Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1952, p. 3

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130 Strictly The new of FREE all space on the second floor is nearing completion and 9mm con this and that KBBs lcllooum 15 still going trong Allll the first tmrttl Sit Illr pm to In ttillulirlg all wru llic i151 video it willie II L5 now known of Ontarlof mod tilltillilll call lufilglll 5914115 Who Illt 110 refit cs only the mallk 113111 art the answer 18 and folks ill thc public library history lfutllc and file like arr SitI lillg drlvln mad Iv inquirer The hints given so far Ifttltltlt lie European 22 years of age He was int Oil lzcar Biiflli and is btlflttl not far from low If you can get lilt 1m swrr and are out Illc Ihlflhl phoned tins evening you $10 richer toumrrmv nmrlling Another KBB content being run be HAZEL WOOD is Name the llacc The lllSl prize is $100 in cash given away every week to Someone in Ontario contest is carried over SCVIIIII 511 1111 and cttlyilll who enters 13 Ilili of that $100 so far MN Leonard Walton and the letters are still Illllllillllll as other The town in Ontario that the contest lLillllltls listeners to find is hlddcn in this mother Somebody It could be you tligllllc to will one local Illlltl Barrie folks try their luck weeks sentence HE calling for more wood will will that $100 This evening at 815 the first an nllal St Josephs High School pub lic speaking competition gets under Auditorium Contestants year are John Gray grade Tom Tobin grade 10 Frances Scalcttm grade 11 Bob Marshall grade 12 The judges will be the Very ltev Rose principal of St Marys way at St Josephs Mulcaster St Dean Clair Sister BDCI oning at 930 FRIDAY In 00 County flour until 15 Sports 30 News 50 Bulletin Bond 00 Song Shop 715 Plano Playhouse 730 Wayne Kim Show 800 News 805 TelloQucst 830 Lets Talk It Over 815 Dreamland ltendu yous 900 News Headlines 900 Platter Party 1015 Shadows 1030 News 1045 In the Chapel 111V Pauls Penthouse 1200 News Headlines Wea ther Temm Time $011ka AM 55 Sign on 00 News Headlines 01 Musical Clock 15 News Farm Market Report Weather Report 00 Sports Roundup 30 News Ileadltnca 35 Early Blrd lo Saturday Morning Serenade Styles to Son 930 Band of the Week 945 Radio Bandstand 1000 News 1005 Western axworks 1100 News 1105 Western Voxworks 1115 The Story Book SATURDAY PJI 1200 Luncheon Extend merit until 1210 Sports chest 1215 Market Report 1230 Time Slvual 1230 News 1250 Bulletin Board 1257 Regional Weather 100 Agricultural Representative 115 Western lllt Parade Instrumental 200 News 205 Fair Game 230 Saturday Special GIV5Morua broadcast will 1030 New 1010 Oman Interlude 1100 News Headlines etc Pictured above who is heard on Asking program lizlzcl iood the You Were brtnnticzbt over Tile Ilml togethers to answer some of the qtlcxtiolls Ill thc minds of home makers part of her background training for radio work she attend ed the Iadics College and the Un ilcd Training School to study voice and effective speech Mrs Wood has written several articles for the is the ClllIVC of their Dominion Young Peoples organization As well she served as chairman of the committee which completed The New Adult Handbook Of all the women commentators we know 0J1 the air none does better job of research into thematcrial used on her programs This is one of the main reasons this series has been Marimgso successful coupled with Mrs thic Separate Woods thomugh interest in provid Sellool and Ii Sheppard BA of ing homemakers with information be pre and suggestions on household econ pared for presentation Sunday cy omics and an easier approach to 00 News 05 0mm Interlude 15 Upper Room 45 Books of All Years 00 This Is My Story 30 35 00 