The um wondpmtllm moving pastures war by Lee De rmmmusmm Burton Ave United Church New Mom llde CW an vice of Burton Amie United on Sunday morning April will too be remembered we of the moat Wile ever held in the church rollowlnx the muster of Rev Cutler to Northern Ontario on Sept 1951 the coastcuties had 233uv IMPOIIGIII POST Tea by violent upmrhes of air lwbich prevent the condcnsing raln mwwm was Hamwldropafrom falling to the ground ton munch of the Barbeerhen large amount of water has Machinery Division MasseyHarris Ltd hos been appointed govern ment representative of thy gpn Earcumulated at high levels and the upward currenmrweaken all of the lelSlon the Dmduclioni branmiwatcr falls at once of the Department of Defence pro auction at the Sorel and Longueuili STORE YOUR farmer Us an at 13 Dim Barrie at the annual mott of North Simoe Jun tbc courtesy of the of 0mm mum Collegiate tho form were able to Wthdr month in the new wing at he 1mm while the gymnas Ind cafeteria facilities were aloud of their disposal for the so c131 side of the activities Sperm Drurys remarks were made at the evening banquet when ha been by calling on the young tumors to hold their heads high in the profession which they followed Rural people had to be and were just as smart in their work as other buslncmmcn although lhcy were not given sufficient credit for this They had only one thing against them and that was the gem from Rev boon without regular miniatcr acept for considerable calcium laments uni others until Dec 10 when Rev Eugene Beech with Mrs Beech and their three sons arrived from St George to take charge Since that time the new minis tcr has been working steadily and earnestly not only by regular ser vices but also through personal canvass of thc membership adher ents and to strangers throughout the area pertaining to the Allan dalc and Holly appointments As result the attendance last Sunday morning was record when the church was filled 200 partook of the elements and 40 new members were received into the church 17 by profession of faith and 23 by transfer certifi ficate or letter from 12 different cities towns and villages near and oral streak of sentimentality that ran through men wholived and workcdnamong animals Despite all that had been said on the subject the speaker went on he did not agree with the sugges tion that the lime wouldcomc when mechanization would replace good reliable farm labor It had to be remembered after all that mechan Ization was something that gener ally could be used by farmers for seasonal periods only Regarding the future he said it was both safe and bright for the young farmers because principal ly the industry had learned and developed various techniques They badthc knowhow and also bright young farmers to put it into use There was however the problem of the economic stability of the general future At this point in his address Sheriff Drury raised two issues which be criticized with the fed eration of agriculture Firstly he opposed their action on the ques tion of margarine Their opposi HON DRUEY liondid not succeed in reducing the said of this commodity but it did succeed in building up block of illwill on the port of urban dwellers The other point on which he felt strongly was the fcdcrations action over floor prices The logical counterpart of this was ceiling price on farm goods If the consumer shouted for this farm ers would just have to be prepared to fake it As soon as they had both floor and ceiling prices farm ers were going to be reduced to slavery The old slave owner op erated in the same way He was bound to keep his slaves during poor times and then he look the profit of their labor during the good spells Sheriff Drury took exception to statements that were made at times that farmers were not good organ izers This was not so although they certainly were not organized anywhere near trade union sfandlt ards This however was one of the main issues facing the country today in its fight for working economic balance The farmer was all out fur increased production while the unions were seeking to reduce if through getting more money for less labor fortheirl workers In brief addresses Roy Hick ling recve of Vespra and chairman of the soil and agriculture com mittee Simcoe County council said the county was 100 per cent behind the young farmer movement The $200 grant which they made to them was consideredto be one of The host way of gepnding Their max mm up Sac Harry Romney Bob Rumney Elmvnle ClubBob oney James Hart Warden Slmcoe County council said he often won dered if the 40hour week was feasible propositionin Canada con sidering the climatic conditions