rim my MIIII Oliflc COLLlGIAtl ANTEN MILLS MAY ibMr and M11 Rift HILLSDALE MAY lSMr and Mn may amtcson sued friends at the IVY MAY IFKeep June 23 open for the 551033 Rfm Shtphtrd minted by Rev Mr Butter and It Mr Presser Two favorite mm were sung by Rev Henry Goods IspmVllleldlllg IMcGWalsh Ollmefest Takes Nuptials are Held Place in Chatham In Vancouver White smpdraxon andfcms and the soft low of candlelight formed lovely background in Park Street liiealing Toronto are spending alloy Women institute strawberry ridge dullng the pull week It 5355 WI T93 MW Iliestival Watch for particulars Mm Rolland Eirlck Illulvale my 11 mm WI Mrs George Carruthers and MN spenl laxt week Willt her fatherlmf him an gJohn Hogzarth attended Slmcoe D3Vd JWIWSOH VIC farms 390 um mmllresbyterlal meeting at Stayner on By NRA GROAT MI and Mr Anderson Kilwor Wig mm no so wingmay lhy iaild Mrs Andersons par ms Mr and Mrs John Smith and lmm men monthly Mlss Lorraine Toronto spent Sun BBC Interment was in Snyder Cem etery The pallbearers were Dun can McCoieman Mallard Mayne Yur illey Arnold Lloyd Pridlnm guru ILond Done and Nozmau Nevils F0 Pf 1n addltlon to the many floral Mu Awhiedrzbutes from friends and neigh Utole and Vancouver famine were linked with the manager of dd Miss Erica Kathleen Walsh andf TM 572 8mm WA Itch Thc WA held thcir United Chulch hatham for the marriage of Miss Mary Olive Ward man only daughter of Mr 5nd Mm Palmer Wardman Chatlulm formerly of Barrie and James David Emerson son of Mr and Mrs Charles Emcrson letrottl Michigan Itcv Dan Gaynor uf ficiatcd at thv tour oclock doublc ring cclvulony Au tXqHINIL gown of wllllt French Chantilly low and nylon full was worn by tho dllfClIVt blidc who was glvcn lu luulllagcl by her fatth The lacc Iorlncd the fitted bodlcc colllplcnwnlod by btllha yokc of pirated tulle cdg cd with pctd IrtilllS and thc full length slccvcs lht bouffant skirt of tulle ovcr mt and satin cxtcnd ed Info cuthIdlIII tlulll licl fillltcltip vcll of tullc fcll how clochc LItlblclltltltd in SLtLl pcurls and ohc carlicd cascadc of white ruscs and hyucnlths Th0 maid of honor MM Lilllnn= Gulln thlolt sort cocktail ltlllll dress of pc llllklt tullc and lace OVtl taffcia ll matching tullc hcaddruo and Cillltd Colonial bouquet of Llluw bch IllllIlL lhv blidcsnmids Dr Ilclcn Gamcs and the brldcs cousin Miss Gclaldinc Wardmau Dctoit worc ldtflthZtl cocktail lcngth gowns of ycllow nlaizc full and lucc Tlltll hcud dresses of matching tuilc and thcil IlUigt tllltcd pulplc bcbc mums Dr Gcolgt KILIIIthl Dctrolt wasI groomsnmll and Donald Robinson Ictroit and John Couch Barrio Ihc ushcrs Douglas Millson was at tho or can and accompanicd thc soloistl Mrs John CouchBarric thc bridcs cousin who sang lhc Lords llaycr and Icrfcct Lovc Thc rcccotion was at tho WilliamI Pitt Hotel where Mrs Wardman was receiving with the wedding party in gown of dusky rosc faillc matching flowcr hat and corsagc of white gardcnias The grooms mothcl was in llll cnJ scmblc with touches of whitc and her corsagc was of pink IOSQS Leaving on honeymoon to Flor ida the bride donned smart French bluc suit with navy acces series and wore corsage of white garddpizls They will make their home in Highland Park Mich nnd Donald hIchc blothcr of ltfl on wedding trip to Scattlc Wadliugfon sults of oxford glcy and thc blldcs convcllcr for thc cvcnlng assistcdf Iby Mrs William Mcriam who gave Kum Gem Mecca ftlon was held last Thursday even The bride formerly Tummv Ing