Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1952, p. 22

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sloownoamw mom to min of Hallmath and children Weston gore meat Sunday guests of Ebb unapotteminttle Hospital this post also due to fall she sustained lDiane Crawford spent the weekend in Oshawa visiting relatives Mrs Atkinson who had spent Mrs Goodhand and Miss Alderman spent few two or three days in town vslting Miss Hill and other frlcn left Saturday for Mono Mills where she is visiting her sisterinlaw in Minion visiting relatives Ramld Russell Schomberg spent gum VlSllinE his mother Mrs Mm Jackson mm Handy Amsmn The community extends sym wcrc visitors on Sunday of Mr and mm M51 Mrs Gordon Patton ua George Muir Bengough parents Mr and Mrs James Smith is 5mm ends town TOKOIIIOWDO died of asphyxiation Hrs power Sr has mum Thu funeral took placc in Toronto her home from Port Perry when on Fnday Apr she hasbecn visiting relatich for Mr and MtS Keir Toronto and Several months Smith in the loss of Mr Smiths2 Mr and Mrs Ed Simmonds Bobby Mr and Mrs Dannirnmll and and maky Lang we 5m Ronald and Mrs New cont guests of Mr and Mrs Charle Stayncr were tSllOtS on Friday of markmore Mr and Mrs Archie Cum Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ML and Mrs Stanley Jones TU William Kcll tnce Jean Gilroy on thc birth Its Quentin Reynolds 0mm Blue Bonnet tics It Best xmpg Hospital Ncwnlarkct Junior wars Meeting Junior WMS of the United Church will be on Thursday cvctll itlg April 10 at Mrs Donald Monk malls This is the Easter meeting and their guests will the senior afternoon WMS Congratuzlllions are due to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Robinson nee Iva Jeffrey on the birth of $011 April 1952 in Stevenson Memor ial Howltal Alliston Mrs Strongman Alliston was recent Saturday guest of Mrs Tolll Williams in town Miss Ruby Davis Barrie spcllt the wcckcnd at her home here Mrs Jamcs Miller and Miss Bar bara Miller spent fcw days ill lo ronto visiting relatives Mrs Palmer Bccton spent Fri day in town with Mr and Mrs Harmon and Miss Mdrian Pierson United Church WA April meeting of United Church WA was held at Mrs John Faris on vllcres hint from Mrs uclltin Illcynolds Compare 1M1 BONNET iMlugarinc with any Nprcad at any lpricc Like the noted journalists vifc tyoulllovelluilioxxtrslrcrlgswcct Tuesday evening April with 21 members and three visitors present Meeting Opened with the president Mrs Gilroy in the chair and Mrs Ira Wilson pianist Two tavor Rich nutrition Rllli cconomy BLUE BONNET is fine quality all vegctablcmargarillc lsc BLLl BONNET in cooking on vcgctnhlm as dc vcrscs of hymn 112 were sung and gamma the Lords Prayer in unison Mrs Blsz BONNET Margarine is sold in Graham gave 10 Scripture two Katregular ecullotlly package reading and MFS 11 COUSC the with co or waleranlllllsoilltllc famous 10550 01011111115 811d prayer Among mow me bag for fast easy color the business were preparations for IIIII the bake sale and bazaar sale for Whytc makes suCh dEdierencef MrsHelcn was so pleased bythe courtpous treatment she received from bank teller during holiday Hip that on her rturn home she wrote assreallyojvleasurrttrtmnmcf myi modest banking alfatrs will you and think the bank is very lltcky toihave such charming and welcoming young woman with It mofcslizlch difrcnce whe ma Marbled fso at Junta banks of son on Satllldayl March 29 1952 at York County THE CLOUDY SKIES over the RCAFS Number Fighter Wing base at North Luf fcnham England ccho to the roar of it So bre jct formation as piloted by six fliers of 410 Cougar Squadron it streaks swiftly across the tarmac And on the left super imposed on the same cloudy skies new ANTEN MILLS APRIL 8Church scrvicc Sun day at pm with special Easter pantomime by six through the mascot is donated