with whichihey had to contend In lhe bad weather their production was bound to go dovm They could 1131 1y keep to rigid program of 40 ours during the better weather if they were to make up their de ficlencies During the coming year the as sociation will follow out sil pro jects in relation to home farms and will keep detailed checks on feed ing costs They will also hold their camp again at Bass Lake near Orlllia In addition members of the executive will receive $2 expense accountIr for travelling to meetings The following directors were elected Vascy ClubBrian Jones Joyce Edwards Don Edwards Lorna McClunS Lambie LarryClement Jack DyI er AlexSpence Doreen Lamble Faye Darnell Don McGrath Glen oro ClubTom RossMarian Gough Bernice Caldwell Eilegn Clark Ivan Bouncy Joe McLean Ves pra Allan McNavbb Wright Harry Adams Bob Good eff Marshhll 518111 Winche Bill fellow TinyRemi Gignac Evers Shirley Show Doris Robins EdwardrReynolds Orlllla GQLVDD lock John Haivke Russell Canon Junes SheldonEgo Madame43cm Arch er Dale Miller TerosavFrawley procressinc 1avorably Gordon for For those joining by profession of faith the service was particular ly impressive with an individual invocation by the minister All names were read by Blair clerk of the session and they were welcomed on behalf of the session and congregatlon by Irving Mac Lachlnn and Alvin Wicc The very appropriate theme sel ected by the minister for such group of young people joining the church was from Pauls first Epistle to Timothy ndmonlshing him young man starting out in the ministry as to how he should conduct himself in order to guide others in the faith The morning anthem by the choir with cholrmaster Harold Dempsey at the organ was The Alpha and Omega It being the occasion of Palm Sunday the solo The Palms was sung by Bell Members received by profession of faith were Jean Schnudlen Walter Schandlcn Ray Peters Donna Goring Wendy Clemmcns Anne Hagan Douglas Laking Ron ald Kelcey Bruce Dibble Jacquel ine Merrett Barbara Merrctt Dr and Mrs Hartley Tuck Mrs Maude scmmens Edward Hagan Mr and Mrs Honnebry Members received by letter or transfer wereer and Mrs Gor don Vcltch and MISSBeIty Veitch all from Trinity United Church Beeton Thomas Cox from Danforth United Church Toronto Mrs Mar tin Henry from Collier St United Church Barrie Albert Hender son from Penetanguishene United Church Shewfelt from Runnymede United Church To ronto and Mrs Shewfelt from St Margarets Anglican Church in Newlorbntophlrs Wllit limn Ramesbottomgvv Cobalt United Cburch Mr and Mrs Lako ing Hanover United Church Mr and Mrs Orval Hay Central Unit ed Church Barrie Mrs Beech Lawrence and Allen Beech St George United ChurchMrs Coulson Oxford 81 United Church Halifax John Richard son from St Pauls Anglican Church and Mrs Richardson from North Brdadvlew United Church Toronto Rev Clements member of Slmcoc Presbytery min ister of the United Church of Canada and Mrs Clements from Minesing United Church Mrs Marion Mcrrtt frOm Alliston United Church John LY Weslman from First Baptist Church Mont Clair New Jersey SunnidaleKcn Gllpln Frank 01 SCI At later meting of the direc tors the followlng Wercyelected president Brian Jones Midland Woepresident Joc McLeau Bar rie scretorytreasuretlack cr Elmvale Executive diretbrs om Ross Qro Station and Eileen Clark Shanty Bay Director repre senting county on provincialboard Allan Browh Dalston shown manna association had balance of Wei April against their balance of $383 March 1951 Glidio report Joy Hornsby is inst And lrews copith after her recent acclden United Church wk bemoan attendance Morleland Grab Monday in Minmenu at Mia John Mill ers onWedneadoy wimp good 111 ce Truax had inoperatiohon Dn nhdct StAndrewrs Hospital onrhursdaj Dougns nonunion visited his amenHarrvMQG find rsrMorrlsr Darby rinkill spent John mile sonvinlaw it spent Inthdinanclali report it was sun arsenals Ouloan by his com pany he leaves to take over his new duties on April 14 The Easter Bunny will surely be here on time this year with sparkling Margaret Sheridan waiting with smile of welcome Continued from page one the privilege cnjoycd when wn young Deputy Reeve Smith saying he felt they had cnough bylaws as it was added that he sometimes be lieved it was bad thing to pass bylaw which could not be en forced Second Reading of Bylaw Strong support of the bylaw when it passed second reading was voiced by Alderman Corbett who said that some kids were li able to heqve fire cracker at you immediately your back was turned On two occasions he stated crackers had been thrown at him while he was filling car with petrol in the course of his work The cracker explosion was