yaw lovssm lm as pro Marita only an out ou bowm scheme for motion aid fireprOteetion utilisation at the recent meeting in Barrie of fire chiefs and members of different cautious is sometth that the members of the various fire departments payout generally The question arising is whst support will be respective councils give The scheme has been drafted with an eye to civil defence but it could certainly have an extremely important counterpart in peacetime application without any motivat lng force such as war putting it into effect To the guardians of the civic purse strings the entire question like any other files to be considered in terms of how much it will cost Whether an equitable system can be Worked out is something that will undoubtedly give the planners headache In projecting scheme such as this into practical focus there are bound to be many problems which will have to be sorted out The basic idea however of system of fire prevention which could integrate the var ious services in county for example is worth deep consideration and even the headaches Municipalities are bound to consider fund amentally just how such scheme of mutual aid would affect their particular setup loc ally No one could possibly consider entering into an arrangement with neighbouring org anizations if the burden were to prove too great The fire department is the frontline defence of any community and it will al ways be that that selfsame defence must never be allowed to weaken At the same time another aspect of the situation has to be taken into account When Martin Hurst assistant deputy fire mar shal addressed the special meeting on this question he gave striking example of just how important mutual aid scheme could be He told the visiting fire chiefs and officials that he had been told that Toronto could not handle two large second line fires and at the same time provide skeleton service for the rest of the city It is worth considering what might hap pen in smaller towns were similar situa tion to arise Today with the spread of industry it isthe small towns which are gradually having their fire risk increased No municipality will grudge new industrial plants and other concerns setting up within the local boundaries but do those same people everconslder in relation to any such influx the added potential burden which is being placed on their oWn fire department Could Barrie for instance remain com pletely independent unit Anyone who gives the question the slightest thought would know that it could not No one could expect the department here to effectively tackle major fire by itself It would be outside the bounds of reason to expect the men we have would be able to cope with such anemerg ency Despite the pride we have in our own brigade it is clearly recognizable fact that assistance would him to be enlisted similar situation arose recently with fire which broke out in ElmvalesMen from iBarrie and other places turned out to do their hit assisting the local men there With out that assistance the damage that did result could weil have been infinitely greater Thus the position exists that in cases of large fires one station may cailon the help of neighbouring units It is not hypothetic inl prdblem but one which reaches out and affects the lives of every person living in any community Lamentably though it may be it is often the case that people simply will not wakeup to possible danger until tragedy strikesright into their midst Ascheme of mutual aid between the fire fighters is nothing new It works out on the flocalascene sporadically when the necessity We In 99 cases out of hundred assistance here is bound to bother one occasion when another department may be faced with an morality on its home scene The delay in positioning aid framlfurtherflung units may have sprofound effect on situation the 3301 Which may have been averted iliibe forthcoming from our neighbours but No personcountry or organization can re laton independenthach hasto fire is perhaps the greatest fweiofthe earth Itissome alwaysbewnhus We have whoheroically give thelrtimeandgef oiled up aVi forts lives in protecting their friends and neighbours It is to be hoped that the various muni cipalities in Slmcoe County will give great consideration to this suggested scheme With Fire Chief Irwin having been appointed district deputy fire marshall to coordinate the various departments in thecounty the other municipalities will look to Barrie Town Council to give lead as to what line should be taken There is only one sensible and urg entlyneeded decision to take back the