Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1952, p. 1

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AX DUNDEE NEWS Sowing THE TOWN OF HABRIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since l864 88th YeorNo 49 Dancing Monday Wednesdays Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Admission ladies 50c gentle men 75c 48th Old lllt and lllOdLlIl darlciugl in Allaudale rongc Hall everyl Friday night starting pm Adl mission 50c 4i61W Old Tymc and Modern dancing Iicploncs every Friday at Pine Crest Admission 50c 49thF chncsday April 30 pm Trinity Parish Hall concert fcat tiring music by Canadians of different nationalities Natlvc cos tumc Admission 50c Tickcts avail able at Barrie Frosted Foods 4849 Bridge cuchrc clc Oddfcllows 930 to lam tUMax Jones and His unwind to cu lad the Mt om hunan mun Sorority DOnales Floor Polisher to New Hospital Unit Horticultural Society Canvass BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 l952 We Underway rod progress is reported tlzc chgerzt Chlllpdlgllz for irremrmrship bun carrizd on by the Flame IfiTIlClilllilal and Town lmprovc nicrzt Society Ciptslns ll the mucous wardsg zill as follnwg WJld 24 Mdclglzm and Illilcllllilll W411 EMR Cook Ward IiiMrs ll Murrcn and Kzzgpp Ward 4AM llJ llrzsllc Misss ght Mm Humphrey nouricvd until Wldlzcsduy May Ms Lower Mrs licovicu Klrlck Mrs icorgc Hook 311 Coulis erd Mrs Brcmznn Mrs Elliott Fox Mrs It llialnoud Dcrt Jcrlnctt hriarru Examiner can Wm cwnn And Audi umu Circuktm MONDAY WM and FRIDAY 5c singlc copy PageSTwo Clashes Mark Council Meeting Qgp Reeve Asked Apologize JudgmentDeIayOd SCHOOL BOARD AGGRIEVED 2y Magistrate in MAYOR ASKS FOR COURTESY were Case BOARD SAY NOT DICTATORS Fu lht tutzi lnl With mutilr of hulilb thlgllltlit was rc wrwd iIl llu Edward litzu lid my nzli Illt dtClhlUI of Mug It Fustcr will not be un Wilcn ulruid up ed lli court morning lilyxord lllS 6Elti2lll Wizlzlll lit Lt llilt In it loud until the lflci0tl Mugg An obvious tension which marked the entire proceediifgx of special meeting Monday night between Town Council and the Public School Board reached its climax after number of fluteups when Gable chairman of the Board suggested Deputy Rccvo Heller Smith make public apology for his statement Councils last ordinary meeting that the Board would have to whistle for their money lrgrtc lovtcr thcu postponed willy nitlit csuliiptltrn of Court af ter tunicz but when cullcd again lEw nitcling which lasted nboul 40 iimulcs was punctuated by That is so replied the Board cbairmnn 1122 Allsupp Mrs Churc Temple Thursday May at til pm Auspiccs Ladics Auxiliary to the Canadian l0giun Lucky draws lunch 50 per person Anyone wishing to make up tables please call 4954 or 2705 All prdcccds to hm F051 llizhomid 1nd lug Courch would numbvr of clashes between the rcpz As the bricf flareup died down er GMV ngm mm glllil lu lllllllli lie Iskld for an lcscnldllvcs of both parties omiiDcpuly Reeve Smith went on to 0mm MONK addimnn Jliilltltll lilllCt furlml Mayor Mrs Hamilton loggivu some of the figures contained MS Mrs EM Williams Mrs Ann Mngistmto lmtrr liskttl rch to her feet at one stage ambin the Boards letter $8000 for mm Bum Mrs Mark Thompson QC Cluwl At llllkt plea for courtesy from tho fiunixhings for four classroom wards Legion Room at Hospital Wltli UHV1f it had my mwcmm erd $1400 for playground llies $3 4749Fw humrs scam Mrs 23 dlfi fi Purim cellar 000 for landscaping ahd $5000 for ml St 511 1c Onft it bnc address Dan In Guthrie Community 01 Opmng mth Mawripu lmpmen Hall Frldny May Music by Th SOLMy hull just received pm IfclgllllittLji mr clmfll ammo 53m The Purpose It Gable lnmrlecwd 35 just Tom Pattendenvs Mountaineers Ad lnzusion from the department of l1 mmlfamgbsLr if is primarily to discuss with the What was we guide comm mission 50C Lunch counter 49 vlughwnvs to beautify the gore atl mcmburs of tho school ll3 emlre Quesum oar tut Dance at BMW Friday May PRESENTATION of cheque to buy an Shanahan with the newly elected presid lulu intersection of Highway 113mb lsrhff IM WW1 irequcsl mum 51mm mm Deputy Reeve SmthI think music of paw CKBB electric floor polisher for the new Barrie and cut Miss Norma Hinton right hv Shanty Bay road Work will me 54 atiIUde link Haylotipmy Dancing from 930 to District Memorial Hospital unit was made v1 11 thc town Money to purchase the polisher was rals ls WM My shortly 16 plddd 7mm Monday by the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority tnot guilty to charge that on or council than Lem mmmneelccmlm economys are prover th ed by the sorority through thetr formal iiltmlll March 21 he did unlawfully gt the who Vlllh Dchtchceve my tGaEile You use not pre 1c ocm omml cc 5P1 13 Olly 