Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1952, p. 5

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Planning Board Show Building Increase Report Continued from page one Corby 40 Cprt reI WWII Ihortwtve reception and Friday its on the Scottish stile Shingle dwelling Ibullder Bert MIDHURST man HINE $MI and 513 Lyra GID ST 841 and 131mm and 3911 lmflucl lzrfi ere 1de to come at and an 3L 55 Ilwhllil uid at 313 lpreparcu to oozk Pictures will we JUNE 31te Van13y Junior thvilrm 51 CW 51411535 liaison 132 time to go 1111c 1th cm heir lllrll feeling at the 1131131 1mgng was 11 4t II 5121an man To Back 11 ffi 27333 32 fir mlnadimn herem Eva In that My Jag 11LAt 11 Ale Ll $1ch c121 IwcrmuQn pat at gflldlblrd 111 in Interest lumen 11 on June lllfkl no5 served is improving Lnorulhy III Inc III II II II III MI ute on Monday evening 1w Wlti 12113 iuzznc Of her dougfiicr Mr IIL If Ir SM Iarkg 211151 310 Frawlcy 11 llvck from badly onyxL am mu Ut lone Fedeggiioa ti Lu wig W3 WEI plain51 th liallimu Hillary and ulteridv 1111 Mm 1mm or new 5me Immg VASEY ngllpulflv tllll 530tnchult Helena St Miss F912 Juniors Win At Aan 31111 sm 18th the Queens Keys and with Bafe Wk 3213 Colic St Install porch Ilbuild IKorea Vea Minurl junior ball 161111 v11 feature mg Honmabge Arm Celebranf of 1ch Solemn High 119111335 Durke Franck ISummer Resrdent 11er tinrd 31115 mil Mrf 31111 liar12d Hendrix more Midland lei Fridav Will Ant4 cry Company which was granted WI bl RSV WWI Firm 5Blake St 1511 3213 1411 vuscy 02114 permitting two SIpecIial featuresIlo be rnrmbcr one 311311111133 in lrum Midhursll Allems 35 will be heard on LBL TrsrisCani1231 on the dial CKBB MonnycDonald $1 enclose verandnhl me Monday June winch is to and Friday at 21115 Rounder oelfr teem Estate 11133I if be celebrated as the Qurcns 0111 lcnlher SC install store deow even le 0mm the angina 11 from St Mar Birthday Forty stucco store lbuildcr 011 13nd 51 our charter by Henry V111 1537 He moves his Ordltiatlonm11s 11 Gvrrix Jtltf 11111 fun 111 or iizlwl roudl Walter Brown 36 bumm Name the be gm A5 military formation it prub 01 Cardin WWWW mumWorkout Drive addition to dwell Erd Km Mm WI 11ny the oldest rogImpm me mg in Toronto and Sunday mornmg buuder RI Tomhwm iarrrsted Sunday morning 1ch world Many eminent men have XS his rst Solemn M355 allgmdmrd 513 mule 34 m0 am Take mm been members of the Company 111 MaUs CKBBs microphones he W35 placed in me cells it Bil eluding Englands great poet John will be located on the altar in the film lflcfnb 11 Linc IlllLl Muss Peggy But 35 17 V93 gWJm Toronto spent the Weekend Shirley Ave stucco dwelling Milton and architect Christopher Wren as well as members of the nobility and gentry of the Royal Household Dr Roger Manvcll director of the British Film Academy will be CBCs spccml speaker Sunday June 15 at 1020 pm EDT on the Tran Canarla network His subject Will TelcVision Do Away with the Movies frequent writer and broadcaster on films Dr Man vcll was formerly 111m officer of the wartime Ministry of Infor mation and research officer of the British Film Institute As either author or editor he has been re sponsrblc for many books includ ing Scat A1 The Cinema Experuncnt 11 The Film and the National Cinema series pub lished by Falcon lrcss Last nights meeting of firemen and counctl members from muni cipalities in Simcoc County held in the Barrie Couhml Chambers heard from representative Of the Fire Marshals Department the now plon for mutual aid between re departments The Information was so vital to all CKBB listeners It was recorded for broadcast this evening at Tomorrow morning at 1030 CKBB presents program pre pared during the demonstration put on this morning by the Fire Marshals Department near the town dump An oil re was ig nited and the demonstration show ed the effectiveness of foam fog and other means of control Visitors to the Huronia Drive ln Theatre will hear new feature starting Monday evening pro gram prepared by staff members of CKBB for folks who are wait ing for the picture to begin Each week different announcer will be on hand to play his favorite music and generally while aivay the minutes till the sky becomes dark enough for the movie to be gin The rst program will be handled by Brooke Duval Rambling wnh Ralph CKBB feature usually heard Monday IWednesday and Friday at 1015 am has moved to new position in CKBBs schedule Tuesday and