ROXY Theatre HOUSEWOF HITS rmsr WITH THE BEST LIN sniff NOW AT REGULAR PRICES MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY THIS BIG SPECIAL EASTER SHOW MATINEE room MON wro 230 pm sruous AID Eblinloueu RLDS can LOVE Tritium Pill EVE SHOW645 staring RAYMOND IiiERON MOORE and cast of many thousands Bimini II lliiiiili lllif iItIIII III when for no Sacco by PHILIP DUNNE menu by pm PLUS CARTOON MECHANICAL BIRD MAN THE LAUGH PRESERVERS LOWER THE ROAR BOATS THEYRE BACK AGAIN PLUS CARTOON NEWS MAKE DATE NOW TO SEE THISIONE STARTING THIS FRIDAY FOR BIG DAYS GRANADA THEATRE STARTS TONIGHT TUESDAY ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY 230 pm EVENING SHOWS AT 655 pm mimoimgipuimimnpmtugmo II mt For Movie MerryGoRou Pick Up Trees When Notified by Forest Nurseries ain past years there have been instances where young trees sent out for planting fromfgovrnment forest nurseries have been rend ered useless because they were not File use rubbish and litter picked iip promptly by applicants when notified by the Express off ice according to Department of Lands and Forests reforestation officers Shipments from Southern Oilt tario nurseries will commence shortly and from the more north erly plantations in due course Applicants should commence to make planting plans now in ord er to get the young trees started inmoistground and treat them to the longest possible growing season Trees for planting are shipped from nurseries with the greatest of care They are packed in wet Sphagnum moss and covered with straw in cartons or wooden boxes They are sent by express Asafe ty time limitfor pickup is set The timelimit is set because the young trees continue to take up moisture trim the moss during shipment and storage This mois ture can become exhausted if shipments are leftoverlong Whe this happens the young trees soo dehydrate That iswhy applicants are sum 77nd Tune in Each Afternoon at 540 par STORIES JAYCEES ACTIVE COMMITTEE BIG BUSINESS PLAN TOURIST PROMOTION TEMILY MAY AT PARK SITE an accent srtmzr Obscured by countless public affszrs ut nevertheless acE lively lurking in Our community background the Tourist Prog motion Committee of the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce ition Committee of the Barrie Juiizor bombed of Commerce ihave sighted an objective which undoubtedly will increase Barries popularity Organized in late October 1951 Sill committee with Harvey Dawe ias chairman have made rapid strides towards establishing first ilzitc historical park between the Iboulevard of Romperch St and ithe CNii railway line opposite ibcziutiful St Vincents Park The purpose of this move to gcrcate an historic interest in the Barrie area believing that no couri glry deserves future which is not lintcrcslcd in its past Hence the iactive stops to restore two main rclics of this countys earlier days Under the tireless leadership of Mr Dawc the commith membch iof Hurry Young Gard Aitkcn Jack iMiichinson Jr Stan Alford and EBob Brett are steadily completing ithe puzzled picture which con froritcd them The portion of land for the his itoric park was granted by the Barrie board of parks management official permission received in December With the literal foun dation for such an objective the committee are currently attempt ing to restore the Emily May combined passunger and freight steamer launched at Belle Ewart in 1861 and said to be the largest ovcr to sail the waters of Lake Simcoc The Emily May according to history uncovered by Mr Dawc vwas built by Captain Chisholm for efficient Captain May and named after Mays oldest daughter Emily its use was to transport freight and sailed Lake Simcoe excursions capacity being 150 passengers The Honorable Drury sher iff of Simcoe Corinty recalled an excursion he experienced on the Emily May Wrote Mr Drury We left from the embankment just opposite the station in Barrie the water being deep enough to float steamers at that time We sailed to Couchiching Park Oril lia and when we arrivedfmany of the passengers were so upset that they failed to make the return tion the trappers formed an organ ization of similar nature to the registeredrtraplines set up in more northerly areas The results have been success ful beyond anticipation The or ganization has taken over local control with the result that the close cooperation among the trap pers in the area hitherto unknown and with the department has