Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1952, p. 3

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Second Mother of family to Enter Priesthood Rev Wilfred Firth Sings lirsiliass in HorneParish The second member of his fansheld in Father Firth honor in ii to be ordained priest of theSt Josephs Auditorium In the Roman Catholic Church Rev WE afternoon there was an open rej fred Firth celebrated his firstlception and tea for parishioners masshln his home parish of Stand other friends 61 the newly Mary Barrie yesterday morninglordained priest His elder brother Rev Francisi Firth C38 LMS was deacon atiwugred rm of Barrie nu the solemn high mass 5mm was ordained by His Em Following mass at dinner wasncncc James Cardinal HeGuigan gin St Michaels Cathedral Tor onto on Saturday morning Denes Priesthood The sermon at the first mass was fpreached by Rev Kevin Sheridan of Hamilton on the text Its My iFathcr hath sent Me also send lyou taken from St John chap ter 20 verse 21 Using the words of our Lord to the apostles Rather Sheridan ex Son of the late Mr and Mrsl plalned that the priestth of Jesus Christ was being honored in the celebration of rst mass We are here to pay honor to the great high priest Our Blessed Lord and to the valiant band of men who have existed in the Christian world dating back through all the centuries of Christian world and bridging centuries There is given to us this day the very power Our Blessed Lord gave to his disciples youve set your sights on saving you longer protecdon and cut The speaker asked the congre gation to considerthc meaning of lthe priesthood He defined the priest as mediator bridging the gulf that sin had created between God and man forming Christ as the Innite Mediator in the second person of the Trinity Christ Tin First Priest Offering Himself up in the sac rifice of Calvary Christ came to be the first priest and Calvary was the first mass to bridge the gulf between God and man etern ally He created something that Good Friday that should never die but continue to the very end of time any warden mm WORD l0 SIMfl WWI5R5 5800 HOUSE PAINT COSTS Explaining why it was necessary to have continuation of the priesthood of Christ Father Sher idan said that Christ knew how short was memory of man The night before He died Our Blessed Lord instituted means in which that sacriflec could be continued the holy sacrice of the mass which He intended would be for all time redramatization of His death on the cross He instituted inHis Name other mediators who would be taken from among men to continue thatsacrice of the mass The speaker asked the congre gation to think of the priest at the altar at the communion rail in the confessional and as he spends long hoursbeside the bed of the dying not as asucial func tionary Think of him as man to whom has been given the words of divine truth as one who stands against the onrushing gulf of er 3money remember that LOWE anom lrms HIGH STANDARD nousx PAINT covers solidly more square foot peg gallon than most paints It spreads genly and reduce labor cost It gives period of reainng Come in and let an show you how High Standard hep lambs you money for many day rors and of false philosophies Addressing Father Firth he concluded send you this morn ing to the Altar of God that in ascending to that altar you may renew once again chs sacrice to men Bring tothat altar rail HARDWARE the gifts we need Mass Assistants Assistant at thevfrst mass was the Very Rev James Clair parish priest of St Marys Church 80 Dunlop sr Ph 2556 inary nothing bothersvenetianblinds The present Command Band was formed in the summer of 1946 The Band mem bers were selected from exmem bers of the forums No RCAF Bomber Group Band overseas and from other personnel who had served with onset the many RCAF Bands established during wartime both in Canada and overseas Younger blood has been infused into the Band by the inclusion of earmembers of Air Cadet and High School Bands These young er members were duly enlisted into the RCAF and after cumplet ing their primary Manning Depot training were gradually assimila ted into the Band to take their place beside the veteran members of this firstclass musical organiz ation The first public concert of the Band was given before the patients and staff of Christie Street Hospi tal Toronto on Nov 11 1948 This concert was given after lcssthzm three months of rehearsal and re cived much favorable comment However the Bandmaster could see considerable room for improve ment and it was not until May 1947 after inonths of diligent prac tice that he considered the Band ready for its first extended tour of air stations within Central Air Command The initial tour began in May 1947 Included were visits to Mon treal Monoton Halifax Green wood Summerside and other At lantic coast centres This tour in augurated route of over 50000 Rev Melody was shbdeacon Seminarians from St Augustines Seminary in Toronto sang the mass and Miss Ann Murphy and Miss Jeanette Caruso of Barrie