Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1952, p. 13

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Orillla Church Setting For Spring Wedding The marriage of st Ruth Ell zibctli Wiltstiire iiuugritrr of hi and Mrs Frank Viitsiiiri of in iia to liwm Albert Prncock son of Mr and Mrs lizirry lcu cool of Orilllu took place in St Pauls United Church Olllllrl on Saturday afternoon May it i932 four oclock in the afternoon The Rev Roy Webster performrig the ceremony against floral bucki ground of lIilXtll tulips urrdngcdl in large baskets Wedding music was pluyed by Mrs Wedlock who also accompanied the soloist Miss lut riciu Crawford of Toronto Given in marriage by lltl falli cr the brides gown was titted in traditional white with scalloped neckline and tilted bodice of chum tilly lace over satin Thi bouffzint skirt of nylon tulle over satin liiitl two lace inserts and foil softly into slight truiii uriii tho long Clllllllllly lace slccvcs ended in My points tiziru of scill pearls held her fingertip veil of nylon liillo and she curried cuscadt bouquet of while roscs ivitli gur dcnixis and stcpliuuotis Mrs Eric Fugun was matron of honor for but sister kind the bridesmaids were Miss Georgina Wiltsliirc also 21 sister of the bride and Miss Vcro Oliver of Cobourg cousin of the groom The three attendants were lovely in gowns of ice blue taffeta fashioned sini ilnrly to the gown worn by lllt bride with scalloped necklincs and sleeves titted bodiccs and full skirts They wore matching elbow lcniztli gloves llld braided licad drcsscs and carried wicker bas kcts of cream joli unnu hill roses pink sweet pens and blue forget incriots Ivan Gilbert was groomsmzin and Douglas Wiltshirc brother of the bride and Fer Mchun acted as ushers reception followed zit tho Orillia Hotel where the mother of the bride received wearing navy blue nylon fiiconne sheer with navy hat with touches of white and navy and white accessories lIer corsage was pink delight roses The grooms mother who also received was wearing two picce dress of midblue crepe with grey accessories and corsagc of sweetheart roses Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to points east and the United States the bride travelling in powder blue crepe with matching hat and topper of winter white Her accessories were navy and she wore corsage of sweetheart roses On their re turn Mr and Mrs Peacockwill be making their home in Offliia at 300 John Street Outoft0wn guests at the wed ding came from Toronto Cobourg Orangeville Dundalk and Barrie LayCockJohnson Nupiials are Held AT Mineslng l1 Mirroring Ended tliurcii on Sunday May it lilo Miss Muricig llvnsicttu Johnson youngest doughl tor of Mr and Mrs Johnson of Mincsuig became the bride of and Mrs Russell Laycock of Barrio Tlit ltov Clements of Barrie pcforiiird the ceremony in floral in iiumid Dawson Luyrock son of Mn setting of Wild plum blossoms andi pink lllllpb vlfj pinycd llit wedding music Given in marriage by her father llio bride wore ii ballerinalength gown of white appliqch orgundy Lllll lllltd bodice and sweetheart neckline halo of orange blossoms held licr shoulderlength Lll and she carried Vshaped cascade of red roses fern and white streamers Miss cnoru Johnson of Barrie was her sisters attendant wearing it gown of llt green appliqucil oiizuiidy with El mulching head dress She carried Vsliupcd cas cade of talisman roses iiri Lnycock of Barrie was grooinsinuii for his brother and Norman Young ofSliunty Bay and Vllllillll Laycock of Barrio 3150 brother of the groom acted as ush ers reception was held art the home of the brides parents where the brides mother received wearing blue dress with white accessories Sire was assisted by Mrs Luycock wearing Zl grey suit with black ziccissorics Both wore corsugcs of talisman roses For ii wedding trip to northern points the bride wore an olive green suit with yellow and brown access dies and corsugc of talis man scs On their return Mr and Laycock will be making their home in Barrie Dorothy Ounsmore Becomes Bride of Slrachan The marriage of Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Ann Dunsniorc daughter of Mr and Mrs CecilL Dunsmorc of Crown Hill to James Joseph Strachan of Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Strachan of Ed gar took place on Saturday May 17 1952 at three oclock in the afternoon in Crown Hill United Church Rev Hugh MacTaggart performed the doublcring ccrc mony Wedding music was played by Miss Margaret Gough who also accompanied the soloist Miss Geor gina Rix of Toronto Given in marriage by her firther the bride wore gown of white velvcra with raised lilyofthe valley pattern over white taffeta It was fashioned with full skirt FIRST QUALITY Charles Grant of Minesing Minesing CliUicli Mesuple Honored Nliscelianeous Piiutu DYbmllll Studio MR AND MRS HAROLD DAWSON LAYCOCK whose May wedding took