fire departments to the hilt They know bet ter than anyone else the dangers that could arise They realize they have nothing to idse by having completely organized system of strong units combined into one strong force They realize they have great deal to gain from mutual fire aid Editorial Notes have known vastquantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face Dont trust that conventional idea Dishonesty will stare honesty out of coun tenance any day in the week if there is anything to be got by it Charles Dickens In the last 50 years owners of automotive vehicles have been taxed hundreds of millions of dollars probably much more in fact that the total amount of money spent on high ways in the same period From onequarter to onethird of what these people pay for gasoline is provincial tax or for an average car about half cent for every mile travell ed Without the car and truck owner and the special takes they pay on the fuel to operate these vehicles says The Financial Post there would be no modern highways in Canada There is limit as to how much tax the mot orist and his car can or should be asked to pay There is one topic peremptorin forbidden to all wellbred to all rational mortals namely their distempers If you have not slept or if you have slept or if you have headache or sciatica or leprosy or thunder stroke beseech you by all angels to hold your peace Ralph Waldo Emerson OPINIONS OF OTHERS What Would Replace Sport La Patric Montreal Sport is here to stay it is not people to demolish ii that are needed Like lot of us it needs psychol ogists anti people to administer treatments Youth is hungry for healthy exercise ailment for its prOper passionsand ripe age demands moral distraction to counteract immoral wanderings Furthermore man remains big child After yoJn he accepts other littleihings which help mental escapes and cradle him in ideals And if sport dies with what will it be replaced The world will always have too many vandals who will leave ruins for heritage Medical Deductions Sudbury Star Deduction of all medical expenses from income for income tax purposes was among the resolutions en dorsed at the annualconvention of the Ontario Med ical Association in Hamilton There has been considerable pressure on Ottawa from all sources to relieve the burden of taxation on those distressed by medical expense but the federal government has turned deaf ear in this direction Just before the presentation of the last federal budget by Finance Minister Abbott it was freely pre dicted that the government would at last institute this form of tax relief It was great disappointment to the people when such was not the case Now that the medical profession has also gone on record as favoring the measure it is possible that it will receive more attention in parliamentary circles than was the case when it was but topic of conver sation among the men on the street Thech of Coffee Sudbury Star We stand shoulder to shoulder with the Belleville Intelligencer when it pertinently asks Why does coffee cost from 18 to 20 cents pound more in Can ada than in the United States The same question was asked in The Sudbury Daily Star couple of years ago when we recalled howcoffee beans were piled up and burned in Brazil tomaintain the high price on the worldmprkets There Was also the suggestion atthdttlmethatcof fee was controlled by monopoly and we have never seen any evidence of denial that the world dishis bution of coffee is not contrdlled Examination of food prices will show that coffee has slipped two or three cents pound in the past month but as good coffee still stays in the 90 dents and $100 per pound category in Canada ave think the lntelligencer asks sensible question All theocoffeecomes from Brazil and it seems highly unlikely that the Brazilians are charging higher price to Canada than they are charging their other customers comments our contemporary fNow that the Canadian dollar is worthmore than the American dollar coffee should be little cheaper in Canada than in the United States rather than gooddeal dearer inodnesdoy Friday TileW Main host lieeSquereBairiepntario Canada by falcons seat as seasons used to know on Dear hie Mr Appleton FE Grant halalcoo did give you start QUEENS BIRTHDAY HONORED IN BARle 75 Concluded from Friday have often thought of some of thc big days and big crowds in Barrie in those days especially at the regattas when oarsmen from all over Canada and the United States took part and crowd of 100000 it was said at the time attended one of those threeday re gottas in 1878 or near then