IPTHE BARRIEVEXAMINEK WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 1952 church Degafes Gather in Bands THE GREEN FRONT ST HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less Sale of Freda Dinnerware Buy lawn Mowers Now 50 $l595 $1595 $l995 HALF HUGE FOR BALANCE and n3 CUiiinu wmrns pLATES 13c 17c 25 29c Airwoman FOR nervr sours 20c FRUITS 13c LAWN HOSE $6 30 FCOT LENGTHS WITH COUPLINGS PLY RUBBER OPEN VEGETABLES 63 COTTON nurznnw coruuon SLOP BOWLS Only 45C HOSE PLATTERS for 63 and 89c SALE SW 1b Packages in many ruler CREAM plTCHERS 45c Just about Half Price COVERED SUGAR BOWLS 69c iiiPAiNfMRoLlERS DELEGATES FROM varior parts of Ontario attnding the WWMW GRAVY BOATS for 75 filtEIAT vBUi INHAN the 27th zinnuai meeting of the Toronto Conference Branchidesmte the fact that there is EXCELLENT IAlhI APPLIER of the Womens Missionary Society of the United Church ofislmrwgeof nurses Every Plea Cl IT AND ROLL IT ON Canada pose in front of Collier Street United Church Barrie Inlcfllcis find f9ntlt1ft5 ver iWW mm where sessions were held last week Almost 100 women were giVljlvcrihlfrijtrazd Sigmgilirhoif AND THE WAY TO LOOK FOR THING l5 PLAlN in attendance for the threeday conference which was iteman muralg gum amTl To Go WHERE You LOST IT BACK AGAlN for the first time in Barrie itidiiiihistration MMWWWWW Mrs Williams of Toronto branch president who wasi Chicken pox and mumps took the Bame Resrdenl 43 Years reelected to office at the annual meeting presided at all lead of the communicable diseases 2M5 George Lavery SEE THE JAMBOREE CCM BICYCLES TRICYCLES sesslmm 1reported during the months of Why ai nmy and March Ninety cases of Dies In 74th Year Tm new CANADIAN DINMRWARE ki JUSIRITE BIRD SEED SUPPLIES hm pox we pom ml iMidland Free Press lieruldi Mrs Emma Elizabeth Lavciy INI RODUCTORY SALE PRILE$7 Mhid4 Fb Reeves Jewellers fabulryl inffivenm $1 3335 Tiny Township Council an up tdeddtnlialhelhomlhan FOR 20 PIECE SIARIER SE1 SPEED FAST PAINT BY CV of mumps and in March 29 Tweni Mm kmkmg Mound foalmvmlml WCdilfsfjaV FOUR EACH CUPS SAUCERS BREAD quarts 95 Gallons 56s in her th Lai Widow APPLY OVER AVY SURFXCE ported during the two months andiauuwmv the Balm Beach the late George Montgumcry ER TEA PLATES OATME QUICKL BXSY lO tsociation to discuss with the De WHY Who predeceased hcr inE Hg Nb 0f hOOmm COUgh Imampartuicnt of Planning and Devcll HHS she had been resident of COLORS BERMUDA CORAL LIGHT Iv mg the two periods one case on beach lot millage and uILH Born at Windsor on Jan 1879 YELLOW UNUSUAL NEW SQUARE CV SUNSET ENAMEL DOES GRAND JOB F0 Eillfiopmcnt the thorny problem ofBarrie for the past 13 years CRY EMERALD GREEN AND GOLDEN Gcmum measles was reported int Reeve Arthur Downer admitted lrs Lavcry was the former Emma CV SUPERWHITE ENAMEL WQtS February and two cases of mmka and Clerk Michael Asselin liadElizzibcth Riley daughter of that SHAPE 0v PAINT FOR 1NSIDE0UT Qts 00 crculsosis er reported in Murchibecn unable to CUIllC to all agreeflurr John Riley and BLISsz Lowryd The immunization program of the 13 cases of scarlet ever were mug posted building bylaw has given lmCm With the department She was raised in Windsor and ii 1h ygtw my iSiincoc County Health Unit had Hod by iilalllursilf 51309325 We Will never get anywhcrcfiliifiis married George Lavery ASTER PAINTERS PUIVT ENAMEL finiShld by the Grid 0f Marc 039 hrtll 11mg durina the month LOmnicnted Mr Downer My idealhey lived for short time ati CHROME IVORY FINISH QUONS 98C Gallons WMvr thl in lllL Town of Collingwood March representmg an mmcase on Ifoius to pd the bylm as cilalmtiston and at BcllCVlllC be During February the second SLIlCSi 975 Vitus over the precedmu mommoiignially intended that is fort fore coming to Barrie inf toxoid inoculations were given in of February beach lots With minimum fiont The deceased was member oil ltlic five large towns of the countyl In Rt mo momm of 19 tulle 0f 00 CLL arid the Say fThCTC the United Church it is Either rovc it or kick it Returns for the toxoid program the musmg Sm made 1277 h0nm0mn pp Stunting are sons Charles Dtroit Willm of River Rougei tiliiqifgiifm$323 