Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1952, p. 1

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AN Ls DEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Serving Till TOWN or BABRIE no IOtrxn OF smcon Since 1864 88th YeorwNo 53 I1 U10 Pen Office Downing OIXIV Doug Allen Barrie Wins Ryerson Scholarshi Fire Marshal Raises Problem iBabySitters Often Ignorant lOl Means of Escape in Houses new and most important Chit arrtr Examiiwr Authorizing Wont Cl MM BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY MAY l952 riblt1 Ct NW3me CWNA and Audit linenI 00 Circullho angle on the subject of babyi MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Sc sitsqu copy l6 PagesTwo Sections New Barrie District Collegiate Wing Nears Completion lSlLLlllg is contained in the Quarterly Bulletin of the Ontario iFire Marshal which us just bee issued and draws attcn tiou to the fact that requentiy babysitters are ignorant of lineups of escape in llOtlSES with which they are unfamiliar 23 Tilc cporl points out that it Cum or any 1I1lll1 liltdlin oil ano bu uxpcctcd lltd lilo bully511g In tho ccoiiii floor in short ltcr should Intro to contend with in fully flllliiiiii tiltii lilo urI mmpitcntrd Niucilun or be ex tumors of Lllt Blouse gt11 tint pcctcd l1lllldLtilill 1111 tllSllIlCllUIl llrl of lzrc or oticr emergency butwucii olffcrcil kinds of fires and can at it mine out of lvurioiis cxtiilgllizlliii litcthods lit 511 lij Etc siiftss and most dir jjob of tho babysitter is to safe THE USE OF VECTORS for the solution of electrical problems written by Doug Al len Barrie student at Ryerson Institute of Technology Toronto was the winning thesis of the School of Applied Electricity Doug who was given $50 so olarship graduated from Rycrson today is leav Doug is seen Mrs SeymoUr Kell of Churchill ing to take up position as electrical en gineer at the Chalk River atomic plain here being handed his scholar ship by Smith chief engineer Supreme Power Supplies Ltd Mimico Palin dirf cctor School of Electronics Ryerson Instll tutc looks on at the presentation Copaco Directors Again Heads Presbyterial WMSiReaemCl was reolcctcd president of Simcoc of tlic nunl meeting held in Trinity Unit ed Church on Tuesday May Bucton sionary Society Three hundred and NSCYLiI mcm mwww Old lymc and modem dancing 930 to um Mac Jones and his Heptoncs cvpry Friday at Pine Crest miles north Barrie on Highway 27 Admission 50c 5362FW Lancing Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Admissmi 13d 50 gentle president Miss Ethel Wagg of Mid 75 land Mrs Robinson of Cooks Bv Opulurimquest return town Mrs Graham of Stuvncr pngcmont of hard time dance at md Mrs Cmrt of Ormi New Lowell Town 111111 Friday May auspices Canadian Legion Etiidsntsdmls Firkin 05 Branch 5115 Admission 50c Re lecm mg in an Mrs Parsons of Burma cor ficshmcnts 5253 Dance in Ivy Orange Hall Fll respondm Secretau present from Barrie churches Other officers for 195233 in lstulled at the meeting are Mrs Halvio Johnson of Barrie post Orchestra bus from all corners of Simcoc County registered at the Openinsgmbcrt VicePresident Inglisl sossxon With large representation Radium Secretary Andrew Cum day May Paxtons Admission 50c Lunch counter 53 Kidd Baker Show program and dance at Avening Community Cen tre Tuesday May 13 53 Annual recital by piano and singing pupils of Jessie Blyson Barrie Collegiate nditorium Tuesday May 13 at 01 ock sharp All those interested in music are cordially invited Cards may be obtained from Miss Biyson 5354 Trinity Junior Guild Maytime Tea in Trinity Parish HallWed nesday May 14fiom 36 pm Tea bazaar and bake table Admission 250 53 Central United Church Glee Club at Churchill Hall May 16 Proceeds for United Church Train ing School Admission 50c and 25c Dance at Baxter Friday May Secretaries of departments the coming year are Mrs Hos lip of Collingwood Christian stew1 zirdship Mrs Allen of Barrie mission circles Mrs Tliomp son of Alliston Affiliated CGIT Mrs Gordon Brothel of Tottenham Mission Bands Mrs Bessie of Guthrie Baby Bands Mrs West of Thornton assOciate members Mrs Atkinson of Barrie sup ply secretary Mrs George McClay of Midland community friendship Missionary Monthly and World Friends Mrs Ross Curtis of Or illia Christian citizehship Mrs Nesbitt of Barrie piessisecre tary Mrs Gordon Clark of Guthrie librarian and Mrs Baird of Orillia Mrs George Clemence of for entail star Western Singershow to the music of Paxtons CKBB Stayner Mrs McLaren of Aven Hayloft Party Dancing from 930 to ing and Mrs Hughes of Coiling 130 73th wood without portfolio The Ladies Auxiliary of Cana dian Legion are holding Mayi VisitorSVVWelcomegi Tea and sale of Home Baking in Mrs Sermonr Kell preSIdent on the Legion Hall Owen St on ened the meetingwith Prayer MaggidrlBsgglsaiuzia and 51 Mrs Kenny of Baotouweb corned the visitors who were really Pine Ridge Mountain Boys present