the southeast shore of Bass Lake was purchased co operatively and its development was begun in the summer of 1948 Comparative History The venture was nanced by memberships and the issuing of member loan units and during the past ve years considerable pro gress has been made toward the original tenyear plan of develop ment laid down by the planning committee of the board of direc tors Junior Farmer clubs fores try clubs and church young peoples groups have used the spacious tenting area for weekend short courses and camping expeditions This area equipped with spacious cook house and mess hall over looks the lake and surrounding countryside Five housekeeping cottages have been erected among the trees inthe park properand Iafford privacy for the guests from the daily bathers and picnickers shore and shallow waterline has become aIpopular swimming spot on weekends and numerous rural Sunday Schools and rural schools hold annual picnics at thepark In order to encourage these rural schools and Sunday Schools to make use of the park the board and several institutes in the Oril lizl area donated furnishings for the cottages Again this year work bee is being planned at the park for Thursday afternoon and evening June 12 with Joe Naughton of Foxmcad chairman of the prop erty committee directing affairs These work bees are considered an essential part of the cooperativcs growth because they provide the members with the opportunity of working together on the project and sharing in its success The board is pleased to announce that Mr and Mrs Rog Fincham of Allandalc have been appointed managers of the park for the 1952 season and they are lookingdor ward to meeting the members of the coop and to the new venture of supervising activities at the park POLIO RESEARCH The Royal College of Physicians of London Englandghas set up committee to deal With problems of poliomyclitls One of the com mittces first recommendations was for special centre for the study and treatment of the disease in all its stages Clinic in County IConttnued from pan ml for period of three months beta paid by money from the and CH Society and min the CA5 rooms Tar an ounce Dunn thatm months 50 of the patients were referred by the CA5 15 by local doctor and teachers and 35 were actually selfreferrals By 1949 committec was formed for Simcoe County to find ways and means to establish mental health clinic to serve the County The County Board of Health apv proached the Provincial Dcpartment of Health who stated thcy were aware of the need but that train ed personnel were in veryshort supply at that time In 1950 the Committcc was headed by Dr Jardine Orillia with representa tives from Midland Barrie Allis ton and Orillia Miss Jackson told of the problems of the clinic now operating in Sudbury and their good fortune in having local psychiatrist available along with grant from the municipal ity member of the Barrie Mental Health Committee had vis ited North York Township Clinic where the work is conilncd mainly to children Anotth member had visited the clinic at St Catharines which operates as ward in con nection with the hospital and serves the surrounding district Miss Jackson stressed the great need for local clinic in Childrens Aid work and felt that any Clinic set up here should consist of psychi atrist psychologist and trained psychiatric social worker Need In County Mrs Redmond attempted to clar ify the meaning of mental ill hcalth and stated that it was matter of degree those who were too timid too aggressive or too mcck were showing signs of men tle illhealth She felt that people as whole were very conscious of problems of physical illhealth but pcrhaps not so much so about men tal illhealth 1n the former case they knew where to go for treat ment and help but in the latter case they were mostly helpless Mrs Redmond mentioned that there were as many patients in our men tal hospitals as in all other hospi tals added together and these were all serious cases Many of these pc0plc she felt could have been helped in early stages by somc form of mental care outside of an institution and these borderline cases would be the concern of 51 mental health clinic Canadian sta tistics show that one child in ve required mental treatment and Mrs Redmond felt that the need was great in Simcoe County for child guidance clinic Mr Dingman considered the fig ures issued bythe Dominion of Canada as whole and granting these gures were correct and ap plying rthcm tenour County with population of 105000 it was as sumed that Simcoe County contains 600 people who needed mental treatment 400 people now in Mental Hospital 500 children who will at some time be committed The beach area with its sandy MRS EDMOND to