Of nun Roxy Theatre WITH THE BESTIN BARRIE HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENING SHOWS at 650 and pm SYAIIING ROBERT TAYLOR DENISE linen AN CAN PICTURE Shoth Mn DORE SCH CARTOON THIS SHOW FOX NEWS of mist onolic Iovol JAPANESE WAR BRIDE WYWMm ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MAT WEDNESDAY 230 pm GHANAII THEATRE LAST SHOWING TONIGHTWEDNESDAY IMAGIC CARPET and FOLLOWME QUIETLY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHow SATURDAY 230 pm EVENING SHows AT 840 pm STARTS NEXT MONDAY FOR DAYS EVE SHOWS START AT 650 and pm MGMs EYEM or EXCITEMENI THE TRAETIC TRAP THE KANGAROO COURT THE BLACKMAIUNG SHERer TIIE COMEON cum GAMBLING DEN THE LAW MIIII starring PLUS 2ND HIT GENE AUTRY and CHAMP in THE BLAZING SUN MONDAY Met Wed 230 pm Eve Shows pm 2nd ADDED HIT stws iCART09N7 For MbvieMerryGoRound Tune in CKBB Each Afternoon 540 pm ICOIIIIIIIES Said Pmsperous As IUsers of Milk liuntsriile For uteri decorating which has Lluo at 22 Prairie aboutl work done by ROI3H is Caulhers Huntsville remarks Iwezi on to pe life had 3l taken an interest in the town the AngloCanadian band and he huai aways felt that limit Illc was HERMAN CAUTIIEKS Mr Cauihcrs described the im portance of dairy cattle in the countrys economy and said that cows were goodwill ambassadors In putting Canada on the map Tracing the animals history back through the ages Mr Cauthcrs said they were often mentioned in the Bible as having played early medium of exchange The continent by Columbus on his see we know them wch brought by English settlers to Virginia Cham plain brought the iirst cows to Can ada Womens Place Huntsville Forester My subject tonight said Mayor Hamiilon of Barrie Ithc Proper Place for Women and countries Wage ScheduIeI lii said in the days all the wry hem of the tourist lradI an intISO portant role and they were anIIlliiL1d Wilell Iweil first cows were brought to Iwrll end trip and the rst animals aslSQUIHL SChool Ellie Barrie Examiner WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 OrO Teochers Some in 19523 SCIItGLlL for teachers Orv vli IJZC same drizzng 9523 zzea of the salary scale the Apr meeting of board held at No all members present xi decided to Adiertlsc In the Toronto Globe Tiaichezs reports were passed satisfactory and Wilson supervising prim sported on planned trip museum in Toronto ALTIll of the tillll of IE was discoswd at the mg Walker Caldwell is on prices for the pro ILZCIAtion at the next meet lZllliill William Taylor the evening Minutes mad and adopted and business In russed Gordon Bidwell re on his Interview with Lewis which was satisfactory to ml board granted requested gt5 absence to Cuilis for two weeks of June 211 Simcoe Inspector was present at the meeting and reported on conditions in theI room it No School cspondencc was read from Llovd Armstrong Flora Peacock 0L Storey Mr Scott The Mail the Ontario School siccs Association and tlieI DUDJZUTILITI of Education regardI in picture of the Queen and her CgtIIi IIe ILIllilnii of Douglas Wilson as supervism principal was discussed Accounts payable were presende from Anderson Ltd Richardson FL Bradley Robin llardware liarold Caldwell gnawinter ColdI In The next meeting of the board he held on May 13 at Mitchell The first two companies of Cana dian Girl Guides were formed at Toronto and St Catharines in 1910 Mayor Hamilton Tells Lions is Everywhere is Where is Ilm going to answer my question Iby stating that womens place is everywhere Thus began dress by twice mayor of the town which is famous for three things Their hockey team Ontarios second best traffic bottleneck and woman mayor The address was listened to attentively by the local club and about 30 members of the Barrie Lions Club who were paying an intertown visit to the local club Mrs Hamilton with her spark ling personality radiating through out the dining room of the Empire Hotel told her audience that Woman is the governor of the home where the fght begins for freedom education and all things worthwhile in aer country where democratic principles prevail She contended that womans place in This workaday world should also be taken in the fields of gov ernment and business Canada She said is the greatest peace leader in theworld today and the reason for it stems from the home womans place is in any realm in which she is interested whether it be home politics or business To those who make the breaks go the breaks and womans field is everywhere Women hold the balance of powerby virtue of their numerical advantage and by their intuitive instinct their clearsight edness and their downright capa bilities in every fieldof endeavor they are more and