Thursday evening at 1015 is the new place and the programs con tinuor ininterestltgt and originality Ralphs guests come from most onywhere people in any industry wifh hobbies that range from Icarving to amateur radio new series of programs start on CKBB Monday evening at 715 Fair and Cooler its called and lts only purpose is to inform list eners of what to do before all the Summer problems occur Youll zip preciate the information on swim ming and picnicking Theres even solution to the ants on the tablecloth problem What to do before and after sunburn is an other entertaining ptogram Fair andCooler on CKBBI Monday and Friday evenings at 715 Members and friends of the Shamrock Club and the Heather Club gather at their Iradios on Monday and Friday evenings at 805 Monday the music is Irish pulpit in the choir loft and to the left of the altar in the sanctuary for description of the Mass by DECORFION DAY SERVICE WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY 01 Sunday the third annual De coration Day Service Iwill be held at the Angus Community Centre under the auspices of Angus Hor ticultural Society and the Angus Cemetery Board The scheme was rst sponsored in 1950 when the two organza tions combined to carry out the project for the purpose of beautilt tying the cemetery It Is considered to be the oppor tunity for descendants of the pion eers relatives and friends Of those who served their community to pause for short time and pay tri bute to their predecessors and their efforts to make Angus and vicinity better place in which to live This is the third community pro gram for improving the cemetery grounds and beautifying the area and arrangements have been made by the following members of the Horticultural Society of which Lewis is president Car man convener Mrs Dexter Mrs Willson Wilkin son Duckworth The service will be conducted by the Rev Karcm Gucrgis and the Rev Fraser both of Angus The sermon will be delivered by the Rev Morris St James United Church Stroud and the placing of floral tributes will take place between pm and 245 pm while the service will begin at pm CNR VETERANS AT GATHERING HERE ENJOY FUNCTION IContinued frOm page one Just returned from strenuous week including many engagements fromToronrto to Ottawa lnIthls connection she expressed appreciation of the wonderful set lviee received from railva3rworl ers and officialsvwho seemed to take great interest in the accom modation provided for passengers and delegates in particular She also pointed out that Barrie is fortunate fr having some of the veterans taking an active part 111 municipal affairs and mentioned the names of Samuel Mellwain former District Engineer at Allan dale Blair former Chief Clerk there Walter Duff who held the same position for some time and was later Chief Clerk to the General Superintendent at NorthBay and Frank Johnson who was an engineer out of Allandale for many years Superintendent Bruce Ecley Master Mechanic Quentin Boyd and Albert Ridden formerly Allamle VicePresident of the Association all spoke briey AterIa sumptuous dinnerplan Tied and served by the Parish Aid of Trinity Church delightful pro gram was presented with IPresx dent John Brown Toronto in theshair Ibuildcl Allen 32 Hayfield $11 rte on charge of leaving an Ic Dim 1215 Market Report dent Without giving his name 11 Stumped Codrington 51 convert two room into apartments lm builder Parker 110 Codrington are lwast ma SU T336002 High SL concrete mm ID were can to the scene of an accident Vivlief foundation builder Dennis 157 Punching 81 Cancilla two can had baled bumpus and mm 110 Elizabeth St stucco of 50 damage had be fenders of both cars lice building ibuilder Field SOIII RE rmII MISI the veteran had gone on home Iwwche hum anIImI and to bed he was awakened told nuns SIIIIIIIIII oor IbuIidIIr to get dressed and accompany the ROI 50 If E538 ROM MIIg constables to Barrie He was held Debom 140 Dunlop St alterations flder arms um he mmme IbIIIIdI GI EI ThompsIInI Damonr day when his relatives were able Ardngh Memorial Home 42 Louisa mm and have mm leased St Install fire escape builder GunIMneI make 50 At the lrldl In Magistrates Court on Wednesdu it und Miscellaneous Saunders was that the owner of the other cm HH Stroud construct real estate ha been um me name of the 01111 building at 150 Burton AVG Offender and that he lived builder Flagel StroudlCan cottage on the line and we