Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Apr 1952, p. 1

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ll murmur 319 Saving TOWN or aunt AND cavalry or smoo Sinco 1864 88th YeOfNO 42 New Canadians Close Winter BDCI Session with Social Evening Mmuwmm humanc hurtingn mum BARRIE ONTARIO CANADAfMONOAY Anglia 1952 wow amwmly wm Mom A4aM FOUR OF THE NEW Canadian pupils at the BDCI night Clara Horbatuk White Russia Gertie Van Der Meulen classes listen to selection of the music played during their social gentogether at the Collegiate last week They are Northern Holland owl000 The First Column SCOOPED 00 00 By KEN WALLS That is not for publication is statement infrequently made to working llcwspapermen Strange how some people will talk to re porters with such faith No reli able journalist will violate cort fidcnce if there is sound reason for withholding information Once that happens another news source is gone for good But most times there is no valid need for censor ship Then there is the authority who asks that certain item be held until such and such time This is bad and your correspondent has been clipped on many an occasion he hesitates to confess Being scooped is the most dis tasteful experienCe around the press circuit Twice in recent weeks we had firsts to announce but let them slip away Fred Grant came in one day witha smallclipping from The Victoria BC Daily Times which reported ngotiations were proceexiing be tween Simpsons and the big US firm of scarsRoebuck This was brushed off by the editor with the idea that if the Toronto dailies didnt know there couldnt be anything to it Two weeks after Fred was in the story was plas tered all ovr the Toronto press Then there was the case of an executive appointment in local government office Did our MPP let us in on that chefNO Did the local firstincommand tell us NOL But one of our own staff ers did come upwitltt it plus cau tion to hold rforllrlntaurltgemerit Next day anbther district paper sprung the whole story No sir weve been nipped and youcan look for all kinds ofscoops from here on Will someone please tell us some hot newsithat we cap print But we hope nothing happcns but day late witheight instead of the usual 12 pages The editor announced the reasons Office man ifagcrill Reporter got flu Type man had pneumonia Furnace blew up Ptinters devil took offjor Setter held four teth pulled Press gtrangFridaynightTliecaller told handicaps the the paper out and nthome con urth ofth Viagc Politic to get decade jm Producers uprgauization prtiposed to establish provb lnstilute Social GetTOgether New Canadians Celebrate Closel Barrie BOY in Successful BDCI Session With Dancing to the strains of such songs as Daisy Daisy might be consiwred very ordinary isort of thing in the estimation of most people and they wOuld no doubt find it difficult to imagine for one moment that such pastime might possess an underlying significance which might one day havea certain if not profound bearing on Canadast future of This in actual fact is what is facility inpdapting themselves 10 taking place right here in Barrieithe new tongue where through simple things like Many of the newcomers Mm learning folk and squallc dancingllinok pointed out had quite new Canadins from all corners of knowledge bf English when theyl the earth are discovering and ap arrived in this country and to cat er for the relative dogmas of their preciating just what it takes to become citizen capabilities classes were gradedA During the past week about lOOunder the different teachers of them from Holland Germany These courses however are not Poland Lithuania Norway Czechoibased on purely textbook lines Slovakia and other countries gath lwith the emphasis on grammatical points but rather are arranged to ercd together in the Collegiate In give the newcomers working stltute to nish off their session of night clasSes with social even knowledge of the language to help them get along in their everyday mg Forget Personal stories lves In the 11101 advanced Forgotten in the gaiety of their own enjoyment were the personal and often tragic stories of many of the dancers like the girl whot came from White Russia through Germany and has heard nothing from home during the past 10 years or those who knew war as only the people of occupied countries knew it 1gb written tests and sit examining tions on such things as citizem Perfect Pass Record With merited pride Mr Knox explained that last year out of 185 people in his own class 11 passedl their examipatidns and received their diplomas year he achE Thecourses set by the Depart ieved 100 pass record with thel 16 entrants passing the examinal tion gt At the closing Session the certi merit of Education are carried through by Victor Knox Miss Dor giiy dighiaitmilhignizaimi gateswerrltmdeiifveihby 3433 tion to providing text books the an Department irreadcrs famistance in 39 wassegteirnidrtrbynatexs the ways arnlcaT