were soloists Following mass Father Firth be stowed his individual blessing on members of the congregation Presentation Made presentation was made to the new priest at the church by John Cameron and Rivett on be half of the parish The Ladies Auxiliary to the Knights of Columbus served the dinner following the mass and members of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin served at the tea and reception Pouring tea in the afternoon were Miss Mae McDon ald Mrs Murphy and Miss Mary Cameron MrsJ Bar key cut the ordination cake The auditorium was decorated with arrangements of early sum mer flowers tulips and white lilacs for the reception Tea tables were covered with an Italian lace cloth and handmade cutwork cloths Father Firths family home is that of Mrs Firm 130 Mul caster St He attended St Marys School andtbe Barrie Collegiate Institute before going to St Mich atelsCollege at the University of Toronto After serving with the RCA inthe Secon World War he continued his studies at St Michaels and St Augustines Sem with diminishes aalumls plastic tapejront shrink are strontiumlever finish all Milo are we allocate monogamous tlkt upht chip Hituse imam is in was Mueulslumatm anaemic rout BCAF haininglmlics which the Band has covered on successive tours by air rail and road In the summer of 1947 visit was made to RCAF Station Goose Bay Labrador Here the Band played concerts for both the RC and USAF stations and the Dance Band Section of the Band pro vided Boogie and Swing music for the dancing pleasure of the airmen and their families at that isolated base In August 1947 less than year after its organization the Band was invited to appear in series of concerts at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition This was large commitment for with less than year of rehearsals the repertoire of the Band was by no means in exhaustible Nevertheless approx imately ten concerts were giVen from the main bandshcll in ad dition to assisting an RCAF Guard of Honor during the Flag lower ing ceremonies each evening The Band also welcomedd Barbara Ann Scott Canadas own Queen of the Ice to the 1947 Canadian Na tional Exhibition After full year of tours to RCAF stations and various eastern Canadian cities the Band was en gaged for the second time as the official Duty Band of the 1948 Canadian National Exhibition Immediately following the close of the 1948 CNE the Band left Toronto on tour of the East Coast and Eastern Canada These tours from this time on were conducted in comfort as new 37 passenger Courier Bus was provided for the Band in July 1943 This type of bus similar to ones used by larger transCanada bus compan ies has ample accommodation for 35 bandsmen their luggage and musical instruments Reclining seals give the bandsmen an op portunity to get much needed rest between their many onenight en gagements while on tour During the first eight monthSof Operation this new bus travelled approxim ately 40000 miles In November 1948 the Band was privileged to play in Mamey Hall at TriBand Festival in company with the Dovercourt Citadel Sal vation Army Band and the Met ropolitan United Church Silver Band In June 1949 the name Central Air Command was changed to Training Command and the Band was renamed the RCAF Trainin Command Band In the early summer of 1950 and again in 1951 the RCAF Training Command Band carried out tours of our 10th province Newfound land On both occasions the Band ew to and from Toronto to New foundland in RCAF transport air craft During the two tours the Band played to over 5000 people in the centres of St Johns Grand Falls and Cornerbrook In addi tion the Band also played con certs for the American troops sta tioned at the US Naval Army and All Bases at Argentia Fort Pepperll and Harmon Field This annual visit to Newfounde has Rouan 17 um YORK$2515 CHISAGOL$2A15 sumac iss4s person no Tickets and now become fixture in the ltinA erary of Band in August i951 an important step was taken in the organization of the RCAF Training Command Band when the establishment was in creased to 45 members This in crease in instrumentation gave the Band greater scope in the eld of music and the Band progressed to the stage where it is new con sidered to be one of the finest mus ical organizations in Canada in October 1951 the Training the Training Command Command Band under the direc tion of Bandmastcr Flying Officer Hunt had the honor of pan tlcipating in very colorful cere mony at RCAF Station Trenton on the occasion of the visit of Her Majesty the Queen then the Prin cess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Again at the conclu sion of the Royal Tour the Train ing Command Band was in at tendance when their Royal High nesses waved farewell to Canada from the shores of Newfoundland The Royal Canadian Air Force Training Command Band will throughout ensuing years continue to bring to young and old service man and civilian alike warmer outlook on life and many pleasur able hours throughout the medium of good music