impressed Yitrhjhg beauty of the interior of the church Walls and Mtg Corrigan of COORSLOWDIIESL families of Craighurst James and dance in Memorial Hall Bond ceiling are painted buff shade Head Saturday May 17 Last ap pearance this season 5355FW iTurn to page twouplease ETheirSecond Term Mrs Seymour Kcll of Cliurcliill First meeting of the new Board Picsbytcrial of the Womans Mix10f Directors elected at the annual Unitch meeting April of First Coopera Church of Canada at the 27th 311Il0 Packers of Ontario Limited was held recently at the hcdd office in Barrie The following officers were re elccted for their second term in each case President Jarvis Mount ming Barrie RR DireclolsvH Barker New Lowell Dyer Elmvalc Rookie Camperdown Gordon Todd Churchill trek of 23 miles through slush land water over Lake Superior in tlie Spring of 1885 is one of Craig burst resident James Castons most vivid memories of the North West Rebellion When he served as one of the youthful volunteers of the 35th Regiment Mr Caston who will celebrate his 92nd birthday tomorrow is one of the last veterans of the rebellion still living in this district descendant of one of the ear Caston remembers grandfather Aaron Caston British army vet eran llving in one of the first settlers log cabins On their way west in late March 1885 the volunteers of the 35th walked lengthy distances and rode part of the way on open flat cars of the navelcompleted Canadian Pacific Railway We took teams and drove 43 miles and had the pleasure of sleeping out with only blankets to cover us our feet to wards large fires covering space as big as room Most of us wa1k ed about allrnighbto keep from freezing The march over Lake Superior was the march of the agef for the members of the 35th After they arrived on shore they got on open flat cars and with their wet clothes and the intense cold were nearly froien Towards therend of the rebellion Mr Caston saw nine rebels hung in Regina liketheii leader Louis Riel Ml Caslon was born and raised in Craighurst and it was from there that he went west to the res bellion On his returnli arrled Julia Ann Hart of Sham Bay They Celebrated their golden wedi ding before her death eight years ago gt Four generations of the Casino family will celebrate his 92nd births day Two younger brothers Mar madukeat Craighurst and John at Macklin Sash are the lasfmems bers of Mr Cosmosfaintly His two sans Ernest and Albert farm at Craiglmrst Today the latter on the farm where his father was born and his only daughter Mrs Allen Mary lives in New York He has three granddaughters Mrs Cliff Brawn Pat ot Barrie Mrs Morley Eduards Dorothy of Vasey and Bennof St CatharineSA and four greatgrandchildren thur Valerie and DaleBrownof Barrie and Lynn Edwds of Vasey When he returned fromth North West Rebellion in the red and navy uniform of the Queen in 1885 James Eastonmarrled and went north to iamotitholltb line of F103 negrAtlenwoodzBeach He returned LoClliiKhlll Some 50 odd yeurs amen unnoyesrsrana Blade guard clldicn in licl Lnrc Lind if 5111 is burrlech Kill other duties SllL may flll down ll her main job very often lliiifllcflg tllilt baby lslllcls Lllllll lllii llollsc that Is Compictclj striiilgc In thom It but important that tin5 know if there is back door if tiltr1 ch buck Open House at RV Hospital Mopday 26 pm Ach Canada Monday May 12 will be observed as N34 Llonal Hospital Day In Battle there will be open house at the Royal Victoria Hospital in the afternoon from two 10 six oclock when student nurses will conduct the publlc on tours of the entire building Hospital Dny comes Loo mly this year to give the public chance to tour the new Barrie and District Memorial Hospi tal unit which will be visible only from the exterior for the visitors Tea will be served at the nurscs residence under the auspices of the Womens Hos pltal Auxiliary at the suite hours as the open houSe The purpose of Hospital Duy is to intensify public interest in the service ofliospitals and to localize attention on the place of the local hospital In the life of community It is hoped tint large num be of people will take advan tage of the opportunity to so their hospital In operation on May 12 day which also 01 serves the anniversaryj of birth of Florence Nightingale I23Milo Trek Over Lake Superior Vivid Memory of Veteran 85 He retired about 32 years ago and has been living in his own home in the village until this winter when he came into Barrie to live at the home of Mrs Herb Griffin 140 Tif fin St He is anxious now to re turn home to enjoy the spring and summer at Craighurst Clear and Sunny No Rain in Sight The week has been rather un iform with cool nights sunny days and cold winds but the Baltimore Oriole was back on Wednesday with his mellow flute and itcant be long now No rain is in sight this menu int Temperatures were High Low 59 30 59 34 59 39 49 34 May May May reciprocal visit to Barrie