Romauqnlx some 113 or ae1a Statement Quoted WWW Mama Alfie Pike timid coach of current ORA junior chain plots Guelph minnows kindled fire yesterday that could dump into quite blaze by around Said the former New York Ranger star Hockey Scene the time 195253 hockey rollsl the Btltmores are better team than last seasons Memorial Cup winning Bar rie Byers To intimate that this riled Flyers mastermind Hap Emms is describlg the atmosphere hovering the local crimp mildly Emms was fuming and uttered in response utter ridicul ous Hap toiled tirelessly in his workshop back of the wellknown electrical store and the more liei spoke about it the harder he workl Ed dont know why they keep bringing us into the picture We havent said anything and were out of the playoffs Yet its always Bar rie this and Barrie that Then an hammered vigorously wish there was ice in the arena and our club was here Id show them Biltsl how good their tcnm is if they had the fortitude to play sevengame series the fiery pilot commented Guelph are fortunate tha Pike lover the outcome of the nearingEGlcnn came from away behind to GuelphMOmreal Game Tickets Sold at lacksons Guelph Mme plcy the fourth pm of their current Balm Caulk hubr chun Ine Red Hots took elem sweep from the Flyers to hold first place in the league Lilian Gracey led the Red Hot to their victory with 528 triple while me 1931 for megwhere he underwent an operation Flyers wu Helen Webb with The Aces defeated the Happyi Mediums 52 to hold the second spot in the league Vi Simmons was the best for the Aces with all Frank OConnor is patient in Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto on Monday 1115 many friends wish him speedy recovery Deepest sympathy is extended to the Gibbs family in the death of their mother who passed away at plomhlp series splat Mont rut Candles at Mule Loaf Gudens Toronto on Sunny afternoon Advume ticket sales Indicate for large crowd And Interest ed hoekey for in Barrie nod dbtrlcl wishing to see the con test my ebuln tickets It Jacksons Grill 595 triple Jo Browning was best lhcr daugmis m8mmpwn flul the Happy Mcdmms 111111 hex RSI GRASS HM 714 Scour The tire department had their Tm Luck 5mm wok mulirst gross tire of the ycar Tucrday lPuddlcrs by 52 count also Gwenlflle llVV had ca Cad Greer went all out for the Strikcslrmgmn lilo COOK mm awacom Thelmaovd 333 small fire had broken out best for the 103cm with 502 10 thCrL but firemen 17 lqulckly extinguished it It 18 be NO ticket orders will beaten Red mg 13 dintwe that passerby may have over the phone They will be lb V0 1105 lkLVleW Dill 20 Edroppcd lighted mulch amongst lulled to pmducc team and Bell sold on first there first scrv stlr russ ed basis llelcphonc No failed to bowl their lghmm$3 Lucky Strikes 17 25 42 3811155 find Glenn crime out on top Elf they had 121kch all they would my 17 25 37 Flam 913 the scclnd Lhave comc 0m ahead or Barrie H1gh three Gwen Greer 562 glelSIOIl of Group In the first llanning 111 the first division Canlmgh 5mg hm Gram 237 idlwfsmn of Gohecns 1ch memric and BC Telew fBliilnrds defeated Dominion Auto hune No an in from the rs Men Wreckers to claim first place 10 111 the mens town league the hccns also finished up in the some 1111111111 Dodgrgl gt 43 Barri ning 3ng amt tie between Brass and Glenn and pflciitlull before lestmas Well BO fl0n the second ham Cliff Browns was rolled off and done Angus Manager Orvnl Dash is worried In the second division Brass and wwNwwMWWVA Mens Town Bowling Group Canadian GeneralElcctric came luut on top in Group seven points ahead of Dodgers who finished sec ond Bell Telephone No were lodged out by Barrie Tanning No 18 15 Wallace Scores said the statement after the OHA playoffs instead of during the reg ular schedule Because Emms will be anything but friendly with the Hilts until wrong is