to May in Soldiers Memorial Hall Donations would be gratefully ripl ptccialcd from each lady of the congrcgation There were nine sicki calls The quilt committee reportl cd one quilt was quilted and hand Cdndlelikhl ed in to the Red Crusa one comgll15 fortcr quilted and two to complete MT Ind M1151 Wilson and Ian social hour over clip of tcalll Vlsmd friends in Toronto served by the committee was cniSUIIdHY joyuy HCorgralulations to Norinne algl on winning second prize Unled Chum at the Barrie Hobby Show for her large audience attcndcd rc nccdlcwork pcal pcrformancc of the play An Donnie Scott is conncch to hos OldFashiollcd Mother on chipital where he recently had an ncsdzly cvoning in the town llallappcndix operation We are pleas Among the places where the play god to report he is doing well is to be presented are April 153 Home IromTllc Elmvalci llhv Lefmli ml IYYil Mrs Haighl Mrs Mrs an Schombcrg 23rd Violet Hill Garvin and Mrs Scott returned 29th Shanty Bay 30th Motto Mills home labt Monday ner Spending May Baxter 8th Hornings Mills three weeks in the sunn south and Angus Orillia Edgar St and re ort most deli htful tri Pauls Hocklcy Churchill zE mnusoAtE APRIL 3Mrs Rolland Elrick Elinvalc spent the past week with her father David Jamicson Womens Institute April meeting of Cookstown Wol nlcns Institute took place in the town hall on Thursday evening April with the pcrsidcnt Mrs Wilson in this chair Correspond Mr and Mrs Fred Sager have rc once was read by Mrs Hindlc turned to their home after spending who acted as secretary in the ab the winter months in Midland some of Mrs George Whyte It Mr and Mrs Wilfred Warriner Was decided to cater for the Lions spent the weekend at thollonrepof banquet datcjo be set Acom the formcrs son WarrinerPct mittcc was formed to look after orboro the tag day for the blind in May Mr and Mrs Fishcr Gantonspcnt It was decided to have the TB lno Friday leul relatives in Toronto bile clinic come to town July 18 It being the annual meeting the family Bmmford spent Sunday yearly reports were given by the with Mr and Mrs EarlTumer convene or Web mnlh5 Plo Mr and Mrs Robertson and gram The Cmt3ry5 reporll glv daughter Jeanette Iwerc Sunday by MFS Hmdlcv mporled mem guests with their parents Mr and Mr and Mrs Harold Turner and bership of 70 Mrs Millie gave most encouraging tronsurers re port showing $1100 as total rc ccipts with balanccon hand of $365 The offices wcrc then do clarcd vacant whereby Mrs Monkman districtdlrcctor was called upon to take the chair for the election of new officers for the ensuing year which Boltedas follows President Mrs Ira Wilson Mrs Albert Thompson John Miller Waverley is visiting his daughters Mrs Glcn Murdy Special Easter service and 3mm munion at the United Church on Sunday at 730 pm Mrs Nevills Toronto visited for few days with her niece Mrs Mcarl Lockhart Beck0rillia spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gordon Rowaf lst vicepresident Mrs Monk man 2nd vicemresident Mrs Cooper secretary Mic George treasurer Miss Audrey Smith junior work and reisblu tions Mrs Hindle MrsMillie Mapcst district director Mrs Mrs Monkman congratulated the Cause press secretary and plan officers of the past Institute year istMiss Irene McMastcr sick and for their splendidwork7 and also visitingcothmitl Miss Pier thankcdihelnstitute as whole Son Mrs Graham auditors Mrs for their untiring cooperation in prper Mrs LMonkman the many activities undertaken Conveners of agriculture and Can Mrs Lewis took the chair for the adian industries Mrs Walker evenings program which included Mrs Lemmon public relations vocal duet by Mrs McMaster and community activities Mrs and Mrs Cooper current events Hanson Mrs Riley lllistorlca1re by Mrs RGlass and paper on search and current events Mrs the Hope of Easter by Mrs Lewis Cause