til Iuhlic Relations New De fence IIQ Ottawa In the Navy Mllllll fl ll it in the Air Force At most RCAF Stations throngs iiMCS Cayuga one of the three out the country it is possible for original destroyers despatched July 1950 by Canada to Korea is on her way home following completion of her second tour of dulyln the war theatre She is due to reach Esquimall BC Saturday June it She left for the Far East last June l9 and her tour of duty has lasted for more than ten months As she sailed for Canada ViceAdmirai Joy Commander Naval forces Far East sent to all hands mar ougth deserved weil done The habitually effective performance of this ship marks her axon excellent fighting unit Eon voyage Full details of combined oper ntion in which the Cayuga took part last December have only now been divulged In this she gave both material and tactical support to the little ships of the South Kore can Navy with which she operated must of the time during her second four of duty With the Cayuga directing it was planned to launch an invasion from South Korean stronghold on an island five or six miles from the communistheld mainland The first objective was small island mile from the mainland liaison party of an officer and five men from the Cayuga boarded South Korean patrol craft with portable radio equipment machine guns and revolvers They tuned up the engines of the little exJap uncsc mlnelaycr and taught the South Korean sailors how to use the guns Royal Navy and US aircraft blasted the objective and the Cay ugss guns gave it further soften ing up Then the South Korean craft be gun the fourmile crpssing towing four junks carrying 100 assault troops The first troops landed and then th beach literally exploded Machine gun rifland mortar fire raked the South Koreans The first junk took mortar hit which killed five men and wounded several oth ers The second junk beached shortly afterward The patrol craft attempted di versionary attack on second com munistheld islet with the Cayuga assisting with slow bombardment but this proved an even tougher objective than the original one checkup on the situation showed the advisability of withdrawal The invasion attempt had been abortive but it had longterm valueus part of the constant in shore activity which has kept thousands of communist troops tied up in the area In the Arniy Exercise Bull Pup joint ArmyRCA training scheme is now underway in the Calgary Wainwright area of Alberta Sched uled to extend over twoweek period from June 114 the exercise is aimed at training soldiers and airmen in joint planning and air borne operations The major Army unit involved is company group from the 2nd Battalion PPCLI taking part in their first airborne exercise since their return from Korea and con version to paratroop unit Their commanding officer LtCol Big Jim Stone Salmon Arm BC now qualified paratrooper is ex pected to take part in the scheme and perhaps jump with the com pany Maj Vincent Lilley Edmon ton secondincommand of the battalion is in charge of the Army element Using small detachment of en emyforces the exercise will con sist of photo reconnaissan ce live LAC Smith 531 Jones or PO Brown to buy quart of milk pound of butter or package of razor blades without leavmg the confines of his base He can purchase the milk or butter from the station commissary and the razor blades from the sta tion canteen but not for less money than it would cost him in the near by city town or village Com modlties in Air Force institutes are sold at prices commensurate to tile lowest price for the same article in the local area The canteens enable airmen and officers to purchase coke tube of shaving cream or other sundries Commissaries were opened on various stations as convenience to those personnel living in service quarters and not to cornpete with the ideal merchants They stock most foodstuffs but items of cloth ing are only stocked at isolated sla tions such as Goose Bay The RCAF was able to march to martial music recentlythanks to the Army The interservice couperation was called for because of the cutback on aviation gas consumption The RCAFs crack band from Trenton was scheduled to fly in for the No Navigation Schools sec ond wings parade at Winnipeg but the save gas order came through and the band was grounded Into the breach came Prairie Commands Royal Comedian Ar first and second prizes Armor Cover Feature of The Colombian The Colombian South Amerin loan magazine Holstein Colombo lfltl features ontbe cOver of its latest edition just received in this country photograph of Glenafton Rag Apple Royal bull sold to Prepared by mm Wm worm miColombia in 1M5 by Brennan faulty Weaver Owen Sound This shimg val which is familiarly known asl Marcadur was bred by El McCague Alliston and is son of the seven times AilCanadianl Montvic Rag Apple Marksman Hal is still owned by his lieninndo Cascedo lngenio Rio psila Farm Cali Colombia Marcodor was Grand Champ ion at the recent Exposlcion de Bugs one of the leading shows in Colombia He has also been classified as Excolienf the highest attainable rating for type for bull We quote from the article on him in the magazine But the merits of Marcador do not stop there Descendants of this bull look first prize in the main ex hibition and his sons took many ills daugh ters in the Valle of Cauca have been