Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1952, p. 4

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Money Couldnt BENE EWW APRIL 14mm and Mrs But These Thre cursors Flyer Visitors 11m Grant For King Edward 522 32 School Addition ightcr Mrs MacDowcll June Wat lion Toronto with her mother Al ibcrt Lewis Toronto with Mrs Curtis Mrs Reid Aurora at her cottage Mr and Mrs Profit iToronto and Mrs Gibbons Harv rice with Mr and Mrs Chappcl Mr and Mrs Walter Moore and Mrs Moore spent Easter in Crillia Remember the Home and School 3531353 CASE lTOWN BOWLERS OPEN DRIVE Poo wagging CHAMPIONSHIP HONORS AI null of the of typhoid NW Can Bot arty hat wakeId the winch chm may by tho Butte Council sad the Shae County Won Sonia and held in Built tool at the camp have been temporarily cu called lthc weekend in Toronto Euler Violin Various bowling leagues throughout town commenced play goff arguments this week The two major clrcults the indiea and mens bowling loops have completed the first round and fact the stage for next weeks run to the wire queens OWL wk The amount of 5117500 has been approved by the Department of Education for grant purposes for the King Edward Public School addition and alterations At its mcctlug on Wednesday cvening thc school boardrcccivcd from Scott inspector of pub lic Schools for Centre Simcoc copy of the letter he received con cerning the amount approved by the department The nal tender of the Emory Engincciing and Contracting Co Ltd after chunch and alternatives had bcm dccidttd upon is 390790 The architects fees from the tlrm of Page and Stcclc amount to $5 500 Other cots included in the up provcd amount arc claasroom fum ishings $8000 drapery $710 paiut lug existing school where needed bccausc of renovations $1000 spent the weckcnd in Hamilton osdandscaping fence and Sidewalks guests of Mr and Mrs Moodlc 152000 RA Symn $5000 arm Mr and Mrs L60 Banting 50w ite fire cxtinguixhcrs $1110 lire wedllCSdlll in TOWN hours and cabinets $540 drainage Mr and Mrs Oswald Blackbasin and sump pump $500 play Stroud spent Friday with Mrs Liground xtures equipment etc Lennox and Maude Keown ESL100 contingency bond discount Mrs Claude Banting is visitinglClcl 51880 her sister in St Chtthines for It is cxpcctcd that the building Easter holidays projcct will be nanced by the lAE 2969 and filtC last with Elengcr throughout the season upi The REPC tum are prac isc the tammes and took the lead ticlb 500 pms below the leading fin the ladies division may praf and team which nukes big Educed threegame total of 3123iimdicap Next week all teams roll guncludes tezlm handicap to pace at pm again secondplace Adams Butcbcrettcs by 149 pins Queens rolled 1053 1015 1055 across the board with chtzy King lhc top bowler with 586 he only Retention dint tor Miss babe Caller who is one of the swimming in stnnlus was him of the dash of the pool an flim day night when c115 Via schuiukd to be held Until about 10 oclock that night she nu buy telephoning swin uala students of Orllllar Le fny Cram Alliston New Lowell Ind Elmvalc 15 well 1n Burl and the mute district to balm them of the necessary 11th hour cancel tlon The dosing of the pool eets more than 100 adults Ind 150 high school pupils who talc their claws Snturdny morning It has not yet when the pool will be re opcncd for the classes Shipbuilders Club meeting Monday April 21 The WI sent beautiful Easter Adams had Lela Coztrcll in good ililics to the churches iform with 591 for three and are in lReach Finals Avery good position for charm ipthSth bid next week Gwen LWP mlkd SM 933 Small Adl Collingwood Shipbuilders reach ams rolled 918 96 across rd nu OllA intermcdiavic fin board L9 uly last night alt they tied Gana Cullian Water Soflcncr arc also noquc Gans 88 in Gananoquc The very much in the running They bemonwvcu Series operated on carried 2953 for third place Bcr point basis gavc Collingwoodthe inicc Boorman with 525 headed the cs with three wins and two tics fpack The big spurt was in the grind one defeat Conny Switzer ithird game when tncy carded cxSt Catharincs chpec was the tcim total of 1131 ccnlrc star for Gnnanoquc been decided PK llhchincry who led the low iguc throughout arc 248 pins bc ihind Queens sitting in fourth Zplace with 75 Monarch Refrig cration stand fifth with 2701 ECoutts Real Estate sixth with i668 For the intcrcst of those not in the playoffs the ludics annual bow WY Alltl 1+E1mcr Banting Roch cstcr called on friends