Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1952, p. 1

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Examiner iStafi good this morning A1 mm human 511 THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF 813 Since 64 88th YeorwNo 66 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY JUNE I952 festival of by TEAMS TACKLE DEMONSTRATION aiAzs balowmhipsciooisomsiandim The school children of Essa Town ship presented their llth annual Spring Music Festival in Thornton Arena Thursday eveningunder the direction of their supervisor of music Paul McKelvcy About 400 children took part in the program which consisted iii most cntircly of choral music Senv ior and intermediate grades were ranged in seats along stage set up in the centre of the arena while the pupils from gr dos and remained in the root sec tion of the audience moving to the stage for their programi num bers Audience of 350 The audience of some 350 adults represented cross section of the township and included parents and friends of the young pupils The 12 township schools as well as Willis of Woods School which was burned down this year were almost fully represented as every piiillc school pupil had an opportunity to par ticipate in the festival Miss Shirley Kell of Gilford ac companied the boys and girls at the piano for almost every program number The nearest thing to in strumental music in the festival WHAT SUBJECT By KEN WALLS Our Innisfil correspondent had the audacity one week ago to state in print This columnist gets rather amused at the efforts of the First and especially the Last columns trying to get subjects to fill their space It isthe opposite with us Sometimes we get more material than we can get space for The First Column The Last certainly made impal pable reference to this matter on one occasion but the First never has mentioned lack of subject only scarcity of time As matter of factgtherc has never been intend ed to have subicct Who ever heard of columnist with sub ject For some time it has been source of amazementstotls writer that the reading andvlistening pub lic place such pedestals under those twentieth century enomena of the journalistic wol and commentators Tile good 016 reporter can beat his brains out producing masterpiece of liter ature in news story or feature af ticlc but it always seem to rate second to column of bits and pieces The Conventional announc er of the air waves clearly gives the facts of life with hardly an accolade but the commentator is someone who seems to acquire an audience with jaws ajar Now W8 time to get down to the column never come down to breakfast that my wife doesnt greet me with hearty chuckle and the statement My Bruce West is you want to read him or never have gone out for an evening that some bright soul doesnt lead off the conver sation with such as this Wasnt that Frank Tumpane terrific to day or Wouldnt even read the Tely if it wasnt for Henry shall nouns back and wait for my weekly anonymous letter which will no doubt commence something like this fMr Walls Sour Grapestont you wish you was as good Yeah sure do Anyway the Walls boys are back in the news again We made the was performed by Angus Rhythm Band consisting of mm 20 junior pupils from the village the major ity from grades and Junior Choir in addition to the messed choir of senior pupils and the junior choir of about 145 voices there were two special groups taking partI in the festival The Cookstown Thornton Girls Choir of 16 voices and the Cooksth Boys Choir of 14 voices were heard in several selections notable for the difficult quality of the music and advanced nature of the work One of the prime audience favor ites during the evening was Leslie Bells Nursery Rhymes sung in the exact arrangement made famous by the Bell Choir The number was repeated by request and in their second performance the chil dren seemed to enjoy singing the lilting arrangements of the fmnil izir verses even more The children also received re quest for an encore of the Welsh folk song Dear Harp of My Coun try which was sung with descent Girls Choir The Cookstmmflhornton Girls Choir gave remarkable performs ancc of one of the evenings most difficult musical numbers Bachs Break Forth Beauteous Heaven ly Light sung without aceompani ment The selection was of high school calibre and the group of public school girls performed it smoothly and without faltering Also especially enjoyed by great number of people was the singing of Malottes The Lords Turn to page two please Escapes Without Iniury When Car Goes Into Ditch Joseph Pozhke 400 110an Road Toronto had an amazing escape from injury when the car he was driving went off the road last night and landed upside down in the ditch The accident occurred late in the evening on No Highway 11 near the John Peel Inn north of Churchill Pozhke wasmdriving north when the car hit the shoulder and ipped over as it careened off the high way injury No charges were laid Elbert Chained After Threecar crash Neal Here Alvin Newton 29 Bradford Street Barrie has been charged with careless driving following road accident early Saturday morn ing in which two cars became total wrecks while another was extens iver damaged The accident occurred about two miles north of Barrie on Highway 11 Elmar Hedstrom Orillia was being follgwed by vehicle driven by Grant Barley Bracebridge