Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1952, p. 21

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deer or most Of Jupite Amy AND COMMON mg cmer by momumm By Smpkms 1mm TthElCVL duinl l1ke what was too larger would earths Ducal rifldaiimtpgst l1 2938 by ought mil two ermgV rm my Whors who 1km hunting ducks out man grain tax mnmly that own 11 Champlain County pnd Gm Fwy mum at 3013 bk Yb Kome or Cmmam no on iVthsffastl ultvr Bum4111M tussle iii row 211gi1 13115 of coronation income Lox 11 15 ul coursr question at dogma my quite frankly howl vwr that lam not happy about corporallon lax ratios when 1bey 30V to txillcl 31 United 13 nlv 11 do 19m cy 14 won With Ral 11 in 11m If ah lxrgw whitl b5 taxallorion mrldm gun on up Graham Slaner Um m1 from My Grahan do mm 32 m1 mm he ms mm mm pmvdc me mm be taxed ll rable radio work on CKBB kmde LMSB NC mi in rm won will mmm from income laxllslm to the jrerg weekly 91 11w av id 11 mat commem mm 5390 10 per cent lblnk it is bad WWW vth 11 11 11CKBB Mitts you to Re is pnbm hum 9111 193 11 1g bunnm rmlt people lo say Bapllj Church in Barrie fur V1 ma ml 100m 8111 knockmi than both out Two 11E Eats1 so was lxalrn up by At lmiluns the Lake 51 John lmgllzl mil 111311ng lo arrest hemp for bogging 111mm mes have changed iiiougb b1 =aVv Moro people and 335001 hulls 11119133de lhz tired for Wild lllr plotmuon tllt wardensw have more public CUllllllllllull lmn 15 years ago Thr dcpurtmml now ib equipped 11le pianos lwowvny lllabll 1mi in well 11 1b duclcd by Barrie and District bigwigs mm VW Nmal Association hoV had VhV VV Vere Vlhc point that cor Vpumuon lJXlS mvolve double lax Good Friday afternoon 21 230 cht us look at 1111 slllmtlon lm we tax the forlwrlian on its CKBB presents special plOglalnr tlomlly in keeping wilh llie day Muml lsubslanlml purl of the izlx load hum 115140 hli GilMinds by $1 Marys choir with Mar The producer 1135503 01111 1110 Mhluith Wl haw lliivayh mu pare McKinnon at the organ and gcowmmr lie is the man the Jlldiiilbulid Corpraiu Proms ry The Way The CWSSC by Villj 01m 0f the lino Taxcs must bu llrillidk mri imam 0f the Depends on its up Dean Clair equitably distributed gar 33 mm capital ZLqllllid for expansion of APREL SVVVVVVVVVVV of BM VV gt311 31 3mm Wm be big dnvl LC plble bu mm mdukfmh um mnmwe inc returned miscionorv fromj VVVCKBB Some of ma bVVOVVdVV VV Vbouung anh glee at 1hr llllpusp our alums with thavy coplmlm tCVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVSVVVVEVVVV and 7V VVVS VVV dVV EEVVV VVViLfV mo of blghcorpordtion taxes ox lismwm conmblmlm mam mumlung adores2 on 51111111 111 lxlirkntht gllvnchuioh 933 Eggs pmm mam and 0mm or my pressun 5113 not be mo llrfom 1111 Bows Cliulcb 11V Star at 1030 FVVVVVVVV HVV lllk They tend to restrict b117inoss much concerned it higher tax rates VVV SV bVV Vt 30 30 VV Ea VaVs we Vshgill presently son and 1m lcmu loix forVroinvestmentVbut VV butt 1nuaVV1 tuna 15 or thin1V Parasol 11m hd erVignV dstVeVrl mam man wants do mabnm Etile long r111 11 is good thing for 93111361111 51le Ni VlVlVVjVSVVVtVlmVVVVVS asrlnga a1VVeVlVVVLV 10351 in these days of rapid pro Vrllio muthryV that anVlglneszlf 3101111 lilkltlfddllilrt JvoVinilVVerVVken 2c Llow renv EVVVVVCVV Sunday edmon of mg Ave Vgres V1 01 es pm1 VburVVV OVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV Vch VVVVVCkemiV At 630 VV Let us see how these mm are The 92mm of 131m depmd in MN 313 bthvw gt Md at the organ with icenm EV grog mm Hmmuvl