re duccdour administrative problems in thistrapping area to mini mum Satisfaction of both trappers and the departmentin previous ly chaoticarea has been achieved On the basis of the immediate slic cess of this initibi experiment fur ther organization of trappers on for 40 years was conductor this basis is anticipated CARRIERS IN REVI times disappointed when the do notcall for shipments in time to find that their trees have deterior ated anddo not survive ables plantihg Sometimes too applis cants may be disappointed to find have been returned the ex hers innuenpespeciaij rlyinear furnace form Wk Use bar I510 ash containers ace mains an Ialvshduld not has allowed Should don and no word that shipments overdue in storage from the applicant in due course after notication instructions will be givento pass other tapplicants Examinercarrier 34sbicegitwas formeddnJuly MI formed 11 Jill LONG RECORD NORTH BAY Ont CP Af ter working every run in the A1 goma district Abe Sweezy retired with record of 50 years of rail roading with the Canadian Pacific Railway He started in Pembroke Ont by delivering ltelegramsvrand as done an encelieotgjpb builtiip hisroute buiiding up this mutelle Prince of Wales31th tends Codringto home isyatvltl 9181 Church League and an service to his trip preferringraiiroad transporta tion Tim bud sisa met the stage couch Holland Landing anii trzitisgkirtmi triiveiiers from Bifllt Ewart in Barrie to riliia How ctc Captain May operated the Ellillfv Ma as private miter pllbwf She changed hands in 1173 was sold to Henry Iiowiziiid To romp riicrclizmt and ii in turn chziiigmi tho bulls name to Lady of mu Likes Through COilslflterbit rustarch the iiimiiuiimi comm too has rc vealed the whereabouts of the cab in of tho Emily May presently located on the propertyK of Mr Dempsey on Illi chroy Road As far in can be ascertained the ship was benched of Belle Ewart and when persons wanted lumber etc they would take walk to the beach and tear off fragments Mr Dam has located house in Sim coo County of which its verandah posts are the original beams of the boat In 111 it suich for approx imately 20 years The Emily May was built to replace the Morrison sup poscdly burned and definitely pro vided better service for Lake Simcoc The promotion committee is also endezivoring to place in the park an old woodburner locomotive from the old Northern Railway Public relations represoniniivc of the Canadian National Railways MCDowcll Toronto wrote the committee following request for such relic can assure you that at the present time we are bending every energy to try and discover an old woodburner in one part of the country or another but so far without success Whether the promotion commit tcc succocds in restoring such an cient Simcoc County history re mains to be seen but it can defin itely be said the park will con tain many interesting items from our past This EMILY MAY VICIOUS COMMUNITY Prairie dogs frequently share their burrows with owls weasels and rattlesnakes but this does not indicate happy family arrange ment for the visitors often eat the young prairie dogs and although the prairiedogs eat only grass they destroy the young owls and some times bury the rattlesnakes alive VWNSnw 5W in the weer eddfofitio Two little in milled tally up latheeamiy starvation empty battle The mercury went in to nuke dead while the committee waited The candy man In cour teams but firm Pm sorry dear he aid but we dont take that kind The executive depressed held an emergency meeting outside the door but there was no overlooking the sudden dc nation of assetsone bottle which bore on its label the words Pale Ale Rev Ashcroft Arrives in Barrie THE BA mamas MONDAY Rev and Mrs Ashcroft of Los Arigeies CHIPS in China for the Free Mothi who were illlSSlOllI adult Church from 1916 to 1948 will be ri Barrie as guests of Raw and Mrs Chase for about 10 days REV ASHCRAIT They arrived here on Good Fri day with Rev Chase who has been conducting revival effort zit Coopersvillc and Revcnnzi Mich igan and joined them at Port Huron It is anticipated that theywill speak each evening prior to ser vices in the church at 200 Bayfield St upon their experiences in China in an area 10 miles distant from the present war zone SATURDAY APRIL 12 The Easter weekend brought quite rush of buyers to the mar ket Saturday morning and many vendors were completely sold out by 1030 Maple Syrup from