more taking prominent part in the sphere in which they decide to turn their tal ents In conclusion she told of her election as fleadingflady of Sini coes county town She spoke of many humorous hicidents as the leader of Woman council When threw my bath the ring she an intriguing ad Mrs Marjorie Hamilton MAYOR MARJORIE HAMILTON asked their opinion of my candida ture was told that the men would of course support me but that couldnt count on the W025 men because they were jealous lotanddidnt want to see one of their sex get ahead too far Then went to the women and was told that the women would certainly do everything in their power to elect me but that couldnt count on the 1952 Section 24095 in 14 FIRST BARRIE SHOWING 29 In FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT ONLY ouggmouaurrr SCREEN cm LairIo You mean on nus In Starring Jane Nigh John Archer with Wallace Ford Gary Gray Frances Rafferty STIOWINO or SAME PROGRAM WILLIAM BOYD as HOPALONG CASSIDY COLT CdMRADES WITH ANDY CLYDE JAY KIRBY VICTOR JOEY LOIS SHERMAN Starts Thursday IMPERIAL NIGHT PRICES AOULTSAO INCL TAX Midlanlllolite Secure Barrie lawyer re Wages Midland Free Press Herald Officers of Midlands police force arent satised with the boost in wages they rcceivod from Coun cil when the 1952 budget was brought down In letter to council the con stables served notice that they were seeking an arbitration boards men because they did not want to see woman head their municipal ity When election day rolled around found that the women were out 100 per cent in my favor and as result was elected by majority of over to Women have incentive and recognized re sponsibility to their homes their community and their country The door of my officeis always open she concluded and every person of this and all citizens of every community are always wel come Do come up and see me some time In the absence of Mayor Leigh Mrs Hamilton was thanked by councillor Art Blackburn seoRT COATS $2750 NAVY BLUE BLAZERS $3450 GABARDINE PANTS sass Ia $1850 GREY Hanna marsass Io Idecision on theiri request for annual basic rate of pay The ofcers have already se lcured the services of Barrie law Eyer Stewart QC to act as Etheir representative on the arbiI tration board In the letter theyI tasked Council to appoint repre Isentative to the board Take No Action Acting on the advice of police committee chairman Reeve Herb ert Tavlor Council decided to take no action on the matter at the present time Reeve Taylor felt nothing should be done to appoint an arbitration board mem her until such time as town soli citor George Dudley was well en ough to take part in the proceed ings About three months ago the off icers submitted brief to coun cil requesting their basic rate be set at $3000 annually Council set the salaries at $2600 annually when the budget was brought down week ago This gave the officers an approximate $390 hike in wages for the year Two years ago Midland ofcers took their wage dispute to arbitra tion The arbitration board at rst granted their request Later the decision was rescinded bDriiIerOTrt To The HURONIA DriveIn Theatre miles south of Barrie on Concession 14 Drive south on 27 Highway turn kit on rst road past cloverlnl TONIGHT THUR FRI t3 SATMoy253 THREE GODFATHERS Starring John Wayne Cartoon Friday 815 pm Loyal True Blue Hall High St 15 Games 250 Win Tom mung SEE THEEXAMINER FOR HUNTING NEEDS mew 0mm Eamonflour Said1iirsiwenieee and William Apaub MP 01 TYME MODERN an Mlnetsg Point mmwmsnesch 51 EVERYjFRI Us CPMWMTV item ornament had been placed in the main government estimaf tes to Max Jones his neutrinos ADMISSION 50c Smiles north Barrie for 195263 which lie helicvedfws on No17 highway mile to be uLSed for the purchase bf in west 19de Aubert Mills AI site andconstructIOn of new post misnomer full life other than more existence nuril wfmozelueggdeizgfesgdygd for 19000 people depends on YOU LIVE They willTeceivelthe annualllo person with employment or heme instruCtion in Braille typing and handicraftswithreadlng materials and with Insurance Vigilance helps protect you REFUSE as SALARY RAISE creasesotslograyearasthe result decrsrobhy the Board Your donatiOn totne TagDay for the CanadianNatiort avearyincrgment however vallnstittitefor the Blindnwlll aid in providinga blind financial assistince where this is necessdry to avert hardship against Accident And in smucehelpsguardagainst Wheuiyou receive yourtag on Satordayg PLEASE BE GENEEOUS Tuejeempaunm Barrio asunder thespom sership oftholatlles Author to the Bard Hens Club Ltheeonvouenlllrsl brace Serieant Vitreasurer Mr financial See us for uncommonme been to we were IreANA TORTADLE RESERVATIONS BRIAMRTW