Wridtf Barber Shop Unusual Spectlmen And 3mm do lwin Tulips Shown Now On Dunlap Street After eight years in business 44 Bayttcid 51 Elimn Wright but MIDHURST llliil ZdlCongratulazzuns diam Vomit on we 111 the Royal Vic flurrzr gr ow of Inne wavyM ill was lelftt AlfilL 23 liecm lgtul$ ll lllcllj on Saturday afternoon Mrs hum Wm 51 11 tills llrylmlds and Mrs Mrs Dunca hlcifolcllzan punyed tea Mrs Bur Mr and Mr Gordon illlwu few cd in the dining roillll and would ngmy 7d and Mn Procccds go to the Girl Guido Camp= Eric Estonia and 1111111le lrw Fund 1ch Gulst wish to take lhlj ronto Mn Wilma Cinlr Alll appulnndy of thanking those who dale ldc 1hr tea and sale success and Miss Mamie irerllluw gtltll Ill thine who donated baking Week With Mr nrutllcrlzl Sister Mr and Mn Null Mrs Chatter McConkcy 1w Successful Euchre Party llcdrlekdzly evening xuccess gt to Toronto after sprlnlzltg 21 um party was he in wmgner 5th SKA tlzlllllullily Emil with 47 tables in Mr and Mrs Lloyd Captland llf Smnsdred by 95 by minor for hohday mp Board of Trade members 8120 wast id 1411sz in aid of the kitchen fund M555 mmm Quesmqm 5L liluh scordhunors went to Mrs Nolll Pphvs Conege Tum mm lloulzlhzlzl and James Myers conl weekend with her lllllltl 2115 Hm11 MN Reid and wnl Quesneu llcd Bum lucky draw Mr Bert Ronald Archer Norwich Yuma MM and CW mm and Douglas Mcluddcsl li11 5L JohnN WA spcnt few dzlys until Mr 11nd Yll E351 mummy of BL Johns Lvnizj Ch Amh ml Church WA was held at Mr Mr and Mrs llnrlcy iliil Brooks with 113 lllcmblrs proscntf Krilhrln spent Sunday with Mm Alcflil presided Mrs and M114 Wlllialll Illlltcy Vuscy Rcynnlds led in prayer Mrs Mr and Mm Chililkw Burton um Roll road the scripturc lesson Miss 151 family Toronto sllcllt lllt vcukenl Verona Usllvl glva paper on tho per of which won tile Jonll R055 Robdrlu her 2135 movrd lo 33 Dllnlup St and opened thlle on Monday April With him tflurlcs Dycktt 150 do experienced barber Mr Wright formerly in flit gtamc limitless in Toronto and fore llltll wus Peltborough While ill that If he was mana tlm selllil hockey temn Mill Cup 11 till lflltfi season of 292526 On the wall of his shop is large framed certicate bean lllg lldltldllol photographs of tht playcli and the cxccutive Several playcls turned protozo ionol later including Ace Bailey who was for two ycars with Pet erborough Bcr McLeod of Coll3 and Barrios own Babe who well to Purl Col lnlsz Kill Bogtllflls LVJOIllL and later to Buffalo bvrtu This unusual splmcn of twin tulip was sent In on Saturday Apr 19 by Belmkcy 68 Innlsfll On Monday April 28 Mrs Al Clilf daughter of Wright who was formerly with Reids Beauty Salon and had been for the past six years in similar business in downtown Toronto ljollled him hero and optnod up bcuuly parlor in the Same bulld Mr linlrclihzup hen lfll plaCr from lltallltf wil had Li boils go wild l1 wok Swml lltllf lilt tin av 61 School Beautification 211 Horticultural Soclcty to aunt the purcllls touch pupils ill the beautification mm of SS No School WA To Meet My Ilzv WA will mott at him Lynn llxlull on May 230 DevoI nl Mr lfltlliilllgtill Program Trlclllc Mllllluls Day Roll c2111 you pillyod on Slothch Slltllill conusts for the oldest llzollltl proscm molhvr of fllcl lilllll family moihcl of youngcsll Lfllltl mother who has been the lltllilltNl mczlibcl of Midllurxl WA llm hostesses fllls Lee Bertranlj Illll Mrs Adamsml UKL with Mr and Mrs Lulllullllll Lords Flavor Plans vire made to Mr and Mn Smith Cameron and lm banquet for the Sinch Brian Toronto spcnt tho ltLlCClll Young