adian General Electric 80 Bradford we known the districL St construct addition to factory I0 IIdI Ib IId seems that after the crash when 011 111 ersv th ars lock Bertram Bros 28 Johnston 511 umpcrs pants of the parked car ran around Pumits lxsued in May number and formed circle about the vet ing 42 amounted to $170200 For eran and his companion They 42 permits were issued totalling might develop 5132005 This years figure rcpre was tom 10 move my car 59 ncr935 $3730 ahead while others lifted the bumper After which went up WORRHNG 55AM the road and turned around We now are entering our season picked up my chum and went millpowered weather worry to hot dog stand where we had ing For the next few months our some refreshments and went to spirits will rise and fall according bed the accused man told the to natures caprices Following court had told them my name our custom we will borrow trouble where lived and told them to anticipating frost drought burn take my license number he also ing 1110115 SHOW hailall in or out stated However he was later put of season through the proceedings of arrest ngh RIVCY Altal TlmfS and spending time behind bars Summing up the defence Donald BARS MEASURES Maanren QC solicitor for ac In Olden times manlraps werCIcused said feel there was no used on farms and estates of Eng justication for locking the boy up land to catch poachers and tres and keeping him overnight There passcrs was no great harm done no at CKBB 1230 ON YOUR DIAL FIIDAV ll 00 News 815 Hits of the Week 00 County Hour until 05 Fair Game $100 News 10 Henrtbents 111 Sport 15 Collincwood Presenta 905 Hits of the Week Headlines tlon to Hooker Clubs contd 45 Saturday Special 930 Sunday Star News 1000 M31115 and Men of Saturday Specfnl Melody Bonk Shoo Club 1230 1030 New 15 Songs of Our Times News Houdini 1040 Sommr Kue Sunday Wayne Kin 15qu Burn of the Week Serenode News News 1100 News Headline Tlxv Huthcrlclub 40 movie lam01 Weelner Temp lets Tut It Over Round Iixno 85 DRINle Read 45 Prelude to Dinner vous 9100 News Heldllnn 1900 Fire Marshal Talk 930 Platter Party 1015 Shadows 1030 News 1045 Iiitho Chem 1115 Pluls Penthouse 12 News liedimes Work that Temps Time uwnuv 900 New Beodlfnu 000 Stun 011 um 35 Farm Hum moon 600 News Headlines Base 33 740 Newtonl aner ball Results Weather 103 new on 1040 mm Interlude glans 1100 News Headlines etc 50 Ne 010 News Headlines and Farm Market Report smMV 845 News 855 Sim 00 News 700 New Hoodlum Own mud MONDAY Slan On News liedunes Base blllr Results Walther Musfl CIOCK News New Headlines and Farm Market Report 00110 Headline 15 News 715 News 735 Form lurk UDmrRoom Report 930 Family Favourites 945 Books of All You well mm 1000 This Is My Story Centre 1030 News 1030 Tndlnz Post cont d1 104owon15 ma puma 1100 News Mass 1105 Nelzbbor 00 gfefgghmn 1155 Name the Place SUNDAY 1200 Echoes 1230 News 1240 Procmn Bulletin 1245 Jobs for Workers 1210 Boom 1255 The Church Directory 1215 mm 100 Your Weekly 15 The Magic of the morn 15 styles In Bone 30 Band of the Week 945 Mo Bondsman 1000 News 1006 Western Wuworh 1030 Fire Demonstration 1100 News 1105Iwestem Warriork5 1115 The story Book SATURDAY El 1200 Luncheon Ensue rnent until 1210 Sports iu InroN MN $282 Vcoprtl SS No 17 is about the only whool in the area which is strictly rural Children attending all live vm farms and the only Schmil Wlllch not ovcrcruwdcd Tliu folk of the community have thtllitd In hoarutify the school grounds Hugh Androse the local painter has done fine 0b 10 both Interior and 021 ivrzor Last month under the roc tnnmcndatiun of Mr Adamson and the supervision of Vugtpm Horticulr turzil Society inc lulultlfllltlll planting of evergreens was 501 oiil In the two triangles of the froiItI The school yard has well cuiuli for wmdbrcuk which was pl1ntd In 1937 The pictures Hilton Ilur the bee 111 May 1937 are on display on the school bulletin board you111111 W11 currinxed muted on the nd Concession IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII wt1 Mr and Mr John Jones rim School Bee June 10 On Tuesday June 10 INS In cmpt in oven responsibility flllI criminal attempt It 101 away lht Ict does not state flint um mustl remain at the scene of an lLtlflLlll give name and address In writingI only if requested Magistrate Foster in dis missing the charge said be full considerable credit should be plucI ed on the evidence of the chum who had appeared as defence