Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1952, p. 13

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THE BARE EXAMINER WEDNESBAY WYEBRIDGE circumfmwm ii Rog Dung mm clilmn is 323 Weekwd mm hm II II I1I If II Mm mm m658 mu TO JLNIOR FARM tailgmgm mmsmim CA AND Hi CLUBS II III II III II II II In wiha twaind 1r 38W III II gwh the Hamilton branch wwwwwflllifluflfo010390007 cixiimt rqn KIN twrytr rpr it Vim tr luuhtli Junior Farmers Jun Wk mt IIIu II III II II IMVf L359 fI in thc By mm SHCLMK in iCtjll tliuf in midi EVER we of Tkrm Wdlv 195152 Sawll Sillitfwizmtwr Rmh gt Junior 03 Cltluvlfidflll Culdiili tid iurnwrs ocks Magus came to close on April 17 ttlhliiltid Alliston lCepxolthlL liglhzmxiv 3me Barton winning the Chuck Coli0a MCKMWEA Allistoit Siclfiry 30157 PL dlld Mrs Clarcnc Bell In llllS Trophy Vic offer congrjtiillrhhhnr Ra C01 Alllbmliv wncd the igitzcrs mother lotions to thcm and also to Blltl Parka who 14 on the sick Murray of TECweIGmn licivn and Dam III for winning the mmt illllfrlllt hrtii Dnvzx Bills IY pays could by Jiln APRIL IIIIWMIII and Mrs MI Ross Social iroup need hinge Wtr livi tmlt Hi MN Chlhlillltl Nl Am 17 xii plum Lawn 11 out Her IIII MP IIIId BIII FIIIII tub is aIIIX I53 III II In lI one played mth Ch game 11 and WM Am such as 313 limit agtInIrcSilet most oltmhu on Sunday Ii flplItI woopro imit oputml game ttic gtor mum poor Sunshine hm hm II you Wm may RU mil IIII If III of CIR Mlorganel Vlgom and brother Alfred Georzc Wrncr one ma Regular meeting of Sunshmi rul gttiizittgtliil Martha The final standing of thr tcamsiMisnon Band was held in the Un LENORE McLEESE puts Zebra fish in tho breeding trough was win to my Cm My The Sheet Manure Od before playoff time was as follOWSIiilld Church Saturday April Fund iw quilt ZtIip Lli my lst Bceton 2nd chteGwm Meeung Opened by smug hymn 0f 311 mgariumBMiss Mcfeese saint gmguuw Pidme Pm vd Lunch ilt SiTi tic Fun many Omar type tr hI II 3rd Aimer mL Chlilwhh DmI IMHI R0 can WAS answer by verslt 0A rilllbnhlt blll 3mg ill lhltl fight 51 WIMMI II II Imwx WI unk Ivy Itigmei saying Wis the Bible the University of Western Ontario uses eggs of this fish to and My Nrmglg and nun rattanIL The Jacobson In the semifinals llccton ousted or running your lavoritc tzcc ihosc study the effects of cancerproducmu chemicals on lllsI Nightgonwri vit iitwt II II II m1 Bititlim Brawn vaer Lawn now ChilliWilli and chWeGwill dclpmstm approved or Mm 771I Ammmwmgww or lliilzltltlii MA llr ll itk ltiliititrii was 1nd Garden Tools gated Amsmn In final and lilltlcs suggestion of sending ugcd will illltliiy Ihc charnpdociding guru Bunion dIklcmtninuI Karel NP InIIIIungI iinlWivtrmm lcated lccAWcClwill ind won the vill oil ll Ftlilh Kclls qmdv gt II It II II II III tlackinson isons ugnm trophy tmrilbii wd 5c 1le Ildk kll5 illnllil liitc Klizvi onthbt Kid anmm IIj of Labuilc Lodgu iI II IN II Around the Rink on April l3 LI FEEDSEN 515 1871 it is reported from tho Chilli taddShipildgirmgi bujtfsl lllll the brethren ucrc Willi roster that mum of thcii lap10 10lt5l pro men will be lcivini thclm box TM Who or 11 mn PRlI it St itl li Cllth 1Vl itliklti II III Iic mcctini was then tnkcn mcri ffI fInIIhLIffI flllfIJlIlI If II rlm ed gt tam 1mm mam noiby the program committee Allxinil Ebb ML f0 dd lmi mk arhm lYlll Irilillll limnitzil izitkit do XThe management Stililll 311d DOLm April Rlllh MM MH lhwnbmiz 09 II 11 90 Mnmm TCCWC team 513105 they