Peoples Rally April 26 with Mrs Camerons pnlvms Mr June 30 was llll date set for tho un and Mrs Fred Gllgg Illlill Strawberry FcSiivnl Mrs Miss Frances Whilncy llltcllcy Tum read an article renewed acquaintance hero il1slcl Sunday Morning The roll the weekend call was answered by favorite ML and Mm John Ehmwk and Easter hymn Lunch was served by family Lansing spent few loyal me cummmcc MW with Mr and Mrs Alvin Silllpson Mr and Mrs flay McConnell and Lhrmw Michael Mr and Mrs Al ltfllillhll and Sharon Brzlnlford Don MirLEONARDS Council Smithville Geraldine zllldl Pauline McConnell Steve Yollllgzl and George MacKoy Barrie vcrc visitors with Mrs 11059 McConnell at the end of the veck ArcherScott Wedding quiet wedding was solemnizodi at Mr and Mrs George Scotts Willgham when lllCll oldest dillltllll tcr Jessie was united ill marriagol APRIL 28vMlss Edna Mac Spring Sp ll lllewvcekelld at Norma Pur Vlss Mrs Eckllzlrt has returned home lnftcl spcndillg few days in the sister and friends over the weekend At this time of the year the beach to Loxnc Archer cldcst son of MLch mng to change and summer and Mrs Clifford Archer Elnlvzllcl activities are Starling People are on Sauuday Apr 1932 pm coming up by the dozens on week ycnds The dance hall is open this The ceremony was performed nev Mr CODCIHK owe Smmdlweck for the summer season Your entitled Ross Usher ers Campbell and Mrs Mrs Armilagc entertained llcl It is of the variegated red and vhltc type and the stem at the root is single The two flowers are on separate stems divided from tho main stalk about four inches below the flowers which were not fully en by The Examiner mufn after spending six Weeks in 01 zillgeville and we hope Slll is much bctltl Weekend vititors Mrs George Sheffield Mr Sol Raibmon Toronto and Bill of Camp Borden BornAt East General Hospital Toronto April 25 1952 daughter to Mr and Mrs Hurry Bales moo Shirley Carr Best wishes Mrs Ernest Ellsmcrc Mrs Max Craig Mixses Lois Jllmicson Helen Sheffield Donna and Elaine Carr and Barbara Ann Ellsmcrc attend opcncd when the picture tum tak APRIL 29Mls Newman is home with Mr and and Mrs Hugh Dale and Mr and Mrs Baker was in charge of the Guides assisted by Rev Mr Cmvan Wing llam The bride wore navy suit with blue but and pink accessories and corsagc of pink calnntions She was attended by Mrs Joyce Brown sister of the groom wearing coral suit with white hat and accessories and corsagc of pink carnations The groom was Brown Barrie reception for 23 guests was held at the brides home Latcr the young couple left on wedding trip Mr and Mrs Cliff Archer and Russell Mr and Mrs Stanley Brown and Mrs Eldon Mc Fadden Barrie attended the wed ding Guests from Dundalk Owen Sound Teeswater Elmvalc and Barrie were also present Guides and Cubs At Church The Girl Guide Company and Elmvale Cub Pack held parade in uniform Sunday evening to the Presbyterian Church Mrs Chester and Elgin Ritchie the Cubs Guide Shirley McKay carried the flag and Sixer George Jordan the Cub flag Rev Burgess spoke on the place of courtesy honor and loyalty in the Scout Movement After the service film strip and sound film were shown and cup of cocoa served to the girls and boys by the Ydung Peoples Society Homemade Bake Sale attended by Stanley correspondent finds the news is not of much interest to our local people sq will suspend this column for the time and wishes to thank all who have helped to make it possible and hope we can take our place again next fall EDGAR APRIL 29Ml and Mrs Cecil Dicker Toronto spent day this week with