Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1952, p. 2

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Qmuntriex were not all culpable as ZCnada in their neglect of fl sc wuh lich nationail music and ballet The panel felt that Conndun ll mym IS not very well m4 than We as Council realize we can mmudemdmmg do nothing in so fnru saying NW figure of Mm ow to my of your requests Wu rcalizei mammary fecal furnishing you can come to us and more or Allan Coullers fFarm Cooksiown iGolden Age Said Possible Here vContlnued from page one April Wedding at Dalston Sui llmi PA system and other an theyslcss tell us Wlwll we have to do find total cost of 5mm While we as the towu body In other words Hr c5113 up have to get the approval fromf plained that is the amount which We now require $61709 dad to get tho we rcquost you to obtain the approval of the Municipal Board for the issuing of debentures for but sum in akin for In additional Whit they were requesting MWdthe new humid 01 5309 We did not request an additional rm may not mum 317300 We rcqucstcd final ap wil the am procedure for pmml for $533700 Wu ghouls For that reasonl Wk we mm ush come poorly milch 1n the original figurc are tonight to explain it thug 00300 wmld 33 Y9 fwd cm we on rccall what was the cost of this lbullding the Town Hall 30 Game You cannot in the first instance Flamed arrlvc at dcflnltc figure If we organiccl such as this figure haul lcould it would have been $117000 be dedde upon Mk do not think there is anything in ZIheir difficulty was heightened by am they were dmmlthcse estinlatcs which is unneces With both an addition and alters lionu On rough estimate based 19mlch ngm mod Shah hen Mr Gable said that while on architects and co factors gums they imagimdnrhe iCouncil had the right to ask uucs llan they had no power to refuse 11 mglun of $100000 They stlll had $55000 availablezmdhad asked 31hfbcholaamm quuest Council for tcntalivc approval rc pun ewe mm me ex the Chairman added cclving as they did from the De pressed the view that in this case their meeting was unnecessary and asked if member of Council would move that they adjourn Al apartment of Education approval for The sum of 345000 Thcy were not bblc to proceed until they had that sanction When it came through derman Reg Ayres smd he womd 4th we able to go on with the 190 move but the matter was not yum Thm had out we Ever prcmcd further and the discussion vario continued us ltuns wlthont lPSSLlllllg Dem Reeve 5mm Nmmked Mr Gable said we had no right to question any action of the Board Assuming that statement is correct the only thing for us to do is end the meeting Finance Cincinnatis Remarks Harris chairman of the Boards finance committee tilln rosc to his feet and said there were couple of facts which should be given in the interests of the tax payers Wc illvltcd Mr Smith and one other mcmbcl of Council to our budget mccllng he said Mr Smith was present and we gave him cvcry opportunity to ask for any information about the Boards business or anything else he cared to bring up bcforc us The Mayor interjecth later to point out that she was the other member of Council who should have attended the Boards budget meeting but it hoppcned that Coun oil was meeting that same evening and she felt her first duty was to bc thcrc Mr Harris said he did not think the Board had been carcieSs In making sure that the necessary equipment was going into the schools It was not the case that they were laying down the law to Council We have always tried to keep most friendly relations between Couhll and oursclves think this information has been available to anybody personally regret that Mr Smith did not bring an other member with him to nu its populate Food Freezer and Migarqtor Combined each with LEVELCOLD temperature that keep 51 food sofa and goodregard of season or wealharl Take 7mlnules find out about the new Cyclemafia Frigidaire and what it will mean to budget meeting He waskobviously misinformed We should have seen that another member waspresent We have not anything to hide We went into this thing very thorough ly he remarked Another brief clash occurred when Alderman Frank Johnson mentioned the PA equipment and askedArc teachers getting too lazy they cannot leave their rooms Mr GableWould you like to discuss that with the Board some time Alderman Johnson4N0 would Ml Ml Del0x01 like to discuss it here Master and Standard Mr GableLWe are not prepared model to discuss it here Mayor Claims mm to Queltlon