3HaydenteamcplulniJESQEQIIg Exammerlrophy for South Shncoe hocirey ANGLEsgf By GEORGE STOREY WE WERE TOLD when we were kuerupaz2t3 lhdi women boast ed the privricge of changing Illelf in any plum and any lllild was also relayed that men Wclc sup rd to be the superior those days we have found tnut xiv czi Luld distinct Dslllutrs 11 world and loom just as lxnpotunt the opposite Example lirr W1 ship Mayor Margorle lldziiillulz Bu urnrlizlng happened cw the weekend that gives rue an inkling that women are gradually becoming better than int1 For in Guelph Cutter Fields Golf Club the DEA Junior LUUIICli met and dueldcd they didnt mm lllc age limit lifted to 21 years Only Gait rcmaltlcc 15 true blue muscular men Audio think that only month and imlf ago unanimous vote was given for the DEA to take uffrrmatlve on the queatmzl at the CAHA meeting which 13 held June ISlli Apparently eight clubs were opposed and with Waterloo not we lorp trm season by the process of elutunutlun We 2111 Barrie must have otcd Jgalllri It too Consequently if pciSUII Inc to uninsurer fully this nuslness of hockey hell sooner or later grow whack It ILInllllis us of Sung the Auras Brothers recorded Ilrs you say you wall and then you won Major purpose for the meeting was to draw on the druftces and here is another thing we cant understand Borne didnt dluft Ll plziytl er ports are that Kitcllcners Bub Cobble go tin cream of the crop but that rcmauls to be seen The council following some golf instructed the OHA to fink the CARA for Ellsltldlicrtllrt of 18 At least things are perklng lfl other camps TURNING TO BUSINESS at hand Win Law has another big LIULI blcllcadcr billfd for Agricultural Pork lucsdav night Tllt lzitllvs meaning Dot Miller Beth litLean llnrlzm Parker and company play host to Midland Monarchs defending pruvzncrul Cllilfllplullj for the first time this season The team lost in Midland lllf in loosely playcd contest but couch Doug Hodge and lbwoultl be dszcrcnt this time The club was just jittery the Illiller painter olillctl The girls hit the diamond at 715 and after seven innlngs or overtime the men come on with Stewarts Lunch Muck Iurnbulln senior ladnl opposing RCAF of Camp Borden Too much cant be expected of the Flycrs as it will mark their second gIIIIIC in as many nights and unions Les Hook has the New York Giants pitching staff under the wing of an Anson the team should have little trouble Willi Stewarts We personally thank Mr Law for bypassmg tonight on the bull schedule We Will make it point in be introduced to the family HERE AND THERE pepperput centre of our Barrie Ichrs Allen Skip Teal returned to his hometown St Catharines last Week to play lacrosse for the SiIllOl Athletics Teal had arranged to perform for 07111121 Terriers and was mnploycdby Emms Electric for the summer llowcver St Catharines came up with good offer and if he doesnt make the seniors Will still retain the provisions wrth the jumor entry Phil Marchildon former Philadelphia mound ace was sold byGuclph Maple Leafs to Kitchener Panthers of the Inteeruunty League Harold Todd and Jerry Quinn top lawn bowlers of the Barrie Club copped prize for one win in tournament at Orange vle Wednesday in their rst seasonal outing Which brings to light the rst mens doubles hurnament of the season here is Wednesday of this week at the Barrie greens when rinks from Orillia Stayncr Orange vrlle Beeton and Tottenham along with representatives from Allan dal and Barrio It should be bungup affair Andy Batllgale slip pery ccntrcmzm of the Memorial Cup Billmorcs who is slated for NHL competition with New York Rangers next season underwent success ful knee operation recently Marv Brewer versatile summer and wmler athlete is starring defensively for Defoe Motors in Torontos baseball surroundings Dcfucs recently defeated the fasttravelling CanadianJill team Bests by 173 count Perhaps the greatest causeof fail and careful tamping of the soil will Beavers Drag Away l0 Tons of Beets LETHBRIDGE May vCPrwNa turallsls may be surprisedbut one of