Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1952, p. 1

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nun mom one not 88th YeaMNo 43 Harriet Public School Board is not yuready to dlspose of the Victoria School playground Tm 08 were received at the school board meeting on Wednes day evening Town Clerk Burton wrote offering on behalf of the town the sum of $5000 for JOHN LAY Native of Borric John Lay Pickering will seek the nomin ation as Liberal cknldabe for the in the bllance of thoschool propertyl Anothertentative offer was 115 valved from the local branch all the Canadian Legion President It Cougdon wrote stating that if the balancc of the school property was for sale the Legion would like an opportunity to make bid onl Both were advised that tch board was not ready to dispose of the school playground lhmming Moral byelection in my Ontario County Riding Oshawulu He is on of Mrs Lay 74 Blakel Driving Done Street Barrie and the late Harry Lay who was manager of the Canadian Bank of Cummcrce here for some yams before his rcl tirement and thenoperated Boul Of Crass dcrfel Greenhouses Iona timog Further John Lay is nephew of the late Prime Minister of Can ada the Rt Hon William Lyon Mackenzie King family man his wife and two AI Service Station and Construction Co Toronto bc have started their holidays and five cause of El certain amount of set llcft on April sons Collin Mackenzie ll nndtllng due to the cuormours amount Donald Lindscyfwl vsay they are right behind him in his intentions to stand graduate lnmmodetll languages from the UnivecsityOfToronto in 1934 joined lhcfMaSReyrllatrts company in 19383 He represented the company in Mexico ftom 1944 46 and for the past six years has been assistantmanager and sales supervise drlmtidAmerica in the Lexort divlsion of the rm He hasplso travelled widely in the iWcstf Indies Central and South America mother was sister of the late prime minister which has kepthim closely connected with the amiirs of the Liberal party about one year ago Sixteen piles have been driven with group at cachcorncr to depth OI25 feet where solid gravel bottom was found The building lMarch IBM from the some period Orilliil jfrom 13 to The avcmgc numbcr of patientshclsoni managlllg WNW 0f theilrnuty Church and 11mm at the mm 77 with peak of 93 reached in the Ontario Department of Pubj Work is now underway at welth IUSWE KIWI ll 5113005511 er and Mrs Foster Smloco service station of Known loin dance had been held for pupil Cross on Bradford St by the RichI POarrir Emotion it MONDAY wmmv man Scdlghcm RARRIE ONTARIO CANAO WEDNESDAY APRIL l6 1952 24 Pages3 Opening Dfile IAII Branches Simcoe County CAS mimal WeIIRepresemed AnnuaIDinner 25 Name I952 Board of DIreclorS The annual dinner of the Childrens Aid Sootety of Simeon County held at Trinity Pariah lint In Barrie on Wednesdayl evening April was attended by large representation from the Orillin Midland Collingwood Alliston and local brimches The board of directors or 1952 wqu mi Imam Hill Uh 2were named during the evening Pm lJSl ixtlsl slight qulIiS Tlicy am FOStEI Earl Rich lls nlllld Hill llL nought lfic ardson Fisher Chinch wLAl mum ticbl of zutltudcl Mrs Stewart Rcv Elli dllltlllu tuLKrlN ulm can Lewis Rev Oliver Maloncy and ul 15m DUNle nlllurS lnd io Miss Jackson of Barrie Ocm xwrllc Our Iltllllill Calvert uf Pom Mchng lm uril ivokui lilu Days ll Davidson Mcldrum Wright and Humme James mom of Collsngwood vgti tin mum numb and Ha MD Dlklmiln 3110 Dllporiltlg lliv clgthlcllillcgtl and F5 FLIXIUIl OE fienz 31 hi 351ancc 0n the Shelhtld CIWmDrCI board of lilitctori and paid tribute Patient days at the Royal Victor Roth of Orillin Township and N13 Inky and gm hum nu Ia