0m 1m md knowinllv mn in 11 until VP approva IOOF Barrie N0 63 cordially in M15 M011 Kldd paSt premdenttROf gm lacs dancehm the Fgu and brldce parties hemlinch long often carries its young pprbons undebrm 232155 315003 gmcmbcrs were present while only Deputy Reeve SmithSpeaking Hula members Rebekahs and Alp Phi chapter presented equc at eac members home on its back until they can fend for may the Liquor Comm Act 05 lane member of the Board was ab for myselfJ am not friends to the social in the IOOF the hospital superintendent Miss HSICIl llhcmsclves lonnm iscnt may be if Cemfjn exill3113 Templc Collier Street at pm an WWWwvw Deputy Reeve Smith said the 915 were 1351 It mlht make onF Fglday May 4950 lrcnson for the meeting was that differenclv he added Wiv Mrs Dinner ens I952 Commum Kay Field Secretary of WCTU Will Show mm Liquid Lore lboard bad on hand amounted to mg our moms for 33300 545000 enough money to build the Tum to page two 916359 dlatl Lctgion Admission 50C 119 gthc Board asked for an additional res men 4850 517700 There was the feeling on lit had been intimated to Councilthere items mat are OI neces in Central United Sunday School 4950 once ve artet addition to King Edward School lthc part of some members of Coun ltllat last year the funds the school 53 at this lime sum 35 furnmh Hard timc dance Friday May Smitl to that New Low Han cana Scheduled for 195253 Season Iona IITIU recentmfr Saved Xviu Pemna Manager The Barrie Community concert culal thanks to Miss Doris Kcarns Although new Elizabethan Age with flowering of cull am in Memorial Hall Allan dalc auspices St Georges WA 49 Rummage Sale LTB Hall High St Saturday May am Aus piccs LTB Lodge No 337 4850 Rummage sale on Saturday May in Oddfcllows Hall Collier St Doors open am St Marys lad ics 4749 Daffodil Tea auspices St Pauls Church at Stroud Hall Saturday May3 from 35 pm Bazaar an candyjables 49 Rummage sale in St Andrews Presbyterian Church lecture room comer Worslcy and Owen 515 Saturday May Auspices WA Doors open 1m 4850WF Play Ari Old Fashioned Moth er will be presented by Cooks town WA under auspices of Baxter Ladies Aid May in Baxter 0r ange Hall Admission 50c and 25c 4950 The May meeting of Chilli Willi Junior Farmers will be held on Tuesday May in Churchill Hall Please notice the date 4950 Bake Sale and Tea Wednesday May 230 pm in basement of Zion Presbyterian Church Angus Come one come all 4950 Attention Chilli wun JuniOr Farmers Any members requiring tickets for South Simcoe County at home on May please get in touch with Faris Sinclair 49 Keep Mayl6 open for Minstrel Show in Community Hall Stroud by Alliston Young Adults Watch for further notice 49 meeting Monday night at Collier St United Church The dinner wits attended by about 70 people including members of the ekccu tivc board and volunteer workers of the association The enthusiastic meeting marked the opening of the current one week campaigndurlng which the association plans to enroll at capac ity audienCP which will insure an othcrfull series of concerts for the season Lloyd Tufford president of the association presided at the dinner Mrs Harris Redmond chairman of the policy and pro gram committee of the Barrie Re creation Council was present re presenting the mayor Speakers introduced by the president in cluded Miss Margaret Sinclair gen eral campaign chairman and Al bert Robinson Community Concert representative from New York who will be here all week to assist with the campaign Other head table guests were Dr MacPherson past president of the local association and Mrs Mac Pherson Miss Ruth Brother Mrs James Ferguson and C01 and Mrs CamelOn of the Royal Can adian School of Infantry at Camp Borden In her remarks at the dinner meeting the campaign chairman thanked all the workers for help ing make the very fine cultural activity embodied in the Commun ity Concert Association available to the town She expressed parti Cnmpaign headquarters at Steph cns Mens Wear store will be open during the week from 930 oclock in the morning until 530 Turn to page seven please Hold Annual Tag Day for Blind salurdayf May This Saturday the annual tag day of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind will be held in Bar rie under the sponsorship of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club Taggers will canvass the down town area and there will also be doortodoor canvass in residential sections It is expected that there will be about 150 taggch on duty during the day Tag day convener Bruce Sarjeant of the Lions Auxiliary Her team captains will be Mrs Bell Mrs Leighton Emms Mrs Clarence Corbett Mrs William Sarjcant Mrs Fred KaighimMrs George Seymour Mrs Gerald Smith Mrs George Hook Mrs thur Harrison Mrs John Pelletier