ancmg arra In many were carried out under the direc Dutch Form Majority tion of Miss Louise Colley county Classes according to Mr Knox recreational director Refreshments have varied during the past 595 were pfOVidEd by the killer Wbef sion between 70 and 100 and the of Rotary under the chairmanship Dutch form the major portion of of Mrs Jack Michmson Presenta these In many cases families of tions were also made to the teach anything up to ve personsattenders on behalf of the class mem In the mastery of English the bets Musical accompaniment was Dutchalso seem to have greater prOvided by Mrs Stewart Page herer like recently in Nebraska whettThe ONeill Frontier came himself got gratulatingv himself The phonon date for the vote has been stfby theuhe xllonorablcjdl LL Kennedy jOntario Museum theatre that same day Vote to Be TakehikprilI7l9 gram woitld guarantee the produ cer m9sabilizeltlprice while at the same time proyiding the com sumer withcggs at af more satls factory gt price during the period of short stipply The poultry producers in On tariowill have the privilege of deciding on April 17 18 and 19 whether or not they wish towes tablish an agency for thermalkelp ingot eggs andpoultrY meats rile The valetisb lug dr the supervision the Ontario our men LAgciculture with re esenmtives in 338 returning Sirocco County Minister of Agriculture after honest had been made to ms Der partment by the Ontario Poultry and the majority irifavor of the schefnr Secton atxtlt eldHall John Jacksonsttswhm my will attempt Ronstadt gt casonably sound andihqni ouch cemndcxvport marlile at malls incl Tenny of Way Holland Kirsten Vestby Norway and Mrs Steenmang Public Speaking At OEA Convention In Effort Reche group of talented public school children from various parts of On tario will compete for honors ill fthe nals of provincewide pub lic speaking competition which will be one of the highlights Of the 92nd annual convention of the On tario Educational Association in Toronto on April 14 15 and 16 The participants In this feature ihe OEA convention include Donald Thompsdn Williamsburg Tommy Dahl Thunder Bay San dra Allen Tyendenaga Bonnie Thompson Hamilton Gerald Wright Guelph Kingsville John Reed Freeman Doreen Montgomery West Hill and Douglas Morren Barrie classes though the pupils underi ship so DOUGLAS MORREN All of these nalists have already won school township county and district public speaking competi tions They have choice of top ics for the nals which will be held on Monday April 14 at the sessions of the Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Depart ment in the King Edward Hotel The nals of versespeaking com petition for secondary school sludi cuts will be held in the Royal Recognized as Canadas greatest educational convention this years functionwill attract nearly 9000 delegates cusSed with malty Outstanding edu cationists participating those will address theconvention delegates will be Dr Gilbert Wrcpn of lheUllif versity of Minnesota John lie University Dr Paul McKee Colorado Stat qallege Mildred AMcGin 1315 St Louis M6 Dr Andrew Holt ofthe University of Tonnes see MisleaurentinevB Collins Of Dcttoit Public Schools 31111 Dr AMacintoslrot Queens Univ rsi Kingston Tho threday program will cluch panel diseussions displays cannabis dramaud music demon strations wommuons got physb cu edutfimh and RfYariLy of oth featured there will booth all Qril liar Warmers Compactin with Norman Dialed champ Atv of Stwurt Yalzloneilr Michael Elms the injury was not serious GI and Add Om auction WEDNESDAY ml mun Iiisl One Section8 Page Wit ll all 1W0 ARE KILLED FIVE lllJll IN BillUSN ON NEW HIGHWAY Fog Very Dense Compensation Not All Last Night From Municipality After Heavy Rain In Accident Case lust neck started off cloudy and cool Wednesday was sun ny but chilly at night Thurs day ml to till through the morning but toward night tunlcd vcry cold with strong north by wcst wind which continued night The buy lcc crumbled at tho crises and piled up at Miners Point and along the south shon in pike five feet high but the rrntrc ice moved only short distance and is still fairly solid Friday vzm cool Saturday evening rain started and con tinucd fairly steadily until this morning Fog was heavy ILL night and is still dense near thc bar and lake making driving conditions very uncer tain Icmpcrsturcs were High Low 35 50 36 29 38 30 53 28 62 24 30 20 tortslderuzlic Zocnl tllstlixclll has taken place It guanoJ till l3lltlfl limit 1212 Town of Barrio stands tho Slzllrrrme tutlt tions Pusey Machm use fiit llllillumu lilllt lay lltljlig at fin Lordship lll dtlnlut hlcl lsuui jurilemllt of 53730 llgullbt Edward Mull gh ilrl til Henry 51 rlzlalr of tile tfflllflt which fell lillt the lltlit llt vlllch IdLlllf was Wlfiilllll ilfltl kzlled illzl ill llliLlgtlll lssessvd damage littzlbzltlltJLc the lll to 11 521250 It ls understood hmvcwr that ill slitll case the MINER flilllglflg thc IICllUII