WMtMWWScm Momentarme mnumbcronepublicschool 183m meet held at our School two miles west of mm mmmm fromilscboolslnthearcaand WMbyaoommtttoeof teachers mmmmomw Willieextraorth maeulortohaveperr Wynneindium on be my nary medium WIlmlgobleeerything libekbtme Shepihcredfirst mmnmmam mintbrocdjumpnspedtoa mmmwmmm vnmmuummleuedmi Ontopofthksheaddedaseoondl intherunnin high iumpandal thirdlnlhebasebalithrow Anew champion was declared in fheboys division as Larry lliltz of Van Vlack carded 12 points totin is well ahead of his closest com petitorx The meet is divided into senior intermediate junior and primary classications Competitors who hail from Base Line Second Wm Crossland Saurin Victoria Van vnclr rim number 19 Simon Allenwood Waverley and New Flux are awarded ribbons and cash prizes for their triumphant feats The committee of teachers wbo organized and directed the fieldl day consisted of Hm Spring Mrs Bowel Mrs Draper Mr Ibornpson 11 Wainwright GDrysdale Handy Archer Mix French Kiss It I7 Mouton Miss Cowper and Mrs WIDIESS The days events started at nine oclock in the morning with mostly primary events The older students competed in the afternoon booth operated by the Allemvood Wo mens Institute was established on the grounds to serve refreshmenu and snacks llll Internalon The sixth annual International Barrie Kennel Club Dog did the b0 slack 939 Show on Saturday June at Barrie Arena brought about 252 entries from all over the Dominion and from many parts of the United States of America This would have meant over the same day at Batavia New York which attracted quite number of Amerlcn dog fanciers The official ceremony was held at 1030 ant when President Stanley King called on Her Worship Mayor Wis Hamilton who formally opened the show with greeting ewclcome to visiting members exhibitors from kennel clubs in New Jersey Massachusettsand Michigan and from many places in Canada Wexford Fruitland Lon Ottawa Montreal Niagara Fails Hamilton Thamcsville Cliff wat orlmrby and Stratford 14$ worber of other speakers were the judges On be 9T the Barrie Kennel Club Hamilton was presented with womb portage by Norma Black pcorge Fricke was presented by Yvonne Lamont and II Wally Toronto also rose by Sandra King Brius of $50 and $125had been given by George Fricke and by Mienlie SENIOR BOYSLarry lilltz Van Vlack points Morris Mood Crossland nine points Pat Crave Waverley and Ron McAuley Wa verley eight points SENIOR GIRLSJoan Mclwain moorland 12 points Elaine Atkin oon New F105 seven points Nancy Wright Crossland and Robertas Trace Allaowned eight point INTERMEDIATE BOYS Bill Hogg Van Vlaclr srx points Hclwain Crossland four pointy 033 Ronnie Pratt Crousland Eddie yearold Mary Bumstead Saurin John Dickinson Saurrn Amen Lush Victoria thmei points each INTERMEDIATE GIRLS Mary ship area number one fourth Lush of Victoria compiling 15 points and Larry sLush Victoria 15 points Sarahl psKurgis lniured lln SemiFinal lEric Beats Fred Dw innell Ushers Myrna lnglcton points JUNIOR BOYS Angus Ellery Base Line six points Mac Lough eed Crossland five points Larry= McElwain Crossland three points Strange as it may seem it was JUNIOR Gmstpeggy RobertTine the main bout but the semi straw Waverley six points Sandraktmal which caught the fancy of McKnight Ushers five points Norlitre turnstilc clickch at Fridays Lush Victoria three points wcekly wrestling show at Barrie Arena PRBLRY BOYS Mme 89 Whilc Yukon Eric and Fred AtZ Van Vlack Cliff Martin Victoria kins provided some amonmnm mm Pmms Ch Harry Gmespt moments in three falls of the main vcwna two Pmms bout it was the swift continuance FRIMARY Guns Baybanof the semifinal between veteran Turner Base Line Joan and Juncpat Flanagan and minpamllve Wright Crossland and Doreen newcomer sonny Kurgls Whth lingered in the minds $5M U5hers ed or mp hon Unfortunately the bout came to sudden end as Kurgis was thcl victim of an unintentional low eight Saurin head butt from Flanagan as moi big fellow bounced off the ropes Kurgis reeled to the canvas in agony and needed assistance to regain his feet He was taken to his dressing room where physi cian examined him Both competitors were clean and The crowd liked it and applauded iboth Flanagan and Kurgis The referee awarded the bout to Flan agan but the Torontonian wouldnt 300 but for similar show on cepl He raised Kuris am to