mmm Theatre HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE MON rues WED MATINEE WEDNESDAY 230 pm EVE SHOWS AT 650 and pm THE KIND OF ENTERTAlNVIENT THAT WALKS RIGHT INTO YOUR HEART IND Is An IllLOVIN tvnuvm VIILAUGHIN MOTION 70111 kt costarnng llRlllYIHIIMA RllIIR AND FOX NEWS MN AN ACTION PACKED HIT RevenUe Agent ngajrulcu Asuncion tor CanadianTroopsin Germqny GRANADA THEATRE MONDAY EVENINGISHOWS 840 pm IINWIO EXTRA TREATS Color Cartoon and Fighting SONGS GALORE ANGUS MYERS Mu ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY amiiilllloll in unison ANOTHER GRAND COMEDY le STARTS THIS THURSDAY ALsos comm IAN Wit titty Each Afternoon afAO in PlBig9Cbb lf Select Oitters sorricc wcrc world outrun ram rmme liq protect for year for mambers of the Onlliu Fish mat Garm Consort axon Club got gway May uttuzzxoon as some to mtltlbclb cf the group began the of 33990 Scotch and red It cm i155 MON DAY MAY Rain Does Not Dompen Spirits EOf Travellers South Simcoe By MRS MDNKMAN Continued from Friday complctcly tired group wlllch settlcd lo bud on Saturday night Sunday morning after good siccp everyone was ready to Hurt out again llli lime to church chcral sinailcr groups visittd nond church ticfolc the hour of arrival Churcnus St Joan tho Divine Gotnlc cathcdral in Ctikcllllg ld02000 fort With seating capacity of 7000 fitted Willi umpiilicrs so that cwryone can hear and twothirds the largest the completed at prcgtcnt The Little Cliurch Around the Corner and Rivcrsulc Church whom llam vislted cubic WI New York Tour Described it Now York harbor Standing at math of the Hudson River it on pomstall 150 fort high vn in its right hand herald 12 the arrival to the new world lsbty and ficcduu all Erafar trellcrs lowmg tin boat tour we had 111 at Bulmont Plaza whcrc we lillt the chef who was kind cuougli it rll us tltc ngrcdicnts of his mind dressing and choose cake llhtzi on tour of NBC and behind tzu Cllt5 of Zulcvision whom sov ilral of thc party were tclcviscd Radio City Music Hall Monday was crowded day from am wlicn wc had an curly brcuk $1151 hcfurc rcportmg at the Radio ilton Ont ministcr ls pastor forftflty Music Ilall whom we saw hc morning Acrvicc The latter is four hours of nevcrtubcfurgottcn beautiful Gothic style churchpmmnlzr and musiczll entertain wrth the Laura Spclmun Rocheintent The program opcncd with fcllc memorial carillon of 723111Aan music by Richard Licbcrt bclls in thc towcr After tourgmld Lzunbert the Shccpish Lion through IllL church we were seatgo Dlrsncy cartoon The Glory of cd near the front tlfttllt fastfillinglimor was gorgeous Easter pa nuditorium to hear the sermon onzgcant with chorus organ and or mpgrange lulutra taking part Spring Song Following the service we joined P1 Natural lev 13 IILl the hm to meet pustms at thciilllflttllc MUSIC llall corps dc ballet vmncel mm lady 01 the comiof dancers in lamb costumes grcgulion invitcd us to dinner in Uilmlom C010 WHIdi tllull banquet hallnan invitation wc regrcttcd we could not accept Loaf rursc After hasty luncheon We Were off for boat cruise around Man hattan Island on sightseeing yacht which had been especially fitted for maximum comfort on rainy afternoon train poured duro ing the entire stay of tlic WI mcm hers but it lid not hamper their enthusiasm or enjoyment tolany dcgrcci While visibility was at minimum the good spirits of this party were not dambcncd As we sailed from the foot of 42nd Street at the Hudson River the unique air vents of the air conditioning system of the Lin coln Tunnel were noted Ferry boats to chhawkcn and tugbouts were on the river The Empire State Building and its huge ligbtv ning rod the antenna of television for several NY stations protect ing its neighbors for one square mile the Hotel New Yorker with its 1300 rooms the New York Central railyards elevator in Wee hawkcn NJall were visible While we were day ahead of time to see the docking of the Queen Mary there were large boats from France Portugal Jay pan South Ameripa and many oth er nations at their moorings W6 approached Governors Island head quarters of the US Army Just beyond was the borough of Brook lyn and the tip of Staten Island at the right as we sailed into the East River At the end of Pier was the Seamcns Church Insti tute and we caught glimpse of the rundown tenements that abound in this section of the city at one time an exclusive residential sec tion where Washington lived while serving as first US president We passed under Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge and saw many of New Yorks apart ments in the distance glimpsing the narrow canyon of Wall Street We saw the Brooklyn Navy Yard where many of the US Navys finest ships are built and Bellevue Hospital where there is staff of 700 doctors Franklin Roose velt Drive could be seen along the shore of Manhattan as we cruised towards Qucensboro Bridge connecting Manhattan Welfare Island and Queens We saw the huge rectangular United Nations Building which appears to be mainly of glass with its 39 storiesgof 5400 windows WLooking toward Manhattan we recognized Rockefeller Centre withthe RCA sign and