Ihc Baltic Alena Prior fol me dum and lthe pclformantv In the arena the3 Gen walsr Ulopa lcadets balm llnljorcttLs and phym mom me 53 or wlml cdchiion groups paraded be MEGS Panwuvir Ealong the Ith strcct to the arena Re CW0 DWI KW hsmd In the arvlia the cadets and girls marriage VOWSM me 5953 company Iulllltd tho CLICIIIORIIAII thirty oclock ewning ceremony Itorlnntton This was follouvd by 51 M3133 Church KCIIINIRIO Inuuthinp on tho colors color parin 3h CONTbl IundIr Cadct Lieut Rrucc IIalfyaldf The brldcs ballvmiaIcngth gown ilnd adct Ltcut Tom McConkuy was of white lacc over satin with Ilfld thc gumla salutc Iht ranks sccd pcari trim on tho scallupcdurlc luspcctcd by Col Il yoke coronct of seed pcalls Watleold CI commanding UIIlCtI held her fingertip ml and she cam If lftt ltoylll unadtan AIIIIULIIML ricd white roscs and hyacinths Corps School at Camp Holden Miss Mary Pollard was licl at lllc battalion llltll Illurchcd past tcndant wearing pale blue but lill lltlliill of platoons and in col lcrlna gown of nylon not with mat umll of mud and advRllccd Ill rc cfllng stoic Shc wore bluc flow lL oldcr At this Inulllcllt the rrcd lltftddlt25 and itffittl dccp RIlin WWIIMU Itll llk 0011 Illt red r0593 boys thcll bcgull tlltil platoon drill Ill olllpLtition for tho Rodgcrs llophy Platoon COIllllllilidtlS vIlc adct Llcul Jack Galllrr adct Llcut hlcl Ilohcltson Cadet Iicutl David Flid and Cadet Luut Don Lamont adct hlelol Jim Lakingi was offlccl cummmldlliu with Ca dct Captain Loon Garrick sctond in IICCCSSUIILS vcn ycllow and black mumde Gunman Smmsmuwrl will coral WHO mics and Vtlltll Vlliilnulc and Company Chums Id 10mm Qimrtclnlustcl Dalton Mwatll= ttl othcl officers Richard Ilcllwick lgt groomsman the groom acted as ushcr Afltl thc lcccption tho couplt They wore lllzltchlllg Iollowing Inc cuch display the girls fumbling tcum under dilLC tion of Miss Kissick and led by Icall Szlmscl gave an cxccllcllt perI llormancc com lctinl forward rolls Icartuhccls sfissor hand staudsl with flip ovcls double forward1 lhc Evcning Auxtlialy of Burtonlmm Shumc mug and many the Avcnuc Unitcd Church hold thcir pymmids The grade x1 girls 31 monthly meeting on Thursday mm in plaid Shirts jeans Csltlll may 15 the SUM 59mm Ollm cllapcaus and totting their 44s DIC Tho dovmionm WriOd 35 C0Iiclltcd their version of cowboy dUClid Mrs Donald TOIHIIHSOIILHancc Two attractivc llOlStS Jim Lamont and Arthur Mumbcrsou and Jim Pitchcr and Eugcnc Varga providcd transportation for Lhc leading Cowboys First Aid Display The first aid display by thc Am bulance Corps under Cadct Licut John Warnica dcmonstlatcd stret cher handling bandaging of various injuries and artificial respiration for patients suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning skclcton was placed over the trunk of the car in which were the asphyxlatcd boys The Bren Gun demonstra tion consisted of dismantling and the scripture reading and Mrs Murray who read thc words of the Apostle Paul of Christians working together in the church and tho Christians attitude toward his fcllow workers Miss Lorraine Lawrcnco Itd story The Pal lcc Made by Music the theme of which was musicians who played together provided more beautiful harmony than one who played nlonc Mrs Lcighton Smith sang the beautiful solo Blcss This House accompanied by Mrs Gor don Roach SPECIAL $350 $5 cow wave 55 $7 MACHINELESS WAVE $450 $500 Special oil treatment for fine or frlssy hair MEN HAIRCUTS 50 CAMERON 60 MAPLE AVE