Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1952, p. 2

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1er FIED NATURALISTS CLUB NOTES Westman and elected president of the Brcreton Field Nltmllls Club at the annual mcciinaa on April 30 nding of the annual tbe financial Statement approved the slate of officers pm rented by the nominating commit 151 Other members of the executive for the coming year are Mapu Mark Roblrwon honorary pres dent William Bell past prest denl Mrs Carman Isl vice president Dr Bltkey 2nd vicepresident Miss Hughes secretarytreasurer Mrs II Gable Cockburll Morv ren Dingman and MN Fisher directors On the completion of the bust ucss part of the meeting the mem bers took part in an enjoyable contest naming bird songs The meeting which was the last of the serum ended with refreshment Field Excursion On May field vxcurslon darted out from Queens Park at it illll Ten members frosty air to visit Dunsmores Pond and Little Lake Certainlv the early hours are the best time for birding were seen including ducks blue winged teal mallard black pilltail Yscaup baldpate and wood luck picdbillcd grebcs bittcrns yellow legs gulls ringbilled and herring spotted sandpiper sparrows lvcs pcr swamp song savauuah white throated chippingt swallows barn and tree purple martina warblers black and white myrtle water thruchl kingfisher ruffed grouse downy woodpecker redwinged blackbirds cowbirds flickers and hermit thrush TWO of the above the swamp sparrow and the hermit thrush deserve special word because in the first place they are not too easy to and secondly be cause of the length of time we were able to watch them The swamp sparrow was found on the edge of Little Lake We stood up to or over our rubber boots while it obliglngly sat on the top of low bush and sang to mate not too far off The yhermit thrush whose exquisite vbice you may hear as part the thrushes chorus on any car summer even ing in the northern woods but which is so elusive when you try to track it down was found just as we were about to leave for home It went back and forth on low pile of stones underneath some bushes while we watched not even need ing to use our binoculars Quite number of Barrie bird crs travelled to pond near Stay ner on April 26 to see whistling swan which stayed there for about week Why it shouldhave there alone is rather myste Bylthe 27th it had left presumably FREE STORAGE ON YOUR FURS If alterations exceedu $2500 cleaning repairs relining re modelling MILBURN 299 Elizabeth St Phone 8llr22 CATS will purr smoothly when cliniaentcd Your motor will purr If the Ignition is In par fect tune Havo It checked re glrlaily DRIVE 1N TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Service BARRIE kiln only the test will ma patinaIna xv comes minimum from bicycle in one 1910411011110 forllfoy After the report and members braved the In all about 30 varieties in water Mrs Richardson New President of Lions Auxiliary Mrs Richardson was installed is president of the Ladies Auxil iary to the Lions Club of Barrie at ilitre May meeting held in Commun ftt House on Monday May Others rllvmbcrs of the auxiliary Cameron lst vice prmident mar am 1m tXtAllIVf for 195253 are Mrs ihlrrt Earl Cox 2nd leepftSldCfli Mrs MucAulev secretary Mrs Gemgz Hook assistant score Lory Mrs Tony Sago trcasurcr ftirs ll Irishman social hos Ltess Mrs Charge Seymour Mrs LAllun Cook and Mrs Gerry Smith directors hits II Gable was in the chair Ifur the metling Several letters of lutclcst were read by the secretary ihll Cameron The mush uluchlllg was one from Jean Paul Holler the French godchild of the uxlliary to whom members give regular financial assistance through the Save the Children Iund Jean Paul told of couditiom in his home lnd of the ilCilI joy when money arrived Ihc recreation council sent lct tor of thanks for the $50 which the lauxllizuy had given them Mls Bruce Sitljcant converter of the recent tug day for the blind gave her report on the soccer of the day which had ctted $089 TilflllkS were extended on behalf of the dvlsorv committee to the blind lily Mrs Harold Webb For lllc past two years month ly bulletin has been sent out to all mcmbcrs to keep them in touch wltit the affairs pf the club The chllor Mrs William Bell had it ranged contort to chemo name for the bulletin and she announced the winner of the contest to be Mrs Johnston with the name The Cub Reporter The program was under the able direction of Mrs William Whyte who has recently completed re flcsilcl course at the Arthur Mur ray School in Ottawa Mrs Whyte is now teaching social dancing to grade boys and girls ill Barrie so that on entering high school the pupils will have basic knowledge of the waltz fox trot and sophisti cated swing To the delight of the club members Mrs Whyte gave short lessons on the three steps mentioned above and everyone took part Lunch was served to join its mates in the far north Weekly Excursions Weekly field excursions will held during the migration season The meeting place is as usual the east side of Queens Park Date time leader and place for