and rclal itivcs on Saturday MN Jcnnctt spent Easter holiday with friends and relatives in Buffalo and Toronto Mr and Mrs Weston Cochrane Tfic defending cliamplon Ship buildcrs now mcct Simcoe Gunners in the bcstinscvcn finals which Illt slutcd to opcn Saturday night dccision hasnt been reached as to whch the opener will be played Reports from Collingwood claim the Shipbuilders will take the fin COOKSTOWNS SNOOKER Tournament drew to close WELSH EMBLEM Tho Wild leek cmblcm of Wales Monday night as Stan Halbcrt swept thechampionship He is ix who found gmwm in variou shown above with the trophy presented by Ken Crawfordg 09526 mm New mmswick right who sponsored the tournament Manitoba i= OPPOSITION in the semi finalsandvftnals was strong In both sets aggnst mmcArnold left and Leo Harrison tournament in it 91 my right the winner lost nisopiiing game The is to be an annual affair in Dover and boldlngidoivn rearward spot withibe Kings while mm 0109031506119 broke StandardObserver states m1 itfiiirESfor 50ch animator ailintgomery Auto Parts are fKtth Cooper skip 15 in six games The team took on Elill Merrill and Tubby Barrett from the champion junior team fllKl thcsc lads have added lot of lugs to the squad Hing banquet will be held at Trin it Parish Hall May l3 starting l7 pm Mens League 73nd groups of tlic Mental Vstaid their playoffs this week lnl iA group Brass and Glenn who trailpd at the bottom all year and onula curlmg eput on sudden splurge at tnc Three rinkg Coldwntcr last hmc taken ovcr the lead wttltlclub participated in the annual Lions In Bonspiel H331 DlIlS Bell Tllcphom 350 310 boupicl at Orillia Curling Club truiling pins vitlt 3214iix1501d by the Orillin Lions ClefBrouns arc third vith3203 Earl Doblcs Coldwatcr entry Bnrnc Tanning No arc fourthgolaccd fth Winning entries who inln c119 Thc Dodgch Will only toppcd the locals were lst Neil ifour men havmg lost man when Norman Orillia 2nd Wilson Bow Elob ansay went away are in or chcrton 3rd Ken Sandra ififtn vith 3123 and CGE arc trailiOrillin4th Andy Dobson Beaver img with 3008 lion In 9mUn and 801mq ljwei Coldwatc curlers were Will Elcad of 148 pins over Chicksiams Martin Woodrow Alexis lcnr wno are in sccoudEDoble skip Orton Moon Eplace 13X 370 in third With 3058C Robinson Cowan Skip iToronto Telegram fourth with 2979 Brimage Lovcring Durilop Real Chevrcfils top rookie perfor mers for Ecstbri Bruins and Hershey Bears postcddgrcatsensons in their debut Toppazzini after zin injury mum lt HOW REMEMBER the fateful Saturday night in Barries hot tovc corner where one purchases the best coffee in town rolly polly proprietor named Rankie said off the record might fly to Boston In the same calm manner we replied if you go let mc know Little did we realize that those words marked the beginning of the lostestwcckcnd ever placed on record one which would have ploccd Ray Mllland to shame Thisw guyw Frankie really eats up the miles And thats not all He knows his way around Twice we IlllSSLtlOUI plane losing our reservation and each time be persuaded Ithe ticketsenor in nding two vacancieson other ights It was our Erst trip in tho clouds too and the fact that everything happened so last we just couldnt become frightened We know now that it is denitely the only way to travel although some nights you can ex perience thc2imc fecling at slight decrease in expense Both Frankie and our ngers agreedthat Boston on the strength of their Mr and Mrs Myers ncc Mar gt anct Baker spent Friday with he LEO LABINE sistcr Mrs Claude Banting Holiday Visitors Mr and Mrs Jack Shilling and fzunily Sudbury Mr and Mrs Smyth and Helen Ajax Mr and Mrs Bert Bcllshnw Toronto willil their parcnts Mr and Mrs Davis Miss Ella McLean with Mr und Mrs Elwood Jcnnctt Mr and Mrs Mayor at Mr and Mrs James Mchrmotts and Mrs Majors Mr and Mrs Art Carlson and family with Mr and Mrs Cleve Patton and EBanting Mr and Mrs Don Newman with Jcnnctt MlSS Marion McVancll and Kcith inckcy campaign with Hershey but when the Bruins needed help was pulled in and stuck He is heralded 150118 of the leagues top rookies l111d surefire NHL star Chev is THREE DILRBER 01 our hls returning to Timmins for the sum torymakmg memorial llcup llln mcr Jcrry will be heading for Cop mg Hyers mic current1y Vlsmng per Cliff and Leo to Haileybury here prior to returniugiliomc from successful professional seasons Jerry Toppazzlni Lco Labine Ihd RliAL CHEVREFILS bond premium received from ic bcnturcs lRiqu