bifgtergcihezgt 22 Following hearing in PclkiDSiillcl George iii Toronto John of rcki of the on Llxvtllv 51 240 ijmnlat195 this number was 893 less than inioum hut segreiiilgcrl Dunlap St Phone St Phone ITJt tota mini er inocuaions 1951 613 legsthan in 1950 and gt Iincluded triple antigen Dtpmeriauom less than in 1949 blOnghl in bylaw calling for dvttls Mrs Alastair MacLarm Isa fmininium frontage of 50 feet onibclisr Williams OntMrsMarsh toxmd tetanus toxoid and whooping The two min reasons for mis each lots and containing not less an Love Bossier Windsor Agnes Ollgh dgumi mtg decrease in that aspect of the workjthan 7500 square feet The dciLavcry of Barrie Mrs Lloyd Dea George Brentwood Romrt qllowner at ARBOR fillhtlm to toldmib t0 were felt to be fewer nurses on theipartment rejected this and statcdigic slicer of 0mm and MrsT0r0n10 William Of BrLMWOOl GdSPL 3215 111C Widoume ntntmjlfii stuff than at any time to date andiithat it wanted beach lots to haveLconard Coupe Helem of Ni Wesley of Brooklin Edward of more of the Guspc pun Sid and whoopinp coubh icCixied the increasing demands on the timeta minimum frontage of 100 feetlagam Falls om two Sisters Mm Ypsilanti Mich and Stanley of es IOYS ar ibmgle mgen Mmur wxm an of the staff Nurses are spendingiand an area of 15000 square tech any Moer of Windsor and Toronto and two sisters Mrs Maud gliintic covering about 60 square linorc time in clinics than formerly 3M Ham wogan of Windsor In Ambrose of Toronto and Mrs Jiis Farmer lllls QOdlled Wic Three doses were given in most there are constant demands from Amended Bylaw grandchildren and one grubgmndu tin MCBridO Margaret 0f AngUS 1635051 along With 21 large IlllmbCItthe schools for increased public Comm the amended he pm One brother John predeceased When Lorne MacKay mi Com ioOLd bla 21 it 3Chi1d gt lfegt Tliis thteo deptiiifiiiizn funeral service was held on mm 1933 ygffgllcffm uglgtto 115 During February Dr Scott mummtlun income 51300011 haSlrefuscd to consider 13th would Friday April 18 at pm in the The funeral serum was lheld at at 005 nhegned car director of the health unit reviewed P90 59194 out 105le richly apply to Ossossane BalmLloyd and Steckley Funeral Home the 110 his blomelv 3901th Illie tuberculosis problem within the Od me seems up 413rFiAidnioic Cawaja Rowntrce NotiBarlic conducted by Rev RA Schell in Brentwood on Thursdayf He even drove which to icounty with the idea in mind ofgerhflfm umrg me than mtawa and Wahnekewening BeacheslBCWll followed by serViCO OIIAPHI 17 anq 35 COlldUCtrd liVithe 90d101 and left It purid oni JEWELLERS drinking the job 81 iCi for 2111 60119 at gt95 To break the resulting deadlock QUdai April 21 at pm the to Rev MI Shepherd or the um the do or the road Vhllc he Iccmed The county IS now wen cowl In February there were on dutyiomccrsv of the Balm Beach Ass Morris Windsor Chapel at Windsor 80 Missionary Church Pallbearers went about his business That wast ered with chest clinics reports 131th fulltimc nurses and two particiatidh headed by Jim McIntosh xwith the Rev watts Ofciat were SIX nephews Jack Schelllat 930 oclock in the morningl DIAMOND MERCHANTb iScott and the followup by theitime nurses Need was felt for ngmTSidcm were given permission ing Pallbearers were six sons Norman 5011911 Harold Schell Witl When he returned at noon he no $1200ruud $1400 leaf heduh unit nursing staff is goodI fulHime nurses 13w discuss the matter 10m the cob Charles Latcry of Detroit William3 liam Ambrose Mziurice McBride longer owned useable automobile Bacon Squares 19c Forty schools in the townshipsnagers anglewith the departmentLavery of River Rouge Georgeland J059lh MCBllde Interment Fire had broken out in the Yam 1and 33 schools in the towns and My McIntosh and other menJLavery of Toronto John Layer was in the family plot at Glencairn cle qomeme during the mommql rec 05E Bacon villages were visited one or moreibers of the executive Frank Toughof Edmonton Chester Lavery of Among the many oral tributls and it was totally Zcqtroyed bi 33c 40 times by the public health nurseiTed Lombard and Gordon Macot Barrie and Samuel Lavery ofWEle those from The