Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1952, p. 17

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HOUSE or HITS EIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE FINAL DAYS WEDNESDAY Cmnmtssiuii Tor More Pom DIIIIIa to Pay Hydro $3IIM gip mar WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 I952 Examiner Section 34am I7 14 Urillzu Water some 3303 additional year power Ob iljltctxie Power Cwnnnssmn as the THURSDAY LAST CHANCE To SEE THIS GREAT HIT STARTS FRIDAY FOR LAUGH PACKED DAYS THE CLOWNS EVE SHOWS 650 AND pm SHOWING AT REGULAR PRICES result 12 of litached between Ulliim and lhi Inerzt was passed in the Ontario ExWarden Harvey Appointed ClerkTreasurer Iecumseth Twp agreement Bcetnn Wozldz DeWilt Harte mni evczi applications In lecuniscth Township inc position of Cleric iiLI nude vacant by the sud lllg of King on Feb1 ploYllICii ullitZ liecently priwte biii setting ginrlli the terms of lite new agree Levi IIUlL This Uiitlxlid negotiate tions between Ichd of the Hydro aiilld members mi li Orillia com run gt his war Mr llarvev mission gt llllitfliilllfl his new duties 011 Under the new agreement which is for it HJf e1iz term only Orillia can obtuii 1500 kilowatts ata m1 of lvciizithh Dce Los of $42 kilowatt it the full up 12 timihurb kmmu wanI amount is llSLd Orillm wouldthus 11 CW 1397 pay my NH 563000 Under the sen IL Mr James iluney of All iold agrwmcm which stun ind the late Mr Harvey iguivm pemxi 011p wuld 0b Whey eirgt he nzoved with glam 1000 kIIQwdJS at mug $33 115 lliLlZLI to Nil Lot 19 Con 10 lt kilowatt LOWER THE ROARBOATS Fox New and Color Cartoon EVE SHows FRIDAY START AT 650 pm CONTIUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm GRANADA THEATRE ENTERTAINMENT LAST AND FINAL sHDwiN TONIGHT WEDNESDAY WILLIAM NANCY WILLIAM HOLDEN OLSON BENDIX Ami fur the post 47 yours Iliis rc Iinii oi the Hume farm ch Sound Advice to gHog Producers Support Copaco By 365 typographical error on April which gave the costs of livestock and materials as being $6702 in stead of $3702 made such con1 sidcruble differeth to the overall picture that we hasten to offer corrcciion The gure of $3702 pziid out from every sales $100 for farmers livel stock and materials used in nal mnnulncture of the saleable prodi uct is one that must be an envi able record for such processing This leaves balance of $1208 to cover administration interest tel ophones insurance salaries emlt HARVEY ploycc bonuses and depreciation From this prot was left of 101 per 100 lbs of products handlediKiwanis The comparison with the figure mentioned in the story of $6702 was so out of line that it have been noticeable to anyone even remotely interested The un swer to the whole thing is volumeINumber of sales This can be accomplish ed only by the members being Beritirs iieisig icieil tint 63 All and found 111 Zi LEI ter into the affair ll cpi life He gamed Sent on lectiin Scll Council in 1933 11i iul ugh yeah served the Lin iii ZILLI capacity Deciding to step up he sexxed is deputy ccu from 1940 to 1944 Mr Harvey gained an otlIer rung 11 the inn expJ Int when lit become llth lie Served the that 311 in Izimt pruiicienl lliillllitl iis ieew three your and iti 1947 was Iv worried when he euelml I2 guy uncle of munician 1in rim of wormn of Simeoe Cour It was while Dee lint he giivc valuable the orgnxuzntion of lliiizt lien orizil High School it XIILI is Itll scliool iiiezi or tips Lilrilltl llw Iiexl Liil he was iiiII citiiliizi of the district high school mural and acted ii that Lilgliltiiji for the past four years llis 1iil2ll tL on and valuable Llhrlilllici ouruig the construction oi this Ulliitilll one of the lintst lli Iituzio credit to Mr llir Mr Harvey is vlrsuii of World Wiir Ably assisting MI llarxe 11 daily duties is son Donald fourth generation of the ILlL famin on the some fziinz in taking Liter his new duties as cIeiILtieiiSuzcr of Teen sutn Mr llnrvey will be relieved of the collecting of taxes That posuion has been assigned to Maxwell Mitchell The lute Mr King held all three positions Wc vish Mr Haney every suc cess in his new duties and lllt condent that he Lill serve the township in the some efficient WITH series IIEYDI Bum SEEII BY AIIY AUDIENCE manner as when serving his 11 years on the council faithful to their own organization