PF=E==s==9==Fl oogoaoo till i11 tzic reports point out gtl1nlig Illu spccdlc llillllcvr is to how cull the Iiru dc llllll should bc given the Fire ii Iltlds had czlsc in my ixpciicilct Lcclltly where was an hours dcluy forl mtciy no fire was involvcdt boi 11111 lxibysitlcr giving locl trim tltl the phone gave the ntlmc t2 Ziv street but IllllLd to iiiclilioli tiio name of llll town gt11 Collegiutc Institute nears completion ox ternally The roof is being put on LIL pres pmm WW 530 Th cut This picture was taken from near Eliz Municipal firc Illnlm boxes should no liscd miller than lclyllii on tllcl situations howevcr where this ridE llt Should bc modified iii the case of tho babysitter If the fire itlllllll box is some distance from llousu tlic sitter should NJ tiic burning building while she lullSI ltliillt fire zlliirnl box The recital by Ruth Hurst speaker and writer and Lois THE NEW WING 0f the Barrie District Pleasing Recital Heard With b1 told to leave the childrcn inlsongs in 0m gm 1flllllSeiIrs singer musician and poetess under the auspices of is lll mm of fire in cold wealth tl is much better to grab blon the Junior Group of Central United Church WA on Tuesday kg map babies in may be night May in the church auditorium delighted all who had igrunt mistake to stop to dress thel the privilege of hearing it cliildrcii as the delay may be fatal In case the babysitter smells mokel The illlcndanw 35 large ibu docs not find any fire she PM $15 SPWRUY 0f ii Tiling l11llll 11 mm report to the firedm HYPE ulpIEClliiWU IdCLNHVncnz In the case of gas The llSItlng IlllSLs were intro llcak sitters are warned to get thelduced and Clcomed by Mrs ichildrcn out of the house immedi Pmmage behalf or me group utely without waiting for anything IA report should be made from an and wmy Style With kmdly my outside source in such case fillfld looks on the humorous sidco Fire Clilof 11 Irwin Barrie In her prelude she touched up ICOIDHICDLIDg on the report SIIYSZtcn her motive in taking up actjv Is most important that the Pub itics outside the home and claimed he take great note of these pointsgthat every women who can do so Their understanding of them may without overtaxing the time at her moon the difference between lifeidisposal should have outside in ulid death at any time Itoresfs for her own sake for the good of family and country and to Kenjoy broader vision This has we boen amply borne out in her own BUFFALO VISIT IiiiiiiTCrui $23211 223 wor er in public interests GREAT SUCCESS Mrs Sears who has published book of verse Songs of the Pen great success was the degcon11nentcd upon the composition scription given by local Kiwaniansloi Poetry and 50113 35 intellinkei of their trip to Buffalo Wednesday lShe is the Posse55F Of eXible when they were Mammal atlmezrosopinnq voice of beautiful luncheon in the Statler Hotel by eve quamyv 300d range and the Buffalo Downtown Kiwanisldei perfect control Her Charming Club lpersonzility was enhanced by The party numbering 25 lefti Tum pagesee pleas Barrie by Greer bus around am and arrived at the hotel at noon There they were joined by Thomas McCall Deputy Minister of Travel and Publicity for Ontario who had been invited by the iBarrie club to address their Amer ican hosts Mr McCall gave an interesting and informative outline of the work done by his department and also dealt with the general ques tion of CanadaUnited States rela tions After the meal Barrie members spent the rest of the day sightsee inund getting quick impression of life on the other side of the border This is the second time in recent years that Barrie Kiwan ians have made an interclub visit to their American neighbors Be fore leaving Buffalo an invitation was extended to that club to make Tottenliam Sailor Loses Left Hand Tugboat Accident CP despatch from Port Arthur today states that Ernest Lowery of Tottenham lost his left hand when it became caught between bollald and hawser on board thetug Lot bieniere He was securing cable to the bollard when the line drew taut catching his hand The hand was severely crushed and later am putated TAXIEllis AUTO CAR HITS GREER BUS ON DVUNLOP No charges have as yet been laid following two local car accidents Mrs Hurst has an original ready DIVISION COURT There were nine dispuled suiLS heard in the Division Court sitting Tuesday May at the county court house norrJudge Ilarvle presiding Two judgment debtors who failed to appear after being issued with summons were ordered committed to jallfor 10 days for contempt of court Has Car Agency roux FRENCH who had been in the automotive business in New tonbiook has taken over the Dodge DeSoto agency in Barrie and will be operating temporarily from quarters in Allandale service will lbe provided immediately for local motorists and others until such time as permanent quarters are opened Thumday ThETirst whichoccurr iliifr mill Dining red in the morning on Bradford