Referring to the budget meeting and other Board meetings Mayor Hamilton said she thought that se present knew that Council every Monday topconduct bus iness If the Bonrd meetings Were on the same evening ihey could scnsationhlly new fabric ideal for Spring and early Summer Blousen Evills ELECTRIC Elizabeth St Phone 2497 gylon Line 11 mouth nylon to stop creasing not just enough Linen that the blame boot Mount Snowy designed blouneylth Cap 931 Emulator floht mm bins 11m momma cotton slleevelcssllloiines sumo na11811puojoulpolgl 55 ayeritual iukmu in unions anon complete camel wndtobo lQuecns Park for the things that is mm to be my have be done think We alumni Ebi able to ask questions think we have the privilege for asking questions and receiving full reply Mrs Hamilton added The Mayor added that when she from for office one of the main fea turcs on which she based her call3 didaturc was courtesy and jwmlld like to that in all lbranchcs of the town undertakings she lprogress was accompanied by coup ltcsy Newton member of the lBoards finance committee said he ldld not think it was courtesy when lthc Council allowed this matter to 11111 for one week after mcctillg lll lwllich the Deputy Recvc stood up and made the criticism of tho Board that ho did We have shown courtesy in com nddcd do mthcr object to mirks made last wcck Mr Now ton continued That typc of work that typo of remark docs not got the town of Harrie very far It docs not got the School Board very far and it is not courtesy As fill as the Deputy Ilccvc is concerned it is not common scllsc Deputy Rccvc Smithl Elm not retracting anything said am not ashamed of it and do not think it In any way reflected on tho p05ition hold What said was something that good many other people in town would my if they were more ar ticulalc AldermanSurprised at Boards Attitude Alderman Glrdwpodsuid he was little surprised that the School Board had taken such an antagonistic or aggrieved attitude Some of the members of Council did perhaps think that the Board was extravagant and that they could cut down on these costs with out injuring the school system In some respects he was inclined to agree with that There were good many in Council howcvcr who did not criticize the Board It was not all onesided and if they came to Council in on aggrieved manner they were offending their friends there think we could discuss this question without any rancor Per haps the biggest yitem was the PA system but since it has been put in the three other schools it cannot bevdenied to Allandalc They have perfect right to what the other schools have Let us not go away from this meeting with any feeling gtfrzmcor Alderman Glrdwood pleaded person has to be prepared for criticism hope you gentlemen do not take it too badly We the Council are collecting and spending body land the peo many things in town streets cleaned up pavements laid We need hundreds of things but we cannot get them We feel th School Board is in very good position They can ask for what they want and they can spend It as they like he stated Victoria School Discussed The question of how the Board anticipated spending $2000 on landscaping the property was raised by Alderman McCar roll who said he had visitedthe site that very morning and he found It difficult to visualize how tbls amount of money could be used on this project JohnDobson chairman of the Boards finance committee said that this figure included subh things as draining theschool base ment and building retaining wall in one port of the ground Mr Dobson then raised the ques tion of what had happened in con nectloriwlth the Victoria School Whenit was about to be told there was an offer in the region of $90 000 Council howver forced the Boardto goto the people for up proval The Dominion Govern ment immediately withdrew its offer andit finally was disposed of for $30000 We are not criticizing Council That was your wisdom Unfortun atly the citizens of Barrie lost that money If we had secured those funds we would not be here w1NA1111ltE1 1A boilsyor girls name on mum check may win jnhluuful brand new bionic illg hcrc this evening lllc speaker the iWins Photo Quiz upon that the interests of adult edu dio was moving out on pail of own choosmg befausc we Winner of The Examiners mum cation were of nafiamxl and federal controlled was dcwpl gFarm Quiz Photo Contest wasitoucvrn IE Mi Mi 31 $0an 593313lmly mammal culture AllanCouliriof1Cooksfown rm liars that the Offlffifthmkwgshonldi imam was posm by who