are lroxscr road the story of thc Iwul ML ind Mrs Fisher sptnt Stin Icnt do in Toronto leldIll IM Slilllllll ClllSI doybfmg SverIv manbu Salary for Littli Gnomes Corry Nngclrczid ml IdU Him md Mrsl IIh mic ICWIfh 51192 I11 lltL coming vuir so this houldcut pom Song of JO rm Spring 5013143 MR and MW AI in MI and MicII II mImI nIuiitun Sitcvdllt IFII down the gar Smoke from Stor The Boy Who Did Care lChilllptlI Crown lib tom rirlttrun lr McLean Mlhn Bum playcis box Recton and AlllS by Marilvn TnddI poem Happvl Misx Alicn Smith ltpcnt ltVtld Mrs Key Toronto lgtlll lvtll lo the lmcv finds III gt Ehstcr ivus rcnd bv Glcnnn Stew idziys in Toronto ins Wltk Algnnv Corzsi Blutlllilid spent illClil fillllll It limitsyn I808 mm Lute Edward Iiirtin Fullir tliilluvtl zllz to bom Claim that 39 they will be twicc as toiigliIto heat so 2m Helm SINyer read poem Mr and Mrs Willinm uiwrcnco tho wcnkcnd isith hi4 mullitt Mrs ilw uvrc tililltlillvtlyul it IIIIIII III II INERS0NI $an MANAGER fcw tcams may not wm any games AW Rempun Tm verses rumm Spam 53mm um Inwry 0m mum JIM WWI ilil and the Amcricun llitztlI III IIII II II orI Dunlap and 1de Barrie will enough this 301 IVY Mrs Barbara Blkll Schomlwriz ind lCriust 41 VCllPlllltd Lilldl lol llnm 603 lhcrt tm thitt II TthmnnEI so the dink ham us year are ceunlvidtors dtltllV lunch Cl xiv15 lllllidilylll lllll llltl lllillld MM bdzluw ml in the boss 50 next WI Social PMan 33 lho busloml irrivcd ltmnc at rm 1t Cd Immhm your they hope to be 21 favorite Donneliv victim his Mi llOlSii MllllliltllllllV FIN 11 Th mth mwmg Of 3135 UHSEMJ 01 Sweeping everything low duvx in SCllOitthl Vwith hcrtlho wmmni mum in held Purim mm AI III III II dml in loronto II IIIII II IIIIII ram Com Thurmm MTmHIIII MM II at prcgbmriun 315 vIII II II IIiIVItII 503 ten mmgi Mrs Lucas Newt iIJU loclock llt town ball This Pl lrkSbYllFlall W315 lilhltl tiirnin irc llh nation awav from the ChilliWilli Clllblvi5i10r with Mr Kmm Brown ilxilzcr tunwt ind Lyman Sum III II 1M form may Ra Iiiinofltiiiih MtlCt lb hud ilitlii iiltllt youd someone please send and MFS Jaw Rmve RObMHSm ithvini nd hi lidiCs tilklll Lom ws April Willl ll ll Mllv lll Clllb Turk BTOdaS ddlOZ ind Marshall attended the Vcddimz MN my Kdd Tmm wont ls VB so wem the hockeyn season for of Margaret Russo in Tmonm nnithi weekend with llll brother lllli lll lllUW Mm in Owning and me devoted this year it next year is as suc IAmu ll Kidd and Mrs Kidd liv llltLltil in tho iiN pilll 0ft ccsslul nll concoran should be Mrs incr and children 10 Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair andI II II II It mam mm happy Mr and Mrs William Richardson ilunm 110 Emkwm mu 8mm we week in New York sicliitivcs tliorc for week Mr and llb Gordon BllltLVLllll Clubs Mrs Atkinson has rcturncdblllllllolli WNW Mmdh innri rillii ll isnt or HMW The indics Bridge Club conclud By FRANCIS During the past wcck six 4H clubs were organized in South Simcoc Interest in club work this ycIar is keen any boy or girl not enrolled in club and wishing to join should contact the agricul tural office in Alliston as soon as possible Nottawnsaga Tractor Maintenance On April 23 at the hall in Dunv troon 22 tractor maintenance club members organized the Nodawa saga 4H Tractor Maintenance Club The meeting was under the direction of Ralph Gregg agricul tuml engineering fieldman and Keith McRuer agricultural repre scntative for South Simcoe Et wood Culham Singhampton was