The reason there are so many rackets is partly because NADIA GRAY JDIIII MDDALLIIM If they are not shipping hogs ortbusinessmen find it easier to hand out 50 cents to strangerE cattle to the CoOperalwe thenIcollecting on behalf of charity than to call their local in SUBMARINE COMMAND THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVE SHOWS AT S40 pm CONTINUOUS SHows SATURDAY 230 pm VT EXCITEMENT TO MAKEYOU THRILL THRILLS To LVMAKE YOU GASP FIRST TIME ON THE SCREEN they should arrange to sell their membership to Someone who will do so It is easy to ride with going Iconcern The days ahead may not all be easy sailing However your Cooperative packers are maing stay in thp keeping of an orderly marketing of better pTDducts The customers who buy your products are doing so because they know that quality starts at the members farm who breeds better stock than just average If less fat is put on the hogs it taut thina is that you are noti will also leave greater margin Estemazy Newsomerver has lust of processing prot The last 10 lbs of Unnecessary tat costs ex pensive feed Leave that for the lnext litter Ship 1655 fat for ducers Association profit in these capricious markets Thisis thexadvice of the HogPro OIIIIia Tax Rate AlthoughyOrillias 1952 tax rate jumped 94 mills over last years figure to record 76 mills almost seven mills of the increase was in iHits Record of 76 IChamber of Commerce or one of the Better Business Bureaus This view was expressed by A= 3R Haskell general manager of To ronto Better BusinessBureau when speaking at Monday nights meet ing of Barrio Kiwanis in the Com munity House People who run fake missions Ilars from business concerns to for check as to whether the organization is genuine BR1402311111611 or snowino on SAME PROGRAM James Fairhurst Windsor nsi sumcd duties as Bracebridgc lnl OUTLAWS OF TEXAS WHIP WILSON PHYLLIS COATES 4AANDY CLYDE idustrial Commissioner and MaineE gei ofthc Chamber of CommerceI on April Announcement of his he said collect thousands of cloliappoimment was made by HUSH dcnt James Stevenson of the Chamber of Commerce ay You may be able to give 50 cents to some stranger The im jonly throwing away that moneyA celebrated its 45th anniversary asi at least if you threw it in the guti liter it might be picked up by some iorie who needed mealbut you iare diverting it from wellknown and reputable charities who need lit right here in your own com imunity During the past year Mr Has Ikell added his own bureau had phandled over 17000 inquiries and lover 8000 complaints Through the Iadvice they had been able to gun Isome 450 people starting in busi Iness buying homes and taking part in other transactions the Toronto BBB had saved them in the reg Iion of 3225000 Of those who had NO ADVANCE IN PRICES MATINEE 15c and 30c NIGHTS 15c and 40c Tax Incl ESTERHAZY ltva Thei weekly newspaper great many articles of silverware or sale in Mexico at pricesmuch lower than in Canada Silver lS Imined extensively in Mexico Va cationing in Mexico was found to be less costly than in the United Return from Trip to Mexico COLDWATERAlthough he is portions of sugar cane and cactus tone of Goldwaters senior citizens plants and other interesting song yhgeleggaig amgbegugi Charles Eplett Warden of SimA gt venirs jzzoldwstermons Club was guest Icoe gm Ill 1923 is Still on In their trip through the Southat meeting of theLions Club Iof this villages most active ClLiern StateswMI and Mrs Epletbm that particular meeting the Former County Warden Wife zeiIS He has just completed crossed me mightv Mississippi guest of honor was William 0Dwy motOF ml With Mil E913 vluch was thundering to the sea Ambawdor from the Unite expenditures over which the town Mexico including difficult passa He bv ood Ohiov made complaints 766 got back 111 vStates to Mexico ha little or no control leash or merchandise around $36ge in mountains 13020833 hllghwtlennessee Texas and other states nalyzing the tax rate0110w1ug 000 an covering Vota mi 95 the umon were cxogied beforei NATIVE DOCTORS special meeting of the counctl The work of me Toronto bureau domg all the drivmg himself treaching Mexico where they spent at the time of the arrival llgSasdoundedat 3332ng gargany in1765p Bridge Contracts PLUS 2nd ACTION HIT fWHEN IHE REDSKINSRODE For Movie MerryGoRound