identified his farm as tokcnlbe done at the grass roots level pane Wham me Cangidg mum by aerial photo and pictured inwith ircstlon and ltclp cooling lMondays Examiner Mr Coulterlfrorn the top lspoltcd the property as soon as he his paper in the mall Em 91mm 33 lake lat Wlr1algtzl by tho federal guwrnmcnt trces and green lawn The farm is 200 acrs and Mm =cncc Russell and Edwin at New Lowell cairn Coulter bought it six years agol from Herb Dunn nowrof Alliston Hc docs mixed farming with no tomes cattle hogs groin poultry He has three sons at home Clar dough ter Rena Mrs John Kacting rc szdcs near Alliston Mrs Coulterulluw 00in 50 died some years ago One brother John Coultcr retired farmer lives ller and Conner Says the farmlhc high pink of omle ilat ex looks much better in spring wltl the fine rows of Manitoba iistcd dzlflflg the 111 whcll Call hlodinns began to achieve it crrtain lumount of scleconfldrnce Inform wzls expressed in supporting young people who wanted 20 work in cul tural fields It W33 to find the ln Canad1 that the fllllfllllgtll Wm sci up he quvstioli was lllseti wllolltvr ul thing could be nglilltltd Fllltl panel member spoke in favor of such ltglnlilflilll stating that clusslo Allan Coultcr was born at Glenul composers existed with the sup llc flth started farming on C011 Essa was there five years before he bought another form on port of tho llzslotlucv The col legiate band liltClOI liltlnilmltd lllL tremendous running off of Cana Tllc pazlcl lcvicwcd the reason for Bl 1hr csmoilshnlcn of the commis gtcllcctunl and cultural nature of miiht be being asked to 11 Sheridan felt that pork Ltflllllltlldillitln 1119 cszaniinhmcnt of not 12a wry for Canada should pi cffc lrnmcdiaxiy as Cdllizdx 13 Emily civilich country in tho alumni todny lacking such an Organlzgltum Librarlcs should have an lmpo part in the cultural life of the munity yet they are not recovum cd nationally she stated wow NW 01mm ROTARY OIFKERS SJ Wes romeo 111 Ithc next president of the Rom Club of Olillia Mr Jordon cm lcntly vicepresident and tronslllm will take over the office from EH Humble at the tint nlttllll of itllc club in July Other club Xtr iutlvcs named for thc new term 1m lhe same line and was there 25 tvlhoto by Smith Studio MR AN MRS NORMAN BRISTOW whose marriage took place at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Lorne Jory in Dalston The bride is the former Irene Joyce Jory Her husband Is the son of Mr and Mrs William Bristow of Barrie After wedding trip to the United States the young couple will be making their home at Minets Point to ask you for the money to payxilll the citizens of Barrie are on for the additions to the Alllldalclliqu apOloy do not School he added filllnk there are very many mom Reevo Ha explained thatbcrs of Council who are of similar at the time Council received thelrgnnd Who Wud want to make diiln lilltlli lo the United States He Spencer viceprosidont and years His rst farm in now occu added mm LlllJpS the Iron Curtain iCtlwdtll Whitfield secretary pied by Robert Arnold and the second by William liliSscy Ills present property as identied in the Photo Quiz is Lot C011 Essa which is just north of High way 89 about halfway between Cookstowll and Alliston llcar Nic olston wvow Personal Finance Company locales ln Barrie PUC Bldg The Personal Finance Company of Canada today announced the appointment of Donald Fish native of Oshawa as manager of the Barrie branch of the company which has opened for business in beautiful modem offices in the PublicUtilitics Building on Bay licld St Mr Fish was formerly assistant manager of the BayBloor branch in Toronto and prior to that assist STANDARI QUALITY LYNN VALLEY DESSERT PEARS LYNN Vl LEY STANDARD Green Peas 20 256 20 oz tin 220 FOR INFANYS SWIFTSSTRAINED ant nlanagcrin the Oshawa branch request the thought lnll throughl some of their minds that they Board was building two schools They wondered what was going to happcn to Allandalc That was why it wont to the people He did not think that had anything to do willlthc sale price of the school Mr Harris again rose to his feet to say that they were all presenti to solve problem the cxtensionl of Allandalc School There wasl an urgent need there for accomi modalion for pupils He did not think there was one person presl enl who could do otherwise but realize the importance of provid ing the facilities for educating our children It had been bought for two purposes as playground area but with the contemplation of ple