Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1952, p. 6

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Tm 1Wedding of Wide Interest Takes zPlace in Toronto Toronto the marriage was solem lnized of Miss Dawn Marie Hay Trier daughter of Mr and Mrs RU Prossxr son of Rev Earl Presser and Mrs Imsser Palmerston form ally of New Lowell Thergrooms bwnpcr party of the season at the crowd for Armoury and the Opening dinner Mlilor Jr and dance at the Barrie Country thanks to the hOLISe Committee furl Club About 75 were present for their efforts during the seasonal the buffet Supptr at the golf club lhfucuc for dancing was provided by lb In father Silt Chow an and quite few more numbers 01 James VtllCll and George EU WING Slipper unit11d 1366 and come In for the dance later In the lrlskc Refreshments Ilc in matching headdress trimmed with evening GuesLs included smml ward In the sergeants Hits of the more than IDO new mem bers who have joined this year In his wekmnmg marks Prh hug the nrxt Week or so will tic5pc md StephanousV dent Fred Norris said that the II 5m will nybwys mv Tm 1mg mfmtmshm prmmscd an two yInagiuficttit Iiiauittiligi titex on cepuomny me by Emmy Dam he lawn of the villtani Moore gercli cmumnn mt Wm Innnw at the southeast Wellington committee spoke during the CYcll 5mm mm 3mm ing mentioning some llllllS in the mom Mid Mn Mom has always rules for the Season and welcome ilvtlwnmj vunmg 0w low fbridcsmaid and Miss Darlene was omendcd m0 Wm by The beautiful creamy white blos hdips Twin HIIIEK complcleiy covrimg the tall Tb Stdnu Nuurl Tm fill Mt wnre gowns of peach pale green the clonng evening Clark expreswd hu REV bhantz principal of Emmanuel college Kitchener walk up Hayfield Street Liur ithe other attendants were Mrs La lt luin frets make beautiful it Kcnzn and yellow taille taffeta and car luuihpdmculaiI on May do it kw The club llullsr ltLUIdltfl albumnut against blue gtky bwqums Of pmk with spring flowers for the own plum and TWO peas ing with pink and mauve llllllls and mauve candle on the supper table Arrangements for the upen ing dinner and dancc wew Ill chage of the llUIISI committee Iin dm mt Chaimmushm of Rm LW 313 at the end of March 1932 an ingston Bob Powells orchestra INCHTM 3333 51 UV 3L 13va provided nnISIc for dancing Dennis IrOsscr brother of the NEW MEMBERSHIP RECORD crown was ring bearer Howard iIlin in niadas Boy Scout Immbcrship C0 00d be mm nnd ushers were Rev Rees Port IiIcIuI ILu hici ltLOlLl of Lil Elgml wanen Moyer Stouvillc and John Key Barrie crepe and lace with navy acces mics and Mrs Prosser dusty rose crepe and lace with black accessories when there were 123760 members Several couples tank in bum At the end of 1943 census figures county club dimin itud mmi IIoued total of H677 Scouts in party in the 133th Battery Officers Canada lmonala Mrs Delrosc Cole Toronto visitingwith Mr and Mrs IO Cameron Mrs MacDonald and chilv tdicn Janet Kathleen and Angus lwerc visiting in Barrie Sunday with Mrs MacDonalds sister Mrs Currie and Mr Currie JACK DYTE CLEANERS WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT Mr Harry Livingston IS NOW FULL PARTNER is Visiting with Mr and Mrs SILI art Howell over the weekend wcrc illlrs Howells parents Mr and Mrs Robert ODonnell of Toronto and Mr Howells sister Mrs Flor fllowcll of Toronto Dr Lcmann Bounds and John Thoengcs of Meridian Missi IN THE FIRM jssippi are guests at Baystairs May I9 to 24 Special Lodge this week Dr Bounds spent fthc weekend in Barrie and is at Itending convention in Toronto jthis week but plans to return here for the weekend to enjoy some shing 5v MissSally Boys is spending Iom weekend with her parents Mr land Mrs Boys Visiting with lhcr from Montreal is Miss Pat chmister of St Johns Newfound tland who is also in training at the iltoyal Victoria Hospital in Mon trcal FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE FOR PROMPT PICKUP PHONE CANADIAN ARTIST Among the first Canadian artists ito study and work abroad was lJamcs Wilson Morricc who died in ITunis in 1924 new Because tolephoiTo hdnds uhdbiblns or working ollthe time tdilnd better andvchdopr wdys of doing things the most anybody pay fOnu home telephone is l8qdoy Chances are you pay even less than that less than the cost ofn cuiuul soda at the corner drugstore We will outright On keeping your telephone service good your telephoneConley COHPANLOP OK ADA Mrs Haymcr wort morning blue ll cncc Howell and her son George On July 30 3t and Ant the is to be held at hinity Parish Hall in Barrie On Monday May 12 about 29 representatives from near Iscti Raymcr and Charles Edwlnii every Section of the county met will in Barrie ulth the local committee which has been working on at rangements for the fair in