10 00 Stars of the Week 30 News 10 Movie MerryClo 45 Prelude to Dinner 00 County Hour until 15 Sports 30 News 50 Bulletin Board 00 Freddy Martin 15 Don Messer Show 7210 BarBRanch 800 News 805 Dream Time 815 Motor Memories 900 News 900 Dream Time 1000 Mustc and Make Del hotLltevork CKBB 1230 on Your DIAl News Saturday Sncclal Club 1230 News Headlines Club 1230 11151103 of the Week 900 New 905 mm of the Week contdl 930 St Josephs High School Public Snub luv Contest 1000 CREE Showtime t030 News 1040 Sammy Kaye Sude Serenade 1100 News Headlines Weather Tampa Time Round 700 MONDAY AI Sign on News Headlines Musical Clock News Pam Mnrket Report Regional Weather Report 50 Nevis Time 8111 00 Hoodlum 35 iieve SUNDAY All Styles in Song Trading Post 00 News 05 Waltz Time 30 Tradtnc Post ccntd 30 News 40 Words and Music 100 Church Service from 230 News 1140 Proernyn 1245 Jobs or 1255 Interlude 105 Ht Neighbor 155 Name the Place Central United Church SUNDAY MONDAY EM 1200 Luncheon 3118330 ment until Bulletin 1210 Sports Dizoot Workers 11215 Market Report 1230T1me Strual 100 Your Weekly Editor 1230 News 5+ 115 The Magic of the 130 Hit Parade 200 Sunday 11mm Tints 230 Back to the Bible 330 Billy Graham 100 News 10 As the Twin is Bent 30 Vaughn Monroe 00 Ave Maria Hour 30 00 15 Dinner Music 11250 Bulletin Baud Waltz 100 Farm Features 100 Regional Weather 03118 Down to Earth 30 Trndlnlz Post News As You me It Sentimental Serenade News 35 Kitchen Xenon Club 1230 Chapel chimes News Headline Newa 45 Hiddn To 500 Club 1230 cont Hour 00 200 205 40 700 Church Service from 530 News Essa Road Presbyter 510 Movie MamGo lan church Round Complement Mothers radiance with gift of lovely Mutant owers choose from our wide selection corral cum ornnsu CUT 401011118 ogiittsaoasw 3030111110 ER SHOP KBB each luesdny and Thursday at 1013 rm with two friendly get United Church while she served on fused minors will find everything in order the moment boxes of man ft1c5llr include mic carpentcrh null and smrrzld announcers carrying allrlelxsdys deck has changed the astlaliy Sef the boil log 1510 wharzpowi of Confusion Slowly the 140 of EMMY diminishes and the hang of the carpenwrs hammer and the Bell men are spy2 and order returns That 31310 records has yet to 21 muted 0003 of them and CKBIitrs are looking forward to the task ConLc it must as the gang hope tully puts the day of tints The bos returns thS 1ka lend rum his American trip and the ifirst word expected is Lets get cracking on that library folksl Anyone care to lend hand Hominy morning at 1013 Ililflllrr gling with Ralph gets back into istride as Ralph returns He plans ilnally interesting brrxtdcastx pre lpared during his trip and 1115 own ICOUIMOHLS about what he saw lid yand cxpcritnmd will be worth lis 1101111113 to commemorative service in 1110 ICanzzdian Military Cemetery Holten in the Netherlands will be ibruadcust on CBC llridcy May 3309 pm The annual service people of Holland pay tribute to thosn who died in the liberation of DT he Low Countries has hwn broad mullMing Tm 0m this gun Mothers Day pays Iciist by the CBC for the past three 30211 This yearsscrvicc wllt rc comed by the CBC from short wave ttlanrlniisions of Radioililversum and the BBC Set up Sptllllly for this delayed broadcast Blair Fraser cast 10ltminute talk on the Inter natilnal Trade Fair to be held in Toronto June to 13 He will be at IrameCanzlda in which thcl REV ROBERT GRAHAM Rev Ullitcd Church iIc now on the air du lng CKBB dinner luslc period from 6157 Mr in ams experiences 15 padre in thr First zakc his radio listeners the comments about his little chats inbuilt mos anything that comes to mind and his SptClliI day features ifor Mothers Day Fathers Day