gooftrus for the amount ofv taxes we have to collect We need extending the school one day Now with the weather favorabll for building if they could get right ahead it might be possible to have the urgently required ac commodation available by Seplcmg her this year Mayor Hamilton said she wnsl sure it was not the intention of Council to vote no on the Boardsl request She would be very much surprised if the motion were not carried unanimously There was no thought in any ones mind about discriminating against the school at Burton Ave nue The pupils there are just 15 that final approval for $62700 for such statement We nrc representatich of the eltizcns of Barrie and we come how in this light We do not come here as dictators We come here to see that the schools are properly built and properly run If they felt this matter was closed issue it would haveto go to the people for the expression of the public View That was their right and that was what Council was elected to do The Board would be glad to meet Coun cil at any time to discuss any mat NIS To be told wowould have to whistle for our moneythat is quite different matter altogeth er he added Consequently make no apology for speaking in the way did but hope leave feeling of friendship between us Deputy Reeve Smith again com mented that he would make no apology for anything he hadsald Council then approved motion of the company He graduated from Oshawa Col legiate and the Industrial Lenders Technical Institute of Newark New Jcrscy He was actively interested in the Oshawa Lions Club and the Oshawa Flying Club He plans to make his home in Barrie The assistant manager of the new branch is Donald McMoster native of Barbie He graduated from Barrie Collegiate Institute and prior to his transfer to Barrie was employed by the Company in Toronto The Personal Finance Company of Canada opened its first office in Toronto in 1933 It expanded great ly sirlcc that time and now has 720 branchepin the Benecial System with 65 branches in Canada from Sherbrookc to Vancouver The Barrie offices are consider to be among the most modern and attractive in the town The company offers loan and financ ing service to steadily employed people for any good purpose ill amounts from $50 to $1200 or more Miss Margaret Wilkinson na tive of Barrie just graduated from BDCI will be cashier the addition and alterations to the King Edward School be given The necessary bylaw altering the stated sum of $45000 to the new gure was also approved and passed DEVONSTANDARD TOMATOES BRIGIITSFANCY 2018 Applesauce 20 Tins QUEENS ROYALSUCED CHRISNES Std PEACHES 6r 1R110w11001 PLUMS 2c23 35c himEAqu SKIM MILK Tomato Juice 14 It WilliWEE 24229 molmuEAersonAntEsm 13$ Suzi JOLLY Goon lnlant Cereals 131131 11 FOUR VARIETIESPlECOOKEDGEIIIIS CreamolWhea fail29 29 24l245 CEANERSIIDQ important as the children who go to school in the East end or at Hillcrest There has been no Mayor commented Chairman Asks For Apology Mr Gable said he would like to brlng the meeting to close on friendlier note than that on which theyhad opened their discussion because he felt he was to blame for some of that feeling There had perhaps began misunderstand ing over their various functions One thing which made mecome here the Board chairman stated was the statement reported in the newspaper that the other night when the letter was discugsed by Council the Deputy Reeve said we would have to whistle for our money Anyone who makes statement like that is hardly to be an official of the Council still feel llllllll llllll 1111s PAYMENi ARRANGED The patterns and colorspare CLEARING rRlciEs 69 $4995 ng l2 Rest easy when youstor your furs and woolens tOOWith us Everything is given ersonal attm tion 9nd udiyldual clue complelclprotectitan against moths heat re theftdamagelYoullhave novworries this summec 41nd lots ofclosetyspace tool Call bowl 69X9$1650 stovtsf BY illWW9 11111101 SPECIAL CLEARANCEl on 121 cloallulnlgl CARPET Borrymore Rugs in Disconllnued Pcerndot Dis counts up to dildoJssiz llARAsllAlllmvy pal logglhionlyamllm patterns GLEARJNGPRICES 53117 Veggakle 1cm swnnr rnnsn Cuban Plneupple i3 THIN gSKlNNED FULL or JUICE lOtidu Orangegllnal SIZE 11 176s glans TENDER TASTY NEW ASPARAGUS FRESH 501mm Tops NEW TEXAS CARROTS DUTCH SETTS 49 35 29 25 El129 3311K lN game FOWL comings EITHER END 49 GKMDE gxlsodd ll lexcellenl cholcc 493 15 CGCCFELEEs MOKED ERA 5119 mule Ont sllalnesEfleotive gt 9x106 $11900 Mallow lo lion

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