order to Saturday night saw the final mess where there was good hm mauled we YerIOIDTTEVICW 935 rm SUEVsuie ca issrstmi by Rev Huson tind gesnons Following brief resume of the ghistory past quilt and rug fairs lcoe County Arts and Crafts As socmtion MISS Louise Culley Mrs Cavanagh chairman of the l952 gried caseade of pink roses sweet Illitlct 118d de 50 la 13 Dian christian wing In addition to publicizing Miss Olive Itaymcr sister of the 19 llim Widtll Vllh mPhSSIS Onitollingwood =briltic was her maid of honor and Ill Cl Ml WINS an 185 Of all 5155 hiaudtt it lkinds traditional modern and gterne llramlilll Kitchener Missglhw of original design would bejworas Mrs Dawson Mrs fAlberta Kay Barrie Miss Carol3lmbl3 Olllllllllfif Plunifavzinagh and Mlle It lrosser sister of the groom junior mg Will addllloml 193 Barrie and Miss Culley of the SITTI lures Iilni showings are to be garranged throughout the fair Book Nook displaying books on quilt and rug making will bc madeM available through the courtesy of Elite Sinicoc County Library Cof opcrative in coopcration with the Birrie Public Library demon stration of rug making using varitty of methodshooking braid ing weaving and crochctingl gblltlLlld prove decidedly interesting 5and helpful to those who wish to llearn something about this useful fart Already number of people TlIUlll various parts of the county have volunteered to take turn in this demonstration Mias Maude Rowe converter of the Crafts or Sale booth was lasked to report on plans for this lprojcct Handwoven articles and those made of leather pottery wood metal and handspun wool by county craftsmen will be offer ed for sale Miss Rowe brought upl number of points for discussion Thcrc is need of glass showcase if articles are to be displayed safe ly and to advantage More pubI licity for this booth is needed and number of people to assist in the lselling The idea of displaying paintings for sale in this booth was discussed but rejected due to lack lot appropriate space for proper ihanging and the fact that countyy wide art exhibit is to be held in October Design Booth New Feature booth for the display and dis lribution of quilt and rug patterns and designs will be an entirely new and unusual feature this year MisstGwcn Fife of Barrie is the converter for this booth Original designs for quilts and rugs made by Thor Hansen Toronto and Mrs Torrance Orillia will be on display as well as those of other artists who are interested in sub mitting their work Information regarding sources of traditionaldc signs will be made available and it is impact that an awareness of the historical background of some of these will add to their intercstt Those people who have ideas for original quilt andrug designs may be able to find advice and assist ance as to how to carry these out at this booth Representatives from different conununitios reported as to what was going on in their areas as re garts preparation for the Quilt and Rug Fair and enthusiasm mounted as each report was made Sun and Moon quilt from the Orillia area Rolling Stone and Dutch Windmill quilts from Stroud and an appliqucd spring flower quilt from Stayner were afcw of those mentioned hook cd rug using Thor Hansens Grist Mill design will be shown for the first time this year Several quilts DO to 100 years old were also men tioned as new additions to the 1952 display number of representa tives named possible rug making demonstrators and gave sugges tions for sources Of material for the cleSign and pattern booth An important point over which there was good deal of discus 5ion was whether the commission of 20 per cent of the selling price charged by the committee for hand ling quilts and rugs and craft ar ticles might be lowered Due to thc fact that there will probably be more cxpcnso Involved in ar ranging for the proper displaying of goods this year and also because BA 22M hurch to Richard Henry cons for tlws the usual ra of commission in gift In Banficld Memorial Church ounh annual Quilt and Rug bishops is 33 per cent it wax fin 53ft decided to leave commmion at 20 per cent Design and Pattern Booth New Feature at Quilt and Rug Fair the rate of tea Trinity Junior Guild Maytime Tea Most Successful In place of their usual tulip Trinity Junior Guild this lycar held spring Maytimc Tear Mm 133mm Neuh Gum lo spite of the rainy weather Wedi showed fthe fair the making of rose daily with her at the meeting She is not It be completed for the 1932 fair but hopes renuiorarlly at least Outts given to relatives as gifts to The bride was given in Inarriagcigivcn by the secretary of the Slm how at the fair this iter mrc Mrs Cecil Chappell Mrs Drury and Mn Dunsmore Crown orangc bloooms from England heldQuiIt and Rug Pair committee told my Mrs