PH 4351 51 DODGE Special Sedan RADIO HEATER GOODiCONDITION SPARE NEW DANGERFIELD MOTORS 233 BRADFORD ST Dial 498 WINNERS First Bicycle Diane Lambert AlIlcd 8L Buried Second Bicycle uoydqscuaref oro Station ThirdBIcycle Ionawmv all You may ho the government project assembling the guns The drum majorettcs Ruth Chantlcr chdy Fehlcnbach Joan Smith and Shirley Gcil gave thrilling p01 formancc of cartwhccls and twirling batons Mexican hat dance was performed by grade XII girls the couples pleasingly Costumed in peasanfblouses and full skirts and white blouses bol QIOS and matching trousers The boys physical training dis play showed layup shots rugby passing and spiking The girls program consisted of many stren uous and musclepulling exercises The Overture to Battleship IiMS Vanguard was played by the In the absence of Mrs Eugene Beech Mrs Tomlinson lCVlCWCd the current chapter of the study book From Lakes to Northern Lights dealing with the work among the Indians and Orientals living in Canada pleasant social hour was feli jdycd by all and tasty lunch was scrvcd by the convcncr and her committee Mrs William Mcriam Mrs JMurray Miss Joan Bebb and Miss Lorraine Lawrence CAIILEY MAY l9Memorial services will be held in Hobart United Church on Sunday May 25 at 230 pm DST Mr and Mrs Ross Martin Tor onto visited Mr and Mrs Wall ace Douglas the rst of the week Mrs Rix Beard spent Saturday with Miss Joan Hutchins at Bre chin Mr and Mrs Hilts Cresswell and family Gravenhurst visited Mi and Mrs Ab Johnstone the rst of the week Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong Miss Marlene Armstrong and George Fleet visitcd Mr and Mrs Len Comer of St Georges Lake the first of the week The HobartCarley WA and con gregationalmeeting was held at Mr and Mrs Len Boaths last Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Rix Beard and Mr and Mrs Victor Johnstonc visited Mr and Mrs Tom Middle mn Stmua the 0f thiwed thers platoon commanders No Join Jans Ball Team Ann Harris No Ina Milne No VMrrmEveVrett Keith Johnstan AThelmiaFealsrall N9 Joan and George Fleet have joined lar Murisorl company sergeantmama raft softball team and will play Kay MICkS their rStngame at Goldwater on Camera Club TueSd evenlng Friday evening The Camera Club have been busy Warmmser W111 Play fitlam allweek takinguieciass pictures Seed Ahom msth and getting the numerous orders The armers around here have filled This is an annual project pretty well nished seeding and The Tricking of Malvollo the rain last week should bring On Monday and Tuesday the the pasture as well asthe grain students enjoyed play by the along pretty good although we Drama Club This play need some warm weather also Tricking of Malvolio byWilliam Lorne Beard and Bob MurphyShakespeare was taken have started to work at the Edgar Twelfth Night As the curtains were drawn under Vic Andrews took over per forming their rolls cartwheels and pyramids gt The lights were dimmed as group of senior girls in beautiful evening dresses proceeded to de monstrate Tango Dance accom panied by the band playing the Bluc Tango Following the finale Col Watts ford remarked on the program and presented the SL Rodg ers Trophy to the commander Jack Garner of the winning platoon No NM Morrison prescntJ ed the Morrison Trophy to the commander tJoan Mulison of the winning girls platoon No Crests Were presented to the rifle team winners of the Georgian Bay district championship Whit morc Paul Borysiuk Stainton Varga and