Pipe me to pastures still and be The music that care to bear Vessel Bottles Ice To Make Shipment ST JOHNS MidWord of threeday battle to get supplies to Forteau Bay on the Labrador Coast by the Canadian National vessel Springdale was received last week The ship sailed from Corner brook on May and was held at St Barbe when ice conditions in the gait of Belle Isle prevented her proceeding Food supplies are low at this season of he year all along the west coast of Labrador where nav igation is not possible from Janu ary to May The ship under the command of Capt James Wheeler of St Johns finally got through to leave supplies at Forteau Bay Cape Charles and Battle Harbor also on the coast of Labrador Girl Eight Travels 7490 Miles Alone MONTREAL An eightyearold girl from Oslo Norway this week completed 4000 mileboat trip land 3490 mile ride by Canadian National Railways trains to join he gparents in QueSnel BC She made lthe entire trip alone Snelrid Lilegull Ax didnt mind the long trip as train and boat lcrews railway representatives and fellow passengers all made special gufforts to luck after her She was ltravclling to join her parents Mr and Mrs Karl Ax and two brothers land sister who came to Canada last January to obtain farm employ ment in British Columbia through the colonization and agriculture de partment of the CNR lMans Work Apron an if HUSBANDS AND SONS are also enthusiastic whe it comes to making new gs for the home Junior like Father is the general fiat man about the house and the boys will need the proper at tire for this work Sturdy denim work aprons with han dy pockets for tools are easy to make Directions for mak ing them can be obtained if you send astamped selfad dressed envelope to the Nee dlework Department of this paper and ask for MANS WORK APRON Leaflet No 2143 and LITTLE BOYS WORK APRON Leaflet No 8827 Wood of Week Yellow Rocket Yellow Rocket 111 Common Mustard has showy mm yellow flower However Young Flam2xooa was Ontario Department of Agriculwre gt points out that there are several ways in which it can be distin guished It is biennial or perennial in its habit of growth and its dark shiny leaves grw in clusters The leaves are cut or divided with one long terminal lobe at the end and several narrow sections closer to the stern Upright stems shoot up to hold the brightly colored flow ers and later the slender seed pods with their numerous seeds Mr Young states that the worst feature of Yellow Rocket seems to be that it is spreading rapidly In fact he feels that it is spreading more rapidly than any other weed in Ontario He adds that it fre quently gets its start as an impuro ity in clover seed but once estab lished it is also spread by birds and soon covers great deal of territ ory Yellow Rocket prefers loca tions which have tendency to be damp but is generally found in pastures hay meadmvs and along roadsides He suggests that as it likes damp ground good drainage and cultiv ation are the key to its control After harvest and early spring cul tivation will certainly do much to control it However if severe in festation is found in new seeding of clover Mr Young recommends that it be mowed when in full bloom Then cutting of hay taken off followed by the field being plowed to destroy the old roots If it is left in such field it will soon take over Another suggestion Mia Young of fers is in chemical control How ever care must be taken as it will damage the clover 24 is very effective and if the area is not too large in the clover field theaffect ed spots could be sprayed Where no clover is present and the crop is not susceptible to it 24 can be applied at the rate of ounces per acre This will give effective con trol and step the spread of the weed As an alyernative Mr Young sug gests than sheep may be pastured LIPSTICK Wont Kiss Off Luxuriously Smooth Naturally clinging Lanolin Rich DUNCAN users appointment as VicePr Production has recently nounced by Feline live Vice President The Euro conduct Shredded Wheat Co on rough land where cultivation or spraying are impracticaLnM provide an effective and econdtttll means of controlling this rapldly spreading weed Nana 3V ounce Shocking Nylon Lastu net girdle is so ii In and airy rim you ardly know you are wearing ir Yet it firm with unruly abulges Trims your gurnonee So semi5o light 50431 sheet gdle possible by knitting Lastexmvrith ma Nylon to reduces cob we of control or ch is sturdy and long wearing Slut Small Mun dud In Color White PRICE $550 Other Shocking rie owlle dierent lengths tting and pincer On display in on Court Bedlam BUY THE BESTBUYLEW to Quality Economy New bigtznlue discounted at low cst Nearly 12 mandolin Goldsbelf race so the features and mechanical perfection of all Leonard Benig erators See this valueitoday The French Food youve for The Extra Food Storage youre need ed The kitchen Beauty youva or The youve longedfor The Moistcold Storage Chancelml you hoped for The Efflcloncyl 9101 youve envled

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