Wm Wm WM biz 11ml Mrs Jack Farrier visitx Burton At 930 highlights mm lme MK DOW Abem Hi nit 13b employed low lav some 111 WWW hit Shim uni3 Intan ihm HO 0f LTiSSIKy as long timeshe figures are lamp Everyone realizes that the cam The CVVVVSVVVVVVVVVV curries VV DHin and men we tax the Share Vans and Vulhm lavilillis lhd zmko 1211 11mm 1111 11151111 cd her mother at Millikan on Sunday the hows JDD must brmg down able Our labor leaders should ings of the workers of lodziy are 111 MI and Runeu the budget which dots the taxes 1m dig up the factsmake them higher than they were three or four gigFiigtaxgeg112 3905 for the coming Vlli N31 clear to the W9rkem Such an demdos ago How was that brought In Savmg Wildhfe Volly he accepts both praise and effort would be invaluable It about Improved machines oven lady mam Lei Gardens for DONT NEGLECI IT Mr and Mrs Topbam and Vller1V from hilllVlS clearcut mew tions between the workers and worker to produce more w1tl1 11153 Lawth is me man who believes Echudrm and Mm Fluvd of To pressmn of opinion on the Excess those who are somcmes called effort Move back through the past in 300d sportsmanship when 11 ion were Sundm Visimm with Proms Tax the bosses The course Mac few decades and we soon comm 10 running 00w 11 lblamemkes the 35 the comtw lm in GnuId the Mr with shorter hours enables the QUEBEC April lcpnxymand crippled cm 51111 bLllQVC that it is not non followed indus ls ch 19v of roducuon which try The 471eurold ciiicf protection Auto Electric Service sound tax Heept under very spcc normally as favorable 11111 would not support the compensnl xV VV VVlnspocmr he Qqucc movmcm GREAT ExpLQKLK VV CHILDRENS PICTURE 111 Circumslanus and do not 01kch as 1i is to capital ghon of Odd For instance we arc fish and game department recalls Sir Jab Frankm the Engism 33 Bayeld St Bare 1115 YOU When he Often 51de lexplomr who disappeared in tho 51 Pee Sets PHONE 2426 earnmgs per factory worker exceeds Vth $2000 in 1890 it was less than $300 Mpmm deer mm ls iArcuc 1840 mu6d me R03 all BUNNYKIVS WARE VC eaV house at Sill Lucie do Beauregard VNmy as yawn per muum 33 Hugs we He said he fired in the 2111 10 arouse M085 cerealsv Plates ed pmducion Seems1l1c animal and aimed only when lnow living in 1932 the average loorngnsxur FRIDAY mu 10 Peace oi Mind thcrcfom only reasonable that 111cm18 do was running as fast 35V ll1 00 Luncheon Ennis 35 MOW 30mm 1115 Sports 9V News mum form of amber imposed must con could CHINA BROOCHES 630 Ne mm mm mamas ETC SE BASKETS WIN and made mum 8mm pm Sports mm Dnnm Time stitutc tax only not penalty on Musu and Maize no we 80m Shop 15 Market Report we progressive effort marksman he gave up hunting with Bill Parker 10 supervise the protection or 15 Operation sum 1250 Bulletin bum 40 0mm Interlude W111 hope did the Work lwildlifo against poahcors 333 35 R0 965 83 Eggrsnsoawmrh $dlmlc have tor improved conditions in 30 paces he can fire 11 mm 806 TaliaQuest jog Dom to Emu am on 1890 Conditions must have lvolver bullet through partridges 330 Drum Rondrzmmg Moncyby Mail mo News appeared hopeless Yet as time head holding the Swarm in either 13 mm Pu 905 Ornn mums Cundu 11v gt1 went on there cam now and CUPV SAUCER PLATE 1030 Now 111m tor Todd 19 right or 101 and He gave up 1115 Cblldmns Blory Time 15 As You Like It hung Pawnwas rV VV sms from $125 ill lid 19413331 93 SillSemen 33an smany 03 b3 Ciehmhgl mMVVVVV um NewaHeMIMQSV 31045 News mt Volume of man VVV VlpOln as can 1V11 1V1 VV mar 