Ken OConnor The girls commanders were company commander Diane Calcu 35522 322238 zsxaa Dian Thrashers Limited Sleply We advise placing ycur ordereariy with your Dion Dealer fOprgyelimiral Itmkoll Rotter Bearings DobbinThumbs on eachlcrauk shaft Guaranteedtotopemte WithOut awood bearing 180 available equipped with Shredder Chaff Blower mudplovel Attachments mm mm on analog elu Dixtvebltelta cadrt inspccu Etluough thu 30 years IllilLlCSllllI SCcnc MI and Mrs Lavch Dulfy have taken up Icsldrncc lIl Howard Illundon apartment Mr and Mrs lialold Whitcoidc Barlle have purchased the SLOW oullcd by llalltllnlll WMS Goldcn Anniversary lhc Woztchls Mlsstonary Society of St Andlcws Church held thcil golden anniversary ill the church on Tutdely evening Tho pres ldcnf Mrs McClullg presided Devotions wclc takcn by Mrs Ru Turner and Mrs Mervin Gau tun Soloists wcre M15 Cotton lcnctung and Mrs Henderson Walkcltoll Mrs McClung gave the history of flu Society and paid lllbult to all llitv who had scrvcd Two of thc Clmltcl lllcmbcls were present Mrs lulncl Midland and Mrs lillcspic Victoria Harbor Mls ltllnvl in her address re cilllcd fIlc first mectltlg of the 01 gaulzullon and gavc prayer as thc kc to all the success fllltl this So cicty has had message also contuincd thoughts on how to cre ate and maintain truly illIVt lllisslouary society Irs McEaclv crll Orlllia brought grcctings from thc Bulric Ilcsbytcrizll and was tllc main Sftflkll spcaklllg on thy mlsswnaly work of our Church lll buck wc wclc plcscntcd with an ill lhc home of Olivia lltll and beautiful coun tcxs with hcr unclc Slf Toby fIclth Ilfugh Currie and his boon companion Sir Andrew Agucchcck Raymond Clalicl enjoying thcm ltclvc over their mugs of alc in thc wcc hours of thc morning Sll Toby Ilatcs Malvolio bccausc be Is killjoy and climber and wishcs hc could makc fool of lifts Kllapps With It in attend Incc Two IkVc members joined fitg roll call was answered by Thoughts of Mother and Home lftv dcvotlonal part was in chargc It Mrs Carson and the program nus prepared by Mrs Eldon KnappI June mcctlng 15 at the home If Mrs Carson Congratulations to tho Antcn lllll bull tram who are doing very mil in thl Icaguc so far Illlicl countries Rev Burgcss lilmvalc closed the nicctillg With playcl social hour was spent with thc ladies who were prescnt front lZlmvalc Pcnctuug Orillia Moonstollc and Midland Mrs Isaac ltowul zllld Mrs McDonald pour cd tca Visitors fills McGill Shanty Bay ls vin Itmlz Mr and Mrs Edgar Luck Mr and Mrs Wultcl Grantham Illd family havc taken up lcsldcllcc Ill llzllrit Accompanied by his wifc fhc Rev Mr liclldctsoll Walkcrfon iilLI flicllds llclc on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Gordon Ruwat vis llld Mr and Mrs Johnston ill Mincsing on Sunday Mr and Mrs Turncl alld Shir Icy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs llId Nelson at Ivy The Womens Institute met on Iflulsday cvclling at Mrs Malcolm McDonalds Mrs McDonald and Mrs llcssm ltowat left on Wedncsday to spend tho summer at Bigwiu Mrs Ilulland Ellick rcturncd to IIlmvalc aftcr spending the past wcck with her father David Jam lcson The Young Peoples Group of St nim ill some way Btcausc thc timc is 1600 AD and the place ls lilyrin the costumcs wclc composcd of stocnkillgs to tho kllcvs bltlChtS and largeshoul ICILd slccvcs tapcrcd the wrist Andrews Church are holding 5pc cial SCIVICC ill the church on Sun day cvcning Itcv Jcssc will show slidcs of Canada Mr and Mrs Thomas