North Maple syrup came back into the picture with another supply by Mr and Mrs Harold Robson of Oro and evidently they read The Barrie Examiner in the north for John Mather landed in from Sundridge with substantial sup ply which was greatly depicted by noon The price was $5 for the gallon can of ma ounces smaller sizes at $265 and $150 and jars at 90c and title Brisk Demand for Fowl There was brisk demand for chickens and fowl at 45c and 4C lb Potatoes were nearly sold out ales carrots parsnips and appltes Eggs were in good supply and good demand at 35c to 43c dozen There was the usual choice selec tion of fresh pork and beef in all size cuts at reasonable prices home baking of all kindsahoney in extracted or comb headcheese buttermilk and one vendor had cushion forms of feathers and down at $2 and $250 East End Sale The East End Anglican Womens Group had thriving business of their own at the west end of the building with large display of home baked dainties cakes pas tries etc May Take Of Trout From Lake Simcoe Lake Simone 40 miles north of Toronto may become source for the annual taking of laketrout spawn to be batched in provincial hatcheries ac cording towtlie Ontario Depart ment Lands and Forests Dr Darkness chief 40f the Fish and Wildlife Divis ion said During the autumn of 1951 was mdelin the an oflake trout spawn inLakSiibcoe Within beena known fact for years that Lake Simcoewi pmduoes an exemption butthcseflshivema Icemanan employed result that largoqrianttty of excelleth Met fol the Winston hatchery is anticipahdan annual practice will be doveMica he said ET WEEK business executive stoppedhis car each morninggas he as state institution In the yardone oldie inmateswascontinuallygor automatons themema mulch the of ind of the carriers having Pam PM Xh ms Examinerhunts has been delivering allthat time to customers nally one or with at ii 11 COULD HAVE LOOK OUT First to Identify His Farm in Photo Quiz ofrExaminer lsaac King the ownerfarmer of Kingsview Farms two miles south of Bond Head was the lucky farmer who identified his buildings as those shown in last Mondays Examiner feature Photo Farm Quiz firm believer in farmers keep ing uptodate with latest devel Opments and one who has com plete mechanization on his 200 acre farm Mr King devotes him self principally to growing clover and seed grain gigs new solar THE STARTLING STORY OF THE MOST AMBITIOUS SCHEME EVER DEVISED TO SABOIAGE ENGLAND HAPPENED Showing On Same Program THE SIOUX ARE ON Till2 TERROR TRAIL BUFFALO BILL TOMAHAWk TERRITORY STARRING CLAYTON MOORE AS BUFFALO BILL WITH FINE SUPPORTING CAST All Iirst Run mamas WEDNESDAY 239 mm NIGHT snows HIGH TREASON 530 atoms TOMAHAWK TERRITORY 803 1045 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES MATINEE 15c 30c NIGHT 15c 85 40c Tax incl 12 Spry Chapter His Easter Ceremonie At Masonic Tempr About 150 members of Spry Sovereign Chapteriof Rose Croix Scottish Rite Valley of Barrie at tended the Maimdy Thursdaycere mouy of Extinguishing the Lights in the Masonic Temple at 630 p1n MWS Allison 33 presided and extended warm welcume to all Sovereign Princes fine address was given byllev dePencier Wright his theme ing Holy Week or Sigan of the Cross To the Jews Cross was stumbling block he stated They couldnt itas they docked for sayiour or different kind The Cross was foolishness lathe Greeks because With their birth wisdom they looked in contemptoh randomis He is formic president of the Crop Improvement Association of South Simcoe andWas provin cial directoriorfour years Both be and his wife come fromifarm ing families Originally from lies wick Inioved do the those urilettered men with Jesus Many today look onztlie We stumblinggblock and as ness Butftlie Cmssis zit means Distillerdeath reveals the loveof still the Saviour of and of every soul Despitethe inhlement weeding another good turnout Princes attended ingbreakfastaln aminony ofng Lighting the can Taxes soar unionist In 1939IIDE es on an vetage low 668 per cent Excise am jumped 73051118 ce automobile Bond Head district shouted years ago sue also he concurring views Farms and has since com pletely modernized the property at the same timeusirignew equip mentgtn hich yields He is as sistedvron thefarm by his 22nyear oidf son Leonard His other 30 abornewho is 26 works with Dominiog Departrneiit of Ag gtaceiflhe other memb 13 as 901 tca chergat Newmarkeh 55i you store one El