Easter St Patricks Day are mos lduy evening tribute to the lady of the house Soon to be off to his summer rest in Philadelphia Mr Graham tells inf his plan for that visit Hesl beell going there for quite num Ottawa editor for her of years now and usually ends Maclcans Magazine will broadv up in several pulpils Doesnt isound much like holiday from lhcrc but Mr Gmhum feels change is as good 05 rest and heard on the CBCs TransCannda many pleaSant hours are spent with pm EDT are arriving at CKBB Next month the boys and girls start their an lnual trek to the resorts etc to return bronzcd and Many are the exciting places being considered Cadet camps for Jim Ward and Dick Mungham with their Sea and Air Cadets Jim to Cornwallis Dick to Aylmer Art Harrison is thinking of another long sightseeing trip by car Bar bara Wheeler thinks she just might stay at home for change with dashing here and there all lover the county Mrs thinks it mIght be nice to just stay home ldlsconnect the telephone and turn that radio down little lower Jack Eaton will tear up pavement scurrying for Brantford his home ltown and from there perhaps to Wasaga and fun and games on the beach The rest of the gang ghavent made up their minds our on RELIEF ST JOHNS CP Relief for gablebodied unemployed will be idiscontinucd as of June 15 Pub lie Welfare Minister Dr Pot 15 Rambling with mum tle announced in the legislature He said the step was taken in iview of the steadily feconomic condition in the prov lnce GIFTS suns OWN BRAND NYLONS NYLON caper2 use anon rmcor 4N Holidays best next to pay daysl beautiful What network Saturday 1133 10 at IlltfldS lllflt of Irish descent Civil Servants From Pakistan In Canada among treal recently aboard City From Montreal train for Ottawa visitors front overseas improving Robert Graham of Stayucr 15 Wellti broad caster on CKIlII with new time World War gives him wide field in which to TS Many are it 11 Twelve civil servaan fiom Pak istan enroute to Ottawa to beginlduty of an honest dtizen an extended visit in Canada were the steamship passengers arriving at Central Station Mom tilClilt dian National Railways boat train from the liner Samaria at Quebec the group of lcivlc servants boarded the regular second boat special went to Toronto with group of Samaria pafwcngers in icluding returning Canadians and WALLBOARD golay Addressed large Audience onservation Officer Dorland Enloy MUS Of Grand 0er 0g v3 Hank Will Owe pry Show With lilelr tople ill 1115 evening llrpaen 111 1JJSST It 021 511 End appeared provide an entertainment tulic dancing allLi All Illeiki was aunt $02111 2125 ed game luurtmt lpul vzlfl lllnrlg pwlpic but he lie regarucd as prev all of 1V Ll wild Elie and frlv pl oplc who of trltlr pr 3lt tts 35 rrl1r Ill uecr if Vyczz to 1clf1 popularity allitli UIH mime than Cold lill litL2H and Hey wiltcw 51 llo 011131 lltthudu LMHHL tent of l1LlZIlllIl In educate hunters and 1101 iLrM r0 units the Elmv of pcltclvllg um ntllccl large lthl of Slow Ilflllgt1L BLISICIL All in lauluonal lu draining and cultvlltlug of wL Pm wwhm Dimmer Ahmgl NH 11110 llkmd 311 mild Fiat 11 Hank Wlllia own llluslcal ztllmdi on the Wild duck and grow ml mm Sum the populations and the cutllllglvlv05 um Dam pulkei pmvid mi bush lot had tlrlvcn milll 21110911 czll entertaulmellt and playz lnlll VJ11 mm 939 mlch for round and llltllt dancing lad mo rtlrlotvil lllt natural If rm hillbilly entertainers Show bm bid mmh eicd lacl versatility lit variety oft government was doing its beat 10mm mm and mmiem meg rang 51510031319 gt11 11510 low revmdllng from boogie to blues EIPCIflCl nlltim Fm bus theylguitars buss ilddlcs clarinet acl you gum ml k9 We wmrordlou violins and guitars forml ltilc