Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1952, p. 10

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BOND HEAD tuck Brampton spent Saturday with and Mrs Broderick Kr and Mrs Charles Watt Tor Onto went the wcckcud with Mr MgtMra Watt Mix ames Parry Sound El formerlcachcr tbcrc renewed ac quaintances in town Oil Sunday Mrs Hawkins and illl Frank ISMr and Ellis Bull DARBIB EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 19 1952 glomnto hospital for further troop gins Fire Destroys tritium Fir of undetermined origin lit Btroycd the colony house of JD Woods Thursday night gthcrc were no clziclccns the time and thc Wllrd bitw isparks away from the other blilltl ings in it at Will Build New burch At meeting oi the mcmbcis and adherents of tho Ulillttl Churc Luckily lllc 125 of baptism Douglas Robeny atttlr Mrs Downcy presentingfbara Ilodan Guel Lizldd Dianne Vicky Gertrude thcj cinldren of Mr and Mr Dough hluwn William Brian son of Mr innit NIIS Robclt Sutherland and iJullLLB Charles son of Mr and M125 Link Ecrun mm W315 vluunch Out war given by Mr Mr and Mrs Steve Milne and MAY 1374 iiiccting of Burns In Williams and the meeting ad Billy Weston were nals of Mfr W355 was lurid Fmrbdy Enema lihtd with the singing of and Mrs Wood Sunday lat Mn Gwrcc Miners With Minn prayer and the benediction Mr and Mrs Marvin and 93 1grocl lrpfttlllglion of the menibersggmsung ag hostegws during me Gwymd Doug Spent me week Tim Md mwlznx Ill WMS and nunibcr of visitors present hour were Mrs Gilchrist aid Wm relatives Shelbume Ms lathi at Mr Whit Jcrolfs film Mdrvlll Hand prcsidcd andthe 51 wbiaw Mm Butchers and ML and Ma mm Siam and Will WmV Wlltls Wm Tm murmur Opened Will Piano Pre Cooper family spent the weekend in East ilcdvit Mrs Sutherland occu 1mg hy his Allan Confing and wood and Taviswck lpzml lli chair and the Incctingnw wng me WMS Them Mothcrc Duly ismvice Solzrllcd with hymn 488 and praycrynynm In mil wa respomed Burn United Church wa vvcll Scripturc readings by Mrs Kiwi mm BibiL yme containing we mint bunday afternoon for the spe him and Mrs Smith Minutes or word Gm The Sunnidale Corners Routh business virginJ Mothers Day Service ph went the bougbecd Programs and mating last Week after km Lorne are to be arranged by commune attended spending some time lwith he Dagmar Mr Craig lMtdbur Mr Evans Prlkcy and daughters Betty Dorothy Mule also son James Mr and Mrs William Pita spent Sunday Wililam Crib Mother Buy We Mothcrs Day sewice was welli Rev Jack preached splendid Demon Diplomas wen ey all of Stayner prescan Lo scholars or memoriz with Mr and Mrs in Scriptures Beginners CW tendcn Glenn Wood Helen Atkinson Wll 3ng and Mn Stew Wiggins lard Sage Elwood Atkinson Garth Barr we 5mm at me Evans Raymond Bole Jim DalePeps mm and llamld Atkinson Ann Bulc Primary Course Elaine Altman Primary Catechism Joan Woods June Bates Bill Bates Gold sealsf Certificate Junc Cul MAY ll Nutter last week were also Miss Leslie Everett lllLd SdWWy mg Tuvalu ubl IiiWill WCW Wild alld hdul llJllNlClLd and cvcrul rnuttcis of unwl RW Clalk 1351 Chilly MAY 15Dpgi tympani for Jumox JUNK and Mm Mug Canninin Mrs Latimcr on Stiturdiw bmld FTC FINN If WHMJUH l0 V15 lW booms discursnl committee uhd Id self 110 this community Sow 10 19 fwmnfi WI km the 33mg mur mm Mr and Mrs llamld Smith Tur 131$ fgti 37 with Sculemcm branch at Sun was named to um mm the Allis1l=v Dprztvdslwglt iy Buff relatives of inc late Mrs Lemma Dempsmg Mr and Mm Jack Fm omo Spent Wkwm mm the lippoiiitui 30d Ill1 Will Ckllllllvnli EH Hymns June was Hwy MRS marlin Reforming int iwo vitriol llfllllDIETS in me PW Dam 00 Toronto with their quc and 39H farmers parents Mr and Mrs glllKSlUlLBmd Will mum 11 BCM Al thc parsonagc llzma are being Com Dccpcst