before court has it spoolf fled tulle 11 lllCl1 decismn unis bc taken as to whether the dum ages lirl the above case npplicubld lit llclgltlghllltl or the compensa tiotl Izlppllczlble tin lowllt shall lbe clxlltlled According to town solicitor Rowe should Mrs Macllllt clalll dalnilges she czllllzot also tcceivc iconlpensation If she dccldes on the alternative course the Town of Barrie is Simply regardcd as 31th chinselllployel andconlpcnsalion could be paid through the normal ICIlflllllflS namely the Ontario Worknlens Compensation The compensation is not extracted from municipal funds 111 April April pnl April April 10 April 11 April 12 42 26 April 13 38 32 Garageman Burned Motor Show Issue On Wednesday In connection with the Bar rie Motor Show at the Arena on Friday and Saturday even ings of this week April 1819 will be publishing special automotive section in the edition of Wedy nesday April 17 The show is being arranged by Barrie Chamber of Commcrce This will carry information about what will take place at the Motor Show the various exhibitors and pcrtihcnt news In addition to the vast exhibit of new model cars and acces sorics there will be Fashion Show each evening in the Arena The Motor Show section will FIREMEN ANSWER cram SIX CAlls OVER TwODAY PERIOD Barrie fire department had aiDUSko bridges in busy spell Friday and Samrdavllownshtp for $3786 total was ac with six calls received over thcj twmday period The only sexiousmt3etlrlg ln Becton This sum llll fire was at Stranaghanls Garage be leis $109 each If temporary ap Thursday where damage is be pmames needed lieved to amount to around $1000 Daughtrs Cycle Although fire caused damage est limited at around 54000 to it slow at the rear of his garagcE Russel Strangahan was principally concerned Thursday with the fact that the blaze also destroyed bicycle which his daughter Patsy had recently won in contest The Barrie Examm The lllL which damaged Oil and parts did not spread to the mallll building about 12 feet away Mr Stranaghan attempted to get into the building to savci is sevelbycarold daughters biE cycle but flames kept him back He suffered blistercd face but Patsy won the bicycle in CDfl test and was so proud of it all could think of was getting it out he said later TECUMSETH BRIDGE TENDER lillii 17 or llcgllgcnce of tilt Town of Bllr Boa rd Barrie Residcnl Borden Aimlatt Victims as Iaxi llils Parked llailet Over the weekend the body of Raymond Dickson 27year old Barrie barber who was killed Thursday night when taxi ammcd trailer on the new BarrieToronto highway at Hol 11nd Marsh was being taken back to his Glycarbld mothers Elogne in Grosse ill the Magdalen Islands of Langley Plilillt BC broken arm cuts and brurses John Alex ander Cook Iii St Johns Nfld and William Heslop London With llc tixttllllllll of Furlong all are lllctllbcrs of thc RCAE sta tioned at Camp Borden Thc live illlllltll on Easter leave had let Barrie with bath of the lIltIl who Atlt killed sitting in tllc front seat Police say the taxi plowed into tho back of the stax tlonary trailer which was attached to truck owncd by Erkko le kolu 47 Dlxle FollOulug the collision the cab wzls spun uclths the road where it collided with an approaching car driven by Clarence Robertson 33 Stayller The tirivcr of this ve hicle cscupcd unhurt as did Nik kola whose 42yearold wife Elsa howcvcr sustained leg injury She was ill the trailer at the time Seconds before the accident Nik kolu had crawled under the trail Thc ymmgsmr 73 playmg er to make repairs after minor his fiveycarold brother David me broke out in it Five soldiers iand several other boys at the reer had just departed after helping of the dairy property near the edge him put out me blaze 391 the buy where the ice had Nikkola seeing the taxi bearing Dmken down on him and realizing crash was imminent rolled from under the trailer into the ditch escaping unhurt Dr Blackwell Bradford attended the injured and ordered thcm removed to York County Hospital Newmarket Dr Lowell Dales coroner said Milne and Dickson died instantly Nikkola said later when he got up the trailer was shovad down jthc road against the truck People were log all over the road groan log all crying there wereo ired lightsshining on the one of the trailer and two red reflec tors underneath them Furlong is alleged to have told Epolice that if the lights referred to by Nikkola were on he did not isee them Dickson was brother of Mrs iNora Charette 27 Collicr Street iBarric and had been living with her since he came to work in town lIl December past He was em l3le trunk which occurred live rude moth of Bradford also took the lzft of AC1 Jamcs Mllllt Camp Burden who comes from Vancou llosc lllltlltll were Stanley El Barrie llrivtl of tilt JruISls and internal 111 Edgar Olson 117 Van ttiltl both legs broken and bro lrlll James Hayes 19 DAIRYMAN JUMPS TO LAKE RESCUE OF 4YR OLD BOY What might have been drown llg traucdy Wednesday