for Codrington and Hillcrcst schuolo $141100 the sale jof Victoria School 540000 and 562700 debentures to bc issued by the town Subjcct to the municipal boords approval Two bnscmcnt rooms are to be finished 15 classrooms making total of six classrooms to be built land raising the amount cligiblc for grant from $100000 to $150000 home with their parents Mr and Mrs McVanell Mr and Mrs Roy Wilson Mr and Mrs Suthcr land with Mrs George Wilson DOG SAVES SEVEN DALHOUSIE NB CP Tltc barking of dog is credited with saving the lives of seven persons when fire started in the home of Mrs Osias Lavoie from unknown causes Arouscdby the dog the woman her sister and five children cscnpcd in night clothes called up for reserve Bmlns lnthc against abine iwtg brlcftlial tilttit shufed buck to the Bears played the cup finals and struck payder bylanding Maurice Richard withl the hardest check of his eightyear career Chcvrcfils also started the shovvlng in the sixth game should have on the series over Montreal They blew 20 lead and in the rst overtime pcribd couldntplace the puck bchindIMcNeil although they walked over the Habs at will And Paul Mnsnicksgoal that tied theseriesl was far from clean ut the type hoped for in suddendeath overtime Our own Leo Lab had two glorious chancesfm countersltbut just couldnt connect and Chcvrclsmisscd thorner by inchescn beautiful effort AND lllllN FRANKIE still full of life and vigorwhose the old est in this crowd ariywaytramped the throttle to Montreal for the Canadicns opener agaist Detroit VWe arrived in time to see one minute oiid 10 seconds the third periodand could have scenjnothcr minute through the gonciosity of Cappy Lane the timer from New York except we wanted to boat the emotional FrenchCanadian crowd to St Catharines Street or thereabouts By somecolncidence we did manage toreach the second game on time and sinceMontreal appeared like heater club throughout with the exception of The Rockets toughluck effort on Sawchuck the trip to Detroit was washed out As the Canadlcns fcll last night it becamemore evident that the injuries to centres Ken Mosdcll and Johnny McCormick were xtrcmely costly It placed more work on Biny Beaywho suffered an injury in the sec ond game and Elmer Lach which couldnt help but detract from their offcnive power Paul Mcger our pride and joy was forever trying and was one Hub who never once gave up the ship Fromwhatz we saw he is certainly more valuable than the famed BoomBoom who appears to be headed for the rookie award on thcStrength of 30 goals Mcgcr scored 24 and hcbackchccks too And so cndcthanother hockey season KNICKKNACKS No sovuci back in townffrom whirlwind sca sons of hockey llni Straclmn and Dan Poland dove into the business World Theynre operating an cxperti car wash at Finlays Garage 14 Dunlop Street and imaginc they wouldibe pleased to sce their many friends call around two Wellknown Flycrs Chuckwmfond Skip Tenure anxious to play lncfosselthis summer They have boon coxituctcd byQrilliaw1m arc oncc again entuing senior circlcsvlhcy wouldalsolikc to hear from Allistorlitoo Both werei good Jun limelleht in his hometown Port for boxlofiitnr Chuek hitting 3113 in the boxla hotbedtgSt Cath Skip foaming the game EMENT BarberlShop is now Neills Shoe Store unuouuc wish to ounouncc that Wrights located at 33 Dunlop Street next to During the past years when We were located at 44 have had Bayfteld Street Charles Dycke ondhmySclf the privilege of serving you and we loolo forivard to your continued patronage in our new location Wright Dozens fol PcittinSif 13Hundrods oi Pites ran uponthose discattndglpmms Jubile Laurellq Warenpensby Klinigsway Orvmsweyrykosc bad no afloat of othcrs ENGLISH CH1NAWARE lncit Teal claims Ron Stewart the key to thelucccssful Biltmores is contemplating spending the summer in Barrie 11 to show the boys howflicy play lacrogge in Calgary who made goortwltti 80$ departing fortllmmtns Barber smoothshavedpukster from last yearn Flyers is helpPOmblokc Lumber Kings is sidelinedwlth groin injury Another exriyer not unduly is teal tormcr Windsor Spltre1s one of their frontline snlprszulhofem Jack White is the besbperlormer on tb Stratford roster mystery shrouds the office this week ho vptedon the Examincrifpinmpp 10419523 in their Eastern Allan Cup nal fLlonel so hevis going niNutkrLlrEsc TEA 17535 martin nu 31531311 ware lls the many Cum arobut fewbf vamoortgrod

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