ynumhy of this com and Mg 135k Lliiger and WWW and Mh Brodcrmk and Is dn Mrs John Dcllt Pickering With Ionics Smith Mr and Mrs Mcllwmn Bariic lSllCd Rcv and Mrs Eric Mcll Wain over tho vcchcml Range Rldcrs Depart lhc last appearance for this gtLIgt on of tlio Calgary ltnngo liltltls III the hull or Saturday night again made for Sunday EchIcc in lune Musing WWII lllll ct Saunders returnngu have thc story and Janet Mc cd Mimorizuy as spvukcr The Hume Marie llundcrson Eddie quilt for Illc lialc which has been rmlh and Vernon Bulchcro Iiicru ulrlplclttl by Mn Kerr was on luis of Mrs Iiitlberls Clash Annual meeting of the WI was lltld at Mrs John Hoods Mrs Ii Carruihcru look dingo AftcrI of different dcpartnicntsl rQ lt jitlis Stcwait hoslcsscs It was LII tmmting to llilll what was the mint ltiipfilldtll thing each lady found at tho Sinicoc lltblltllfil reports ma Scripture wading The conawakend With Mr an limiting chapter of the Studyock Iuns llihlc by Mrs Whit Jcssop Roll niunity is extended to the family of George Fields who paged away Mm Dame and Cemv Mumm 5d Mr and Mrs Jack 511 called on May ll and especially to Mrs Earl 1mm uncle DJ zcwan Mr and Mrs William Crit THY Mr and Mrs Jack McLean ac had it furl hall for tlicir show and mm mm Been Mrs hymn Hmng of me recent Wk pan Umk dammed We heard mm Rmer wuklnu lfyhfllllilfyldICHLU It at 9an turn gums apd Mm comman MY Mill 33 Ji Cilm dulth Th b0 11 mick Karl Icssop thcn favorcd with IlliNoIIlo onfcrvncc branch con bill message pm 10 we Llowlwmge Gleam Gamma asi CUWnmalom inll of mmES ml 10 illlbllllm mm up lo In thi Garden Icziding wring in Ban 15 given by Emluzg hymn and benediction Ifullows Prcsldcnt Mrs mound hlliotBBuEh onlticd La Hospw Rom mu mi hm 0mm back here 1ng next full it le Andrews Uni Om oifznrg Hum thwncc Buyers Mr Graham and Mr Barboullpt Vice Mrs Jr Ligrluutlcrg dimguor at Royu icor lung ccrcaiy tune Borden Herb of Toronto Mrs Ill yrsW Outlaw llw Lount was very Intcrcsting In and 5115 Had lIfo gmc Intcrcstingi lilLl5131I0Lrl501l v31VIIccCllrrrimww ugisllm sec Mr and Mm mew 51an My WWMr gt ixiaii lIuch lllCl vc Tmui Bllgdn md hmun HUUDI blllUdl NomiTh Dal MilH ht WPUID Ur ll NEH Bum ftlzss Jozmnc McCaguc returned Ictary Mrs McCartney District Barrk Alon $me BALTK 15 itcd their Ironic from Miss Jenn Roynolcix nuiscin illcltl in the Uriitcd Church Sunday lowly pluzt in mom lraining in Royal Victoizrr llopitzildorv of Mrs Fred Wcstlakc wast 10 Im Ulld prayer brought Barric spent low days at lici placed in tho church by the family well 10 01050 home here prior to going to Now TllL following clnldrcn ILCLIVCLI tlic lunch was scrved by tho hostesses morning mm wmmmg the word lust luvsuny An llllpycssnc uor hm hm week an havng com larublc of the Tulcnb was con= lit Till dainty luctcd by DIlJ McCuguc COMPLIMENTS OF OK Used Trucks OK Used Cars YOUR GRASS SEED NEEDS WE HAVE IN STOCK Canadian Blended French Alfalfa and the new will re sistunt variety Ranger Frank Allen SON Diitor Mrs William Smith Dir Bl lSlil WWW mm The iltlid hcr term at the OAC actors Mrs Smith Mrs GalbraitM Mrs Patterson Auditors Mrs lzitf Miss Jmic Buyers and Miss Bar terson Mrs Lemon Pianist Mrs Finland was part of the King idom of chdcn from tIic 12m ccnlury until it botanic repub lic in 1919 tuition and son Jack Edgar spent day in Toronto last week Mrs ll Crittcudcn returned home BRIGGS and STRATTON Vim Us Only I0 ILP Origin Radar Pug Air Cooled Engines Mm omplctc Ignition and Distributor Service BULL ice Red Clover Timothy and many other hay and pasture ELEUR 10 Au fmc WM US use cs limes Have you boom your Topcmp Hy AlllllllIE Harris Auto Electric RDINER PRODUCTS rid Field Corn Dont overlook this item 1mm BEATT SEEDSMEN DUNLOP 51 Phone 2438 65 Collier St