bad enough but it was the fear he had had of what might have hap pened with petrol being used at the time Ald Bibby said he won deredif they could ask the police T952 Barrie Tax Rate 55 Mills sent out notification to the cf fcct that these Ihrc boards were refusing to coopcralc on this ques tion So far as the Teachers Feder ation was concerned any teacher could apply for job under any of these three boardsbut they would not be recognized by their own organization The teachers were not doing any more said Alderman Girdwood than any other organized body of workers was doing protecting their own interests Aldermun Ayrcs said he was in accord with the previous speakers feeling Regardless of who they more employees had the govern ment recognized right to bargain with their employer and teachers should be no exception Council agreed to Deputy Reeve Smiths suggestion that this par ticular resolution should not be adopted until such time as they re ceived more information on the matter to carry out thcdulics which this bylaw would entail Mayor Hamilton If we have no bylaw they cannot prosecute rThe bylaw fell when by nine votes to six council agreed not to give it third reading Debate on Teachers Salaries When council went into commit tee to consider communications lengthy discussion followed the submission of three resolutions to which the Ontario Municipal As sociatlon asked council to give con sideration On motion of Deputy Reeve Smith the following two were carried That no provision has been made in the prbvinclal budget to relieve the pressure on the mun lclpalilles by provision of on in terim grant to the municipalities pending the report of the Provin cialMunicipa1 Committee and Relief of the unemployed with which the municipalities are and will be faced The ontntlous resolution asked That be local high school board bo encouraged to support the group of high school boards who are endeavorlng to resist the teachers pressure for higher sal arlos This immediately brought Alder man Girdwood to his fecbwith the scathing announcement think ilbls is one of the meanest little mo tions have ever heard of Commenting that teachers were being taken for ride by some boards the Spnker said he could best illustrate What he meant by omethihg that bird happened to When became toBariie in 1920 he said when living costs were phlghptbe board was paying $2300 for the principalship the Col legiate Institute Theycould not live on thelrsdlaries hadasked for increases during but if they Civic Day Mixup When request was heard from the local Junior Chamber of Com mgrce for permission to hold their pnnual regatta on the August Civic Holiday at St Vincents Park Alderman McCarroll rose to voice crtainmmount of criticism on this subject The thought had occurred to him he said that the Jayeees and the Barrie Driving and Riding As sociation of which he was mem ber should get together and pro vide days entertainment for the public The chamber would or ganize their regatta in the morning while the association could stage its racing program at the track during the afternoon The others Could then hold dancing in the evening The proposition had been put up totlhe chamber Mr McCarroll said that shortly after this initial discussion he had to goout of town When he re turned he was surprised to find that the Jaycees had apparently decid ed to go ahead and make it their doyJThc association had hoped to hove racihgand before they could this permission had to be re celvcd from the authoritiesin To ronto AldermanJ Williams mem berof the Junior Chamber assur ed MrMcCairoll that they were working along those lines The cvents were being combined Public Utilities Commission EA report from the PUC wlth audited statements for both the hydro electric and watertvorks de partments Was referredtovtlag thn warmer Waller JnGlgE with Timftlllilieji ammonia poinst oflnterest and bring them back to councllm grhe hydro clectric department war they would have been called traitors Soon however teachch becgmc scarce and salaries beganlo increase At the present tlme as far as teachers are concerned it is sellers market for them Thoyare Scarce headded lheir salary today wouldaha aroundlsomo in any lilthschool That was only $3000however com pared 101989 Thebck1mlndglorthls question under discussion revolved around tlitee school 1b ardsv which had re fused in cans deb rbltratlon on tho subij of the salaries ofthe gold tgaehersin tholrnetnploy Thblrab provincial officers outbid subject of orbitration JThe teachers then our art =$29516 $11 Sltort long sleeves many in oil LCryepCottonEyeiet statics $395 $1395 If is son of Thomas Dawson Donald 81 