be visit ed are listed below Saturday May 10 pm Harry Morren west of Little Lake Saturday May 17 am Miss 1M Hughes Colwell Sunday May 25 am Mitchener Collingwood Saturday May 31 am Din an Shanty Bay Road Bilkey Sunnidale Road Saturday June 14 am William 3A Bell Little Lake Saturday June 21 pm in Carman Angus lvall interested please clip the labove schedule for future refer ence We hope to arrange special gtrip to the heronry in Mlneslng Swamp and also one to the H01 land Marsh Mrs Twoanty Men Nominated For Tobacco Board Two Simcoe County men have been nominated for the position of director for Zone 14 of the Ontario FlueCured Tobacco Marketing Board They are John Kozak of Glencairnpresent director and Burns Wales Reeve of Tossorontlo tobacco farmer at Everett It Was revealed from the Boafds head office in Simcoc Ontario that Francis Gregory of Leamlngton chairman since 1949 and director for 18 yearsls retiring There are 34 zones in the tobacco marketing group of the prbvlnce TOP FIDDLER LANGRUTH Man CPI Floyd La Crle of Poplar Point rwonirstiiprizeiin thoroIdtime dv dlers contest here sponsored by the skating rink committee Selle ond place went to Charles Gor don of Lakeland Man and third was Gordon Thordarson or Lang ruth welcomeWasnc menus NEW 110MERS grorowu Iiyou crop ncwcomcr room or If you know wcomr to towii coil gErIoI Mchloliivi 1759 gt Saturday June pm Dr MR AND MRS ALEX LaurenCe Parry of Barrie ladles night held in Mldla McKlNNON and Mr and Mrs were head table guests at nd Canadian Legion Hall on recent night by electrical contractors of Midland and dis trlct Midland members played hosts to their associates ill Zone of the Electrical Contractors Association of Ontar 10 About 60 electrical contractors and their wives attend ers Seymour Kell lPresbyterial WMS Continued from page ollcl The wall behind the altar is painted as large stone block doorway and through the doorway can be seen 11 painted blue azure sky with clouds which appear to be lazily drifting by Printed around the doorway are these words Let us come into the House of the Lord The cornerstone of this church was laid in 1878 Mrs Parsons of Barrie corresponding secretary reported increase in nearly every report with very few decreases What cause for rejoicing and thankful ness Mrs Bell treasurer re ported increases financially all along the line with the exception of Baby Bands The total sent to the Conference Branch was $14850 which exceeded the allocation by $2050 Mrs Heslip secretary of Chris tian stewardship reported that Slmcoc Presbyterials allocation would be raised by $1800 to make it an allocation of $14600 Mrs Seymour Kell in commenting on the new figure said that if every member would give ten cents month extra the new allocation couldvbe met neyvton Robinsom Auxiliary con 5199qu short worship service Toronto Conference Represented resent at the meeting from Tor on Conference Branch were Mrs Williams president Mrs Pritchard lst vicevpresidcnt Mrs Ross Corresponding Secretary and Mrs Hurvie John son of Barrie who is also on the executive of Toronto Conference Branch Mrs Williams upon invitation from Mrs Kell addressed the gath ering She likened the hydro trucks bringing electricity to the farms unleashing power for our machines but really only making greater use of the powor that was always there to the power of prayer She said Are we using all the power of prayer that is available to us Mrs Gordon Watts of the Do minion Board reported 44 workers being trained at the United Church Training School for women five of them being scholarShip students from overseas Mrs Watts installed the officers for 195253 Mrs MacLachlan literature secretary presented in her own lively way some of the books to be read by the auxiliaries She told of reviewing one book for an audig ence and then later being told that the minister who had written the book was in thMudience She especially recommended the fol lowing books Heres How on When for Mission Band leaders Patterns for Devotions for anyone planning worship service Wide Windows at record of WMS and Means of Grace help for anyone Mrs MacLachlan gave these rules for those who say they cannot find time to read Chatter less carry book in your purse at all times keep book at the kitchenrsink take book to read when you are meeting people Who are always late takeyour own book when vlsJ apac iting the doctor dentist or hair drcgtsel keep 21 book in your car take book on train or bus jour neys in case you do notvlike youri seat mate keep one under your pillow and if you cant sleep readi remember that book in the hand lift worth two ill the bookcase delicious dinner was served by thc ladies of Beeton from 12 until two pm The women forgot to count calories when faced with rows of lemon pumpkin cream blueberry apple and cherry pies baked as only farmers wife can bake them Work Among Indians In the afterllnoon after devo tional conducted by Port McNicoll Auxiliary the gathering was ad dressed by Miss Bessie French of Home MiSSions Miss French spoke glowingly of her work of 25 years among Canadas Indians