Twain CKBB Each Afternoon tit pan the building of Knowles Bri at Sunmdaie NewLoweuvand the Scott Iggidge lot concession Tenders rang editom 323000 telhe $13260 bid of the Finnigan Construction Co of Contracts were let forthe con WEESIIOX Who WerhWardedv the struction oi tivo bridges in Surud FAMOUS ACADEMI Onebl the worlds principal tender of council warble inspector for 1952 He Five tendch werreceived tori W111 139355 led blf John ONeil and Walter Limit The cooperation atoll farmersin area is asked illorder th thesbtlagainst this plague be elitesve BINGO thgergnue eIo omit lestreetligts mdaYIIEWZ Blueva must ISGMESWJV rim 105nm rllho eggs jot codiish until they hatch groupoat on the surface the mercy 0g 58 birds and other lobes Mayor Austin Cook pointed out that the County of Simcoe rate had contributed 36 mills to the in crease the debenture rate had add ed another 14 mills and the public school board had added another 19 mills These three items contri buted 69 mills of the 94 mill jump Borden PSrsonneI Injured When HQI Truck Oyerturns Bradford Witness Department of National De fence truck proceeding Southat about 820 Tuesday morning April hit the ditch and turned over on the bill known as McLeods north of Bradford when front tire blew Driven by PteLBernard Msore dale Townshipat the Aprilmeeting VEHarryigProsse was Appointed LY it cirriedfseven as passengers all from Camp Borden Pte Tom German 321490 CraWIey Pic Antioch Ptei Ducci LAC David AC2 Bill Gillham AC1 George Qulrie ACI Jame Wilkin son the hittertour of the ROAF Immdeere Pte RoachBite Dueei and ACI Quirie who were moved to Nowmarket hospital uh der direction of Dr LsBlack mind The accident was investigated by PCfHarry Spatling of we OPP trafc patrol ASIA New at commuter The continent on Asia covers an area equal to almost onethird the land amine9t theglobe the speakersaid was to investigate The local mm owner and his their IOlidays EJacquesCartier Indians in Canada rackets and protect the legitimate businesses not only in Toronto but throughout the province It was affiliated to other bureus throughout Canada and the United States all of which had the same aims 1twas nonprofit making organization supported by mem bership of over 1700 representative of all trades and professions De pending on the number of workers they employed business organiza tions paid anything from $25 to 52 to keep the bureau in operation th was always important to re member that the success of racket was in proportion to its resem blance to legitimate business en terprises The way to eliminate facket was to expose it The meth ods of racketeers could not stand the light of day Mr Haskell said that of the 90 or so rackets which were doing the most damzige their running was carried out by racketeers who had never used gun They were Shady salesmen liVmg on the tinge of legitimate business It is always well to remember thatman is the only animal that can be Skinned more than once the Speaker stated An outline of various types 01 rackets was given by Mr Haskll who also showed how thelun srupuIOUS haracter played on the guilt ility of the average person Wife were 5mm 101 The Goldwater couple were inEwere familiar with medicinal herbs weeks and have returned lull oil mgued by the cathedrals extinct and Had crude surgery enthusmsm 101 the fascmatmg reivolcanos colorful markets of Mex rts Vigited Gulf of Mexiico as well as by its picturesquei rand Paelc 993 Iresorts Acapulco Monterrey Puel The have brought back Mexicanibla Mexico City Vera Cruz and currency an oddlooking sh with other well known cities were stopI Spikes for Stdbprdtection the nose ping places Acapulca particular of sailsh caught by Mr Epletti1y was found to be beautiful IPacic Ocean resort nestling under c7 ihills among whichhave been built Iluxuricus homes and hotels While visiting coastal cities the Epletts enjoyed seeing ocean liners arrive from Spain the United States andt other countries Mr Eplett statesthat there are BARRIE updcucuii meeting every Iiumspm Izimy St Open to anyone detected IIIrc1Li5T pp yum teats imp Every Thursdv MARKET HALL by Barrie Citixell BRITISH SAL mm The onlyr Salt mine in the United Kingdom in Cheshire for centuries has produced brown salt for win terjmad work

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