Barrie During part of World War II he was Chief Planner of the Bofors Gun production at Otis Elevator Co Hamilton prior to which as signment he studied gun manul lecture during the Battle of Bri tain at number of outstanding British ordnance works In 1944 he was posled by the Department of Aircraft Production at DcHzlv illand Aircraft Co Toronto as T001 Controller which position termin alcd at the end of the war Mr Dawson was born at Barrie where he received his elementary education following which he at tended Queens University gradu ating in Mechanical Engineering 1923 For the next 12 years he was nssoeiatcd with the Ford Mo tor Co of Canada Windsor start lng 3s mechanical draflsman and advancingto the position of chief tool engineer Then followed suc cessful appointments with the Al goma Steel Corp Sault Ste Marie Chrysler Corp of Canada Ltd Windsor Long Ltd Orillia as superintendent of shops and foun dries plant engineer and plant manager respectively He is an active member of the Engineering Institute of Canada and is presently serving as vice chalrman of its Hamilton branch He is member of the Association of Professional Engineers of On tario To Mr Dawson goes the honor of being past national sec retary of the American Society of Tool Engineers and the charter chairman of its Hamilton branch At present he is an active director of the General Alumni Association of Queens University showed not profit for the year ending Dec 31 1951 of $50041 and the waterworks department pro fit of $11270 The report however pointed out that on account of heavy capital expenditures the liquid cash position of either dc parlmcnt was not too happy It is anticipated however that there will be no change in the rates this year according to one section of the report dealing with percen tage increase While our revenue has increased for the year by $36900 the cost of electrical energy from the Hydro has increased $39400 the report states The cost of power to us has increased each year for the past three years The costper kilowatt applying the annual adjustment to the year to which it applies is as follows 1946 2676 1947 2658 1948 2856 1949 2733 1950 3055 1961 32285 However up to the present time the commission has absorbed the increased power cost and is not an ticipating any change in rates this year One interesting part of the re port which illustrates the growth of Barrie shows in the comparative revenue tables that in 1941 domes tic revenue was $68008 while com mercial was $47895 The equival ent figures for 1951 are $137027 and $86016 Our highest peak load the re port points out was 7416 kilowatts in December As our total install ed capacity for the three sub stations ls 9000 kilowatts it would seem that we will be required to expand still further in the not too distant future At December 31 there were 4101 active electric accounts which com pared with 3958 the previous year The demand for flat rate water heaters continued They were availabl and 1008r1vere in opera tion and Wntenvorks Statistics Revenue for the waterworks dc partment in 1941 was $25781 com pared with$53141 in 1951 Water pumped in those yars was 205144 gallons and 343265 gallons respec tively gt During the year the department installed 117 new water services There were 32193active water ac counts Principal capital expcndifures were plant and equipment $8533 Bayview Park $7046 debenturev principal paid $8241 no lot Suits powdor opinionpink ran $3156 is $35190 1295 styles in Nylon fyomourexcitinggroup 2Plbcn FU with your IHolzd Foods or Easter FURRIER HE UNDERSTANDS FUIS REPAIRS BEMODELLING Special Summer Bolts Pay in the nu Rcslorc the lustre of your Fur Coat by luring II cleaned of WIGGINS URS BARRIERS LOCAL EXCLUSIVE FUBBIER 25 ELIZABETH ST Member Retail Furriers Guild of Canada Member Better Business Bureau PROMPT PICKUP DELIVERY SERVICE HORSEYSWEETENIHLOIIDA Grapefruit JUIC NOISIYSWlllbFLOII DA BLENDED JUIC rs25 tr23 HowSWIMNILFLOIIDA ORANGE JUICE 2715 HuNrsnucr 10mm JUICE PMSASTER IGG PHONE 4858 tr24 2312231 c325 T3 COLOUR EGGS FOR THE CHILDREN ON cum COLOURING KITS 15 MemlnsMmumtu STUFFED OLIVES PICNIC ANDSWEET MIXED PICKLESE my coonsnoop mature1 PEANUT BUTTER wr29 AUNI LIESWITH PICTIN STRAWBERR unmz rum sroxlivinucramu smo xfruit swsET FULL promos IIoridaforiinseif FRESH oncouvors NEW TonsCarrots FRESH commons Crisp Didi dunno No HotHouseman Menns alyaroderoflt new 3311101132 and Accessories mus 11 cciuousrmol Apr are unmu nu woman this 52 n85in turd Lax Ice Inhi 3h 29 Tb OI Jot JAM will TUMAIU HDTCIIUI 13 oz Bottle Impurities 72 392 moor nous 53 15 autism inndaf irons bengallhs cordes suedes all colors in Woot Idaho or do mo