12an Time 400 mm mo Tm me 135 ms and CORNFLOWER 1100 Control United was 1115 News Headllnn 5693 me 33 Church mm on Tune or any kept me with Macao lhmdwhmd ng th Downers GLASSWARE Hidden Town MW arenow and mustcon has Moved to anew more ERNEST BURTON WSIN 01 33 Neils mm mm wm Sly 100 he 3115 Of the LARGE ASSORTMENT News 510 M01111 Merry00401111011115 Books of all Years VVVVglnue tobebasedon produciion hm my who 545 Prelude to Dinner 1230 News days When he used Simy from can boast of several v1ctor1es 1n Newslnemlinu 440 283 5351 WHATS NW Rel Weather Report 00 Count 30111 11111111 1240 Pmtrun 1111mm What does the future hold for his fathers farm for as much as convenien OCUNV BARSS CORNER NS C1 El ht families were snowbound mm mm 15 Plano Playhouse 1m 11 Ombun cise our common sense The path herc for about 10 days because the News 730 Wayne Kim Show 130 Easter 111 Parlde 103 mmgm aheadV The advem Forme loaned Over the Home name Shop now name mad had been Chang 05 mmm Tm 00 News 200 and pp 0d provincial snow plow oper CWcnl Julie 30 805 THEQM 24 10 31MB tum mmd 0f ma moves Pnvard mowed to new modem quarters next door at 28 Elizabeth otor declined to clear the road be 930 Trading Post 330 Lets Talk It Over Hour and upward wars are notnkely to News Gad24 three days to go hunting He never 3mm Roundup News 1255 Interludb the worker steady 1mprove be nee New Randllmn 20 Bulletin Board 100 Your Weekly Editor into 33 Boom 1245 Jobs or worma to Tod Sun Shop gm Hymns ment of c0nd1t1ons if only we exer 199 sitL1 cause it was not on his list Aer 332 $11955 mm 45 Render 13052251 cram be permanent feature of world SUN$011 he Second 3001 This move has been made investigation 11 was found the dis ill Elmo 1qu As the condition The minds of civilized because of continuous increase in the number of 110 Ni miglill will Gm ll mm road omce had mt been mm vs Shadow lied of the new name losmm TM 1030 News lt 1L Nelrrhbor 1015111 the Chanel Cor Collier Bayfleld VV 900 News Hendltnes 900 Planter Pliny 1328511211 $3121 ml mug ahead ammpmmg me fannhqs we strve and because of our des1re to serve your 0mm Airs Vmg to make them come family and outother neighbors 1n the best way posmble 358885 anny Bum coming of better conditions striv 1155Nlme the Place 110 Pauls Penthouse 12 Come Phone 2395 The sun sends 400000 times as 93 114 News mum Dinner Music Wont come to see new 21 Incan Enum we mmTim Llovd mama and much light to the earth as does until nunon Sador Blrd FanCIer 1111fyou need money$50 $100 $200 or up 91 $1000 the mn Whmh merely eets gill Iglollutnliznn suslunmw 700 Chum 8mm mm otif usim wish to look around Loans are made on em 8n 8351 an PresCh1mh yo sunlight 1231111 11 mic BM mm Faggo 30105 3333 at the we Flnds cosiy you own gimme Without endorse or bubble security Take up to 241mth to reps For the bestiu 00 MHH 8L NEON 85 53 Report 1000 LION muord at the Jdck Esworthy is an old sailor who mammal serum rm 23 Elizabeth Street Tune for Today warm dry to make money to buy more Weather Report 00 Time 5m 4030 New 03 spends his days feeding the birds News VV VTV birdsV 22m For recrealion he often sits in his wont Kiss second oor Phone 5529 Borbnm Wheeler Club 1230 NEWS civillyno mm for Today Saturday Momma Serenade Eli 315 Classical on no 30 Band of the Week gags mm 945 Radio Bandstand Prelude in Dinner mo News S3311 30 mm 1133 Vlleogcrn Waxworks Nulls 1105 Tune for Today 3111111 30 1115 The Btory Book SATURDAY Early Bird Farm Market VV V30 VlrcggtessVh VANCOUVER