those two prominent from refill the bearer uses for cutting trees as apparently sweet mix Canadas national emblem is sup iposcdiy able to exist em diet ipoplar and willow bulk But pruufi is the odd fancy of Castor Cilfliitlrffl 515 for sugar comes from two Air Vberlulls Ralph SIECDiliJi and Evan llll MILllclSOil is deteutzvc Ducks lilmltcd key man and Htspruni lent of the Iathbrldge Fish and Jame Wiatlon Hill Operates farm adjoining that of Ralphs father Mzchclsmi Three years ago two beaver 09 poured in small coulee scpamti mg the Hill and Michelson farms The Fair prcsurrldbly travelled lit mun lellif from their natural habitat along thr ulsterl slope of he Rockies via rivers and irrigu lun canals The plonccr pair limit dam us lng wood fmm thr few Willows and bushes along the mulch K831 the full of 1931 thrrv wore org adult neuvcr two new dams and several new houses Last fall Mr Hill piled crop of l1iLil lJLtlS the litld bordering the cuulcc llcuvy ruins prevent hurtling lllc beets for several irlys Later it wars discovered that lbout 10 tons of the crop lliltl dis lppcurcd llc answer was easy Denver work party had transported the Ailch to various dens assuring the busy animals of truly sweet winl but from the loot Adrlzittim that it was one of his most unusual cases Michelsunl says qulul well and no doubt are look ing forward to good sugar beet rop in 19512 The beaver survived UIL winterl Hardy Annuals There is fl place for zlnnuul flowl1 crs in almost every garden They lIt particularly useful in the garg den of new house before thel permanent planting is done They have place in established gardens when the daffodils and tulips and the earlier flowering pernnialsl have bloomed and left bare places They are among the best flowers for house decoration and are truly cut and come again flowers as new blooms come if the old ones are cut before seed pods form Seeds of the more hardy annuals can usually be sown in early May in locations where they are to bloom and require little beyond thinning and weeding They do Well in any good garden soil but well prepared soil bed is necessary me is planting the seeds too deep Fairly generous shallow seeding do much to assure success Some annuals take 90 to 100 days or more from the time of seeding to tlieiime of blooming Suchseeds are not suited for outdoor sowing and are sewn early in thl spring in wilh no greenhousesspindly plants fungus disease known as damping IImllll lhcleana Mugazlnl Beeion Hockey Club Win Hockey llonbrs hotbeds or greenhouses The aver agc gardener is advised to buy plants of this group of annuals rather than to grow them at home from seed While this can be done under average home conditions and often result which are subjecrto off Seed catalogues and most seed packages indicate the number of days required blooms jMoSONITEleHlr Memorial Community Crime in harem ll Iropmr for Intermediate plonshlp tothe Beeton Club PEBEIL ofplayers and officials The Berton club also won The Barrie ibhanipionshipranditwlals prSiftedalltlfefo by Wang publisher Featured seth Township village onTbursday evening speaker for undcrfed untirnuepmtf Superv all IIRE CHIEF It II IRWIN was recently appointed district deputy flrc marshal for Simcoc County discussing feature of the firemcns school with Instructor George Alexander Frc Mar CP Sports Camera icing Course To ken Barrie who is seen left being done Vnun IYoung Japanese Wins llyweighl Crown RagsloRiches Boxing lale Specially Written For The Barrie Examiner By GERRY LOITGIIEED Another rugstnriches talc rival llllg that of Jersey Joe Wzllcolt when he won the heavyweight box ing title has come to light This one also occurred in the fight game and concerns young Japanese named Yoslriro Shirax Slumi Clirrlaxrd climb from no wllvrc when he lifted the flywcight crown from Dodo Marino of Hawaii late last month in Tokyo He also became the first of his race to win world boxing title Mainly responsible success is his manager Dr Alvin Cahn of Chicago who admits frankly am not fight manager by