shall never forget those and iiicar trains coming into the station loaded inside and out on the steps and on the roofs of the cars The shore of the bay was cov ered with tents to accommodate the crowds and there was bathing from Deep and SheIIOw to Fish ermans PointPaim Beach had nothing on Barrie in those three days There werewhite bands and black bands came up too For the Queens Birthday snd Dominion Day we used to go round to all the stores and gather up packing cases for barrels and ox heads and carry them up to the Market Square and have bon fire of pile fifty feet high while the fireworks were set off The celebrations in Barrie now seem very quiet to what they used to be And only about two months later 1m 1926 still another old Bar rieite Frank McKernnn resident in Toronto for many years past wrote as follows As today is May 24th thought would write you few lines as it put me in mind of old times when we would be saving our cop pers to buy firecrackers at Free mans store at the corner of Eliz abeth and John streets near old Pullans tinsmith shop Do you remember the crosseyed girl who waited on us and we would not know whether she was looking at us or the firecrackers she was getting out of the box Well the whole Freeman family are dead now except big Harry who is runnin furniture store here in Toront Those were the good old times and our coppers went far ther than the kids quarters do in Toronto today was greatly interested in your recent story in The Ex aminer for it brought me back to sixty years ago when we used to play hockey arid shale and play shinny in the old swamp you mentioned It was dandy sleigh you had that went over the pond and up Bunzl mu That since became one of the prettiest spots in Barrie After they started to build it up the houses began to sink was then just get ling into the moving and rule in business and illink raised every house in the swamp and can cords of slabst try to get Military for the Jacks Theyhave the sewers in now and everything lookssolid Do you remember the two nee groee Abraham and Alex who lined in the swamp then who were drowned one Sunday when they went out sailing and one of the bodies was washed up near the Simpson Brewery at the foot of Mary Street You would not know fifty peo ple in Barrie now if you were there was up there last Ex hibition and drove outto Sandy Hollow near the cemetery where we cut our names on the trees and picked chokcherries But its all cleared up now We will have to when you coine this way again and go Over the old ground once more even if itls so very greatly changedfroin whetclt Was whet wewere kidsthere But to Muslims in themot solidiat future to out lop fenslated Meme hula folngohurihnmrelymfw queutvlaitor tamarind to find Whole lot more than fifty of the old friends well as several lines thatuloay new was one gsoo apple tree right wan 5681 1an were monstrous brings to me itstrunk wee mighty tall heartlesioo new Wlilif as those that they can grow YEAR$AG men onkwr they did years ago used to know garden too where ripe grapes grew so thick And luscious it was hard to tell which ones you ought to pick And when you chose bunch of last the tasty juice would flow There are no grapes grow like that nowbut that was years ago knew another orchard too where cherries could be found Where you could pick them perch ed on limbs or reach them from the ground Of course they werent our trees for suppose youll know Some things hockeyplayer did 75 years ago used to know bubbling stream upon whose graveled brink lay stretched out on summer days to enjoy thirsty drink No nectar eer was half so good no springs like that one flow In any spot find todaybut that was years ago The water bubbled clear and cold the music of it yet Is in my ears the taste of it never shall forget But no such waters bubble now no matter where go They do not have such cold clear springs as they had years ago There is no maple sugar now like that we used to eat Nor beech nor butternuts found in that shady grove retreat For was backfhere not lOng since to see and now know The things they have are not like those we boys hadyears ago FRED GRANT lilltl Princess Ave Victoria BC Aug 192a $000 Trout Shipped To National Park MONTREAL Eight thousand lake and speckled trout fingerllngs fromGovernment Fish Hatchery on the LoWer Maligne Rivernear Jas per Perk Lodge Alta will be ship ped early in June to lakes in Prince Albert National Park Sash and Riding Mountain National Park Man in the hope Vof developing trout fishing in those areas within the next few years McDonaldgeneral passeng