CC momminM lv um WIn 8Phouem gt 3wumVVc 3011 1121 new complain in 599W 155 min at gt LADIES Lb gt VV alum ma nge GARAGE v9 for your an gt gt 15 cwt liming cwlnw viii iv 06 hem 91 at we Mmu 020 or 120 mu mV Va VV kw gym To Pd Fm Phona 5758 AJaML VV Vindustnakiron Meta Vow sold 15c and lo at ml 32 mm 3111mm id bum wfbasm II up II lm Q03 MK $ggsmgget 0mm and sink iumished $2000 down mMBm ll donate went quiokly at 15c bunch Rbn Afply Mrs Marlin LilacV DereIV ViURNISHED Central YALlhe Royal Wanton hub 166V 2V1 CV cuuowm AccraBeach 0M hone 4543 HOS 313m Jim 3a 1953 wlw we eh cang Dealer in Scrap on USED COOK 5W9 minim mm l5 for 10 ARGE BED 0031 suitable 10 Holgole Street Barrie hldBS feathers live ulir etc Jewel warming closet reservoir SALE km Phone 49 smug capo were and Specialprice raid delve Our coal or wood Mrs Haverson 300 Danny CW 93 I19 nee McBRIDAt the no oi spring chlokens Ibo same price Appqmom Damion at Macks will call WWII Within New Lowell Phone Creemore IV punmsm 300mg Aduxu Ab Me rIlvr Mlle womanly on request 1006 2933 323 8r stoiners Phone 3133 1566 32i1 023231 Elm own many mine In the Ultimate lastlon lotion and July residence 5306 Slower willbe rYEd WEgg ginme or FFIJSHKQFF C0 FeedS Frosl Fence Faggot MnED u3ln3m31 llre 8V Andrew nmm $3 upsdm lllcloi lml Kay 154343 EwHAMM 3033 mm we 18667 Farm Suppllel antiGraham Plow Yard and office 156 Tiffln St lids ital Barri on 1952 31 mm mm how 1F PM me pm Craigm SEMlDETACHED BECK FURNISHWV mom Bedroom and 30 Need and lomnloes chh were all sold tmcate Stale solar expected and holooie district to 32966 Strand 535 114075 makers Jobbers Common rooms and 539 Central location Man preferred ham nee Ramona Warehamlgs out Prlceoiouch was no box microlm WW mo in willy wow replacesa 33 Fell secretaryth 31 rrNaBldblV we hkLVaEprggVLrmlil to gnggg 3ch5 821 rem 8m home is very centrallyIlocao MW OKhg Vouugwmbanyz 54 39 Boss St We 14531 yum and Gamma you the His Royal Typewriter out for led Need some repairs and don LARGE BRIGHT furnished room loria Homilal Barrie on June 5131 mg We of time Smcoo Counin Simcoe 5m WWW Prim Wading rm all conveniences Suitabl for 1952 to Mr and Mrs John COOK ior no rl HIGHEST PMCES ANYWHERE Machines 86 loronlo SL Barre half cash business gm Wane 4270 154567 Stevenmm Charlotte SVV baklhg and some combination em gt Airfuwln Pg ROOMED me duh tie daughter fraud ma Wumpendwg well clinvrlhzcgwdxgghk or WINDOW Frames and 300 panes 5mm 10 moms and bathroom and Tllchertll verry 45 Tenders will be received bylhe ll an $33 or glam mnxmuV and mqu bath onrst floor bedrooms on ML 36 am emranm No chum undersigned for Pain BarrioMetal Salvage references 30 38 HIGHEST PRECES second Ioor Hardwood iloors marina l66Il St mes mde rods enough bars tor greenV rm smnem Apply Box 40V mention mg Collegmhp mu or panVme to Ed humghah htlosvggtglsopgggget 93 EXCLUSIVE LlST Barrle Examiner 168 12 omioqk noon lonAluminum Storm FREE PARKING SPACE Winmm Henley RR ROOMS partly gurnlshed Wm GIILLHAMAt Stevenson Mamet 0f June 18 lm VSPMMNMM i333 be Windows District oi 0m truck will call anywhere tie my with three rooms on COOkmg accommodation or noose ialospu AmstonV on FridayV Go Vobtamed from II la and surrounding in the country Good location near 1952 FELT Sectelarymeosum Commisslon 33 chxigs Twang 23m XVIVITIFYYSVVVDEVVSVVIVV sgrmiiagitgl 1513 gsemg 88m VleiViage Irind gighVaYVHEYO ayaiL Glm belvdeorrfsbxgua Thamlon Charged 64 39 RossISL Barrio VVV with V000 cashV EXCLUSIVE OX arrle xamlner Name away ma dear 18m gt V2 39 um 55 Cale we can accepted 9mm Sman Mamm LISTING 150668 er of George EllsworthIGllmnm Adolph 60523126 Clinton Street 34845 Washing Machine Refrigerator and of Barrie in his 63th year Fun Toronto has been nursed with gm inmriD1W poe for sales Juli servlcre ewori LosT FOUND pieces or mmmr 7438 With bedrooms modem kitchen MlSCELLANEOUS 31 MM June wins careless driving aftercmhlns into nus the home Weliln onVr msy 531 MW large lwmz room piece bath ml MOM Vmhenbm gg 19 rear of mer bus lled FOR GRAVEL rlaemnl DYOdUC LOSTWould the woman seen DEE WW3 18 mahogany completely insulated landscaped FOR RENT with schoyl childrn on Highway ueen ha lessvnc assenger sport runabout 4cyi Andrews Church for servche at wxll bVe recelyed by the or 3315 have 3car 800d els Qmpogagolfcllei glotor chrome trim leather uphol mtgmfgw