Homilal were slightly down in Dr Juruiuc and A1110 35 Inli Lam Augm Macintoslumm IliClllllltll Rial county bum21 Stalk lur thcir lmv moi mm the Lflll lost your 1705 CONN Dreldent ll brim of Baltng trnlisurcrI The total number of pnlicntdays 01 195 llltvdtd ill the dinnerlot lllL socwtv since litll uxtcnde last month was 2381 compared imsclmd ll mud mm Sidwru vote or lliunks lo the rouniv 2362 in March 1951 The number 0419 311 1595mm Clel M39 and IIJZUilh cOIIcl or their sup obstctrical cases however was uplczmS Magnum 35 Speakerllwtl down through 10 Vcd ler the evening Miss Dortha Rm dolcncicl VIIqu of ln me 1059ij during the monthSONNY EYUGS Mullll SUDQYVMYOpL of the duuzca and hood her lit Welfare childrens division Ell Ion Tucsddvoitcgilgfnufrlrgupggs LCChmmkfP Fish Her wof 35 Will lcndvnt Helen Shlionulian told1smp may Mrs manor Harlan alone Warden James Hart Mrs FLSh I931 Ccord Childrens Aid Society OI Other guests includchack Fl 0an wwmr my formed mm the Couinawm lotltlclilldrcu In lJnl Ouc Illuus branch of mi same no sump and nullii Fluldrcu Nulullolcct ymmndeu ltll lomcs immah On thw supermtcndonis lequcstSWiety it St gmhihgllgsfg mu manilng um lulpud and 605 burses on April vi The pupil nurses of ll placed on the property be In cumulztee is to be named bv the nilmoron uci In or up In fore um bundng was erectedwmiman assist mm Waugh Colo Countymd MISS Panto luv 1391 no plucuu boarding talents for the 1952 graduation 2hgfC3ngifgozhzybugigx huan 174 in wages or rLL 11011105 Mrs Florence Jssup the clinicalmda Tummm null 101 in adoption homes instructor is leaving the staff onf Mayor Hammer prmmed greegr SilYlCCS 3W 13 1310 SOCiUIY in April 21 until midqlugusl ings the dinner mng rum protecting the communitys childi Miss Shanahan was given permignme Town of Banicadwarde le incluch investigation of com will be raised sufficiently to placelsxon to send such staff nurses 357mm brought meetings from my plums winch gtlillU children undcrl steel girders across mm the pllcsjshc sees to convention at thcCounly oi Simme 10 bring neglected liclpingl Itogive substantial support gKINDERGARTEN gREGISIRAIION IMONTII EARLIER The Ontario Ridingjbymectmmw was made necessary by ignation last scar of Waltcano son who and party JUDGMENT Essays When court readined thlscltrl The minimum age for lengtCL noon Mogistrat Foster said he would reserve judgment until Ap r11 30 in the Fitzgerald trial The accused had hair renewed Barrie Public School Board mngoy on the anniversary of lilorenccses had be curlailedl and tho lpects that the registration dates re th lacing to be heaviest Registration will probably take place sometime in April xcld the by for lapgppjdnder tens will be comkllcadbri the rio Om =1ng children remains the same a5 years old by Nov 30 1952 ShorlhcrnllrlBuII Solo AllraCls itcnding meetings as frequently as lthcy could lo lv neglected planning with Lin5i Presenting the nancial r9pmnmlrzud mothers and fathers for to be held in Kitchener from April county councillor reported thatv bum ClIWIf dmmmg 2a to may fun directors and sum had muclnldrun to the 0ClLL care who8 Thqude chairman Rev Jan1g3grcatly concerned about budgctlmgrm 9m Pe 15 Ferguson reminded the membemgtor maintenance paid to coulomiwfslblv plugmu these chlldreuin mm is National Hospitalimunicimlme However expengfmtcr home here they receive Ilurn to page seven pleascl my Hightingales blradaa Opn housei dune bucpitol is Being arranged Wabbit utmost Auxilidly1h is def Vac ers et signed to place all hospitals in the cm public $IOO Cost of living Increase The secretary SF Cameron in report on attendance of mem What several members were mt atnm additional $100 in view of tliciraiscd from 52900 to $3100 IeaI cost of living lchcrs with Bachelor of Arts tic5 At the regular school board meetl grees may receive maximum ofi ing on Wednesday evening it 11533200 rather than $3000 as for weeks to the opening of the trout season lAnd any night this week since the warm BUYS APARTMENT decided that the $100 adjLIstmchmerly is Childrens Hospiml on April The report of um nominating parents Icmcdy summons in tllcl 22 and to the Registered Numsgcommitrcc was presented by IM 59 mu Chlldmnl Conventgon on April 23 and 24 Miss Chittick is 89th Huddleston is to be sent on3 an operating room refresher course of the society Calvcrhlm ml WU 0f babes uzxm ms sumo roam cs women on the bay front opposite the BarrieCNR sta Ition would indicate It was taken Tuesday fatternonmby Eric Wilson of The Examiner was 35k at the meeung bung For this coming your only all ed newsman to $3000 and thclsmff Eilger y9ldmg5tflers are after pemh The hild mt be ve gprincipuls and tachcrs in Barrie maximum for teachers with pcr and Wit 001151 era success mat year bug board meetmgs It fenpublicgrade schools will rcccivczmancnt rst clam certicates was noon the ice was 3cm only several hundred Iyards clear of the Kempenielt Bay Shore On the subject of fishing In Spring Young Mans Fancy 13mm of OebrQl VictoriaHarbour SEEafar Sandy Ellis Allston district gave over seer phoned ln yesterday to advise of snow amendment to the Fishery Regulations person shall under SS2 use spear for tho taking of coansc fish and smelt nor have spear in his possession on or near fishing grounds in tbecounties of Ontario York Simcoe or the township of Morrison Musk oka It should be clear enough that thosc Today at its only two The sixsuite apartment locatedin salaries would be made on top The salary for supply teachers at 181 Dunlop St formerly owngof the regular increment of $200leixiploed on daily basis waslsun came into mme agam hundrecis led by Maurice Stmnsman has been On recommendation oi the raised to $850 day from $7 day anglers Will be out for the smell along By Auctionecr Sproule said at one purchased by Gerry Quinn Thel management committcc ncu21f the teacher takes over gt Tye Shormom Breeders held joint of the sale when bidding was transnction was handled by Csalary so edule was adopted tiniclaroonr for 20 or more consccug theiIsprinzbull sale at the Barrie lacking andlhe was endeavoring to H0IBaie real estntc broker tlustmg max um Salaries of Oringuy days She Will rccexvean ad fair ggbmds on Tuesdafaternoon get the seller better price esc CIpals and teachers and eectlve ditxonal dollar day effective also 1e March 18 of this year fMarcli 18 we attended mm the buns are nut senmg for value re From ladder The prmclpals maximum was The changes in the teachers sol9 carrying spears are asking for trOubl Large Grouplo Fair Grounds one VL our sunny Dav Edllilzgerald PleadSNol Bat Ice in Bay bleacher in the cattle barn full and many standing around the ring Biddinjas not brisk from start to finish and Auctioneer Charles Sproule of Stroud had to work hard to get good prices All said and done the bidding was not low with $350 being the sale average on the 14 b24115 offered compared with the average at the Toronto Beef improvement sale of $571 this was small but then the potential buyers wcre not as large Someof the top bolls offered at the SimcoeCounty sale wele equal to the best int Toronto todajmlf we hadthcm at home they would bringmore money We asked Secretary Bill New how he was satised with the price he got for the first of his bulls sold Hestated that he might have asked more at home but then might not have got it either The Shorthorn Breders Club have only been organized in Slin coe County little over year