er agent canadian National Rail ways reports that the National Parks Branch Department ofRe sources and Development Ottawa has completed arrangements With the railway to provide baggage car at Jasper on June for the shipment National Park Branch will accoms pony the sh ment to supervise the sourcing of the special tanks to be aka mp up to the cm town used on the trip and to handlethe would on anyapple itibt imtmt 3h was years ago and lift your Tile View and sweet not anxepple tomboy here know they do not raise ranch apples Represenlatives of the Arrives in Safety Iy Momman want bike Hum If earn luv and very dangerous To out half the cost will Dad help The out inhuman we dont want youiobeinsnuecidentabl cycle cant win in headon coll islon with car ill be carotid Mothers are all ways All the fellows in ourgung have bikes Bicycles do cost money the some as any other welbmade complex vehicle Every your shows growing number of owners Did you ever pass school that after it was let out and meet the big fleet of cyclists boys and girls yolungster without bike is cer tslnly out of things At the same time parent has reason to be concerned about the possibility of their youngster be ing in an accident young cyc list can be seriously hurtor even killedin few split seconds in serious mixup How do most accidents occu in few cases the poor conditions of the road was contributing fac tor There may be so much sand that the brakes if suddenly applied will cause the wheels to skid The surface may have had large an expected hole wt or bump or the shoulder of the road mayhave been weakened or partly wasted away by heavy rains Occasion ally freezing rain had made cycling on goodpavement very hazardous or heavy min had made the visibility very low Sometimes the motorist or tuck driver who crashed into the bi cycle was almost completely re sponSlhie for an accident But often the driver was unaware of boy or girl on bicycle because he did not see the white on the mud guard of the back wheel or the tail light Perhaps it was dusk and the cyc list was in dark clothes with no light garment which could easily be seen Maybe it was completely dark and no headlight or flash light was attached to the bicycle Another condition might have been that the horn onwarning bell of the bicycle was out of order When the motorist should have heard warning sound from the cyclist there was no signal given If boy or girl wants to own bicycle in most families it is good plan for them not only to help pay for such major invest ment but also be responsiblefor its care and for obeying sensible safety rules If they are too young to ride carefdlly4they are too young to ride The law holds parents responsible for the actions of their children so it behooves mothers and fathers to know the traffic rules and make sure their youngsters are familiar with them Bicycles should keep to the ex treme right of the road out of the way of other vehicles When meet ing traffic it is pasSed on the right when overtaking traffic it is passed on the left In town orcity the careful bicycle rider stops near the curb At an inter section traffic coming from the right has the rightofway When cyclist wants to turn left he approaches the intersection as near to the centre of the highbmy as he can and then makes the left turn as close to the interSec tion centre line as possible Stop signals must be obeyed and also traffic officers directions The cyclist must raise one arm when stopping or slowing down to turn to show in which direction he is going He should use his born or bell as warning signal only when necessary It is not nui sance device Each cyclist must get along on his ownsteam Hanging on to moving truck or car is against the Orlllia Painter Commission Seek Ballewill Resign lOrlis NewsLetter Despite strong plea from deputation from Minden Orillia Water Lightand Power Commis sion at its Jun meeting stood by decision to request the rsigna in in from of min is also airing for trouble and is sever permissible Quite few accidenisoeeur when several cyclists are together They get ulking and forget to keep their eyes and ears open for curs or trucks or pedestrians Sorne times they ride fluee four or five abreast Single die is the rule for bicycles in heavy or rhod iurn traffic and motorist often has difficulty in passing than two bicycles riding alongside each other Adolescents sometimes start clowning or showing how snort they can be riding without their hands on the handle bars or their feet on the pedals The highway is no place for stunt riding Wob bllng all over the road is