CIIEKROLET OLDSMORI LE Barrie McQUIGGE BROWN co LTD GLASS MOTORS Ill 203w Bradford Ont SINCE 1871 BARRIE BROOKS FARM SUPPLY 83 Elizabeth st coop No TRADEIN SALE THIS wrzrirc SALES RADIOS DEEP FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS EIIL FORlle FORESTERS ICE ms CHEK CHIK HATCHERY WASEB$GES 3300 RMS es eVCe Dearborn Impkemenls OWING TO ALlERAIlONS REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS AT REDUCED PRICES Phone 298 Alliston Ont SPRING SOWING TIME IS HERE PLANT AN EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Now Bumper Crop of Results Will Grow II FRALICK lrop PHONE 3502 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CAR 118 Victoria SI ALLISTON in 690 DISKS ROBINSON HARDWARE CAN YOU IDENTIFY YOUR FARM FROM BIRDSEYE VIEW RURAL PHOTO QUIZ COPYRIGHT REGISTERED 1952 HOME OF RINA CIIOWS FERGUSON TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY PHONE 230 ALLISTON HAROLD JORY Vanguard Triumph Mayflower Sales and Service ltcpuirsAo all kinds of cars and trucks Machine shop and Welding TOWING SERVICE Barrie Phone 4165 value hard to match coor JUSTIN MOTORS Austin and Nash Sales and Service DUNLOP TIRES 24 our Towing Service 2325 BRADFORD ST Phone 2429 Bprie PHONE 2697 FARM TRUCK PASSENGER TIRES and TUBES coon WEAR TIRES Complete Repair Servrce and Vulcanlzing BEERS TIRE SERVICE 11 CLAPPERTON ST PHONH4335 What Farm Can Be Without One IREEZERS Cu Ft to 21 Cu Ft PRICED RIGHT FROM S395llll lo WSW COME IN TODAY See the Many Famous Brands At EPLETTS SMALL ASSOCIATES 209 PARK BLDG WINDSOR ONT BETTER DRESS SHOPPE TELEPHONE 3984BARIIIE Roxy Theatre Bldg MABEL RICHARDS BEATRICE LUCAS IN GIFT WATSON MOTORS Phonc The Barrie TRANSMISSION 1944 FORD FERGUSON USED TRACTORs 1948 FERGUSON TRACTOR 1946 FORD FERGUSON WITH SIIERMAN GRAVES BUB BAYFIELD ST CHEVROLEI CARS AND TRUCKS Ferguson Tractors and Implements Fuel Builders and Farmers Supplies SCARFES PAINTS SARJEANT CoLtIl Barric Office and Yal Mary St BROS Cl MINNEAPOLIS MOLINB MODERN MACHINERY ySaIesDService LWIISONS GARAGE Phone 193 Mlneslng Sfayner Phone 2461 PHONE 3533 BRASRRAAGIENN Barrics Largcst Mens and Boys Clothing Store TwoRK CLOTHES suns TOPCOATS 1ower in but Buying Means MoncytnYour Pocket DTINLOP 811 Al rncs POINTS BARBIE SERVICE CERTIFICATES These progressive merchants have cooperated with The Barrie Examiner to sponsor this novel feature Gift certi ficates awarded will be given during the 26week series The certificates will be honored in the merchants stores indicat ed thereon NO ONE Mom in advance the Identity of the farm pictured THE OCCLIPANI OF THAT FARM must come personally to theExaminer office to re ceive the awards lease come to the office of The Barrie Examiner and identify it You will be given beautiful 10 If on do ehlargemcgtof the aboveplcture framcd plus $3400 In Gift Certificates unfunny BATST Hii llllilllzl 29 Manleivb LUCKY FARMERS Ir fWo Cano Bury your stcnc plies Clean and burnibrush and fence rows Improve your land with agriculturallimestone VARCOE BROS Fhone 46003375 Il 301m DEERE 30 gisuyueia St OURGIGANTIC STORE WIDE MAY Salcotinues II lei patios in evciy department Anson sow Bowen ONNLL Sales and Servrcev GENERAL ELECTRIC 139 Dunlup St Phone 3721 THIS WEEKS SPECIALI $100 OII Each5Gallon Can CASTROI OIL DOUGHERTY BROS 35 High St LIMITED Distributorsr 55 Elizabeth st PD 2427 Chrysler Plymouth Fargo Trucks AIIIIIBNEWB ARIA Mona Qwediicsdqy Friduy VFctrln BAHsewn PROP CIIAShOllURCII lSALES AND SERVICE Fl BALLP Mill C04 IQrythlugln Lulubu mounts Emwoonsi Minimum Eben MO gt Phone 4963 HARlD HILL cfSiIIIchCDunly READ The BarrioExgiminel IIoomzo nskuou cannot Dimmer DONNADDNA Ill momma mm ruin mkuhLsximiidzrdw CASE FARM MACHINERY

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