New ton was travelling south in civil ianjeep and crashed into Hed stroms car both being totally Wrecked EatIcy who was following Hedstrorn and saw What was going to happen pulled his car to an im mediate stop Under the impact of the collision however Hedstroms carwas pushedright back into the cacbehind Hedstrom and Newton were both The driver escaped without north bound car driven by cently in Midland Memoriol Fund Inaugurated VIEW OF THE OIL PIT which wasused at the town dump on Robert Street for prac tical firefighting work by visiting firemen who took part in the instruction course Department held here lastlweek by the Fire Marshals Two teams can be seen in the picture using special fog type nozzle on the hoses to blanket the burning oil By Teuchersf Council to Honor Former School Nurse Within ashort period of the pro ject being announced contribu tions were being received for special memorial fund being set up by Barrie teachers to honor the memory of Miss Vera Alexandra llchahan former school nurse here from 19mm 1944who died re Meeting recently at Savannah Lodge Cedar Harbor members of Platform Pa taken to Toronto General Hospital for treatment injuries headlines away back afore Christ mas when in the acrossthelake community of Beaverton spirited Walls age 85 just about won the reeveship losing out of all Turn to page two please for oil magnum Beach Park Pmlavilidn No ot weaselrte election contest was held David Dancing Mend penned Fridayand Saturday nights at Club of extensive bodily 79 Admission ladies 50210nt1e men 75c 48th Dant forget St Georges Lawn Surrenwedmwan June 18 to and Ponyride pond Fun moswm For gay funpacked night yat ad theHard Timer costume Dance Pine Creston FridayJunel3 Dancing 930 duties and 1113171 Grass Silage Day on the rm Osborne Irwinand Austin Ru in influx 21 66458 edge Mans em on Wednesday June Demonstrations of forage pm further details Reunion at June 28 Su at Annual meeting ofthe imam Un to will held Giulia the Barrie Teachers Council un animously decided to adopt pro posal to sponsor collection of funds for the Canadian Arthritis So ciety The campaign which opens today will last for two weeks All money collected will be submitted as memorial fund for Miss Mc Mahon who suffered severely from arthritis from her retiral in 1944 until the time of her death She did far more than was re quired by her professional duty stated spokesman on behalf of the council She showed personal concern in all needy cases and of ten provided for them personally During the depression years her duties brought her into contact with many examples of dire need The decision to make this mem orial through the Arthritis Society was due to the fact that Miss Mc Mahon was victim of it and was compelled to retire because of it in 1944 Erom that time until her death some weeks ago she suffered severely and continuously from it The council felt that now as the public had been aroused to the dan gers of tuberculosis cancer and Uh turn Examiner MadmenBM SummitWth About zoo people from Ivy and surrounding district special public gathering in the Lodge Hall ivy Friday evening whnn the centennial of lakeview Loyal Orange Lodge No 450 wool celebrated One of the interesting highlights of the occasion was the fact that the chairman Bro George Davis is direct descendant of George Davis who was Worshipful Muster when the lodge was formed 100 ytillS ago Mr Davis said it was with deep sense of honor that he was prowling zit function which murk ed 100 years of progress The pion eers who hzid settled in Ivy had built the commumly the homes schools and churches Many new homcs had been created during that century The programs of the dgc was tied up with the progress of their village Congratulations were extended to the lodge In this important occas ion in its history by Rev Howard Thornton and Rev Unknown Citizen Aids Police is Almost Gaoled Through case of mistaken identity an unidentified citizen came close to being locked up Fri day night because he tried to help Ontario Provincial Police make an arrest Ilic unidentified mun answered PC Grenville Woods cry for assist ance in bundling the driver of car in which police had discovered beer being consumed The man held the driver while PC Wood radioed for help When police arrived the helpful citizen was grabbed in mistake and placed in the cruiser as his wife and children looked on horrified from their own car Police realiz ing the mistake released the man who fled before he could be thank ed for the assistance he had rend ered Constable Wood had seen the car oarkcd under the overpass on the now TorontoBarrie highway at Highway 90 When he approached to investigate the car pulled away beer bottles being flung from it as it departed Those charged were Clarence Smith 31 Barrie Harold Phillips 43 RRI Utopia and woman who refused to give her name or address other such diseases the time was appropriate to draw attention to the need for the study of arthritis Already an approach ha been made to the society in Toronto and the manager of the ofce there Pearson expects to be in Bar rie at the end of this week The society also anticipates having one of its units in the district this sum mer to Show the type of work which is being done As to the actual campaign there will be no canvas The pub lic is invitedto send contributions 10 the principals