place in Minesing United Church The bride is the former Muriel Henrietta Johnson youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnson of Minesiug and tlielgroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Russell Luycock of Barrie After wed ding trip to northern points the couple will beemakiiig their home in Barrie extending in train and fitted slicutli bodice with not yoke and long slccvcs extending in lily points over her hands beaded coronct held her fingertip veil and she carried cascade of pink roses Hor attendants Miss Donna Struchan of Edgar sister of the groom and Miss Barbara Duns more of Crown Hill sister of the bride wore ballerinalength gowns of pink and blue nylon not over taffeta with matching bolcros and Dutch cups of pink and white carnations Allan Johnston of Edgar was groomsman and the ushers were John Strachan of Toronto brother of the groom and Bud Dunsmorc of Crown Hill brother of the bride reception followed at the home of the brides parents where the mother of the bride received wear ing navy taffeta vith pink acces sories and corsage of pink carn ations The grooms mother who also received was wearing dove grey crepe with navy accessories They carried noscgays iiind ii corsugc of pink Chinations Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Northern On tario the bride travellingr in suit of foul blue wool gubardlnc with red and while accessories and corsagc of pink roses On their re turn Mr and Mrs Strziclznn will be making their home in Toronto Outoftown guests at the wcd ding came from Orillin Toronto Willowdale Cedar Valley Becton Slinvulc and Edwin Shower llonors May BrideElect miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Miss Dorothea Payne Angus on Thursday May brideelect of my 31 place inv the Presbyterian Church at Angus at two oclock Saturday afternoon ALL HE ILAAMINEH FOB lips 22 in honor of Miss Doris Elliott Miss Elliotts marriage to Willa riam John Armstrong is to take 311 Iv shoemaker lzvsv Museum Exhibits untied by limbo Coy Woman Mum rcillil nils lil ti ir slim xiitr maize irisi ruined by llrllitl lltllir gtrrtl lltilLltili Ii ii i=lgtii llllil rsidcxi Ellis Ilium ljiuns nodding Mn 30 at Ln inns lil livwn KIN PINGPHONE it Liltv plum iriln liivi wiwl SlzlhtIllLlKtf lit dupes vc tltlllllflllt of Some of our oiliri pwiplc still lint is flltl Ml dni giniuuzg pf ll 11 litlliil Ii tvft ll it tuit liiiii lil our tlllll lni Himl tliv iilllillivii Lilill he switched to Bordens Euiporatcd Milk The avOr is so much better Next time you shop lllltl Ill ilw iiibrunt llltlt uni lc iii culiniuiml mils reach for the cum Willi llltl tll it liiliuiw mitc lccn llillllllltllltl In one lfillltl lor cms lilltl dont know llll youre Missing lll Bordens llHllHfHl llilll liy nwi trv Bordens liviimmlcd illll III Inn unu 11115 for yoiirscll ilic dillcrcncc that Bordens moto iiiill llil0l lllillCS On ccrculs in cililct in cooking by not sWitcli will MIRACLE NYLON idi iiui oil illt iilcls lllil till xllzttli wwww WVM guitt ti In let 1u lam toothed 000 Shoemakers shops t1ka Lint on fine lime kiln the room tit was be Artuch have gone with the march ml civilization And Your Old Electric Washer Puts This Washer in Your Home THE SENSATION OF THE CENTURY THE New EASY niiiuiilia Spitalatm WAS HER With Exclusive EASY AllStar FEATURES SIIItAIAIR ACTION never before in the history of the Wash ing Machine industry hits anything like this been knownmwurlds fin est fastest washing action pro vcn superiority over every other type of number action DREAMLINER STYLING New advanced design large cup ucity all porcelain tul heavy rust proof aluminum lid smart stream lined wringcr rustproof metal trim free rolling casters DRAIN PUMP empties tub in an average of 72 seconds MECH ANISM triumph of quality en ginecring for quiet longlife operation Free Demonstration In Your Home SENSATIONAL NEW LOW PRICE including pump timer and Spiralator Action SPECIAL TRADEIN ALLOWANCE regardless of age or condition BALANCE $4900 $750 Per Month MONARCH REFRIGERATION co 118 DUNLOP ST BARIUE PHONE 2059 COTTON SPECIAL our BLOUSES Sizcs 1220 White Pink Blue Cap Sleeves NYLoNs BLOUSES SKIRT sleeveless Size 1218 Crepe and Cotton Sizes 1218 gt White and Pastels New Print Dirndl Skirts and Shirred Waitsband DARK SEAMS CURRENT saunas FULL FASIIIONED FANCY Pain tiesi COTTON Petticoats CijepefSlips embroidery White Pink Blue Sizes 195 valdo umastML Liciiicrounsmun unis tam vallies Blistcrlattem Eyelet Embroidery trim rim skirts ondPoekeLdetansinesLfiguliti wonderful assortman daintily trimmd R339 196 value White Pink Ilue Mellow Black broidnry white Pink llue Yellow Sized irinia com ih it Indeed Quart eyoe em or 32 orgznyauy outstanding vain luau orlavishly trimmed with lace or gm INTHREEii0WPltICEGRQUPS7 Fresh and boot wrote groanif enroll12 nape

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