and told how grateful she was to the WMS for the clothing sent during de pression years One of her friends was Yellow Bird an elderly Cree Indian who spoke no English but could read his Cree bible When he died he left this message for Miss French Tell white leader thank her for her visits thank her for the good words we have had togetherl Tell her have taken the long trail ahead with no fears in my heart happy to know am walking it with God This old Indian 119 licved thatlife was trail andthcl howwe Walked itwas very imp ant Miss French challenged young Canadian women to man the empty Indian fields She also spoke of her work among miners at Glace Bay Nova Scotia where she ran the Cubs helped run music festi vals had boys choir and did many things not actually part 01 her work lovely solo by Miss Marjorie Williams of Beeton provided note of worship between addresses Mrs Gordon Watts Christian Stewardship secretary of the Do minion Board againspoke She said to think of your allocation not in terms of money but in terms of what it is doing in terms of mis sionaries in the field nurses and doctors at work port workers wel coming immigrants WMS workers in communities where there are no churches laying the foundation for one Mrs Graham of Stayner in thanking the ladies of Beeton said that they had prepared as for an honoured guest with flowers in their church with smiling faces at the door and with tables laden with food She said We feel that Beeton could undertake anything Mrc Graham offered the hos cd from Barrie Elmvale Goldwater Parry Sound Graven llulst Orillla and Alliston Life and living rCoaullucd from page one life together And yet reluclant and very slow to accept any advice at all from their clergyu man You would think that mar lrmge was especially exempt from lhe fact and that all have sinned come short Rather it would 56cm from our experience that llzfllilagl is particularly sus ttpllblf to the symptoms of and the Full Neither does gtle to make big fuss over Mother IInc day after tomorrow who is as worthy llzaps more islllglc her land so on suspected some Ifccblc attempts intruders are inclined to get up on llhelr rostrulns and deal out somef No doubt as Father pew And it nice to out once year But we have often that it ts not good thing for Mother After viltillllg homes and witnessing some at discipline many 5011 are lt help very much PIC iTottenham Seeks Replace Treasurer Totzenham village council 1513 meeting accepted with gret the reitgrzatlon of Hle fer as 11543115611 Clerk Wit 111 mer Was authorized to adtcrthe lreasurcr appllmtlnm to be 111 15 mm HELPS INVALID Llovmuxsulzlt Sash cp An eccrlcallymropelled t3l chair was presrutcd to lazmc tCIevc boy victim of polionzyxEi lit by the Lillytlllllllilir Ilolart Iub POISON JUICE The juice of the upas tree or Java is poiwlnous and is tlscd by Ilhe natives In pomn the tint of Ilheit arrows lgood oldfallloned talk aboutjudgimeant to be long time ago meat If it Ii the mothers that lwas said of the Heavenly Father gmake nation similarly it ls the Ho settoth the solitary rum llIIlIlt1S that wreck nation it few of you mothers read this Itlllllmll we suggest to you that on lSunday you spend some time in gof your home alnd family It isi Left to right at the head table are Ken Knister Graven burst Mrs Walker and Ed Walker Midland Mrs Wells and Kenneth Wells of the Owl Pen Mcdonte Township Parry Mr Parry Mrs Me MES The Last Column ontlnued from page one May just at this time state em phatically that this columnist even ill his most Hiclans moments has never answered Whaire does it Istairt as so libelously reported by George Hill in Mondays First Column My colleagues piece has caured quite bit of amusement among certain inmates of our es tablishment however My most lldtllll supporter he of the inky fingers and musical ability rc pcats the phrase every time go near him to appeal for justice in other words that be given ade quate space for my literary efforts With monotonous regularity that individual surveys Tile Last each week and equally monotonously in 101118 The column to end all col umns would not be the least bit surprised to discover that he was the one who has been going around suggesting The Examiner front page should be cut to seven columns on Fridays instead of the normal eight Have come to the conclusion that if it were not for writers Holly wood would run out of pictures do not refer to those who do the scripts but to the characters Be ing very keen fan of Westerns was not surprised to find myself dragged off the other evening by Mrs Scotty to see mystery Show The here was writer who mehow bcca elnvolved with Communist set lement in the Amer ican hinterland Everyone was against him That isexcept for our heroine the 515 ter of wicked doctor whowas engulfed in the villainy but was really trueblue underneath Our hero soon found out that all was not well in the little villag We were just one jumpahead of him but then it had to be remembered that we had seen the start of the picture and it showed lot of uni formed mcn sitting aroulfda map of the