elected president Walter Rigncy lSimnions ziitizi Bordon spent tliC ad the season with party at blissgffmnTmm0 mfi II Hflm MN weekend mm hi Mm Ed Mary Slum Mrs qu gmmmn llill and other fllttldb in town SI lt nnmons hold high score Daylight hung in Cookstmtn Mr and Mrs Ramon Mrs Hughes Mrs Sawyer Mrs Kcll and Miss Frances Robertson left on the bus Friday or the WI trip to New York Mrs Christian lclt Friday for trip to Kingston She and her daughtcr Joy were going on to Ot tawa for the weekend St Peters GA Meeting St Peters GA held the Easter meeting at Lida Bcamishs The worship service was conducted by the president assisted by Lida Beamish Eleanor Stunden and Mary Taylor Minuteshnd corre spondence were read and details for trip to festival planned It was decided to have hike to the bush in May Eleven girls answered the Play Still on Tour Cookstown United Church pre ioncd Moth3r again to large audicncc zit Schombcrg on TUCSlt day evening lost Wednesday oven ing at the Ornngc llull Violct bcsdoy zit Mono Mills burst spent the weekend with her land is the guest of Rev and Mrs sentcd their play An OldFuslit llill Monday cvcning at Barricq ilucsdny at Shanty Bay and Wod Mrs Garfield Nixon Graven parcnts Mr and Mrs Suther Mr and Mrs Cobtirn David and Sandra spent Sunday in Allis ion at Mr and Mrs Jack Smiths Miss McNeil Dalhousic NB turtcd at 1201im Sunday April Ml lllld MlT 055 BICillllk 513 incr spent Sunday With Mr and thS Ecolcc FiltlS Mr Bcuttic vas the speaker Sunday morning April 20 at tho United Cliurchi Iondgnvc most intcrcxling ud ltlrcss on Temperance 54th Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Thomas Marling Now You Can Enjoy SH AND cans II II III no It Duntroon vicepresident an Bur 10 03 mlssmmry may tOn Somerville Stayner seclidtary Li5 Burke read The Legend Miss Bafna MM merit PM DELIVERED treasurer Following the election the Dogwood Tree Catharine Ivcctnd in Toronto ismngi 0t and Fresh 0f office Mr Greg SPORE Spawn gave talk on Easm 11$ Aiw 0ll lt th Right YO members on Safety Margalet Sturgeon told the life is it 11 ii iii CI history of Rev John Newton and 10 10 Club Mum hymns he had mm Some Sing family spent Sunday in Toronto jomt meeting was held in the mg 35 enjoyed The leader mm visiting Mr and Mrs Mitchell agricultural office in Alliston on mimAmerican story and pictorial April 24 with members of the maps of South America were work 0ka Come Success Just Phone We are happy to be able to tell you that the lawsuit brought more than four years ago against South Simcoe Dairy ClubI Beef ed Meeting closed with prayed The thrwday course Lets Ford Motor Company Detrort Mich and Dearblorn Motors Corporation Birmingham Calf Swine Grain and Potato delicious supper was served binook it Right was splendid sucI Ferguson mi ha been Chlbs attending Herb Dunn Club the hostess Icess The ladies turned out in full ngh by Hany glson Hany sett ed by agleement Of leader for the Potato Club Gordon Congratulations to Manseld force to hem Miss WightI from the parties Brethet club leader of the Swine Zdeparlment explain the proper Club Kenneth Wilson leader of Siigsarigi 85315225 Ynlmethods of cooking and servingi There are three pomts connected With this settlement which as apresent or posmble II the Dairy Calf Club and Pat Church Saturday 9mm 191le 315 Which 1Ci Elizabeth St Barrie future owner of Ford Tractor we want to make clearto you Regardless of what you may OLeald fth Befalf lattth hi