mental institution 400 child ren who will go to prison after having committed major crime and 1000 children who will have emotional problems Mr Dingman stated the great need for mental health clinic that was felt in Juvenile and Fam iiy Court workas many cases nccdcd professional help to pre vent an isolated case of delinquen cy from becoming pattern He stated that the Toronto Fam ily Court estimated that one in 20 delinquencies was result of men tal trouble At the present time the Juvenile Court obtained this type of diagnosis and treatment from the Sick Childrens Hospital and the Ontario Hospital School both places being inconvenient and somewhat expensive for re pcatcd trips Mr Dingmazz felt that mental health clinic in Sim coc County might also be train ing centre for social workers in contact with children to help in early diagnosis and treatment of emotional disorders Council Composltlon The paidup member organiza tions comprising the council are as follows Simcoe County Health Unit Provincial Welfare Vespra Township Lions Club of Barrie Ladies Auxiliary to Barrie Lions Club Essa Township Salvation Army Kiwanis Club of Barrie Childrens Aid Society Family gion DR SCOTT MISS DORTHA JACKSON YES PROva t0 out of Banknle security or co makers not required Loans for balance of down payment on homes and home repairs Phone write or come in today Loans $50 to $1200 colour 2nd FLI Publlc IUtllltles Bldg 15 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Phone 2952 Donald Fish YES MARI OPEN DAILY To 55ATURDAY To 12 load Izod l0 midcnlx of all of riding him Rational Hanna mpmy of Canada QYCub 10 RN Monthl About paymcnll our vtrylhingl lion anQII for inbclvnn emu on in pawn Kan tint mm to an FINANCE C0 Put yourself behind the wheel of one of our late model cars or trucks and for price you can affonl qul in to our lot today and pick out bargain special Over orth of automobiles to $45000 elicitse from scallions of directors grant these institu er Conmgwowl WESIey Jhn5tonl tions free admittance providing ggmlg T233119 Niel Wu reservationssarm made withvthe II 1949ICEERQLETSEDANwwwi park manager week in advance When following recess Howell III intimated the change in his plea Work Bee Planned Here dandy IbIIYI Smart bIaCIk fmIShI Eqqu Judge Harvie directed the jury to AIgIreat deal of the labor needed ped with air conditioning and defroster In GASIIUNE Absoluily Frees bring in their verdict accordingly The jury retiredat 320 pm and returned at 330 pm with the fol owing verdict Found guilty on the first charge of perjury and not for the erection of the buildings was volunteer with carloads of enthusiastic workers coming from communities as far south as Bee excellent shape With the purchase of any automobile valued at more than $500 1951 DODGE SEDAN $2050 madamcotton$1ioo raccooooaousromsnoo 1951 DODGE SEDAN $2950 19481olluvrwaruua $1400 1946ICHEV$EDANI $1075 II 12 spot 645 New unanimous slsoofiaiscunvcotton $1000 1956ICHEY COACHI$9051 llzliltfll 33 ggsgwnu lsro DODGE SEDAN snso 11948 CHEYICDAQHII$1300 1s4cIuoDsoN 3895 gggggggvcm izt 32i5ttil Iiilhllofdtltmw 1950 DODGE churn $1595 19 cnnv onus COUPE $1295 1941ICHIEV $650 gt1 am 15111655 lift hIolllKiEI mnIedIImIh PM he tactfulr $IIIiiniIliIII3IiII I1949 DODGE SEDANI $1650 I194 ODDSMDBIDD his II no contact CDUD coups $515II enersn ma nin 08 011 ginbemelseaiz aclrligvinegIIlIinIr inIi ggdgiihmgegetable garden or SIIMIIIIIM OIIIII 343 rmr Mm 333 ggyrlgmg WI II II mgghe 13mm ngxfwwmowerhggd 051mm the 101 lgfnurcpngltgoo 3233 gnaw go 93 13 in me 1949 METEOR COACH $1450 1847 EDAN $1295 1939 PLYMQUTH $375g on ercropa epos 0w gmet sw getbestresu =snudows ll ll L30 Trudlns but gamed mm lawman It 301 sogawhlichtreaadhlt wdgm mm 23 mm mm A948 CHEW ltlttlhDDDGH It131 GREY $125 cggfnsgtgd Socket Szglllul$ narrow glaemw 30 ggi comm SEPANWMHMTN 905 itlllhlilgplanttllfblll With waxingkwu gigs glamiamgmul ifl3iiitielmor II IIIl Colloidal solutesting alcove 81in 940 Movie Mommaround mm PM II adamant food into the soil lifiinutiiiiinivhuiiiiw 3138 530133 liguPIIIigiIlIi WIDNIIDAV 3302 mm IaIo iitwtm In some 1200 Luncbaon InnaI 030 ago newlines and up anon3 jamllgmJ 1133 Hallucination 33 131mm lt mm ohqu $333551 110 New the Artist 100 mm mum 138 t7 00 Lo mu In month 100 1093100 Weather cubs 1230 or vOuRj DIAL MONDAY TUESDAY PM 605 Musical Clock 000 Count Hour until 015 News lt 110 1200 Luncheon Enrico Homearden Pays as ton Womensfinstitute groups II II guilty on the 000d Charge 01 Wereresponsible for much of the making false statement exterior painting of the buildings on 1256318111 of Dominant ughes Aw From Seed no Bulletin board 740 mm to gt If Softball Ermdcut our

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