cerrccted Hemldcd as the best amateur couch in the Dominion Emms snap ped with his expert tongue if kncw few weeks ago what know now Guelph would never have got ten Stewart At least we didnt have to go to Guelph to ask for players to win the champion hip last year No one gave us oice of picking the best out 01116 if fencemcn for the playoffs We won the title with our own club which is something Pike cant say Good gol they should win Theyve had practicallythe samc club for the past four years What are they shooting off for anyway When we were on the march or after we won the marbles we did nt go around saying we were bet ter than previous St Michaels Col lege champions or better than Guelph in 194950 Said Emms who generallv does in speck without his would earn mg wexxht if Guelph or Canadiens were lacing the Citadelles of last Year they wouldnt be one two three with them And we definitely had something they didnt have W8had 18 hockey players with fortitude about 13 more than Guelph are carrying Pike briey compared the Mom orial Cup F1yers with 11153113 Re oge opinion that bisydcfcnceeis MurphyHendersan is and both our other 11 let our best line of Laufman just as good as the LabmeWhiteChevrcfils line 1185 are better than the Barrie second and third Pike lines These were the words of When asked what he thought of thaLEmms slated up next year Well of Pikes Biltmorcs jump into Proof will turn see how many NHL company in less than season From the Flyers Labine and Chev refils made the grade with Boston and Jim Morrison donned Tor onto Maple Leaf sweater Sammy Pollock coach of Mon treialICanadiens announced an of res protest had been filed with the CAHA on the eligibility of Stewart who Guelph obtained from the Flyers playoffs Pollock as replacement for the said without Stewart Guelph wouldnt have anything If Guelph wins this series it will be hall victor for Plk added 31 Pollock And the Montrealmventor is ah 501111er correct Stewart has been the big difference in the Biitmores got rolling in the OHA Series mth Toronto Marlboros and reach ed an amazing pak inthe series wubSt Catharines His goals have been timely acting in the same capacity to Guelph games as the great Richards do to Eastern Canada Montreal NHL Canadians In the junior opener Guelph were trailing 20 when they ganotched single andjhen Stewart up in tie 1111111 c1111 Browns furl first place Dixies Smoke Shop who led the league ever since inst faded away the lprovincinl championship match bcl tween his ace welterweight DonI WVallncc and expected opponentl Ronnic LaSallc of Ottawa It isnt Christmas idcfmite as to the winner of thcdast night as Brass and Glenn justl Northern and Eastern Ontario lodged in over them in every gum 1ncctings but since LaSallc edgcddo take all seven and put Dixicsl lpast former Barrie star Vic Trcfryout of the playoffs Cliff Brownsl 111 seems the fourtime Dominioninccdcd the five they got froml titlist will encounter little diffillerrys to tie Brass and Glenns is as effective as Danny OConnor chlty in reaching the finals at Ma ifor first placc Copaco needed from the Flycrs lplc Leaf Gardens April 21 clean sweep from Webb Bmthcrst The only place pike ammucd the The provincial finals in kccpingito stay in the running but Webbs pl held an cde was in goaynvith Olympic bOXing rcgulationslbcat them 52 so Copaco are now en Lorne owes was mug ure only three rounds and said foul Now Brass and Glennhave tug man heir Malv Brew ash this is more of handicap 1play off for first position With Cliff Guexph Kiwanis Club have Don than an advantage gBrowns but the two teams are in mkm light me Bmmorcs mow Don slow starter coollthc playoffs wlnch begin next play at home on Good Fridaylghter mew hots farmlmndal with P11 1nd at Maple Leaf Gardens onlup H0 mums ms boll Im First Division Easter Sunday Sponsors