and have done considerable to im prove the herds by the type of stockAthey are sending to their sales raised from $3800 to 54100 The 3781 schedule wcre outlined in Has imaximum for teachers with internotice of motion given at speciali le rst class certificates was ciaisEschool board meeting on March 18 Tony Scoot Litmus of the 3hth PM 103 BELOW The Examiner camera catches Auctioneer Charles 01 en Mom In rm Sproule of Stroucl asking bids at the Simcoe County Ohmtr twine he mm in mm bull sale which brought large crowd to the Barrie Fair on lgrounds yesterday afternoon Part of the interested farm ML 850 Wi tenant to group may beseen in thecattle barn The bull in therpicturel 01 3th lid was owned by Murphy Bros of Orlllia and was purchased forg Tm $n 3le by Arthur Gardiner Wyebridge Sproule is upright in phobojBesldeyhimis Albert Stoltz tel homily He is progressing Orthly Shortborn fieldmanfor Eastern Canada rum IS Not YetAway Looks like nice day today all day wlthout that pesky windMonday was cloudy and cool Tuesday sunny and cool The My imis still Strong factor and althoughlnpen wat er is showing in Mac there is plenty otsice yet to elt Tempenhucs were Rig Lou April 13 April 14 43 34 April 15 50 34 Third Anniversary gEvidence Heard in Court Today Edward Slim Fitzgerald pleadgDavc Wright and James Rolstou ed not guilty today in Barrie mag lbOlh of whom have already been istrutes court to charge that on tried in connectibn with this case or about March 21 he did unluiriin local grille They called later dull and knowingly supplyliquorfor her girl friend who is also 16 to peIEOTi under 21 years of agcnruhcniggvg out in Rolstons car to 5contrary to the Liquor Control Act the pavilion witness testied fill Ontario Witness vhocaid they remain description of how she had ed there for about three hours gone to Minets Point parlllonstatedhe had two drinks from around midnight March 20 in com liquor bottle which Was sitting on lpauy with three men was given by table lligcarold girl first witness for Questioned bf Willi DIOSECRiOD llhompson QC crown arid The girl 101d Coll mm 5h9isaid she did uotknowvhathnp met Fitzgerald and two other men penal to me home gum whether it wabdb$uhldfr leiF 1n answcrto question by lKinsmen Charter 55 Dellghilul Event Thirdanniversary of the Kinle Mi companion we hawk VluenvClub ot Barrie charter IiLlhI the morning oran 21 With at Clausmans Lodge Big Bay vagiancy They yer lake Pom on llmsday April 10 wasll 51 my gayitgipmdw Emu enjoyable promotion of good in fnefttggg gnahnmme eowshiu 32S Sevemy were present mr dim puny Avril whcn they net including local members and Dancing Monday Wednesday mum The lease may dem glam Toroffto Cevrehtiugfwulmday ndSamday nightsaLcmblifsgllngAWWSVWW on West Toronto North Tow9 Admission ladies soc genue mnto aiidquntown Toronto clubs menc mthel Wosmw Vim Barrio charteljmcmber Wal Jams Rn toupmpifittoiof in Johncogl was prcbnt fromj 0131133in maegludmlw VS QlleSh AuroraAnumbeiof3other Pt an 33 mm overwritecc ttomxsld op distance Senclcgretsm bellfgdun Fijiduumglit stat151g Pm AM not so loaf whenj abzggo grind 1d 1H Wlmlsswnjoc 4149wl 15 sailor Sirncoe Junior Far Ne CIWMrr3 ESt tolHOCkY Game and dancemAllistoni VieVISIOTSWS 1309059er VIceCommunitvCCentRe Thurslly Ap Vprcsidentlliigy Sap Low2mm 117 530d ofchesgtaw was 138$pr Io Claytounoica cm of Toronto Thleead P1313 All OM 3351 cm IV mlioued manorpresented by Cocks l7tbwn WA lv 0x59 toast to the Aaociauon of Killism Clubs Was PWWdnhr Wm Emu1117 Chute rPrmdmt Gcorermotm fIWJnnior Earmrs with Respocefby Dputy Governor RUNS 50C Children Norman Whitdey who is Iii date for 1315 Governor to theimusie mmm

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