indicate victory but Sonny did nt receive the laurels either Fin ally the referee called it drawl at 17 minutes and six seconds me me breeds wmnmd Atkins the Australian who apl were Scmauzers Bu Tandem pears to have descended from thel 330 pr Cairn Scomh Kerry FuzzyWuzzies showed more wrestl Blue West Highland White Boston ling 5km than Yukon Eric in the and Australian Terriers Airedales main haul but the Alaskan wnl Dedlmgtons Samoyedes Shetland me ma of three fans on ref1 5113 DOES Geman Shepherd5erees decision Atkins accuSed of Poodles Pekingesc Puss Jan unnccessary roughness nailed re ChesteiS Chihuahuas Pomeraniansr peated judo chops at Erics neck Great Danes Newfoundland5 101 with the latter kneeling at thel rigs Bull Mastiffs Retrievers Am ropes eflcan and 511315 Codie Eng The referee who recovered from9 11511 and lrlsh Selim Boxers Wei an unexpected elbow smash byg mariner Daschunds Dalmatians Atkins pulled himself off the floor Bull Dogs Chow Chows Keeshon and pushed Atkins away from the den Doberman Schlpperkes comer Then he raised Erics hand Along the west corridor beauty The hllSkY AlaSkan Who PS parlor was set up and the high the scales at 276 wasnt satised brow canine haughty bored or de though He regained his feet and named were com brushed forced Atkins to corner The cleaned aimed Dad powdered Aussie received three powerful INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONS at Ilos Town held Friday at Ushers School were ll scored four firsts second and third in Two snooty poodles beautiful miniature blue grey and creamy standard white sat up like manne blows to the chin then wanted no more He climbed out of the ring scampered down the ring steps and room Wally Toronto 0mm Box Top Show dWixmer of Best Dog in Show was by Mrs Dorothy Drury with the Boston Terrier Sovereign Escort Winner glotneaerve Best in Show wasthe yAincan Cocker Spaniel black American bred owned by John Ottawa Kennels of Barrie by Mr and Mrs Albert made grand showing with West Highland White Terrier Dreumlands Gal Major winning Bred bylthior Dogs Winners Mammal of Winners and Best of WoLTwier Group tcmdian area Dogin show oer Canadian Bred Puppy in Show Best in Barrie Exhibitors Class beautiful sllvcrcup donated by Roy Christie for the Barrie Ex hibiton Clare was presented to Mrs KayebyMrs Van Vail gen behalf of Mr Christie OtherBarrie Winner Other Barrieexhibltou alto Win ining their share of honorswercc with his German Shepherd Mr and Mrs Nelson allrimstln Collie and Sheltond Sheep mummy White Buliflerrier indium Roy Black Alredales hand Mir Cull Boynton Kec lit and Mn Tread wc Boxer and American to iiourldzwwu Joboctootollle mm 8011 Doberman Mr Starlao Dene Memoir 3m libido uins when their marcellin etc maded 101 his dreSSing 3v mum Yukon was like mad bull in the centre of the ring and would have Members of the club received crushed Atkins had he ever caught great assistance from the Barrie up with me despemdo Scouts and First Allandale Rovers Eric won the rst all with on preparation 01W 53 10ch crunch which left Atkins an or many duh connecum unnerved for the second Fred wnh Judging etc had fire in his eyes for the next session and with series of un sportsmanlike blows weakened Eric to such an extent that he was easy prey for the rolling front face 510p Frank Fozo the agile Greek spent the livelong time running away from Dave Slmms of Hamil ton in the preliminary which gave therrieferee little choice but to call draw aYteFMSOmils Pts oufrs MINER gAErER 44 YEARS DRUMIIELLER Alta June CPlThirty minutes spent under 404m fall of rock in the Inver ncss Mine Nova Scotia in 1910 is recalled by Alex MacKlnnon who retired recently at Midland Collier ies here after 44 years of mining SOPIBALIIT Interva InterTown Barrie Midland Stewarts AF Ladies Midland Barrie Stayncr Newmarkel RCA Cookrtown Fennch L77 first crasbol the 40 tons showered to reach through and touch his annual field Schcool who Hilts of Van Springwater Club Meet Wednesday AmectingoftbeSprmcntcr Recreation Club will be held WednesdayevenlngatIotestry allstartlngutm Meier discuarden willbetle voting of fund for the can stroctionoftennlscoarts All persons interested are welcome Barrie and District glam mt Softball League Iunc 10Minesing at Stewarts tQueens Parkl IZAngus at RCAF Queens lZStcwarts at Mincsing lvRCAF at Angus 7RCAF at