BOYS at thel lb during March Two hundred and 37lDuff said they were in agreementiPembroke Interment was in Ford Motor F0 311d the office oung ow children attended the 33 childlwith the council on the 50 footiWindsor Grove Cemetery Staff at Detrmt Mich friends and Leon Hamburg lb 50 health held throughmontage neighbors Dew and Ypsuamw AUTOMOBILE Lean Brisket lb 33 out the county during the month We were under the inipressioanlenccirn Native Dies the RCE Heating Dept at Camp Autewinrh VALOR l7iewel precision movcmcmundlokllslnglc antigen diptheiia toxoidl Slot rcinforcing doses licalth nursing service and the im and 433 people attended the 13 chest that 100 foot frontages would be Borden Breiitwood neighbors and COHOQQ ROHS clinics held during March aliight because they could be subgAlI Michigan Resrdence Brentwood Church and Won us 3divided said Mr Tough Now Association we learn that the department red Relatives and friends from Ypsiy comm and iWOllld Wt Simetion any SUbdiViSiOj native of Glencairn in Simcoeianti Toronto Barrie Capreol 1335931 lunless the is running water 0HCounty Alfred Schell of 1539Liv North Bay Brooklin Angus New APRIL 28Mrs Halifax andithe plOpelty That puts differ iernois Ave Detroit passed away Lowell Lisle andGlencairnattend Gordon Hamilton spent the week ent light on the matter tin his 52nd year on Sunday Apr ed the funeral lend with Mr and Mrs Mc Explaining that to provrde run13 1951 iKai antifother friends ning water b93611 areasbvwldt Sonof the late Mr and Mrs Johni The Steel mails 595 larg3l Mr and Mrs Norman Schell bf imDOSSibllty ll the present Eschell the deceased was born heart quantitiGSOf Palm Oil in Dr0ducti0n and family Midland called onttlme Mr Assehn said if the coun Vlb 58c We carry cod haddock sole ocean perch and smelled fillets BARRIE frosted Foods of hot di ed ti lat cold iMrs Schell Saturday cil yielded to the departments cieGleCam 56 14 1900 andl pp mama PM 29 00111 St Phone 370 Fresh herring and white fish gi c5119 Biennium 11th his per 99193 953851 strip 777777 Vsraittngay rsendaT Snbiimandsw1tptanyma mime in 1916 He resided at Brent foot frontages all over the town Will open at 11 am daylight sav mood until gomg t0 Detr01t1n1920y ship Vie do not want that said th mg lme Mr Asselin He also pointed outi jfme 0m and Ms Merritt Strut that the department had alreaclylzsaShipmg Clerk Vme 5139 Sunday With MF and passed registered plans on otherl 8ng are bromersi Enjoy cool comfortable colorful summer iMrs Ham Mart beaches in the township giving 50l Miss Ruby Rawn Barrie spent foot frontages ered this bylaw and to have Add Charm and beauty toiyour homc Express ithe weekend With her grandpa Said Mr Lombard There are 100 fooffibntages in this particulari your hospitality With canvas accessories for ienivsirs Freemantle Van f6 beaChIOts left the area cowaleafs meonsmenh Your lawn We have an interesting line of have spank AtheMweell with Mr San gt rs arson speCialties which deserve your consrdcration Miss BurgessTAlbanypNY 11 Prices are moderate isited Ml and Mrs Mum Mrs McKinnon and Mr and Mrs Newbery Toronto eall BairleltilthHillg C0 awMm EOR YQU LAWN Misses Karen and Jane Wilson 34 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 4314 Spent Saturday with Mr aners AL Mumberson Wmewn OutlawSHOCK1350mm Its out of this world iii pl asure and feeling of Safe have if you equip you car withntiowShock AWN give you themes smoqixhest tide youve ever nd Oriow Shock Absorbersle the bounce cut oflarge bumps Compare Phtmouths SafetyFlow Ride with Plymouth WEB the your Lament car or any other car It is an exclusive combination of Chrysler engineering features iiicluding ln the sensational newOriow shock absorbers Mitesitmakesevemmadsmoother Outlaw ShQCRAbQbetQ may be installed any Chrysler built vehicle from 1937 See you dealer and change over Youll like Plymouths new FashionTone interiors on with Shockixbspvbm the an riding comtbrt convenience and satiety features Clmo is reduced this Drive Plymuumsoon Your dealer gm t9 demenstratibn instinct sic robe cultsitinfgumouManet haul cmsm smooth out the smaller iol and prevent thevside wide Wombcumm