roof bal cony on top from which we saw Manhattan on Saturday Along the shore were many lovely parks The island of Manhattan is solid rock which is the reason tall buildings can be built there Entering the Harlem River we passed under the Triborough Bridge with its 14 miles of ap proaches and three miles of actual bridge span connecting Manhattan the Bronx and Queens Next came the Hill Gate Railroad Bridge then the Bronx WliitestoneBridge and several swinging bridges then iShopping Mode Parlslcnnc llockcfellcr Plaza featuring the gfamcd Ruckcttcs was followed by Hi lilm showing Singing illam starring Gene Kelly Don iald OConnor and Debbie Reynolds iIladio City Music Ilall should be included in every tourists visit to lNcw York Leaving the RCA Building by tlic underground about 230 Illl wc wont on shopping tour until 2330 pm when we returned to lour hotcl checked our purchases lfor the customs and packed ready to leave Then to dinner again at Virginia Forbes where the man ager autographed our menus with the following inscription To the nicest group we have ever had the honor of serving Circus at the Gardens Back to the hotel for our circus tickets and we were off to Madi son Square Gardens to see Ring ling Brothcrs Barnum and Bailey Circusthe greatest Show on earth givings among the group that our visit to the Iceland night club had been changed to the Big Show but after seeing the circus every one was delighted that the change had been made It could best be described as combination of an imal showsmarvcllous music bal let aerial artists jugglers acro bats pageantry sfer shows the models riding atop the heads of 32 elephants and our own Santa Clause parade As our departure was scheduled for 11 oclock we missed the last three numbers of the show and the finale In matter of minutes after we returned to our hotel we were ready luggage in hand to get aboard our buses At 1115 pm the big Greyhound buses rolled away toward the Lincoln Tunnelon our return journey to Canada and we heard Goodbye New York from many passengers In too short time we reached Scranton for our stretch slop then away again Winding through the mountains to Towanda Wav erley and Elmira Then Corning at 730 am where we stopped at the Baron Steuben Hotel for freshcning up and delicious breakfast and tour of Steuben Glass Works We watched the or ange globs ofmolten glass being brought from their ery cubicles rolled and blown shaped and coaxed into beautiful vascs glass es goblets bowls and plates The Alliston group purchased bean tiful round crystal bowl for Mrs Dunn of Alliston Agth aboard our buses enroute to Buffalo we passed through Bath Wayland and Dansvllle where Nurse Clara Barton found ed the rst chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross in 1881 We arriv ed at the Buffalo bus terminal at two oclock for dinner andWere all aboard again at 245 pm to board our train at 305 We just hadtime to express our sincere High Bridgefone of tholdest on the cruise which was oftn visit ed by Edgar Allan Poe and is moulioned inhis poems yam Stadium Other highlights on the bout tour were Yankee Stadium the house that Ruth builti which has seating capacity of 75000 and cost three mlIIibn dollars and lit the farther norththe Pulo Grounds homcgof1heNewv York Giants which seats 60000 people New housing projcts were being de veloped in this part of the city to accommodate families in the lower income bracket There are high cliffs along the bank gs yamentcrthe North Riv er Small boys atop the cliffs in thcl There had been some mis l2 IQSZ vob SIIOWING Starts Today IMPERIAL ON SAME PROGRAM KILL OR BE KILLED LAWRENCE IIEIINEY MARISSA OBRIEN RUDOLPH ANDERS FIRST BARRIE SHOWINGSo NIGHT PRICES ADULISIOc CHILDREN 150 TAX INCL Vegetable GroWers Holland Marsh Approve Scheme Bradford Witness general meeting of approxi malely 225 vegetable growers of ltltu Holland Marsh voted almost unanimously in favor of propos ed compulsory lettuce marketing scheme for this area during the coming summer months Gatti chairman that last January growcis was elected marketing scheme for l952 He stated that the members of this board had worde hard all winter gin an effort to drafta scheme suit able for the growers and at the tsamc time agreeable to the dead lcrs The Bradford Marsh Vegetable vGrowcrs Marketing Scheme has pointed out board of 12 to draft an important clause affecting all igrowers providing that 10 per cent of the ddily price set by the board will be deducted from the grower For example if the set 1price is $150 the grower will re Iccivc $135 These monies deduct led will be used for wages of per sonnel upkeep of office directors lfecs and paying for surplus vege lZlblCS if any Each vegetable in the scheme must pay its own Way that is monies derived from let tuce cannot be used to finance surplus of celery and viceversa appreciation of wonderful co operation and good sportsmanship to the party and pass on the sug gestion that South Simcoe hold summer picnic to include our tour parties to Ottawa and New York At Hamilton Mrs Houghton left us and Mr Houghton came on to Toronto In Toronto at 