profession but by freak twist of late Dr Cahn botanist working with the United Slates Army in Japan happened to notice Shirai working out in Tokyo gym and figured the underfcd lad had great possibilities At the time Shirai was boxing in support his family of nine made destitute by wartime bombings The doctor recently wrote the National Boxing Association in the United States asking forguidancc on piloting his protege lie men tioned how he found boy who was trying to box instead of slug youngster with agood defence and good footwork When took him over he was undernourished almost He was fighting for Shirais without clothes wvln in club times week to 11 mll support his parents broth Ill two rooms in linrmclil He took to my coaching llkv luck 11 waterdespite Ill furi not at the time we had nut Smle word in common Shirul now speaks Enulxshgtund absorbed ill mosl everything gave him on Sight Within 11 months Shirul had won both the Japanese flywclght and the bzlntamwcight championships knocking out both lillchuldels in convincing style The NBAfor the IIISl time in historystarted rating Shirui con lcndcr for the world titles merely on the basis of his managers glow ing reports It even wrote Sam Ichinosc Mar lnos manager urging him to hover the Hawaiian defend his title zllzainst Shirai imisslons affiliated with lruling body advising Shilcis availability making Incidentally the loss of the fly weight crown was the fourth box ing Championship in move out of United States possession in recent years VicIToiVecl of Smith Africa is thebanlamvvclghc king Liruro Salas of Mexico Won the lightweight them of for match crown from American Jimmy Carl ter last month and Kid Gavilzm of Cuba is the welterweight title holder The other four world crowns are held by Americans Droi lemls Are Handy Entering one of the small homes years came across another item of interest premium and many items had been left out of the eneral drain b0 the house had com on many occasions especially wheulooking for place to contructed during the war Space was at plan including good lady of plained gh clothingrh when run rln er shais Department sponsible for Alexander supervised the ope tlollrrl work It also wrote cont the US by n1 new Clilfl il More complete protection hflgllb lots All rumor Inuit WIIHLS mm on IllJill polish Your Guarantee We 01L nuke AN APPOIuTuiur menu turn to hours We could um driller but with ne Slmu Room Slime English Cars $75 Others $995 leaning Heparin Chrome Desired $150 Extra W115 re llw Iluwttrmtfa lmw been wall1 Phone 12 fE Mrg Itt nut if llt xlly gtI1Ill ll An mm Pb 528 luldm residents 2x lllul their new amplifiers are lzcllslrli to won 13 tin in groups Agriculture lliltl lumbering lti mum Rockys vimf Infillblllts 11 was in 1799 that Ilntky wls founded Just zlvzrm lzlu North Szlsk utcluwun liner to the west of the town Illu North West Cmnpanyi Easseta Search pom it was believed the the river FRENCH AK Prince hastmrhnsb ln Europe west of the Chmr ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE 1518lfaot Mont Blane liumrll on the tuzltl lupti of tho AWE mm liucklun lid Illklli llliuf mAmm The 1dr Euro year hdzc Lttll lll influx of new farmers into the and wan but almost 301 men wmnvnj and rlllldlm grrc immigrants from mm mm gm JWIIIOIS with will They tllldtiflll its rnooucr cu nmll giflul and prrkvd llilS arm cmmm wf much laollry but they brought nulrrllmury and flzlzlztun Some Firemen geouid not uncover the 0f eslem OSl A1111 Julie MlLI This little at suitx 1799 FOB You Sumc have Ltiillt from Saskatchci Li It ltd new me si rumor llnlmmi MI bliCLrith 111ml is cheap They hadnt bad film homes lllpghil uwr or Settled at Arbutus Most of 11mm willed in file Arbu tus district ltlrlc miles from Rocky frirmntzlm lluusc They built their own church and werntiy the first Wttltilllt was held Chief Irwin local arrangclnczlts while built for more It was llltrt that Dzlvid Thompson tlllltiltl lllllllv on 180102 and 1mm and from thvrc in 1807 he set out to discover the Columbia lirver 61 lmosl