anion destruction by scicalled ed me two bum spollcu who fished and huntedl our of season and took moio thallismgcm Williams and Folk as WP 1954 Imi termite masters of ceremonies and Ti lllktl illOltd severll llllquipstcrs the majority of thel Slillltts where farms had been over crowd enjoyed dancing on the floori rull by hunters who trampled crops of mg mom Highlighting thel left Lutcs open and some farmersldanco were 1ch squares calledl llltl had cattle shot ioff by an extra member of thei result they had been forcedlSunx of the West musical group to close their farms to hunters He Tennessee waltz The Mother urollgly urged the full eooperalioni of all members to report any ln stance of game and fish law violal tion not as squealer but as the Following Grand Old Opry witlll Mr DOIIIIIKI was thanked by llarE old Iltlll mucus IEO nusl Are your leg pains like knife driving through the ticlt11 Do they make it Illrli for you to straighten your leg Illouaaluls rcmmmenll lcnlplctons lRs tor quick relief of piercing stabbing Sciatic pain You toocall get relief with lRL 65C Sifti lt drug iDllIIICIF 1831 LU Mail ggoo 011 Latest Sizes 3242 white 35l3 111111111ch 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER Evening Sheer Shades with Dark Scams 99 humiliated 3Ib Bag $274 REHIIICIE 29 PAIR OBI SOAP IJIIX CLEANSER Jnhpage Vlhitoi or Nylon Nylon 13118111013 tc0hmolsettellorseyr Mestc White Blue Black All sizes mm from timers CHECK EAGHJTEM nan AND BLUE BRANDS 41 up 105 guest and prospectors seek to tap lils tfiittt mineral resources lmoln andDad Waltz and several othi NEW 0W PM ON HER DAY SUNDAYMAY ll WARP in93 lb OClOCK 188 large pkg largo $19 15511931 so PALMOLIVE reg cakes He cakes MILK BREA 1402 IoaII 5C sunk contaminants IIERE is REAL omatuumr gt CANINE TENDERVckowm cum immammm fat number of claims Meme T0 NORTHWEST remvercd was slightly SSJKILW but by 1903 this had PRINCE AlERT April 88 eCie Saskatchewan famous for pumped to $000011 21 grains 15 experiencing another kind of twain this year as mining Although there was boom 23 long ago 45 when the Cobb illIilJ gold 511311 was under way only Ifiiiil portion of the pro vlnccs 50000 Sqllt miles of pre Cambrian mekx have been explorw let The current claimataking rosin ltd11 on uranium finds in the nnrtnttcst and 1nvrllctal prospects il lilc northeast could result 111 cr llullzbtlS from the popular andi field were the music Stlzclmtb evening The star of the show gurde lf white western suit topped Willi dark gold sombrero was colorful tigurc a4 he appear ed as ltiilbi with Ills own musical group The Glltlltl Ole Opry Show prof vided alum two solid hours of entertaulllwut before dancing start ed From Barrie the show moved on to Peterborough and is due back tn the southern 911111334 in another few weeks RECOVER LAWN FURNITURE LIVING ROOM FURNITURE on the cost of new BARRIII TENT AWNING 00 PHONE 4314 34 BAYFIELD ST lull folk llilthIIl just the way she and you llkt them and she need at touch pot Fairway Lodge KR No Shanty Boy SAVE DONT DELAY ENTER ASPS SPRING FESTIVAI ANDWIN PRIZE OBTAIN DETAItS AND ENTRY FORMS AT YOUR NEAREST AP All 1116111 AIQEEZJAJZEBS 11111101111115 v45 TIMI robin Hood wk 21 SALMON on 29 SPECiileend Pkg Ale tall tin Iona Raspberry pectin added 2402 fancy Grapefruit 20021le Daromanut lloz pkg J48 3114115 mu Molina spacmmruus Florida Marsh Seodloss No 106 cllllrrrmln lo Canadian tin Golden Ripe No1 BIIIIAIIIIS New No White Washed POTATOES California Navel Fancy438 Texas Fnsbyo Washed cannon PRICES in EFFECT our on um ro Buvfrnlc acct INQUALIIY pains 1+ am vou you 15le no saunas THE ass to mm am moo mammals with in on FMjulL are 515

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