Sunpkin and Mrs illtf veil of tulle illusion She cardlllt EIUUP Whit Progress m8 comIfmight Nelson Stroud Mrs Churchill Mrs Cranston Staynrr Mrs Spearin rs Torraitcc 0m mm Authe stage filled with spring flow ixaulfful quilt all last year had new quiitl to reclaim two of hen ascope nesday afternoon large number of visitors patronized the bazaari Ibooths and teat tables in Trnity llarlah Hall and the tea was Judged one of the mom successful the guild has ever held The change in name gave more to decorations and Mrs ifhomas Tyrer who was in charge Uf dcco lnose pzcsent at lhl mcctmgmmUDM rating the hall used tra maypolc theme large niaypolc centred the stage at one tend of the room and streamers rant tout to the edges Of the stage On each tea table were individual re plicas of the ntaypole and trilliums gr tdccoratcd the walls Flower boxes were placcd along JinmSOL 0mm 600 ers in the same colors as the may fpolc strcainerswinauvus yellow Shoplmlpinks blues and white Nlay BridtoBe Is Entertained At Showers Miss Constance Hurst bride her wedding in Central Mrs Mrs Alex Archer assisted by Ross Archer and Miss Lor ling lliarvey Charctte Icier Wright received the ers land president Presiding at the main tea table roe County recreation StlViCt during the afternoon were Mrs Harry Lynn Mrs Lorne Whitf Mrs Amy Vair and MrsE Mrs dclem wife of the rector guests along with TI Bury guild president Mrs Allan Fisher Isl vices In charge of the kitchen were telect of May 24 has been cntcrnhIlS Ralph Congdon lllld ZIIIS Itained at several showers beforcflillbtook Mrs Charles Mills was Unitcdjconvener of the bake table and Mrs Smith was in charch of the work table raine awrence held miscellan ted watering can and was pre shower at her home Tlic5cntetl with corsage of baby can bride was sealed under dccoraI rations Her gifts were presented Womens Institutes Edenvale Institute Holds May Meeting In School House Edenvalc Womens Institute held its May meeting in the school with the teachers Mrs Partridge and pupils on Thursday The chil dren of the junior grades sang two songs to open the meetingl and the senior grade pupils closed the meeting with two vocal sclcc tions Nineteen members and 40 visit ors and pupils were present for the meeting which was presided over by the president Mrs Ward Roll call was answered by joke The motto of the meeting was Whatever you do do it kindly It was given by Mrs Giffcnu Delegates appointed to attend the district annual at Craighurst on May 28 are Mrs Ward Mrs Giffcn Mrs Maw and Mrs Maw Mrs Ward was in charge of the school meeting program story entitled Humphrey the McrryGoRound Pony was read by Mrs Maw and Mrs McDonald conducted guessing contest for the children For the remainder of the after noon Mrs Ward led the children in games The pupils each received pen lBishop The guest of honor was Eseatcd under decorated umbrellal Win beautifully decorated wheelf Ibarrow Mrs John Partridge entertained int shower in honor of thc bridel tObe assisted by Mrs Thomasl On Tuesday evening Mrs Jl Bclcskcy entertained at shower in honor of Miss Hurst Thcf brideelect was seated under dc corated watering can and gifts were presented in clothes hasI kct by niece of the bride Missl Gloria Hurst cousin Douglas Belcskey The hostess was assist ed by Mrs Baxter and Mrs Coulson Mrs Harold Cooper and Miss Marian Lainidn entertained honor of the bride on chncsday evening Miss Hurst was presented with Kenwood blanket by Walker Stores Ltd where she has been member Of the staff cil and scribbler and the proschool children wcrepresentcd with pen cils by the Institute Ice cream cake and cookies were served at the close of the meeting DODGE 49 ITON EXPRESS GOOD TIRES REAL BUY DANGERFIELD MOTORS 233 Bradford st out 4031 lo Mr and Mm Sylvwer Mooney and Mrs yszmua wish to announce the ca gazemcnt of their daughter Rita Ellubetlz to John Frank mm ton and him Lorne Han Of the marriage to take 58 Mr iOshawa plan June Mr and Mr James Elliott ENGAGEMENTS Angus announce the Engagement of their daughter Doris Jane to Willtam John Armstrong son of MEI13Gltg of pdti Ontario the marriage to take place Saturday May 31 the Presbyterian Church Anguz at oclock iv Ci cm 181 manna Fol PILWMONK an Important to the HARD 0t HARRIS grin sclVlC Now new service To save you time Ii7c save you money 531313 ITEOTininxm mgnmgi FR Mum SERVICE This Coupon entitles the heater to FREE SERVICE covcr in checkup and the cleaning of one only Hearing it Aid regardless of make when presented at Acoustlcon International HOTEL WELLINGTON TUESDAY MAY 20th From 10 am to pm xvKRiikEmxmuxvfiiiiiuk THC hattinoss finds Tony Mdcmtimw HousE OF ISE MonEIIATmN TODAY wenh incision Muttam

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