Mrs Dicker Mr and Mrs Earl Cooke and children Orillla spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cooke Crawford Alliston visited his parents Ml and Mrs Crawford Sunday Wllh regret it is reported Walton Johnston is in the Royal Victoria Hospital His many friends wish him speedy recovery Shower for Young Couple Friends from Guthrie and this community gathered at the hall Friday and presented Mr and Mrs Harold Wright with miscellaneous shower The evening was spent in dancing and after lunch the gifts were unwrapped Both Harold and Marion thanked their friends in well chosen words Best Wishes go with the young couple for happy cd achievement day at Guthrie Sal urday Their work was well done Mrs George Sheffield attended the Spcnccthlham wedding at Orr Luke Saturday Mrs Cowzm and Mr and Mrs McCullough Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Carr at the week end Miss Shirley Grcavcs has taken position in Toronto and was home for the weekend Weekend visitors with Clifford Bell and Mr and Mrs George Kirl ton were Mr and Mrs James Drinnan and Miss Ellen Keown Toronto John Kirion Elmvalc Mr and Mrs Harvey Bell Orillial Sympathy of the village is ex tended to Mr and Mrs Alex Mc Murray and other relatives in the death of his mother in Barrie on Friday She was buried at Stay ner April 28 Italy issued the first airmail stamps in 1917 according to the Encyclopedia Brittannica and prosperous future The Elmvale Girl Guide Troop held successful afternoon tea and CALL THE EXAMINER F03 sale of homemade baking at Mrs PRINTINGPHONE 2m Tax Free lilivmlllli IlIlIlllllIlllilllllll tn WWknw All Rock 0L1 ELECTRIC anntonmron Mount 1120 commons million uncommon on lollnong Mondale Hallow IPRWNCE MEETING amusislmuf Sicilian Ina lllg which extends back for some llllslancc It was formerly occu nmwwb gnu lllld Perm saw 3ndacl Congralulnlimw to Eddie Mills ibeen lcdocomted lhroughout in diam Miss Webb Big Bay posm IIllCdllmlflillllli not of pole blue Wm were manicd On Saturday M119 Craig has installed comTllcy will bc making their homc 19lch new comment She VHSlill the Forest Station Mldhurst very agreeably surprised to re ccivc for the opening some beaui Suvlcc 11an liflll flowers from former custom Illilmd 0f llll T0201 ChUNll all in Toronto FilYlLi ll Mldllursl on May there wlll bl joint survicc in Mine STEELES lxllzl Ullltid Church at 730 Midl CORNERSllllllst girls will put on their pag AllilL BilSunday visitors WltthillLSlllg choir vacryonc is cor ifillll assisted by special muSic by Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales wereqdiully invited Mr and Mrs George Dales and M111 and Mrs Emerson Ross Toronto Bum Chml sewccs Sunday visitors and callers at 5mm 501mm me United he porrm home were tCllulcll will be held at IOJO for Mr and ll Mrs Merle POKFIll and family ofI mmwcmg llllu summvl Tommoz Mr and Mrs MacnomB On May ll Mothers Day will be old and family Elmt Toronto Mllb500d Special evening service and M119 Jock Porrilt and lemilvI is being Ilalmd whirlq 3553 Appropllatc music is being Thistletown Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Imllm by my mo Ernie Bell were Ml and Mrs Anllll0l IS Clldllly lnvllcd to attend drew Bell and Jimmie Toronto NILI Mrs Garvin and Miss Mabel Helhellnglon Alliston lWatlic were in car accident on Mrs John Toltcn spent fcultllcil way home from town Satur days last week with Mrs Pardzly night TllCll car was crushed rltt and Mr and Mrs Gregg Davis at the rear causing it to carecn off Churchill lllv highway and up the bank at Mr and Mrs