of minor But pmimcml mfl Jockey in Guelph the Kiwanians he must be FFJM Benet Can General Electric lo not feel it good example formatrd to 1050 me mund Wallice up 1rently was welllDoclgcrs 25 1110 youngsters if the idolized Bills Barrie Tanning No1 23 22 18 HAP EMMS all co niz th immrta cc m3 Hams mains againsl No hc Egg 50150 iTorofntos Hungarian Joe Kllmits at Bcn Tdephonc Bell Telephone No Said Kiwanis president Alf Hales 322235de 13 Wed aLakeview Dairy 18 fiveround main bout in Guelph Its not in best interestldccmon of the clubs policy of moral sup Klimns our times port for the church and the relildmppmg 10 venerwelgm mo was Brnss and Glenn grous beliefs of all 1c3 Reporting on the battle DashCliff Brown Second Division 25 Despite Kiwanis PM5 and 09 isaid Wallace showed no illeffectleixies Smoke Shop 23 ifrom his injured right arm hurtCopaco CaFryiduring the Central and Vestcmchbb Brothers hrough with the original playinglom position from Guelph fans it ap pears the Biilmores will dates Garrison Team At Badminton Barrie Garrison Club although thirdplace nishers made good showing at Orillin last weekend in the Finlayson Trophy badminton championship competitions Orillia captured the Georgian Bay title compiling 123 points in dethroning twoyear champions Owen Sound The latter scored 116 points and Barrie collected 94 sooints The local club placed teams in 1he semifinals of each event over Friday and Saturday Hollis Rob inson and Mrs Erial McNabb lteumed to reach the semifinals of the mixed doubles before absorb ing elimination Art McLean and iMiss Marjorie Longhurst won Ahe 1iconsolation honors of the mixed idoubles but had to disposeof Ron iand Joy Armstrong also of the localwclub in the seminals Other mixed dOubles teams com lpeting were Bob Chittick and Mrs Roy SmithpDoug Smith and Mrs McKenzie Larry Whitby and ers Fred Andertong Doug Sar fjeant and Mrs Grace Ough Ron Pile and Mrs Young Norm Harris andDorOt Falconer Don Rumble and Mrs Betty Nixon Two ladies doubles teams reach ed the Seminals Mrs Mildred McKenzie and Miss Doris Kearns formed one representative and Mrs Erial McNabb and Mrs Bah fild the equalizer big market bara Smith the other ns playoff competition They won And should Guelph win they will mandarin it was their great hockey Club Actually one could linfdly see them getting past SLrCatharinesinl Mrs Joy Armstrong and Mar ljmie Longburst reached the con solation semiinul while Mrs Ver iona Anderton and Miss Flora Mr Gregor lost in the consolation fin al Miss Terry Smith and Mrs omnill$with0ut theser Betty Nixon were eliminated in Vic the 313911 Ron Stewart the rst round of the consolation Tltwtiuldnthave gotten out of Hollis Robinson andob Chit hi3 71938119 Without him was tick made the best showing in the 3131M monkey mens ngubles They soared to WI Pikementioned the myersllhe Semiiinals before taking dcr Mi lostyear healsgne feat from Bob Taylor and Corbett such standouts Agnew of Owen Sound who went whoplcyed great lb Flaws Don Bruins 11151111241111 in 11V illfltocke 11a on to win the event Other Barrie teams were Larry Whitby and Art McLean Doug Smith and Stan Brysoni Doug Spriaht and Ron Armstrong and Tile 11nd Don Rumble Mercury planet nonrest the sun is the gmallese of the major plum eta hailing diameter of labout Klimits in the trial finals but on high single Wiggins 350 1395 had two halldwXO hit Wilh Good Showmgf ario trials at London recently merry Electric Don scored split decision over High three Pete McGlbbon IQI this fiveround meeting wanted nothing to do with the Barrie star dd Chan It made big difference when The Standmg 1111 the first division of Group Chicks Mens Wear had madman said DaSh Khmns had ten lover the other teams from zlhc game dcncy to Slay away from Don 21 they were defaulted by Londry Ml executed lot of grabbing