Mrs Edwin Norman Mrs Arthur Pugh Mrs Parry Hancock treasurer of the Barrie committee Of the CNIB will act as treasurer for thetag day Rummage 531 Sitmdayv may 3v Association held its annual dinner who had been her cochairman lure and accompanying greatness may be out of the question Sunny and Warm for Great Britain for Canada it is definite possibility and the Massey Report has shown the people the way Dr Roby Kidd stated at an open meeting in Barrie Monday evening Reviewing the findings and recl ommcndations of the Canadian roy nl commission on national develop ment in the arts letters and scienc es the speaker who is director of the Canadian Association for Adult Education stressed that the futurg implications of the report depend on the Canadian people The meeting held at the library hall was sponsored by the Simcoe County Committee on Social Scr vice in cooperation with the Sim coe County Arts and Crafts As sociation Following Dr Kidds talk pan e1 composed of various representa tives In interested fields discussed aspects of the report Panel mem bers were George Woods supervis ing principal of Essa Township schools Fisher of the staff of the Barrie District Collegiate In stitute Mrs Foster Hilliard of Honeywood of the arts and crafts association Miss Mary Sheridan Orillia public librarian and Rev Frank Conkey of the Presbyterian Church in Orillia Miss Elsie Dunn county librar ianfchaired the meeting and Miss Louise Culley county recreation director presented summary of findings at the close of the even mg New BradfmdyRPublicSchool Has Official Openin7 Culture Defined Culture as included in the Mas scy Report is not longhaired said Dr Kidd Briefs presented to the commission broadened the in formation of the Canadian public on such matters as radio television and films libraries publishing and other national concerns Recommen dations were in line with what most of the groups in the country placed before the commission The report contains 21 recom mendations on radio several of which have already been adopted nine on television 13 on the Nat ional Film Board nine on museums 10 on libraries 10 on historical sites eight on scholarships one on scien tific research seven on projecting Canada abroad and eight on the proposed Canada Council Not only art groups but Cham lxers of Commerce Womens Insti tutes and labor unions presented briefs to the commission The report has stabilized the Can adian broadcasting system and gave support at time when it was needed to the NatiOnal Film Board The commission realized that when licences to documentary films dis tribution and use of motion pictures comes first before production The report noted that 14 million people are attending these documentary showings and that Canada has the most effective distribution of docu mentaries of any country in the world Canada Council By far the most interesting recom mendation of any made by the com mission is however the proposed CanadaCouncil declared the speak er The council to be made up of 15 members is to have represent atives from all major groups and areas in Canada music ballet etc Professionals and experts in the field are to make up itgrcoimnittees but council members arlo be chos en for their competence in relat ing themselves to voluntary groups not for specialized skill in the arts At present there isno centre of national stimulus for arts in Can ada and no national recognition of the arts through the federal govern ment We have not developed it any satisfactory way cultural inter Change abroad There is no cen tre in Canada of support for volun Good Weather Still With Us Beautiful spring weather is still with us pleasant change from winter chill Quite number of motorists have mu making the null early Inspec tion trips north and Wasagn bound the present weather continues the lighter hndrwlll need rain Temperatures were High Low April 21 69 31 70 42 72 38 oil that there were certain items in these estimates which possibly thc Board could get along without in view of the continually rising tax rhte and the tremendous prcs sure for other final works in the towu which had been neglected for many years For that reason he explained motion was pasaed asking for further information as to some of the items in your letter of April 17 When he went on to add that there might be questions to ask Mr Gable retortedWe may not answer them anyway It might be that this meeting then is entirely unnecessary ex claimed the Deputy Reeve DONALD FISH who has been appointed manager of the Barrie branch of the Personal Fin ance Company of Canada with new ofces in the Public Utilities Building Hayfield St No Local Open DeerISeaspn Vespra TWp Tells Department At special mceting held at Mldhurst