wits ncss The whole case look considerable court time The accused also lost his time and also the fact that he had to spend part of his wcckcndI behind bars He had to hire solicitor His chum lost time until money over the affair Tlicrc 15$ second charge of careless drivingI on which the magistrate will give decision next week personally served summons would have avoided the night in1 the lockup for youth who has rendered service for his country iwn With flclllltl and lgt1111 101011 ml Tom Christensen who came 111011 when 1111 growth of the city 111 corresponding period last year thought for while that ght mm the police arrive and mod 11llgt15$tgt Sgt Hoyle Hf Jump Harlin sin111 Mi YMMV 51113141311 Well the IN Iktm1 1m MI dud My Iwcckcziti with MISS Eleanor ltd E1multl llnmzpson HUI Mr and 5125 17111113in and 543le 3110 Willi 5115 fittiiilv viilhd 11 4121131125 311116115 lB WW MI and 31 Ddllrrn IJcnnctt Mrs William llllltltlbutl Crccnuuv 1111 Sunday III II 31111 lfllll luwrl Jill 11 31 Muslims IIIII IkIcIII II 251 RIIII 3112 Dom Brown lumntu spent the ACckvml With her parents Al FOR EVERY WJIRPCSE THE BEST PAINT YOU CAN BUY URRYS 36 Boyeld St PM mauuvd WI Mr and Mrs Alix Spence Elm unwed by dlilllr vizqtcd 511 mnl Mrs Urval II III IImIIIn by 5st 0IL11AJIU 51111111 VV 1015115315 were rllS II or 11 11111 lfs LirvI dmuxlitfvinl hawk Is 11 Next mulling 15 Mix Slur lr11t leikilill 31 the owl Lit wI Inning cute11111141111151 The WA mil mtcr on Juno June Iiid June 121 it 43 Illttltil to Cillll to tho IlllfllllS Pmnut pzc mc Am pr 11 lltlxlIERS FAITH lwo lllllll lusz llll lrinch leorxv IllIllttf urn wciu scvcrcdg wzllt the 103111 of John lsousky was slow and the futuri unctrtnm Bull llild faith and rciiinlncd to bc 001110 proprietors of pIOSptIOUS lllCI 141 12 Rest easy when you store your furs and woolens too with us Everything is given personal atten lion and Individual care complete protection against maths heat re theft damage Youll have FEAR of car accident may be avoided if vour motdr is In perfect lune Let our Motor Analyzer advise you definite ly about the weak points DRIVE IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Service BARRIE ONT 957 WIN BIKE boys or girls name on claim check may win OFFICE HOURS 3111 to p111 Johnston OPTOM COMPETENT EYE CAKE no worries this summer and lots of closet space too Call now WRIGHT CLEANERS lID FOR BETTER KIND or DRY CLEANING PHONE 5531 our last beautiful brand new bicycle Phone 4109 ETRIST 15 Clapperton St Barrie over the Bell Telephone Office THRILLS CHILLS++seILLS Innisfil SpeedWay Those taking part were Brince of 1330 Time Skull plates school Glee Clubvilnder the 1333 gng direction of Lloyd Moira Mrs 1257 Regional Weather John Dobson soprano solowith ggg piano accompanimentlby Mr Tuf 115 western nit mule ford instrumental music by Orval 13 gment Fleetham Dr Hartley Tuck and Dr James Veitch Scottish on the bagpipes by Rev Grant Muir of Essa Road Presbyterian Church and charming dance numbers by pupilsof the Allandale SchoolIof Dancing under the direction of Mrs Isobel Robson 328272 32 uGgyugnphby use ve ewupwww egeskssase Church Service from Essa Rd Presbyterian 540 Church WE BUY FOR LESS WE BUILD FOR LES Toprorecr the public and onrsclves against widely published misrepresenta Nuns we offer complete iaagabout our pricing 91311 Probably one of the oldest mem bers present weis Archie 11 Good all retired CNR despatcher who is past eepresident of tlie associ ation The unexpectedly large attend ance called for additional Iand hur ried preparation fordinner which was carried through with compar ativelylittle lossIoftime The was arranged by local VicePresidentwD Little assisted by James McMillin Trans purtation responsibilitiesyere tuit Every family selects frbm variously riced items of Servicevanfmcrchandise ipj arranging for vservicFT priced to meet its wishes TomoFrow ne Fm CE STARTS Arbao Bow toilet Thereof Plllwlllllsh 2gccvsmuous VCorInpIete BuildingI3Alterations Additions 0011 continuum 1111ng our materials mater no murmur purchased WHOLESALE reruns 14411223 lfffllfi PM NEED MEi It Less we our FOR Less TENDER OUR PRICE BUILDINGSUPPLIES from iIeverymAygmdfor building youllfind prison our some intretailiqu Tor1 VWILEYSPLANNGMill1 F98 LESS WE Loire manpowdauymfm new lssmmwirqmmmo vmnnQMmmnmIIW 11 Era130 Ans 3M 5531110 In 3M 5531 2101 Ana

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