Mrs Lewislcitizenm Miss Bertha Cowano conducted ship and education Mrs bird contest which was won by Hughes Mrs Couse home econ Mrs Hunter socialhalfhOur omlcs and health Mrstatton Mrs was spent masoct makes bewhlskered and slightly bewildered debut as he pokes his head squadrons official crest The threemonth old Cougar cub the squadron by Mayor Fred Hume Vancouver National Defence Photo EVERETT APRIL 7Mr and Mrs Hiram Wallwin spent few days with Mr and Mrs Harris Miller Sheridan Sorry to report Mrs George At kinsonis not so well and we all wish her speedy recovery Mrs Ray Laking spent couple of days in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Albert GibbsTo ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson Robert Wilkinson and Betty Hy land spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cecil Wilkinson We are sorry to report Mrs Adair is not sowcll and we all wish her speedy recovery Mrs Wilkinson anddaugh tcr Muriel spent few days in To ronto last week Flight Sergeant and Mrs Lorne Boyle called on friendsin Everett over thc weekend Two Weddings Saturday Well the saying is gtIn spring young mans fancy turns to love and so We have two weddings com ing up Saturday one at St Davids Church at Everett at pm and one at the Presbyterian Church atAl liston at pm Easter Window very beautiful window display for Easter has been Set up for thc Lottindalc Home at Everett We wish The Barrie Examiner and Staffand all readers happy Easter Blessed Time of Year Easter time is here again and to most of us it is the most blesscd time of the year and with it brings to some joy and happiness sadness and memories never to be forgotten And as we look back we can pic ture that little Hill of Golgotha ov orlookingvtho city of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified ttnd while suffering upon that cross Hc whispered pne soft prayer jForgivc them Father for they know not what they do And on the third day which fell on Sunday Jesus rest from the grave and went to Galilee and sipoke to his disciples cxplaining to them Thus if is rit SALE or CARNIVAL WARE STARTER SETS 20 PIECES $795 Regularly 5930 curs 6c SAUCERS OATMEALS BREAD BUTTER PLATES PLATES LUNCHEON SIZE Colors Rich BurgundyChurtreuse Sof tone Gray and Forgst Green CARNIVAL GLASSES oz 02 ca 15c lion uAnnwARn FINISH oats omit cm rows 7Where You Buy More for Less Now cv StEEDFASt SATIN THE NEW SYNTHETIC RUBBER WALL DRJES IN FEW MINUTES READY IO USE EASY TO APPLY PERFECT SATIN FINISH REPEATED WASHING WILL NOT HARM THIS TOUGH DURABLE FINISH Ouarts s195 Gallons s695 SMART RANGE OF COLORS EASY TO APPLY WITH EITHER ROLL ER BRUSH OR SPRAY our TWENTYTHIRD ANNIVERSARY SALE Its the solmen truth though hard to believe that we have been privileged to serve the good folk of the town of Barrie and Ciunty of Simcoe for close to quarter cen tury and treasure the friendships formed amongst our patrons during this time Our constant objective has been to improve our service and with the opening of our store at 6971 Elizabeth Street corner Mary we feel this is being increasingly appreciated We invite you to celebrate this 23rd Anniversary with us by taking advantage of the many special values offeredin every department of our stores At this time we wish to express ourhearty appreciation for your loyal support in past years 43 assure you we shall not spare any effort to merit your continuing favor in the years before us HAWES FLOOR GLOSS SPECIAL SALE or PAINT ROLLERS FREE ll Pint with every Quart FOR ONLY ROYAL RUBY GLASSES SALE OZ SALE OZ for 50c 93 for 80 JUST POUR THE PAINT IN AND ROLL IT ON LOOK AT THE PRICE HARRY AND RONALD ARMSTRONG $495 CONECHINA brswtr SKIICERS On Sale at $100 to $1025 slam WAY LAZY SUZANS RUBY FOREST GREEN $575 Forest Green REFRIGERATOR SETS ONIY Piece Attractive Blue Color BADYMEAL