US talking about what was going to happen in Broshnoslo vonia Kushnavitso and Uhovovitch Brooklyn Chicago and Chattan ooga How right you are Of course it was behind the Iron Curtain lhe villains in our little village tried everything to put our hero writer off the scent As they say he had nose for news They shot at him trailed him broke his camera killed the people he talked to He must have been getting discouraged by the time they trap pltality of Stayner for the Presby tetial meeting of 195253 Rev Unstead closed the meeting with benediction AMERNHILL ANNOUNCES The Changing of His Ofce Phone 4872 During May it By from COOKSTQWN to 56 MAPLE AVENUE BARRlE Appointment Preferably no answer at 4872 phone Cookstown 25 reels Klnnon and Mr McKinnon petll him Naturally our heroine was there too Seems the bad boys were going to have the last word The vil lage contained special compound where experiments with germs were carried out on human guinea pigs After having struggled man fullv through about two and half our hero finally had the vholcevil plot explained by the Red scientists who were tnklllg Stock of your stewardship llovely lo bask in the glow of adul iution but let it not become snare to pride and camouflage to And tiles 15000 failure 47 We are not agiu mothers but we are skeptical of all those who nllld flowers once year and as soon as the day is over turn off the sweet talk for another twelve months And it is very doubtful than fathers Remember the song Rachel Rachel Ive been thinking What queer world this would be If the boys were all transported Far beyond the Northern Sea Tile Ontario Council of Clllstian Education which corelatcs the work of many of the Protestant 10 mm lDenominalious has taken the lead to make this festival of the about to make two additions to the Chligtiun Home Let encourage experimental list Just as the foul deed was about to be perpetrated the Gmcn broke IOne panmt Nor over two in with Tommyguus ablazing and be calmly this trend There is nothing to be gained in growing maudlin over ct us appreciative of what Reds fallian left right and centre our parents have done for US what amidst the hail of lead Our hero they mean to us and what we mean ilad secretly got message back to 10 them And It us take jolly his editor and of course the Power of the Press being what it is Willi shivers running up and down my spine and the last of the popcorn gone all that remained to be done was go home As left the theatre could only thank providence that never had that trouble getting story Next week intnd taking in more restful type of showtheres bloodand thunder cowboy and injun epic due UnitWins Trophy Top medical corps unit in the Canadian Army Reserve Force and this years winner of the cov eted Ryerson Cup for general effi ciency in nationwide competi tion is the 313i Casualty Clearing Station RCAM manded by LtCol Paul Martin Runnerup and winner of the Shillington Cttp was ith Field Ambulance of Fort William com manded by LtCol McIntosh LtCol Watkinson of Ot tawa secretary of the Defence Medical Association sponsor of the competition announced the winners this week In the competition each com mand medical officer selected the best two reserve medical units in his commandTTThesep in turn were inSpected by LtCol 101 Coates of Winnipeg representative of the Directorate of Medical Ser of Montreal com1 vices at Army Headquarters who also inspected last years winners The nal choice of winners lay with the Defence Medical Asso ciation The competition is conducted annually by the Defence Medical Association in an effort to create healthy spirit of competition among all reserve force medical units lgood care that our own home and family does not depreciate in moral and spiritual value from the example they set And if theirs as not particularly wonderqu place let us pray God that morel grace and love may be given us so that our children the third gen eration may begin to find the home little bit of heaven on thci earth For this is what it can be and in the dispensation of God is ClUB COUPE DANGERFIELD if mothers are any more essential MOTORS 233 Bradford St Dial 4981 What fitting tribute to love and devotionamonumcntmodclcd on the stately dignity of ancient cathedrals We are prepared to erect it for you on your family plot and fully guarantee our work Sanderson Monument Co 79 Bayfleld St Phone 4821 Fine Monuments Gt Famin Memorials Fully Guaranteed BARRIE IRON WORKS High Street ORNAMENTAL Phone 5046 PORCH RAILS STEEI FOR SALE LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED BLACKSMITIIING WELDING ALEX CLELAND Proprietor 51 EM Radio SerVice Gucronteedpmmpi repairs to all makes of Electrical Appliances Radios Wiring Repairs lurhorized Repair Service for Westinghouse Hoover Phillips Philco JIome Appl 24 Elizabeth St lance Shop Phone 5577 COMPLETE aLtlormoac Sanvicl con run HOME gt wHeresa gift for Mom something she needs and wants something you know will giveher BIOUISES pleasure not only on fller Day bot every day oivthe your iDliESSEs Mammal

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