of the three pub lic schools the separate school and the collegiate institute Donations may be sent by mail or can be de livered by students riy at Lodge Centennial Celebration AM Radium gCENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT IVY HIGHLIGHTS PROGRESS OF LAKEVIEW ORANGE LODGE attended Guergis Angus who both spoke of the importance of the work of like ilodge and the order in supporting the work of the church Wurshipful Brother Fred Cook Bradford one of the two principal speakers told his listeners that be had visrled the lodge before during his ptrlOd of County Master of On 1term honor he returned Today it was with pride and One hundred years he said was =3 long time in the life of any coun lTurn to page two please mg SOLDIERS GIVEN LIFT INJURED AS TRUCK HITS TREE Two soldiers were removed to Camp Borden hospital with injur has sustained when pickup truck in which they were riding skidded out of control in the Elmvale area Saturday night before striking tree The two men oPte George Old berg 29 RCASC and Pie Clarence Francis 19 RCASC both of Camp Borden were seriously injured Hitchhiking to Owen Sound they were picked up by John Howie 24 Toronto who was travel ling with his wife fouryearold son and friend Donald Hender son 26 Willowdale Howie swerved to avoid another car and his truck went out of con trol It travelled for 160 feet roll cd over three times struck cul vert and ended up against the tree Henderson Howie and his family only received minor injuries and Geurgis Angus who both spoke of doctor RED SHIELD OVER THE TOP Red Shield comma heu urer Aldo this aim that tho loal ob Jectlve of 3800 had been over subscribed Total returns now $402050 Senior Mor Mllll local of ficer in charge of the Salvation the lite cameraman MONDAY mi and man So i2 Pages Two 14 Charles ll PresidentElect Barrie lions no It was election night Friday at the Lions Club of Barrie in 60 munlty House and with Noel Stephenson in the chair the following were elected for 196253 Past president Noel president Charla Lowe vice prcsident Osmond Rowe Wm tary James McLean treasurer Cameron tail twister George Hook lion tamer Gerald Smith dirt ctors Al Basra and Ed Norman CHARLES LOWE Noel Stephenson reported one visit to the newly formed Lions Club at Port McNicoll Lion 1m WiLson of the recently chartered Cookstown club was visitor for the meeting Lion Bill Whyte ShOWEd very interesting film of the Arabian American Oil Companys work in the Middle East entitled Based Venture The action takes place in Saudi Arabia whichis 11000 miles from San Francisco and 80 from New York Negotiations began in 1933 when options on 320000 sduarc miles of desert were secured but cutout did not come until three yean later when the first well came in Another film interesting and en couraging was shown by Bill Dy merit From Failure to Success connection with salesmanship World Naiioiislilruggle for Control Reds Use Anyhiclional Strait Rotary War Final Resort Owen Davies worldwide travel ler international radio commenta tor and lecturer and aformer aide to UNRRA was speaker at the Rotary Club meeting at Commun ity House in Barrie on June Mr Davies who was introduced by George Fricke Jr was station ed in Germany for period of 18 months while the trial of war crim inals was in progress and had the opportunity of sitting in on the trials and of seeing suchGerman leaders as Gearing Goebbels Hess and others on trial for their lives Referring to presentday condi tions throughout the world Mr Davies stated that the nations are engaged in titanic strugglefoi control and that our opponents are prepared to use any strategytbat will gain their object without res sorting to open warfare He referred to the friction be tween the white and colored races in south Africa and said that there was no doubt but what the trouble was Communistinspired In the great city of Cape Town there are certain districts where it is danger our for white people to ventilate and it is foregone conclusion that when South Africa breaks away from British rule it will com plebelysever all connections and go over to dictatorship The problem of capital vs labor is another disturbing factor which threatens the economic balanceof the world Germany during World War 11 suffered the heaviest dam Turn to page two please Mental Clinic In Simcoe County would Need $30000 Outlay Says County HeblihUnIt The establishment of mental health clinic in Simcoe County might cost anything between $25 000 and $30000 said Dr Scott director Simcoo County Health Unit when speaking at an Dlngniab coils and monsoon loss open meeting of the Barrie and District Welfare Council recently The meeting was held in the Le gion Hall and was attended by representatives of welfare organ izatioris It took the form of panel discussion on the subject of Mental Health with thefollowingt Mental Health Clinic mew tinned that it would not be pan aces for all our problems Miss JackSon gave adetaliled tory of the backgroundofme health clinicsin and what early sitcoms had made in this connection Should howthe five branchesofthe had clothe needIo some witbitheicm priorm how CollilthDGQf Raid panel DrP Scott Dimector Simcoe County Health Unit ro lion officer VI 120 um Jackson Director Shame ty Childrens Aid Society and Mrsnllarris De opened

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