wmiam Grimmmladdy Dunns Hill Fortunately no Bradford were Sunday visitors 1th 35 lift the home of their son Thomas Griffiths The bnby first shoes which are the wood with two thin coats oflhuvc slight heel or no heels at shellac 1111 and be full through the toes FARMERS PRODUCE MARKET MULCASTER ST BARRIE FOR BEST BUYS in Poultry Eggs Meats beef and pork Home Made Baking Vegetables of all kinds Leaf Lettuce Honey tund Knlt Goods and other HandSewn Articles Cut Flowers now Avail able COME TO THE MARKET WHERE YOUxGET THE BEST FOR LESS Published by the Barrie Farmers Produce Market Committee USED CAR 107 LOCATED AT 112182 BRADFORD STREET PHONE 5355 l9l7 ChryslvSedun Dialing Scddn 141 FdrdyDluxelScdpjn ll Iegp Station Wuon =1942frlylnoull speculismll l93 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Studboker Sgddll BARRIE 1951 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE SEDAN 11950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1950711151an COACH 1950 ANGLIA COACH 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1949 OLDSMOBI LE 51x SEDAN 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN 1948 FORD COACH v1951FARG0l1fEOhlEXPRESS number Aron PANEL 1949 mus Ton STAKE Wheel Vprive 1941 mums JEEP 54 TON EXPRESS 19483E0ILA11FOEM 1141me mnnss 1944 was nor 1w FARGO uncommon l939ChlyslerRoyal $11an 938 Chrysler Sedan 1938 HudsonSedon M11111 muggy WE lplll on whon he begins to walk Before you walk your floors scnl lsllould be soft with flexible soles vi ll Bonus mowers BURNS Chuclxwuqon Dinner BURNS SPEE BURNS SPOBK BURNS WIENEBS BURNS CKKPPIRE SAUSAGE BURNS BOLOGNA HYLMEB CHOICE BEETS SW5 olfiliu STOKELYS PANCY CORNculileilll olfrllu GERBEHS BABY FOODS mule will DOMESTIC SHORTENIG 35 27 BEBKIST AMBER HONEY 133 29 CLOVER VALLEY LINK CHEESEudSllouZQ ROGERS GOLDEN CANE SYRUP Lamas dc snucn MILK0 SKIN MILK POWDER CKLEDOHIH PINK SALMON FAN lSOX TIN fir01 MN l241 TIN XML YIN not TIN 01 TIN 29 IL UN IFL 01 Ill LLB PKG lLE 23 31c twin JUKY SEIDLESS ammun JUICE ORANGE filial ASPAMGUS WW lemma much cm sums BUNCH emur NEW CROP CRISP 3W CALIFORNIA CIISP STREAMLINED GIle use 15er oz rm GOOD TASTE CHOICE CHERRIES will 18 WAX COIN FLAKES 31 IIITCIIELLS APPLE JUICE unswsirctm will 21 SUGMIIE PBUIIES crrli 29 BUBFOIID STANDARD PEAS mm 15 LIBBYS Homemade Style Pickles 31 AYLIIEII PIlIlIIE PLUMScms mm 03lle 25 INCH HABGARINE DEAL iii 67 NIAGARA HIST Strawberry Jam it 39 HAWAII SPEED BEEF LOH 32 and mugrgmlilgwlfgu LOBLIIW SALIEII PERMITS mm 13 22 CROSS 81 BLACKWELLWRQEEEEQEW 21 JACK 8t JILL PEANUT BUTTE Lonuws 35 EXTRA LARGE 20FL 01 TM lbFL OZ JAR 24 01 IA 01 TlN IOl th 1601 APPLEIIIIBS FOOD SAVER mm mt 34+ AMEND COLGUIS Timex 101011 also no to 29 seu consume null null 1m rill MASTER COMPLETE Dill roan nuns noun 11043 in SPIRITS 000331800113 11131 mm SOAP MNYILOWEBSTIIILET SOAP PVALIIOLIVE BEAUTY SOAP insulin nounuznolleljsoap LIFEBUOY SOAP PRINCESS FLAKES Bill FIVE ELEAIISEB 11m mum CHLlillllllEltr room 2181 Fills lSf TAKEN ANTAGE or THE FREE amt GIANT 113 mm ovus rxc 16 lnromn AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES no 38 75 rowan Atworslmiame guolctjlusu Quinn trim 41 all dimly 31 nus 15 rm 15 VICIAU 10mm WE HAW Bill at 35c Awmmmu o1 Lohfm ktury ARGI Ill001 NUND SllE AIS GOOD Sill LARGE SllE BUNCHES 19c COTTAGE mub LOBLAWS BREAD WHITE WoLl WHIA CRACKED WHEAT UNSLICiD 14c 15c SPECIAL LOAF WESTON BISCUI Pill NIPPLE JHIS lLifl SLICED 2402 LOAF muons 111 Pkg Sod 10c GOVERNMng noun gullible ss nuance Evcneltgm sm ssclltrcsc VIGORO 113 cm 15 513 cm 55 13099 Thurs9mtg pm Walkaw