Street followed sudden stop by Mrs Maude Gibbons 75 Essa Road Barrie Taxi driven by Thomas Simms l9 plowed into the rear of the other car as result of the bait Dumagevto Mrs Gibbons car was $50 anILto the other $150 it During the evening 1951 model car owned and driven by Sidney Jeffels 42 Painswick sustained $300 damage textile right side when it collidedywith bus bElOng ing to the Greer Transportation Company Limited and driven by Conducted By JOHN GRAY MORRIS FATHERS AN MOT HERg This Sunday is Family Day in the chilichem And the seven days following are known as Family Week During this period an eff ort is made to reexamine thebases of the home and family and their place in the structure of ourna tional and individual life Why should the Church be in terested in whatseemsi private matter Yesterday 0nthe news we liean ofa young woman can demned for manslaughter The charge had been murderbt small child And the judge re marked that the jury had been excqptioiially charitable Then there was this sentence Miss comes from particularhi unhappy broken homel Such circum stanceis not anexceptloiiit is the rule in most cases of anti social behavior Who will ever know the vast generated mi houses which 13 pgoplebuve nev er succeeded in making into homes What trmsnadus entail of dis tortnd attitudes andtwtstl ed affec those who are ataall religious But Marriage They are beginning to ihsistmat couples come forcoun amount of unhappiness which is walls of plans They arexur on is handed on by parents who have allowed theirlove to grow cold What irresistable suffering is foisted onto childreniby people who should never have become mothers and fathers at all We knew certain little girl of about 13 years for many long months and only once did we see her smile III was revelation to know how beautiful She really could be but it was tragedy to see how the parents quarrel was leaving an Imprint on daughtersvsoul TheChurch is concerned for the happiness aimed and women here and eternally The Church acting for God blesses the marriages of aceiclent occurred Damage to the bus Was about $5 alum ARTICLE RECALLS BOY SWIMMING FRED GRANTS new article starts today on the editorial page 1619mm first in The timing in November 1924 13nd is reprinted in six Insiai ments with the5authors per 1113381011 8N1 W118 This is more molly as thenmliiimng Is about that season 15 about with 118 Mr Grants am Is entitled the ministers of lthe Church are beginning to react towards amin creasingly careless attitude to EliItem cmoni Selling Maiathey make their pg Wj couples makq lit Emission of their fth rst con emigration in their DWff Tm to page two please of boyhood tun club from bus near the Post Office when the abetii St and shows only the north half of the new addition Work has gone on stead ily all winter and it is hoped that the build ing will be ready for use in September 000C000 The Last Column GOSSIP GRUMBLES By SCOTT TAYLOR 9000 Willi mixed feelings this column lSL confesses that he ultimately did 1210 fishing That in itselfgprovcd ione very satisfying thing to me lNow know there are two people lwho road this columnmyself and the person who invited me out to dS battle with the denizens of the deep Ever since came harass lthnt phrase many years ago in lbook have been trying to work lit into something have written How satisfying is an ambition real 520d In actual fact however it was not quite so impressive as it sounds Along with three other grown men putteied around in creek pm liiounccd crick and tried val iantly but unsuccessfully to land catch It is considerably easier to book worm titan sh Unfortunately my friends who came to the rescue were rather ar dent or just plain greedy fisher men who wanted to get out before any other anglers Thus as dawn was breaking one day recently your columnist was early astir and off to Lhe fishin With consider able modification confess that the only catch speckled trout which just managed to get into the regulation size category was the only fish landed What hurt me most of all was the fact that it was an opposition newspaperman who landed ftp Scooped again For the sake of readers might explain that this is not WKW writ ing am momentarily invading his realms of phraSelogy thats all Fishing certainly has fabreach ing repercussions You would be surprised how quiet it has been around the Taylor domain since the sensible half of the family was disturbed it that early hour N01 did she take kindly to my return ing in late afternoon and sleeping for the rest of the day Honestly you would think had done some thing wrong Turn to page two please BDCI RetainslnterScliool Trophy On Friday May the debatingtomi3obn landmuglas Stewart demoted team aluminium SCh001t0 retain in house of other conditionino Illiberwl school debates have been held in this dISLIICL 01 80 will the that pap men

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