classified Good and Good gPlus and here produced am lmiik in first lactation on NWf Quay which is considered very infectilry UK FAIBOIY F0 CANADA British Ropes Limited have In nounced plans to build second iCamdmn factory in Vancouver to lie care uf rapidly gmwmg ind new plant wxli loperstlon within iii months beli HOUR importer SERVICE Garments left at our plant be fore ii no will he aspen cleaned and pressed ready for you in pick up at on the some day NileSERVlCE CLEANERS Pickup and Delivery Service 14 High St Barrie Phone 24 What boosts mans stock with people like these Inmlqbly employm like the Iflml of man who readily accepts rc hillvy And they know that altitude II suuesird by mans ownerhip of life insurance Sn Ilfe Inaurance can be pint to man in any line wlyk lillcry band and the parade went on as scheduled DAIRY PRODUCTS PROMOTION GETS COMMENDATION The development of markets for farm products must go hand in hand with production if the farm er is to prosper and the work of the dairy farmers of Canada in promoting the sale of dairy prod ucts is an important step in the development of markets This is the comment of Col the Hon Kennedy Ontario Minister of Agriculture regarding the promo tion carried out by the dairy farm ers and nanced through the June setaside He added that he felt it was healthy slgn when farm organ ization nanced such project from money contributed by the membership rather than turning to someone else to do the job Regarding the setaside which will be made during June Col Kennedy pointed out that Ontario dairy farmers constitute one of the m05t progressive groups He felt sure they would again demonstrate this progressiveness by authorizing the setaside from their returns which is being requested by the dairy farmers of Canada to finance this promotional work SinceOntario accounts for the production of more milk than any other province Ontario dairy farm ersstand to gain considerably from the campaign to increase the use of their products Thus he said supporting the program by author izing the setaside isnot only in the interests of the wholeCans dian dairy industry but the inJ terests of the individual producer in Ontario lto FROM PRISONER T0 PRIME MINISTER The New York Times Jan 21 19$ Englishman 25 years old about ft Lin high indifferent build Many mo in rated the bolt fluband In the world by his wife But if he owns Ilia Insurancer which pmvidea his family with Inancful occurfty he enjoys um launlu barsun of hi mncem for their future A545 BKAUIO banker and hen who lend money render such useful service their opinion of man is Important To them ownership of adequate life IIIunsure in often on important Iucfur In establishing satisfactory credit When they know that mu own life insurance they know hes fry ing to uchlevc nancial indepen dence for his family and whips for his mm later you And be causehea doing his share in thin way they regard him with respect Today millions of Canadians are providing security for themselves and their familiesand enjoying greater prestige through owning life insurance do AT YOUR SERVICE More than Canadian British and United States life insurance com panies compete actively to offer you the best possible life insurance service trained life underWriter from any of these companies will gladly help you choose the kind and amount of life insurance that willbest your needs THE LIFE TNSURANCE COMPANIES in CANADA It is Good Citizenship to own Life Insunmce tOANS58$$$$$SS TWO LOANS use ILONDI FOLK KEEP AKJN Wm Y0 TANDQ FOR WHEN YOU STANDS TWA 92 Ti Teri MAN FRM THE LEFNEKE FCQ TCLR TQOUSEFfS DASWOOD WAKE UP HEARA BOWLti AT 0UP SlLVEQWARE EVEN THO no CROOKID we we OWE west at TowN nus Mm war no BODYS CHAR one Oz Once 7th NOT MUCH POGO 6M HE NOT WHIL61 HE 10W GONE SET GNIN U6 HAVEN i6 GONE FIRE To Hi6 HE CANTw DOTalemE HOWE l6 FOR COWBIRDO 57 bombing by ther and para troop assault by PPCLI Director of Exercise Ball Pup is MajGen Vokes chief of the Armys Western Command with Air Commodore Kerr air officerjcommanding Tactical Air Group serving as deputy director Army corps troops including detaCbrnent from the RCAMC Field we service authorised dealer walks wffha Bendmrward appearance Treadbrownish hair small moustache hardly percept ible talks through the nose and cannot pronouncethe letter 7s pro perlyDescription of Mr Churchill in warrant for issued by the Boer governmentf after his escape from Pretoria in 1899 He was then awar correspondent ices clinches esteemed cm mm surname EricasRadiosnew timescath blissipsmioluo unmet tyyoushsredthenmebuaocoueetclrthh otherpeoplewbotrephnnlni tobormmonyml Soyounmfabmmhoefnttobomwmomtomeetm unexpected demusdforreudycashthnppmevuyday Nugora thchomooftheieadlylmwillmeetymnneedalt1ustmch Main you as not alone in your problem Your friendly mcomselloria readywillingand abletohelpyou iendlymanner his fast action layout behalf Ifa cash my me unto $1900 lifemed at no Youwill menu I135IS$55 WY IOANS 385353535 FRIEND LOANS5 $338536 FRIEND Nowi DUNNO BOUT YiliTLlN vALi out my YES TAGREE TWHITTLE mow ASKED YA our solar DECDE mum assume as YALL MlGHT HANK mall OPE YOU GOT ROBLIMJOU NEED WOOD TillNKniT ovens some TO PAPW MAINT one Miser KEEP more BY meN ornro Lil YORE woouxe so UmMiss Formosa AND AsaDEBT passer MAIIIHOUGHT was some SAYIN WIF Yea Ali mm nosey we mezzzzm