Stcwarls Queens ISStewarLs at RCA Queens 19Angus at Mincsing rIiindincsing at Angus 2IMinesing at RCAF Queens 26Augus at Stewart Queens 26RCAE at Minesing loStewart at Angus 3Angus at RCAF Queens 3Stewarts at Minesing IRCAF at Angus 8RCAF at Stewarls lQueensl lOStewarts at RCA Queens IiiAngus at Minesing liMicesing at Angus l5Minesing at KCAE Queens 17Augus at Stewarts Queens IlRCAF at Minesing 21Stewarts at Angus 22Mineslng at Stewarts Queens GEORGE OREGORY PRESIDENT or LAWN BOWLERS President of the Barrie Lawn Bowling Club this season is George Gregory The club is sponsoring the first tournament of the sum mer Wednesday when rinks from Orlllia Stayncr Beeton Totten barn Orangeville and Allandale compete in mens doubles Aiding Mr Gregory on the ex ecutive is Gordon Spencer vice president Harold Todd Secretary Ihomas Mitchell treasurer Dr Spiers games Frank Perkins greens Surveyor Courses At Moderate Cost LAWRENCETOWN NS May 26 Wig Yourniglltnnpt realize it but in order to become alindiri veyor you have to be able to read the stars Here at the landsurvey school operated by the Nova Scotla gov ernmentltyoung students chart in advance the position of the stars and planets each month Hurls NoH Vlack who racked up 12 points in the senior mmpetltlon The victory for Mary Lush marked her second successive title in girLs events but Larry Blitz is newlycrowned boys champion Hegel Clouis Two Homers to Pace Redmen It didnt take Stroud Redmcn long to rebound from their first defeat of the season Behind the home run clouting of shortstop Harvey Flegel the defending South Simone baseball champions trounc ed Ivy Maple Leafs 85 at Ivy Ilegel hammered two circuit smashes double and single off Ivy hurler Clarence Hogarth who was nicked for 11 hits over the seven innings Paul Emms started on the mound for the Redmen and after pitching filvc innings of fourhit ball gave way to veteran Johnny Bowman in the sixth Bowman fired one hit relief ball in preventing any possible Ivy outburst Ihe hoemtown Leafs compiled lZO margin in the first inning as Broley opened with walk and Laycock and Hogarth placed hits on his heels However Stroud took the front for keeps in the second with verun explosion climaxed with Flegcls threerun homer Ivy came back with single run in the bot tom half of the inning The teams split pair of runs in the fifth Flegel connecting for his second roundtripper of the game and then Stroud added two insurance runs in the sixth Ivy managed counter in the seventh on walk and single but Bowman soon smothered the fire Helping Flegel in the hit de partment for the victors were Gary Beamish Fraser Campbell Paul Emms each with two safe ties Murray Amos supplied lhe remaining blow Laycock with two hits paced the Leafs Singles went to Broley Clarence Hogarth and Gibson Strand Bowman Flegcl ss Beamish lb Black 2b Wallace cf Wright 3b Campbell rf Amos 1f Kmms Martin If Bowman Ivy Broiey 35 Laycock lb Hogarth Broley 2b Laycock 3b Laycock Gibson rf Reid cf Money 1f Ellis Loughced If Ivy Stroud 210 010143 050 012 xB ll know the exact position of true North in order to be able to ac curately carry out their survey work The school here was previously operated by the Canadian Voca tionai Training Division for war veterans but was taken over by the provincial Eddcation Depart merit in 1949 The Department trying to over come shortage of surveyors offer and Any doubts about Piunketts ability on the mound were quickly erased Friday night as he fashioned pitchers dream Itohit norun game at Agricultural Park in defeating Pen clans Lions 1343 Indeed gem of baseball player the former Peterboro sensation toyed with the Lions in farming 18 of the 21 put outo mouthing only four Just one Penetang runner reach ed third In biasing the tichitter the first in Barrie for many years PIunkett broke twogame losing streak for manager Gil Robertsons squad and provided the team with an even 500 percentage mark in North Simcoe competition Plunkctt feared but one batter in the Pcnetang lineup big Vic Val entine who stars at first base Val enfine who had tryout with Tor onto Maple Leafs earlier in his career drew three free tickets to first on trips Doug explain ed that he ust wasnt going to give the big fellow good ball to tag Shortstop Dcsroches was the only other Lion to reach the sacks Meanwhile Barrie Carmda Drys pounded nine hit