620 pm we were met by Greer buses and were off for Home and Country with Echoes of the Ode from the parties Appreciation Expressed South Slmcoe we wohld like to express oursincere appreciation to the local papers of the area for their continued efforts to the Greer Co for their assistance and generous cooperation and to the following ladies for their assist ance in their various localities Mrs Thompson of Alliston Mrs Glassford of Beeton Mrs Black well of Bradford Mrs Kell of Giliord Mrs Hughes of Stroud Mrs McQuay of Thornton and Mrs Gregory of Barrie The sister Institutes of the coun ty kindly remembered us with their rho voyage and happy journey car On behalf of the district of Collingwood Town Appointments Midland Mayo Wins Acquillal Penelang Court Midland Free Press Herald charge laid against Midlands Mayor Charles Parker had to be withdrawn when the case came up before Magistrate Cameron in Pcntang court recently Mayor Parker was stopped by PC Jack Shepherd Waubaushene while driving In Iay Township March 27 He was subsequently ls HILL ClerkTreasurer THOMPSON Deputy Clerk Following the resignation of Fawcett the position of clerk trcasurer for the Town of Coiling wood has been filled by the appoint ment ofB Hill who had been infthat capacity for the past three ths Charles Thompson was named deputy clerk May Mr Fawcett clerktreasurer for 13 years has become secretarytrad surer of the public school board cult Replaces 28 Miles of Track North Huntsville Huntsville Forester gtr The 28mlle stretch of CNR track between Utterson and Scotia Junc lion has been strengthened during thepast three weeks The old 80 pound walls have all becnreplaced with loopound steel The work was completed by sued summons charging him with driving motor vehicle withoutthc necessary operators license as re quired under the Highway Traffic Act The information read by tho maz istrate was that Mayor Park at did not have the mom operators or chauffeurs Iicensa The word chauffeur as correct ly contained in the information in accordancewlth Highway Traffic Act procedure did not appear inthl summons issued to Mldlands chief magistrate Following defence counsels ob jection Charles Seagram who was acting for the prosecution in the absence of Crown Attorney Thompson QC was forced to ask that the charge be withdrawn The summons could not be altered and the time in which new sum mons could legally be issued had expired This is one time the motorist got break remarked Magistrate Cameron HOUSEHOLD BREWING Brewing was practiced mainly as household task by women until the 12th century according to the Encyclopedia Britannica Drive Out To TI HURONIA DriveIn Then miles south of Barri on Concession 14 Drive south on 27 Highway turn left on fizpt road past cloverleaf TONIGHT cross ALI 1n ennui me IIIAIIAGIIII on nut nun speciai gangof track builders and took only 20 days during which there was no interruption in tcaf tic Moder thenrail ay greatly facilitated the progress Approxunately of steel was required machinesr now uscd by 00010125 In Colli 9wde Gift parcels to tea coffee canola may ppal the detention tossed recrackers into the river coa sugar and saccharine sent to the Canadian forces in Germany must now conform triflinpor strictions it has been learn Army Headquarters re by Not more than ttvo pounds each of tea coffee cocoa four pounds of sugar and 500 saccharine tab lets may be received monthly through Army postdt channels Customs Control Frontic Services halve the authority to open all par celsforv routine inspection and re+ moveiquantities in except of tha specified amountsx If it is necessary to old evxceiss within 30 days If no appeal is made the goods willbe impound ed If an appeal is upheld the excess goods will pass through as part of the nextfmmmm= mentw The contents of all parcels must Harry Potteous was elected president ofColIlngwood Progress Club During the past year hp served as 180v1dpresldcnt and hadrulsoserwd asrchfiirman of var ious conunltfccslxi past years Jim Fawcett was elevated from be declared by the sender on the 2nd to Isl viceprslclht andDoug required Customs Declaration Scott was ellcted 2ndvlcprest Form dcnt Secretarychrgc Barr and These regulatidns do not apply Treasurer Harryan were re to parcels sent to Canadlana sowelected John Bawden was return lng in theliar East Ed foranothegtermcsa property trustee and Die mammoth or woman burned as scr Ancientlliozscmeu believed Quin elr supremegpd crested women rind the explosions andechoes made George Bridge towering 600 feet into the the cliffs resoundwith loud noises We saw Americas unique museum TheCloisters housing many valu able and beautiful treasures from all parts Toff the world And the Washington Memorial theyllboni ABARRIE air and spanning 3500 feet Grants Tomb bpi in 1897 and did 801 diers and sailors Monument built in memory of therUnion Forces who lost their lives in the Civil Wat The story rigour tour around Manhattan Inland could not be entrance Illicit youcppbdvnili piuazxicAljduyhalibut completewithormnotuboutthe gStatue pm rteSabre ilsreuli the air over wroncsmvmonmno AnovNDis25 WV