ClubIgomegrgI on sow etoiggry ldlLS amp use 68L Opp Wellington Hotel heal to the contrary these are the Idays demonstration 7EP11rggfrgbilt Lmvme xistimglQANLujjiisj Fmth LOAN ssss ed the club meeting Oificers elect APRIL 28The euchre party last ed to the clubs are as follows Thursday by the men of the Icom Dairy Club Clubpresident Don munlty was It huge success prize in BrethetTottenham vicepresident Winners being LIadies Mrs Erneslt Evan Wilcox Beeton secretary DIdesv Mr lit Mm Plant treasurer Bet Tillman Churchill lent GOWOII 9951 Beef Calf ClubPresident Mar Dales and Ch BOWden garet Gilmore Everett vlcepresi Some of the ladies from this dent Barbara Kerr Everett secre community who went to New pours or moist To Our Present and Future Customers WWW Ford Motor Company will continue production of the present Ford IiactOr without interruption and Dearborn Motors In normal tunes Ford MM lawtreasurer Helen Hamilton Colgam Swing ClubPresident Wilson Stoddart Blind Head vicepresi dent Bill Usher Schombergfsecre York on Fridsz were Mrs William Gorham Mrs John Kell Mrs Rob ert Kell Mrs Frank Kell Mrs Wes Hughes and Mrs Herb Hughes Mr and Mrs George Nesbitt and Buncitniintn Corporation will continue to marketthem nationally as in the past In Canada Ford Tractors and Dearborn Farm Equip mnt are marketed by Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited through its 750 FordMonarch Dealers By the end Company would carry such suit to nal conclusion in the courts These are not normal tims Under the circumstances we were 515d to ya It of 13952 Ford MotorICompany has agreed to make two simple get rid of the litigation to avoid changes and only twochanges in the means of operation and the expense mmssmenpi and fur control of pump used in the hydraulic system in the Ford ther interfth our tractor Tractor After these simple changes have been made there IS business involved in additional nothing in the settlement of the suit to prevent Ford Motor ears in the COM Company from continuing the manufacture of the presents Ford Tractor for as long as itImay choose he th In way In Ford Motor Companywill conrm to produce and Dear with Ford Motor Companys conuu bme Motors Corporation Will cpntmue to supply through ing to oller to tho farmer at lowest its distributors and dealing all repair parts for all past present ma do Iwnh hm WI and future mectfrsi and mi presentnettiodotmm Ford Tractors will continue tocllr all the advantages of the QMIWhIlmPWfNll 553 MED 40189 53 573 030 LOM 33 55 FFUENDW lOANS FRIENDLY lOANS JB Heres loan servite so fast thdt it sometimes tukesjonly 20 minutes to complete low Friendly loans are the ansiiverI to many budget Vt Embre You can get rip tol$l000 and loans iii life fal techon tno id mg plljtljl symm of hydraulic control the present method of $75000 db 24 attaching and wanting Implements andugll other failures MSPQ emmp nun Pm sihlefor their wide pppulurily Bourbon Motor will ContinIug to 91hr itssdmo cbmplotellne olimplements Thereskc wide ofplcnsivitliamounts MI II II rumour AND IMPlEMENT SALES you ham coal and for my dndtermstomectydhers II WmTrim IIIroan Moron COMPANY OEgIIANAindg wIINIDJSORII puns Ill25 II qANTHRIACITE 2550fth StovorNttt ANrnkAciruiucumss 2250ton peyotan of only $3825 mmmmmmiu Ocludgctferius May bi Aucugpd THE WON Biltom my rooucrouucounnmcn unto 233H0In NANCE COMPANt Li mvwm $5I531533 Insuumwmnuul

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