silly and dangerous practice Keep in straight line Bicyles are ridden in countries all around the globeTens of thugs snd of boys and girls and adu have fun on them and use them to ride to school or work or earn money on carrier jobs Cycling is the best of exercise in the fresh air Only small percentage of bicycle owners get into serious crashobey the traffic rules and avoid the accident class Copyrighllk ACCOUNTANTS ALLEN LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 91 Dunloo not Phone 455 INCOME TAX BERVICE ARMSTRONG MMLABEN Jr CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Collier Sf Barrio 16 Yonse at Toronto Mllll PARTNER MaoLAREN 300M CA LICENBED TRUSTEE LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDITOR ROBERT GILMASTER CA BADGLEY LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT so Dunlap Street II tabulation4n certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrio Barrio Office Wilson Buildlns Post Offic lulu Telephone 3391 humus rowan CRARTERED ACCOUN IANI at Dunloo St Innis Toloohom 5218 SAMUEL 208 chartM Accountant who RM Phon use LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED HARRIS cogsrantimmwmm Manual Pmim Ind biota mu sis 0133 00mm neon Key In Partnership and Solo moons Inmnnm FIIUDLY DISCUSSION van Lil Hum Tennm Phone 5551 or 2105 Buoreuntins lander Life Ineunnco00 OSTEOPATHY Wilson autonomic no smnrrla cuNIc WILSON BUILDING IAIIII sure down mason In no IAUIIGI IOIOOCK 90 IILINiouI no OPTOMETRY BARE 3180 amt11 use om rece and NOEL STEPHENSON 80 0mm nun so Inuit tion 01 Boyd BalkWill as Minden power plant June 30 Notice of the requestphad been forwarded to Mr Balkwill by the general manager Walkinshaw whowas authorized superintendent on sun to take what he considered the necessary action at previous meeting Iris letter to thejcormnhssion Mr Balkle modern plea for re consideration out the ground he had been with the system for 28 years and that theany reason giv on for the action wasvague The plant superintendent said in his energhe waxsmbold be had tug ron crime but for the jo plentlngmfthe fingerlings in the and fro askedtheCominlssion to lites Selected for the expiilticlili give him shearing rimsniiiouocodhno so NOW kYmDme WWWWAW Mr use High seam courso with ticsMi monogamous PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY stomp third of the Canadian Notional Steemships trim mom vessels Consoles Challeng er arrived in Montreal recently with full cargo of sugar and other West Indies products on board it was be first trip to Montreal this season In the same week the Lady Rod racy of the CNSB sailed for British West indies ports and British Gul sna on her first sailing from Mono real this season The Canadian Challenger left marred on May 30 TI AN Am WANT Jewellers HAVE OFFERED THE FINEST VALUE IN DIAMONIB THAT MONEY CAN BUY Make your selection In the privacy of suspicion Room LEGAL BOYS BZAGBAM HOW Incision Solicitors Notarie Puhiie Cmmanm to mom DA on Dam It lorri Branch Ollie2 Elmvale Golan IOYS 00 ROW IMGIAI COWAN COWAN unitan solicitors mum onmltinx Hours lo am to on Monday to Print loss Cootn COWAM UILGCNO Comr SI DIM Out GLADSTONE CURIUE QC lumen and Solicitor HON T0 DAN if Inns hm IITI DONALD MMLAREN QC lumbar BOIICIIOI Ito Money to Loan Mk Tumble lullding larch BER SMITH Buccessor to ovum uccunlo Kn Bantam Iollciur Inc on link Irrio Moon 111 MONEY TO WIN MUSIC LESSONS mssrs nevson EMT TEACHER PIANO SINGING and TKIORY Pupils prepared for airminn tions of the Noni Conservatory of Music Toronto all grades includint ABS Modem Methods Studio Iradford st WARREN MacLEAN KMJI Instructions in Piano and Voice 133 Owen st Barrio Phone 4215 CHIROPRACTOR MM 630 ELSE BURNS Licensed Drualess Therapists Ilectrio Radio Hydro and Machno Therapy us Dunlap Direct Phone If II TUCK DC DOCTOR OP CIIIROPRACTIC 11 Owen street Phone 3070 XILAY Residence 820d Successor to It Corbett DC JAMES verrcn no Doom of chiropractic By Appointment PHONF 9538 19 In Road Allandal VETERINARY DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Mil it Ionic than 45 DB SPEAB ARIAN Ind BIT 3M Iarrn anon Phone 4118 Farm improvement loans can be used to electrify your house barn and other farm buildings Amounts up to $3000 may be advanced under the plant and the money repaid by instalments spread ovoronehivm or more years The rate rash lama LOANS we ninthundies is simple fnteresr Ask forfull pan ficulaisat Our nearestvbranch New in mentaluncanny landfailmeot Newfoundstlonor livestock Wills Fences drainage and devclopmenug Construction seminar alterationof any on themes