westerly and the Hunt snullr L7 Famous Post For more than TU years it was lini crly outpost in the Blackfoot Coun try and it remained in IIILIlelUll until 1873 lllcrc are many stories of 1110 and waiting for you at perilous days illltl the North West land Hudsons Bay companies lIIlllg led It is 51nd that on one occasion gillc restdcnls escaped an Indian zlt Wu mum NH Ml lilack by making their way through In secret tunnel to bouts along lllt llvluy 1m scmlln message 10 or Before they fled they were supr v3ltlltlt1lw9 posed to have buried three cannon nitlat Srslrlll Blue Bull your trip Como AlS station idlmll and lm your driw Emu2 Within only aim chute you can be on your of way whh the assurance that the late model car you are driving is properly insured Mlonl ondormorhunhble mount Monyourdgmtum only MullhuptoMmanthahmpcy Ibmc ordnpinlodsyl and in perfect runnind order RENIACAR lvls WorldWide Organisation licensee VALLEY DriveYoursalI HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 28 Elizabeth 59 second floor phone 5529 ica rs and Anm am 52 ELIZABETH STN OIIIIA armor as Michowl Euro second oor phone 23 LOUISE mlwmmml FM acumen top and whonpainted these were hardly disconame The legs and supports ere constructed of the same malarial was more than interested to nd two other articles made by the some hands table In of scontling and ower pot which turned out to be grapefruit juice tin nicely painted to match the drapes and carpet The matter was finally settled to er satisfaction by her husband Collecting discarded pieces of boxes Outdoor Idle When we think of outdoor tables we naturally have to think of rain and few days ago came across what mighl be called the Wonder House This had been erected by an enterprising young man who care lacking buxcs cutting them to uniform engths and sin way for future use In course of time drew the plans for humble wtiagethen built it irisch lions and assembled the various units The roof was made of used lumber from the local wreckers The house was nally covered with insulatedsidmg roof covered with imitation shmgls His objective is to take it down and fully collected slats from be built board supporting it against the wall with an upright piece of oneinch pine clcat agnlnat the wall gave added support His intention is to rebuild wiil BC Fir Plywood Masonite idols excellent for such sea Quarter inch moulding finis cd oil the edges to prevent water leaking to the oor Utility Table When visiting towns where sawmills are located it is always good policy to watch out for the local craftsman One met last summer was worker from the shipyard He had used pieces of pine planks to make inclement weather was impressed by touch of hospitality over the border when passin fine garden noticed sign onl gate Enter here all those who bye little beautyand so entered In shady nook noticed picnic table and later learned it was made by the local plumber as gift to local service club This man had con structedrmost of the table by using old water piping joints and caps which had been discarded It was painted in pearl gray and could easily grace garden park or roadside Seals and top were made of planks but two by fours could housed instead Asking if it might be copied the power tollis elbow FoMANuoLo 5ch95 Fw pieceoew assemble it as summer cattage could not help but eiclaim mop an exceptionally Access em the occasion was Leighton custommm coach of Barrie wrsLWOther speakersinciude Reeve Thompson Had no owDMPforvDuit iiiSimone and Rev AWDowner for Dufforlnimcoo or FRAME A1412er ood coffee or utility table San ing down the edges gave good close joints on the 12 BOARDSEOUR PIECES rmp WlTH TIGHT dorm3 builder replied Well copyin is the sincerest typerf attery here it is for you 64 F03 775E waryam MSfMEVZ 08 031 IVE WEVE unremarrcw cocoa cuppa BUILD DRAIN RIM or QUARTERROUND ALONG50658379016 SMALL BLoclc mi mouse as BASE THE UPBleHE ALl MATEBlALumAx 35 ill FROM ENDS OF PINE ONTUB cosmic EOUBPIECESFOR ateIx ailmentsimp Ill WIDESUPDOBTS l4HlrH22WlDE WIDTH 0F BESTS