Dawcs spent the weekend in Pctcrborough Lccllfig last Thursday afternoon at day with and Mrs II Jea nett Mr and Mrs Charles Hz and Frances Colllngwood spent Sunday wltil Mr and Mrs Jennett Mr and Mn Carruthcls spent the weekend at Elmvale with Mr and Mn Thomas Codber Frubytcrlux WMS Mrs George Carruthcrs was boy Its to the Womens Missionary Society of Ivy Presbyterian Church with 13 members and one visitor prosent Mrs Harold Gibson was in charge After devotional reading was glen by Mrs McLean Ihc Little Brown Church in thc Vale Mrs McQuay rcad pocm Mrs Raid gave Ll wading The Right Use of Time Mrs Gibson gave very interesting talk on the troub lcs our misstonarics arc having in South Africa Study chapter taken by Mrs Jcnuett on Canadian Baptist Mission in South Africa Next lllcctillg at Mrs BCII Mc Leans with Miss Maud Kcown in churgc Mr and Mrs ll McQuay accom pilllICd by Mr and Mrs Art Carl son spout Sunday with Mrs Kaufman at Dcsboro Womens Institute Mrs Jack Banting was hostess to Ivy Womens Institute on May when 19 members were present Mrs Harry Banting plcsidcnt con ductcd thc busincss session $1500 was donatcd to the Pollonlyclltls Fund and the matter of placing lights in Ivy was discussed The WI huvc dccidcd to hold strawberry festival on Wednesday June 26 in thc Orange Hall proceeds to go to wards lighting project Dclcgatcs appointh to attend the district an nual May 22 at Bond Hcad were Mrs ll Jennctt and MIS Lcc Banting Mrs George Canuthers convcncr of current events read several items of interest Mrs Gord on COCllIHliC convellel of Agricul band The boys tumbling squad and doublct Rufflcs of lace adorn ed the cuffs and lalgc stiff ruff forlde thccollar chtc Olivias fool lDavid Bcdaldl is williflgto back Sir Tobys plot against Mal volio chc is attired in jestccs costume of red and yellow with pointcd edges on thc tunic Thc thrcc men arc making plans and causing great deal of noise and have to bt luietcd by Maria Olivias attendant tKay Crosbicl Maria is Wearing green dress with black velvet bodice and lace Iufllcs at the throat and wrists Malvolio who is only steward believes that all who look upon him lovc himj III is quite ready to believe his mistlcss would fall in love with him However such thought is farthest from Olivias mind Malvolio John Martirll wearing night shirt enters lo quit1 the rowdy mcllymakers Maria has plan to assist Sir Toby The second scene is in the garden where Maria places phony letter with their son Douglas Dawes and tire and Canadian Industries took the ground which Malvolio lpicks up thinking it is from Olivia Sir Toby Sir Andrew and Feste hide behind the hedge and listen to Malvolio In the next scene Olivia Thelma Pearsall who is mourning the death of her brother is waiting in the garden for Malvolio He ap pears wearing yellow stockings with black cross bands Yellow Is color Olivia dctests Malvolio makes fool of himself and is said to be insane Mulvolio is seen in dark gaol his wifc GRENFEL MAY 19bit and MIS Charlie chccr Joyce and Ror visited with Mr and Mrs Shirl Gurney and Mrs Charles Bowycr at Rich mond Hill on Sunday There was splendid attendance for the Mothers Day service held in the United Church on Sunday May 11 The service was in charge of Mrs Scott and Mrs Mc Master Those taking part were Jclly Donlxelly Wilfred Degeer Mrs Percy Ford and the Rev lVIl Fraser Bill Parr sang solo Mo ther and the choir sang Mothers Prayers Have Followed Me which were very appropriate for the