lggggiiihmfism Qm mm Amsm 276mm gmmhhgwee underM lk Thu 13 permmem bush Faed PhOh 5746 take back to stew windshield boat tandem mommy paymemS EXC US lon Cemetery ne was rqanto eVV June 13 for delivery of approx me may 746 spare propellen $900 Apply to JAMIESONAt her home Thom as he alisbted from thejblIS just $5 lmaloly 150 yds AP LISTING Do your own floors In em ton on Sal rda r1952 be the Forest Ranger Van Koughnet PO Our new Kthspeed oor MVVVVEVVVVVVV AUR 1ng belWV the crash occurred Both oehlcles not mg July 15 anaersglfs Muskoka 67 San were slightly aged Dnvel of 3m 0c doe excellmt work Low rates ed wife of the late JamesR su lied tlle nshi at it on man Who mum vast FOR SALE we wm 80 from Complete line of oor nish bus 33 learn the seilin busines Eli abelh two miles from Barrie Post 01 930 deaf Sm Mrs cm CPR me pricesgare lowe YOUNG YORKSHIRE Sow due igggeteLuShannan kit ice All year around home Wm malerlals palth varnishes she Grose Emma MrspDreurrie 15 Lowest or nay trailer not neceSS easVier terms re uV June App V5VVwarl CorrigaVn Chen on board chairs an 1931 large screened in vetanda Came V905 tillers bros es etc We sell Maude Herbert Vancouver VV arily acceplerl ly ma 95 90m Innsm table 38 dim table Porcel andIOVEIY landscapm P035 33322 $33 to new Rev Tm and EARL RICHARDSON ormsltion ain top ble With drawerslWal 5810 3111 $4000 half 98511 the late GVFIEdV Mm JV AV Cob Clerk of Vespm DA gDOlngmEwNgmg Riltssijgrllrclgr9$ll33l c2l1i5 EgcUSWES LSTINGC ff VX pAINfBQTD lien$252151 gage 33 Churchmiwm WM en St Rama 00m mer Vlaynet 545rl5 HMB um 09 an WAAP funeral seerce Monday June meet in the in 9h Spring filled couc Oak desk Co market to GRAY MAREl met Single 01 ydm vacuum cleaner nmmum us at gr0f wmg mam kl Che ClappertonSl Phone 5206 pmL Interment Thornton Thursday minimum 12 The und3be ooms lncludedin to consumers Write doubleV hood in 31 mesa rug lllxll lmoleum rug 9x12 bed Hlltb VV cemetery Vexr3 VBVarrle 86 electric range Lot will 109 it Caroline StBarrle onMouthl when 16567 red Bell R34 Cookstown phone spliings mullic cabinet 715hone Lplele furnishings is heavy duly MCDONOUGHM 1st Oin 10 44 65 in to $1M frontage IDouble garage Newgoot June 195 15 II Vle NeWIyV painted white siding with VV McDonoughi zelaygmn may 316333 lagrgtofoa SEED Vt greon trim Near Hawkeslone Haveyopnold on and Mrs TMMDon par 33 W535 BR $3000 With $1600 cash EXCLU reams ll dearhm omnam on lotlingerie and 03 94mg SIVE LISTING in ll yelirs Illegals or was menchildren Tum Phil 1333 ggghgflghrg Room Summercoog VV Jerlnett Funeral Homo II mthiug easier lor luneral servingxiwed VV fl POWERED mm CS8 m8 mm dlnmg clone 11 llol thanadianondW Exams brgedlgg also young sow CLEANEDVBUCKWHEAT11 sale lllroihll wlxllllillililelelg name no 1hrroWedVVwith litterol ten also quantlly of Oats and Wire surrounded by evergreen hedge lled rehsonoble Apply Percy tied Baled Oat Straw Phone Beautiful groundsV GarageV Com gt Caracaddgn Bradlord H5436 3239 105443 pleter furnished Hydro and water BlgBay Point $3000 or inspect Amng med gnd Eagg iqunslaake VoffVele EQCCLUSIVE EVENINGS 5759 llll3llllll or fill lifir ibu mob ll lie is out of good extend their hoarelt no anrl VVwVVchVnVV mama the cm MORRISON HARVEY CO RUVSBEVRV and ASPHALT 35mg V303 NV V3 ml gowns er COMPANY LVIMVITEDVI Llerro gt FLOQR TILE ynl9lurn 943567 ear ESTATE Congoleum Valid Inlnlcl Linoleum giltisd mm WWW 150 91VDUNLOPST BARRIE Blostlo wallrile on can owall gaffg5 Beggm 3133 Brodford or Barrie Phone 8936 EvenlanVMIof 4708 ggggggmgg Rgggggg SvBinder pnouo solo rulers sonnnull Russell Vssgmagg ENE TORONTOOVFFICES hmnusnlgAquanumno 1951 StudebakeerachaGrey MowERMcV2brmllgDeol conditioning radlo overdVer V5213 CHQIOE LOTS notionalsown $333333 1951 MeteorVCustom coach Vren m1 WW PM 39 349 metallio overdriveialr con ltlon LOT 9N Duekwurthngmma VI VV Vlrlte allopal lngllackup this $2095 308 170le 258 overlooklg blfy rajSin Mln Mme 4V mngi l95l Prelecl Sedanabealilllul con Wintmachinergga $5 or owns WonMW miles NW murrrun Lake snore Ipr on PM VV VI Victoria Point Lake Simone II Ford VoruaV JV SVV Sr Fa qltlonlng 95 SmudVV IWVJIV so mklxmi edantxlgllggt momma7 room frame home garage all convenlences larde lot 1940 Oldsmobll Coach Black Willie to healer 35 11940 Pontiac coupoaexcellenl com dillon new Vmolor gone 115000 miles es Ipurcila ha torVVlhlsi kumg ber