multifst Plastic Plate Bowl and Cup GARDEN WHEELBARROW WITH RIJBBER TIRED WHEEL CAKE PLATE 99 $1975 MAXWELL ELECIC WASHER $13900 If theres better buywehavnt seen it USED it HORSE MOTOR JOHNSONS FLOOR POLISHERS $4950 Ten Piece Televisian Sets Four Luncheon plates and Cups SELLING AT ONLY 85 STURDY SHOPPINCVDASHETS $295 and $325 All the way from Czechoslovakia 600 with White Trim WITH SERVERS MchENZIE FOR SALE USEDIELECTRIC WASHEB $3900 CHOICE VMULTIPLIER PER POUND 15c ONIONS VVV AV GARDEN SEEDS STEELE BRIGGS GARDENSEEDS GARDEN TOOLS or ALL KINDS YOULL NEEDAGOOD RAKEt GOD FLOOR POLIsTpRsTTfIZ$t5430 WANTED ExperiencedHardwareGlen7 permanentposition for the right man SALE CREAM SOUPS ON SALE PLAIVIERS 690 OPEN BOWIS 69c COVERED VEGETABLES CREAMS COVERED SUGARS 69c GRAVIES $100 OATMEAIS 20cj for 45 FRUITS 150 SLOP BOWLS NOW These pribes are half 8r less than regular HARRY and or FREDA DINNERWARE PLATES 20c 25c 29c $100 ll 49C AT Discontinulng Prlccs cut to the bone SALE OF STOCK REMEDIES DR BELLS ROYAL PURPLE these lines EMPIRE GREEN DINNERwARE SETS onscrmcn ON SALE AT This is big reduction in Price MT THESENARE Bur raw or cult ANNIVERSARY orTeRlNGs TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING tenttnit Christ shOuld surreal and di on the Cross and rise from death on the third day in order that Repentanc and Remission of sins might bepreachedin His name throughout the world among all na tiOns beginning at Jerusalem And lsoy unto you Go into all the World and preach the gospel to ev iery living creature AndJesus re unlined on earth for many days mong Hispeoplcbcfolfevllg depart ed into Heaven and these are the last words Jesusspoke tohls dis COCKSHLUTTCombin$ch9bl lhreslt MURE GRAIN Cover MERE ACRES cipltIs am theResurlection and the Life Lo am with you always APRIL 7Mr and Mrs William Graham and MrsDuucun Graham Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and MrsHenry3McCualg Mrs Grahamremalnlng for few days The Womens Missionary Society held their Aprilmeetinat Mrs Campbells and also quilted quilt for the mission bale Miss Jean Hawkins Oshawa spcnt the weekcnd at herhome Ronald Blackstockl6ronto NOr manyGraham Hamilton and Barb ara Gilchrist Toronto spent th weekendatthelr homes 93104 oliqu sultane 2801 can libelfhdles Aid APRILtdmox Ladies Aid met at Mrs William Bells April 21m Wendell McElwain led in Scripture One flag txwasthanked Committees for baz ar Parcel Post Mrs Hunter andMrs Wendell MCElwairl Bak lngl Mrs William Bdl Mrs Al len Bazaar Sales Mrso Joe Strait and Mrs Archer SrrNext meeting at Mrs William Straiths Roll call Forever Mrs Joe Strait tOOIrthe topic on tlleScotg Mission Rev 1wlpleutmlous APRIL TMrs Alvin NeygMtd land was hostssto theWomens Institute Wednesday afternoon lth an attendance of 23 alcklnxst student ministh to smmrmmlstg George Malcolm KnoxlCollege took the Service at thorrcsbyterian ChurchonSunday wlll Mr and In vlsitedMrsi Waltcr as violet Reid To main is spending few days with Institute CONVENIENCE 51 Phone Burgess showed Indian Mission Helpers for next MissionBand Mrs Joe Stratlt and Mrs Wendell McElwain Decided to give anothercertificatc andfpin td Mission Band members Mrs Rob5 crtson closed with prayer Georgc= Smith attended niemm oral of his cousin MrsLeland Johnstonat3slouuvlug Thursday 31 Mr aners Harry Tubman and evening with Mr and sttaul Warblc Flyfslmy William Strath Jdbn Loughetl and GI harn Strth siretipsy sprayv gthe cattlemf the Mrwxiw Nautilpr glow mums Reid NorthBay I1 Misc Mom mm we do whoop omits Midland We pleased to welcole lhtothc churchImmolurs Emerson 199 as Mr oldMm Ironic corner itgibill ram hardtop weekend guests Mr All enj yea gar UnitedChurc VCongftegttllbn pictuicsapii the Eric Allnwoodspent Wednesday 4hasketballmurneyf3uckinglh

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