ser vice The church was beautified with floral decorations WA Holds May Meeting The WA met at the home of Mrs Scott on May 14 with 19 present Mrs Clifford Harris Was in charge The devotional was taken by Mrs McMaster who also read let ter written by the late Mrs Mc Pherson which consisted of alpha betical bible verses She composed them after her eyesight had gone and she could no longer read her bible Windatt were appointed to see about choir chairs Mrs Dob son is to buy hymn books for WA Mrs Parr read number of Mrs Ford and Mrs cell in this last scene when Feste portraying the part of pastor tells him that everyone believes nim insane As the Fool Feste of thank you letters and reports were read from various committees including report by Mrs Whyte charge of the program and several cxccllcnt papers were read One was on the causes symptoms and action taken on the hoof and mouth disease also Dr Mitchells article on the various diseases among live stock and steps taken to prcvcnti them Tea hostesses were Mrs Bert McQuay Mrs Martin and Mrs Banting ily who will be remainingfor couple of weeks Mn and Mrs Empey of Ot tawa is visiting with the Iatters parents Mr and Mrs Lorne Bar rett Mr and Mrs Dobson and Mr and Mrs Roy Hickling left Tuesday morning for atom weeks trip to Sault Ste Marie and will be crossing over to Hinds Minne sota in the States EDENVALE MAY IIIA Rural Life Sunday program was carried out in the United Church here on Sunday morning Rev Veals gave an interesting addresp from the text Hosea 1012 Sowitotyour selves in Righteousness Reap in Mercy Break up Your Fallow Ground The male quartet gave two selec tions ianuthrie United Church Sunday afternoon They will be assisting Mr Vealswitir the pro gram Inthe Chapel over CKBB Friday night Funeral service for Ill ho Ma Blair was the eldest daughter of the She was born at their first home ill lhc family moved from there to Grassland In Flos Township where Mrs Flier spcnt he girlhood She is survived by her husband thr Fred of Orliliu six grandchildrcn and one slat Crr Thc was held mgr home ongbors were those sent from Ebcn Sumlidnlc Road on Monday gen WMS Stayller Baptist Church 95 jand Goodlson ltlduzlilto Toronto Irs Pilec form Margaret Attendsug the funeral were rel latices and friends from Aurora and Nincy mar iCooktown Hamilton Kitchener lMooustonc Palmvrston Newmaf 1816 Just Stouffvillc and Tumult Nottawaxaga on Oct 77 cc sous Torrance of Sunnidalclow Barrio and Wilfred bet lovely Curves Alfred Gain to 10 lbs Iter Pop or Mrs Shepherd Jhlflil svlvicc was conducted byl MAY 205 and Mrs Tommy Excll and family Mrs Ncll Icmp stcr and Billy Mr and Mrs Ernest Ihmmlnla ho burr mum utu weight INIUF nu IILVP nfupcly Intuit figured mth bony limbs ugly Imilowv lhry thunk but It will tnh on bodilu atlnuy beam blood tub Irm you up lou Improves Illpctilc dluntton lfooi wishes you burr Dontfurutttxzq Koala atop when you curl More 00 um Introductory or ctnrqualnlcvt IIIC only out Try run Tonto unblock for new pounds luth cum 30 DOB todu Atmtdzulsu UTOPIA Ellis and childrcn and Mary Ellis I110 day IOItd to Niagara Falls for the on Sunday Miss Viola McMastcr spent he wcckcnd in Barrie Mrs Bell and Mr and Mrs It lcppur and children Toronto and Miss Shirley Smith and Mrs Ray Smith Midland spent Sunday wit number the funeral of the late Gauley of 1V bccn teaching at wil Starling Sept Arnold Sutcliffc and his mother of Mrs Erwin Miller Monday Orville and Wilbur Wright madc the at Western