all four Pene tang hurlers and sticking out at the plate like sore thumb was Plunv kett who blasted single and three run homer his second of the season for total of four runsbattedin Ron Stewart exercised his pow erful wrists for three hits one double in leading the attack George Storey with two singles Danny MacDonald and Don New man with one apiece rounded out the barrage The Lions were late arriving and had few minutes to warm up How ever Whitey Martin who started on the mound for the visitors held Barrie scoreless until the fourth when nine runs crossed the plate on four hits two walks and six errors Plunkctts threerun circuit smash over the leftfield fence ac counted for the scoring in the fifth and Stewarts double coupled with Newmans sacrifice brought the final run of the game across in the sixth Pcnctangs chief threat turned out to be routine in the serenlh With one out Valentine and Dcsrochcs walked in succession and passed Doubleheader at Park Tuesday softball doubleheader starts off activities at Agricultural Park this week as Tuesday eve ning Barrie ladies play host to provincial champion Midland Monarchs and Stewarts Lunch oppose RCAF of Camp Borden in mens InterTown League contest First game is slated for 715 Willi the men following Immed iately after under the lights balls placed runners on second and third Plunkett bore down and fanned Salmes and Quesnelle in order to end the possible rally After Martin was solved in the fourth lefthander Edwards re lieved and he too was greeted with booming bats Cote came on in the fifth and then Hamlin moved in from right field to finish the game Pcnetzlng were smartly styled in white uniforms striped with red and wore black jackets trimmed with red and white Barrie are idle now until Friday night when Midland Indians boast ing sexpro Gord Dyment on the mound visit the local park TUESDAY RCAF at Stewart Sru Agricultural Park 830 Adler TONIGHT Stuyner at Midland TUESDAY Midland at Barrie Agricultural Park 700 WEDNESDAY Newmarket at Stayner South Slmcoe TONIGHT Churchill at Cooks town TUESDAY Fcnnells at Bond Head Barrie District TUESDAY Mincsing at Stewart Intermediates Queens BASEBALL South Slmcoe TONIGHT Barrie at New Lowell Thornton at Stroud TUESDAY Newmarket at Ever eit WEDNESDAY Ivy at Barrie Ag ricultural Park 700 Everett at Thornton Beeton at Alliston Palgrave at Bradford North Slmcoe TONIGHT Creemore at Penetana TUESDAY Colllngwood at Mid land WEDNESDAY Penetang at Oril lia FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson omonmsr STEPHENSONS summons and orrommmsrs FOR APPOINTMENT oonmr man man ONTARIO ed courses at $30 for provincial residents and $50 for those from outside the province tar EELjQIdEDI harnessed examinations for Public Land Sur veyor and every one has found employment CANADIAN EXPLORER fort on the site of New Orleans was built in 1700 by the Sieur DIberville Montrealberm naval The reasdnis that they must and military dommander MacKinnon recalls that the down on him his partner was able shoulder As attain continuedon the root MacKlnnoil Warned hisfellow workcr backfirhmugh heroic ei fort of rescue crew minutes later MacKlnnon was free Ills only Churchill week Bradford Wmhilro come of his fingers In 44 years of mining MacKinnon Vm worked at lovernoes Alta and then Drumheiler Recent lyhe was modes llfe menibcr of AborDrumhelier Fire Bosses Union faults service here nun nanomen 3v continuum Mnfe in no on introduced rdlv win gold colonial injury in the crash left deep Bear Coleman LPls prim summer it NoRun Gam Innings Plunkoii Plonked PENETANG AB II it Dumals Vallzncourt 2h Kerinin 3b ll Valentine lb Deuochea as Salmon l1 Quesnelle cf amlin ri Martin Edwards Cote rf BARBIE Mclfurray ss MacDonald 2b Struthm 1b Stewarkab Newman Feltis cf Storey rf Long If Plunkett Poland rf 27 iii SUMMARY RUns batted in Plunkett Long Feltis Mac Donald Newman Double Stew art Home run Plunkett Struck out by Plunkett 18 by Martin Walked by Plunkett by Martin by Edwards by Cote Left on base Barrie Penetang 12 OwNNvuctnImol bacoooooaoo cal Croonerwcvcmcl cocoaooaooc We carry complete range of Woodworking Machinery rt Electric Power Tools TREE Come in and consult our special ists on any type of Job atrno Obligation to you ll talcumill BARRIE 97 Dunlop sr 12879 THE sinEns For lllllck RiiullS clAs PUBLISHED pMon wed surround 89