April 17 lCPi 90 VV us today As You Likelt 530 News Hendlm 90 News 34 00 News so 31 armholeu guan 11mm Ck his old ship the schooner Laura 1mm w1fdplsb 11159 Naturay Chnging uounsmssmmmm Renown Weather New mf 532 Aviaries new cover almost thel LaHOlln RICh llma 3131111 whol acre of the Esworthy pro Boom Roundup petty here The bird count is in 3133 3303 the hundreds Its impossible he cmm gm Bird says 30 keep an exactcount Tropical birds have expensivel Emmlmmmrlu tastes Last year they ate $1375 my worth of food more than the food wan Tim budget for Mr andMrs EsworthyV Romulus with 111111 $2331 gm comm and there son chhael 35 elmm News 905 11115 or the Week 3R8ml welmr $3113 Palm consumer Loan scum he ght Pacephonie or see Sign Slum gt 00 Sports Roundup 1040 Sammyxam Easter At night he works in steel foun 53 on living room under scale model of Luxuriously Smooth 11mm 0111111110 ddm UP 83 35538383 Uh 0W r011511111111 lfllu 3105 ramps 8m we 330 Interlude lg lib 313131 1230 News Fa 250V8ulleun Boom 10V 11331anng VVVVVVVVVVVV glgmugflh VCMH frimrandawwdodcomwuf VFWWV 883 88 qadapPam 3N wk 70 wannaa 43 88 WQWQ out fit1H oaaa 11 N9 nebmenmm thev ll sonic of 1015 In rm cm 115 Western in Paradu OcchSm aly um in3 mm 130 strictly 1195 in TN the rate tropical types 2063 V01 12V Instrumental 1115 Neikhbr vaentionldm of alflpeod we Planted M0 91 10 xnghgfw Eel P3213351 PM teatime bud mom the lame day trawl withARASAN 89 afasLstartFpro mom Izoo Nws men an mu muladz muthg it dnoodVVVVVtvicoA 35 one mag 883882 45 83 31m 205 sum Special 11 There are green cardinals from 95 30mm 33a News Petu worth $60 pair Berigali OCutxrdotcn spotty mound duo on N351 mm Elgigosmm finchesvvhomixlhiee or fountain IMmmcetRepon low spot an eld or machoimam 430 News =Headlines iliesin the same nest and golden 3m 43 111 breastcd waxbill from gcantral ARISE rm arm1 my many 01 VV VV mam15V Mmmqf wading 3a 888 FPPPFaw4 sVaasooss 59 VV No Hidden Town Farm tum VVVWVV mammoth lineup 053 being spring the contrary Aus qualitj used cars used car lot om seam When they St in me sts Ph if Wall Tlme winter we bri them in v5 1030 mdprgi all Freddy Martin gas Hidden Town 115 3s Rpm wmn Africa that isnt much blitggr loan gt Gmb Wmrswndholm NS haer ingesting th 11 clEsw rthy ouse sai or VeBVVor 00 News Headlines 1110811113th Hour 00 Club 1280 1V Pam 1100 Barrios District M111 rst knobby 361nm moon VV mkoajqgggmuo Thai 5le nest by the Australia comer of john V3 Bradford 45 mmmae 530 um 1951 Ford Sedan small mileage radio 1943 Oldsmobile Coach 80011 buy VnVPaVl 11155 mud aaOBVV heater andVdefmstmV M7 Charm Seawall13 belseen to dimmamwm om Vextr SV In wonderful com dPYwmllS heater lmCli1yslcr Sedan this car 1n beau gt Tti on mm condition tm Mr own mom13an New ehmhsml im WW IXAmNER VV V1950 POtiaiVSeaalQlla With Tadior appreciated 1949M9399r8edam10vely 66116131011 in 1941c11evrp1ptsm vpnderfulmnnln s1dearidout gt comma 93 VV vVV VV VV VV VV 1948Vbldsmohllojllydrarnatl CooohVVa nanny real am a3 org NADMNZNMFWSmm mu c1 cwlssedhdiiidnmcminr 194 Chevrole ee on goo con yer Ado11mmItlgoolvrovelramiuxassj illmedial Slurry damn 193 Nghmcmgnnme lt 1VVIVYSEEDMllLE VIMlees sum lochaoge wltoguynoiicezr conadianAlfalfoVV$4800 11V Certuiedarqrng Vf35c1b VV North rfFrencii gNo 13101121 341311 VV Vlapssncnuh centmtmmo 313551184 New monsoon Wh 11011361an 1161111 RedCloVer$2fs00 bu Pemnnmye Altmade singlewut $Ilgr hillllrzffW VVVV VV of CM VV VV mum

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