Toronto called last fers to releaso Malvoliw but has d81g3le for the WMS PrESbylelial week on two of his former friends held at Beeton The meetng closed who were members of the RCAF 5The from accomplished Sir Tobys wish to Show him up Avith the benediction and lunch was served by the hostess Vcry thorough and important re Mr and Mrs Dobson and views have begun in all subjects in Raymond motored to Brautford on preparation for the final exams Sunday to bring back their daugh which are only two weeks away ter Mrs Kenansmore and fam willful Imon illaiding job in Canadas rst subway My pay Wofks out around $6850 weeknhke everybody elselve polio lunke logo 1013 way Besides buying the food aqdclothcs orient family weve got idea like making ver our kitchen ing new frig and bike or nuurgirlJu The only my canvvork it isto save thcrmoncy for these things dbllit bz dollar somethln outpf every pay put awnyn Bank of Toronto That is what our SaviugAccotlmsftcused for by thousands and thousands bf Canadians Stut today at you neslest Bank of Toronto branch gt Snvlnib Cmnt AUMI Snfnty cadmium Monty Dido Foreign Inhabit Qnvollon emu bunk Pmond lulu Mum by null gt vow Multan nglulturtottouttl Intuition avetseesliLfowmln and W3 Gobdfellow Aubrey Giffen Cecil Ward and Russell Maw at tended the Stewardship Seminar in Central Church on Manday Mr and Mrs Allcn Miller from hcrc attended Barries newest eating place KayBee LUNCH BAR Owned and operated by Betty Richardson and Keith Young 9i Bradford St Just across the street from the CGE Plant Angus fiss Joyce McCalln who has Camp Bordon bu teaching at Copper Cliff Cookstown called on Mr and PIONEER FLIGHT first successful airplane flights Kitty Hawk NC in 1903 WRIGHTS BARBER SHOP AND HAIRDRESSING PARLOR 33 DUNLOI STREET Phone 5695 Whether sandwich or ii steak from our Grill youll find quick courteous ser vice Just Like Moms Kitchen REQUIRED For BARRIE PoSt Ofce letterCalricrs 220 $2850 Yearly plus uniform and boots Generous vacation and sick leave provisions Hospital and Medical Benefits Excellent Pension Plan Excepting those entitled to the veterans preference applicants must be between ages 01 17 and 35 years Full partlcuhu and ap plications available at National Employment Service and Post Of fices Applications must heflled with the Civil Service Commis sion of Canada 1200 Bay Street Toronto NOT LATER THAN MAY 28 1952 GROWING PULLETSI Mauy poultrymen righnnow are asking two questions Why should feeda balanced ration to my growing pallets Some farmers have been known to raise pullets on just pastutel and grain theyfelt that they were successful The truth is that pullets thatare raised that way will not layas litany eggs during the followmg year not will they beproducing large eggs as car as balanced fed ptlllgfps Last year from summer until On in thefall Grade langefeggsl Wereworth upvvards of Illcents dozen TowardsNoverliber egg pricetook adown turn and by Christmas farmers were getting 22 why that feedSHUWGAIN about halftfle price for eggs that they had been receiving at glhanksgiviug mighty good reaspnfto feed pullets for early productlim to iced gbillancvljd 193011 Considecgjthese facts and you have the anonfer SEMIGAIN IVIleeds are fully tested under Canadian conditions on the SHUR GAIN Demonstration ram SHURLGAIN Jeeds are manufactured locally and sold bytllev mantltaoturer dived to thelcousumer eliminatiugj middleman profit DWI SELEVAIOR and FEED MILL 15 52 109mg 01f Bionic 2321 DELIVERY