dunng1 and Bokars took me Igm He was good mndx paints as Londry Motors defaulted lion though recovering fast from kdowns jagain and this put and one eIhcnolout merely served as algiogdtggrgmgo tuneup for Wallace who hopes tol cop the Ontario welterweith but the Plymouths were too late championship and head west for they are definitely out of playo Vancouver where he will compete lspot in the Domirion championships In the second division Montgom to Parts and 13X fought slow start or not he is still good cry bet to cop the title tough battle as 13X were only one point behind Montgomerys at the beginning of the night However Montgomerys took 13X 52 which MI lgave them the first place and 1315 prize money The rest of the teams didnt change their standing 2Yearlmuch Barrie Examiner failed to lproduce team so Chryslers only Suspension itook points as they failed to 1011 ltheir average less the 10 in one The Ontario Minor Hockey 15 game 19$ fociation suspended Midland mid DiViSlon zet coach Bev Scott fermeri W9 16 69 aptain and defence star of theicmcks Mens Wear 1935 Junior champion Barrie andP Bokars 23 22 Suits and the teams manager Toronto Telegram 24 21 of lames Wilson each for one yearHEPC 23 22 51 for taking the team off the ice be Plymouth 29 25 47 50 the end the game at mLondry Motors lo 30 33 mira recently Midland player Elphe Trottier esecon Division eceived twoyear suspensiqn for All tgim 13s lsaulting referee Devorskl durz XfCA 29 Lng the same game His suspenjlzf 23 111111 wiHWpassed along to the Mass 20 Ontario Hockey Association for Barrie Examiner 17 mssible further actionby the On ChTySIEFFg lario Sports Federation The Fed Barbers eration could ban Trottier fromall H1gli three ports in the province Single Giles 308 GROUP 32 THE CHOICE Or PAINTEng nowonamcumoaowo HO Giles 1558 high vFairway or That Special 101g Eerie Treat BARRIE IRON WORKS High Street Phone 5045 ORNAMENTAIG PORCH RAILS STEEIFOR SALE AWN MOWERS SHARPENED nmcxsnmrmo WELDING ALEX LELAND Proprietbr ouoomoonogouom GRAIN 00111 in MmssING iijwuc Woac====o=o All our SHURGAIN feeds are under constant tester the SHURGAIN demonstration form SHURGAIN feeds are manufncturcd in our new mill right in Minesing assuring you of absolute freshness By selling directly to the Farmer as we do the middle mans profit is passed on to our custOmcrs NEXT TIME YOU NEED FEED CALL AT OUR MILL LOCATED AT THE RAILWAY CROSSING ON HIGH WAY 26 ===o=oe==3= at 431i Mm mason mu 9595 llNlY3 DAYS till1 Minimum TradeIn Allowance on Anything that Runs Pick your Easter Parading car now at Dangerfield Motors 815 Springr Sale For happy holiday and pleasurefut of summer motoring get onebf lheSe cars today 1951 DODGE DIPLOMAT Custom Hard Top Save $125454 on this low mileage cor Comp letely equipped with airconditioning automatic transmission radio turn indicators backup lights and oriow shock absorbers 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Take this one out for trial run before 115100 late This car is in beautiful condition and priced toseli 1949 FORD ecu lovely car at rock bottom price Clean in every way with miles oltrOuble free driving for its new owner 31511111111111 11111111111115 saucer1r OFM scalarsmorn rateWram cams MarccPmm BenjaminMoorg We stock and momma rMoorc CO ENAMELS VAnNIsnEs thump11o painters VFAMOUSIWNHAIIN smwm inn1 price to cull no budget 01 reigned ma Covcrs paint albumin board brick cement handful ler colt wmns 314 waterfall mm 11owrogw11c11 161191th decompress 11 midi warren ownms =1951FordVicloriq ghzvrolgt Coach Ogefeddn I949 MondrchScdo sane 73 j1948Chevlollictlddh 1950 Chen 19465ChevrolctSedou Panel 11939611111111111111 Codcltr 19506111 nun 1111 19370111111111111 sea 946 GM 34 17 l35For1 299cc iPifklP Script ope11119 111111 pmGood If Pnyevllgn if these who wishtapers chuse1ocorbefore Easter