Vespra Council decided that in the interests of game preservation they will not have an open season for deer this year Their decision followed consid eration of letter from the Depart ment of Lands and Forests request Eng approval or otherwise of an open season Council were of the innion that as large number of deer had been taken last year it would be better not to have an open sason in 1952 Ratepayers should erect their mailboxes in such manner that they will not be damagediif struck by the wing of the snowplow This was the general feeling of Council when they dealt with letter from ratepayer complaining of damage which had been caused to his mail box TheClerk was instructed to point out to the Writer that it was not the policy of the Council to re place or repair the boxes It could be suggested however that rate payers take proper precautions Anditors Fees Council were given full explan ation of the position regarding the auditors fees following query which had arisen in connection with this matter It was explained that tho late Mr King had been instruct ed by the Department that he Would have to revise his scale of $25 Grenfel Community School Board $10 Township books and ac counts $175 The new scale will resoonsiblfor totalincrease $155 petition was received from Vespra ratepayers asking dissolu tion of that part of Vespra school area which lies Within the bound aries ofEssa Township The re quest was made due to the over crowding of Vespra schools and the fact that 32 pupils were now at tending from Essa Township Ross Harris was appointed the representative onthe arbitration board for the adjustment of school area No Other members of the board will representative from Essa Council two public school in spectors and the County Court judge communication was read from the Clerk of Mona Township ask ing that delegate be permitted to attend the next Council meeting to discuss flood damage and erdslon in the Nottawasaga River Valley and what steps might be taken in the way of conservation measures Eweuditnre Approved Council were notified that ap Barrie Key Club WinAchievemelll lot Second Year Teri members of Barrier Key Club accompanied by two Ki wamans Stewart McDuee and Leighton Clarke attended the MQ convention recently in Otta wa Keyclub members were Tom Taciuk Doug Stewart Jim Lak ing Bruce Halfyard Leon Don McKinnon Don Hersey rol Whitmore Len Robbins and Mel Robertson The local club was very much in the limelight as they brought the Achievement Ward bomb for the second successive year ireB cord in the OMQ district Also Tom Taciuk was unanimously elect ed District Intemationlmstee for Key Clubs Tanink will car ry the support of th OntarioMarv itimesQuebec district as he be comes International Trusteeat the International Convention in Cm cago June 2528 tary organizations no machinery fees on he would run the risk of 105 proval had been received from the or planned way for financialsup In his license Accordmgly tbeepantment of Highways for experti Wm Thereis no way of meeuyg new scale divas drawn up as fol ditiire in 1952Lamolmding to 335 the Obugation laid on us Hewearg IOWS auditing four schools books 000 bylaw was Iaterauthorized ago whenwe signed the UNESCO $15 school arcgnumber one $45 giving the Reeve and Treasurer Vespra municipaltelephone system Turn to page four pleaSe gumvggdm2j3Columbus Fund Inaugurated maRrREOPGm an gmgiig 1e vy sensing rmbfmfgggngmggsmm Le Deceased Butcher is hmomgihe Quebechaonbllsfs IResidents id Elmvalle andEssa $2000 and manhum of 5000 whoifeel that the mm will be Township have organized sp It was obviousr axle nanny the thin edgeofthe Wedge 193 cial fund the JeanColumbus Fund died be solid that the pedplc 10m T8 mgrto the provmces 1931118 their to help provide for thc wifevand Wanted to help th fatally Hld 01 er childot Danny Columbus 25 was ajverytpopul boyind went communlsl havcishowncomcrop yearold Elmvnlc butcher Who out of his to help 50300 fde Jdmes HrtOf BQIIIQWhO brought greetings from Sim mm9 seemg It as great mad last week yresult bums flluanwls hm SF openedrridayldfternoon gApril25by GP CannonBAB3 cue Countyi Cancun George Combustion MBA lorn1trtu$fbecg heTgcexggtwhge work gig micma meme Pavednephrmnmecprmucauon Quietmmneichoor and Others tam the ommngvcm Cent nggmnghoolfam secretarytrek gaipskthgdstgvkg Ugrjagcmig Whegmtvgo LIE png Willmakesn Wm Imaff 1mer ve=en arm man2 er poseatathe trout cnimnue tomemodern nowschoolw Soundboard yv fatalinsdnsngementsuonrcgnuxu admin nec In theffba mdreordon Adonison otlorontc Wmtmmmm Dr GCBlackwcll13mebilhlmps andE for$0M members ni theschooinoamuwmezi clinicmbelsjcmiie to the cop on in their stimulating dlSOus

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