was nor rowly averch through the prompt fiction of Lakeview Dairy driver 5illtSlllilll Hurry Glenn who jumped llllltl the bay to rescue fouryearold gROger Hallch Apt Maple Ave ken HARRY GLENN water Although fully dressed he ceptcd by Council at its Aprilldld not hesitate jumping in and pulling the boy out Roger was taken home and put to bed Hamel was told of the accident Mr Glenn was washing his truck Tender of Arnott for tllelat dim ime him he heardlavas having Raymonds body taken lconstruction of the Utbanski andlShOum running down 1mves Tecumsemtigatc he found the boy in the ployed by Sid Jeffels Dunlop St Mrs Charettc whose husband back to Grossc where he was born saidthat he had been trav elling down to Toronto to meet an Old RCAF wartime friend He was due to have returned to Bax Lrie Friday night and was then go HiS mother MIS Janeing to spend the Easter weekend at Orillia Cubmastcr at Other outbreaks were 12 Cum berland St small fire in the wall 31 Alfred St overheated pipes Gilmores Chick Hatchery 60 Pene lang St ground floor furnace over heated and set fire to straw no loss of chicks and littlc damage Saturday calls were to 55 Gunn lulgwouuumn St for grass fire57 Berczy St where small shed caught fire and to 27 Gowan St where there was minor outbreak in gar age MONEYgMISSIVNG FROM LEGION AETER BREAKIN Policewere today investigating an overnight theft from the Cam action Legion premises on Owen St It is believed that sum of money and othglgpods are migingbut an official statement as to the actual value of stolen property will not be issued until complete check hasbeen made by ItegiotIOfficers isuhdcrstood that the thief or entered the building by Side wmdow The case is being in vestigatedby JLackie T01 Miss IAxnHrtswm wThree cars were involved inxdn accident on Elizabeth Street sun I333 evening but littlewdamage Wisdom to any of the vehicles and none of the drivers were parody DcLuxetaxi driven by George Salisbury of Midhurst was drivo list when it was Stopped due to thaline oflraffic following cml driven Craicuce Caugifig Map Street Barrie clipped rear or theftaxi and swung lngcar driv in OLDINGWQQDI monorail Fletcher MatrimonyCo les of Toronto Dancing Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Admission ladies 50c gentle men 75c 48m Bazaar and afternoon tea in True Blue Hall High Street auspices Blue Havn LOBA Tuesday April 15 from to pm Bake table fancy work aprons candy tea cup reading Quilt draw at even ing euchre 815 sharp 42 An OldFashioned Mother play by Cookstown ladies in Le froy Community Hall Wednesday April 16 pm Admission 50c and 25d Auspices WI 4142 Dance Thornton Orange3 Wednesday April 16 LOL 16 Beat tys Orchestra Dancing 9130 Lunch counter 42 Threeact play An Old Fashi ioned Mothers presented by Cooks town TWA Ivy Orange Thursday April 177 815 pm Auspiccs Ivy Junior Farmers Ad mission AdultS 50c Children25c Club are Wonder Valley Huckey holding danca in Guthrie Chub munity Hall 011 Thursday April 17 All ans arecordially invit Vecl 42 lufelrin Pure Bred Beef and Swine Bgeeders fith Annual Con signment Sale Friday April 13 in Orangevillc Exhibition Barns 47 head of fshorthom Hereford and Angus cattle 121brcd Yorks Swine rst at pm sharp All cattle arcslB and blood testedgProvin cial bonus to apply For catalogues write Matheson0rangeville Hall 42M by one of her Ons companions Raymond was while she was out shbpping Sheffrinity Anglican Church Barrteg returned home immediately to findand was in the Mens Club He Roger suffering only from slightiwas member of the Canadian exposure and fright lLegion P0pulaleythIlmpe ll llllnsot Social Worker Says journalist Addressing AS gal Annual Dinner Social mythsin several fields of human relationship were dispelled by Sidney Katz assistant editor of Macleans Mag azine in his address to the annual dinner of the Childrens Aid Society of Simcoe County here Wednesday evening Areas of misunderstanding and misconception superstition and falsity exist among largesectiOns of our society and hampecthc giving of socialscgvicesmto people who nccdtliem declared the speaker who is wellknownfor hisfeature articlfi es on social problems In hisltalk he referred particularhr to the myths about mental illness and mental health workers adolescence and juvenile dolinqlfem and 913Be 1y Mental Illness Mental illnessis avery difficulti thing to undefstanm stated Mrol Katz It isait illnessand sickness but ypu capttake mentally illl person andiput him behind an xray machine like 1211mm with fra ture Among the choice number of mythsthathave sprung up in the particular field he mentioned what he itrthed one ofthc most frequent 1y rpeated old wives tales up belief that for themost part mom tal lillnessls inherited In only Ivery small percentage oft mental llliIessan inhetdcotpib tiOn Moist of theTime mental ill ness resultsgfrom certain situations Causes usually

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